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Cougar Potion (pheromone-enhanced perfume)

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I've come to associate Stone Cougar with the scented fragrance. Do you find that you get the same reactions overall with just the phero? I haven't ventured out because I love the scented so much and was just wondering if the phero has come across with equal enthusiasm paired with other scents.

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I wear the UN more than I wear the scented, and yes, I still get the hip-swingy-ness I get from Scented Cougar. I dunno if I get the same "youthful sparkle" that the grapefruit brings, if I'm not wearing it with grapefruit scents, but I nearly always wear it with added cops, so I get *that* kind of youthful sparkle instead. ;)

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Maybe I'll get some and try it out. I love the feel of Cougar. It just gives such a great feel to the day and everyone around me that I was afraid that it wouldn't work as well. I wore scented on Friday because my leader and I had to drive downtown and set up for training the next three weeks. We had the best time and I could do no wrong. It was a great way to start the weekend and it always does. But since everyone seems to love it without the grapefruit attached, maybe I'll give it a go and see how I like it!!

Edited by StoremyWhether
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Do you tend to like it with specific scents? Like for me, I like pairing Gotcha with LP Red and some of the more warm, sexy, or comforting scents. Do you tend to find certain scents still seem a little more congruent or it doesn't seem to matter whether you wear say Cuchi Head versus Acts of Violets versus Fade to Black, etc.?

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Well... I guess we will see what remaining trouble I can get into with the sale and then I guess I will be trying a bottle of UN and give this a go. I just got this funny thought in my head like buying the phero is sort of like taking off my training wheels!! LOL

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Are you a phero lightweight Stormey? I am, and I find Cougar in the UN strength is too much for me but in very, very small quantities.


I don't think I am. My general amount is about four sprays or rolls on arms and chest. Like everything else, especially if the UN Cougar tends to broadcast loudly, I would probably want to start off low and work up from there. I learned my lesson!!

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There is something very strong about the Cougar phero. At least in the way it works with me. I have the scented in oil and spray and generally enjoy them. Using the spray though, twice I over did it and got a headache. I do like Cougar but I'm a bit wary of the Un.

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Cougar hit of the day: It DIHL'd someone into forgetting his name when we were introduced LOL

Lol those BIG hits are great.
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tyvey, makes me wonder how that guy from the meeing would respond to something like mother's little helper :) I hope you get to see him a lot so you can test different things since he seems to be easily susceptible and you already have a baseline for him.

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  • 1 month later...

My quest to bore everyone out of their gourds with my cougar stories continues. Blame cougar for its versatility. Tonight I wore it among a group of people I didn't know. So granted I don't know what they're normally like, but results:


-- woman: (the only other woman in the group) was all over me, practically bouncing up and down, fascinated, laughed outrageously at everything even slightly funny that I said, screamed "YOU HAVE TO MEET MY HUSBAND HE WOULD LOVE YOU"


-- one dude: attractive in a stiff country club sort of way, older, sort of in charge of the group though not really, didn't give me much to work with when I tried to talk I with him, but kept plainly eavesdropping on my conversations with others. Afterward he emailed me and said how nice it was to meet me and mentioned a couple of the things I had discussed with other people.


-- another dude: very cute, really young, I keyed in on him immediately of course, lol, totally my type. Tried a couple times to sort of competitively peacock with me in this weird aggressive way - I outpeacocked him - he flushed, winked at me, and was eating out of my hand the rest of the time - even when speaking to a larger group, he was looking only at me and watching only for my reactions, the way you would if the CEO of your company was in the room, and beaming goonily at me most of the time.


-- third dude: Henry cavill as superman type, big too like that (ie not my type), about my age, reserved, seemed a little haughty, wouldn't talk much with others. Then came and sat with me. Enter cougar. lots of superfluous sociable upper thigh (!) and arm and shoulder touching, and talks my face off and monopolizes me successfully until my-type dude comes over and barges into convo and buttonholes me against a wall for almost an hour. Hmm, against a wall.... Mind wanders.. ETA oo due to the mind wandering, forgot to mention he also blabbed a great deal about stuff he shouldn't have told me, and vulnerable type stuff that most people wouldn't tell someone they just met - it felt not so much like a True Confessions uncontrollable self exposure as a botched helpless train wreck attempt to impress me - hard to explain. It worked though - I was definitely charmed.


Anyway point being that cougar is everything for all people and times. I think it would be my One Desert Island phero.

Edited by tyvey
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Tyvey - LOVE! *laughs uncontrollably, wipes tears from eyes, leans on wall for support* Absolutely FANTABULOUS post...please DO feel free to elaborate on ALL Cougar encounters! This too is a fail safe for me as well - some of the best stories/hits EVER! Keep rocking it! :hearts0425:

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I agree Tyvey, I love hearing those stories. I would cry if I didn't have Cougar. That and SS4W are my two absolute needs. However, I'm always open to more but those two are requirements.


*Oh, and I wish I'd ... I mean we'd ... gotten to see the Henry Cavill as Superman but not your type guy.

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Does anyone find cougar hits and lumina (in HAE) hits and feel similar?


YES! Me too! I have it in AHE and it made me wonder if they were similar! A step up from Open Windows to me but maybe Cougar's not too little sister? I wouldn't mind picking up an unscented lumina, but it's gone now :( I think you can still choose to boost a fragrance with it though if I'm not mistaken???

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He was absolutely gorgeous but the beefiness was hard to get past. All the same I can't say i GREATLY minded al the thigh groping.


What's your address... I'll buy you one of those little cameras that fits on a button. Just make sure your chest is aiming upwards so I can!! I never get to see a Henry Cavill look-a-like. :Emoticons04284:

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Yes, as a matter of fact I would!! I've got Man of Steel (LOL I almost wrote Man of Steed) coming in 3D so I can watch his chest rise and fall (or anything else i didn't notice rising and falling while sitting in the theater). But the real thing probably wouldn't go over well with my husband... which is a bummer...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Remember the male colleague who got all prickly and weird about the cougar? Well I just found out he's gay. so i think the female-attracting-male aspects of the phero repelled him personally, PLUS it making me sparkly & making other people starry-eyed at me, was too much for him. funny though cougar has been no problem with other gay male friends before. anyway, i figure it was maybe a factor.

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Maybe,he may feel intimidated or even have a competition thing(maybe subconsciously) with women, especially those giving off a certain "vibe".He may wonder himself why he had the reaction. If he's a boss just be less shiny around him and see if there's a difference. Interesting though.

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Remember the male colleague who got all prickly and weird about the cougar? Well I just found out he's gay. so i think the female-attracting-male aspects of the phero repelled him personally, PLUS it making me sparkly & making other people starry-eyed at me, was too much for him. funny though cougar has been no problem with other gay male friends before. anyway, i figure it was maybe a factor.


Your gay friends know your safe - even when they DO find you attractive as a person AND a woman. Maybe this other fella was threatened by those feelings? Maybe it freaked him out that he was actually affected physically by - A WOMAN :fright04238:

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Well, I have to chime in and say that I really like the fragrance of Cougar Potion. The grapefruit smell blended with the others is wonderful. I haven't noticed any hits phero-wise, but then again my husband is very stressed out today and not in the mood to flirt, I suppose.


I'll have to wait and see with this one. It does make me feel younger and sexy though. :-)

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I ALWAYS get hits with Cougar. Today's grocery run was like from the Twilight Zone. Guys were breaking their necks looking at me. Seriously. I'm usually oblivious but today it was so obvious I was being stared at! It made me self conscious at first until an old lady said to me, " My, aren't you so beautiful!"

So that made me feel better. Nothing on my face... No rip in the pants haha.

At check out, I decided on the line with the cute cashier. At this point I was enjoying myself too much not to! He was younger (maybe early 20s) and was mumbling to me and turned bright red when he dropped all my change on the floor as he went to hand it to me. It was so awkward as he bent and took FOREVER picking up nickels and dimes. The bagger (another cute guy) actually laughed.

Sorry to bore you all with another Cougar story- but I can't believe how fool proof it is! Lol! - I love whoever is hiring all the cuties at my local grocery store too!

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Haven't had Cougar work with me. Wore it yesterday in some scented perfume (went to check: Aija's Sugared Amber, Cardamon & Vanilla which is a favorite. It really smells awesome.) Wound up having a bad night. Might have been congruence, but it didn't help make me feel swishy or hot (I didn't feel ugly but by the end of the night I did.) I almost broke down in tears over stuff that I would have shrugged off. Then my period came two days early so I wasn't sure if the tears were period related or Cougar-related or a cross. It's very rare for me to get as bitchy/crying/vulnerable feeling even during my period like that.


I want to have Hearts' experiences! :(

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  • 4 weeks later...

This ones the scented cougar that im in a bad romance with haha


the scented is to die for, soo in love with it :hearts0425:

its very sparkly and sexy and its got the bf's approval!

I tried to make it into a spray the night before but forgot the alcohol(assuming 'meh ill put it in tmrw')

went to spritz and got three big ole globs---i was sure i would have died but i didnt get any od symptoms so i did a victory lap out the door.


i am 100% sure i was ghosting to some people and the other bit i made people run away from me. Its shark week and having people run away from me "in fear" made me feel victorious for some reason. Today the scent is still there smelling sexy and i actually got some annoying hits. People didnt know how to react to me, not a lot of talking from the male crowd, kinda grunted at me when i said something but they kept staring in a soul piercing way and the ladies sat all up in my space, copying me.


And i think i made this poor lady at star bucks forget all the orders when she was ringing me up, almost ripped me off by giving me a smaller cup.


Im on the fence, mostly because i have no idea how to use cougar but if the phero wasnt there the scent alone wouldve won me over! i would swim in the scent if it didnt have the possibility to kill me lol (<- theres something off to me in this bit)

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