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Cougar Potion (pheromone-enhanced perfume)

Guest Lor

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Yes, I have to really slather to get the first blast of grapefruit, but the long sumptuous dry down is creamy and wonderful and lasts for hours :heart:

I get a lot of the musk, as well. So it becomes a sort of pink-ish creamy musk.

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I wore this today. The grapefruit is in your face at first, at least for me. I like grapefruit so that's not too bad. I figure it had to be potent to help it last for more than a few minutes since citrus tends to die a quick death. It dries down to a nice smooth vanilla goodness later though. I can still smell it a bit on my clothes but it is super super faint (It is 11+ hours later though).

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I tried my Cougar Potion sample again. As M said above, the grapefruit is in your first at first but it does die down quickly.

This is very faint on me too, at least my sample. Maybe if i got a FB i'd slather (like i usually do).

I do like the scent after a while when the grapefruit is not so loud.

I might consider this in spray.

I have the UN Stone Cougar and i love it. Waiting for my x2 strength FB to arrive :)

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  • 4 weeks later...

I have the scented Cougar as sample. I really like the grapefruit notes in it. However, I don't think the scent lasts on me very long.. I don't smell it in 2 hours much at all. So I had to reapply. I felt pretty good wearing it, confident and pretty. I read all the great reviews about the effects on others.. well I am not sure it works for me the same way :)


I tried the Cougar on my flight from USA back to Europe. The security checks in London were pretty harsh and the people doing them very really really annoyed and rude. And I had all my new stash of LP in my carry-on - but I did not put it outside the carry-on for the check in the plastic bag, I just left it in my carry-on hoping they will not notice like at the other airports..but they did notice, so they checked my carry-on really thoroughly. The officer took every single thing out one by one and wasn't nice at all. So I did not see any cougar effect on him. Well, luckily he just scolded me about not putting up the LP bottles on display (I had them also wrapped in aluminium foil and in a tin box, so that I would lessen the effects of the x-rays, just in case) ...the check took an extra 15 minutes, but at least I had all my LO bottles safe with me :)


I will have to test it more (while my sample lasts) to see the REAL cougar effects that you ladies are experiencing :)

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Sometimes strangers' effects are hard to judge- for all you know these people you describe might have been even WORSE if you weren't wearing the cougar. Esp if you are new to pheros it's more reliable to test on people you already know

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Sometimes strangers' effects are hard to judge- for all you know these people you describe might have been even WORSE if you weren't wearing the cougar. Esp if you are new to pheros it's more reliable to test on people you already know


I agree. One can usually better judge the effect on people you know and interact with regularly.

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Sometimes strangers' effects are hard to judge- for all you know these people you describe might have been even WORSE if you weren't wearing the cougar. Esp if you are new to pheros it's more reliable to test on people you already know

Very true. Additionally you need to try a phero multiple times to witness true evidence of it's power.

For flights I like SS4W with a spray of EST or LFM. it's like hey, human decency has made a brief comeback.

Plus, don't let the Assholes get you down and trust me you haven't experienced TSA dicks until you've gone thru Reagan in DC. Hence my flight phero discoveries.

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Very true. Additionally you need to try a phero multiple times to witness true evidence of it's power.

For flights I like SS4W with a spray of EST or LFM. it's like hey, human decency has made a brief comeback.

Plus, don't let the Assholes get you down and trust me you haven't experienced TSA dicks until you've gone thru Reagan in DC. Hence my flight phero discoveries.


Ahhh, nice. Thanks for the tip, Stacy. (I live in the DC area, so I'll remember that!)


I adore sugary vanilla and grapefruit based scents, but I can only do white resins typically so I don't get stabbed in the third eye. The white amber in CP really helps the scent to stick to my skin, and I never over-apply because the scent is a great marker for amount. Like someone mentioned upthread, I think the ingredients in CP are just as effective as the Stone Cougar pheros alone. To Mara's brilliant credit, Cougar Potion is a deliciously mature pink and white scent that wears as luxuriously as a silk. I've never had a bad time when I let the Cougar out. :purr:

I FRIGGIN LOVE IT. :Emoticons04235:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello ladies,


I would appreciate an advice. I am torn as whether to buy scented Cougar Potion or UN Cougar. I quite like the scent, but sometimes the grapefruit is a little bit overwhelming, so I quite like it but I am not totally in love.


But I would like to know what works for you better. I read lost of posts here and found out that sometimes the scented versions work better (although they are weaker...or maybe because of it? Or also sometimes the right scent works its magic and is as much as important as the phero itself?). So what do you think?


So basicly - does the scented cougar work for you the same as the UN cougar? or is either one better?


Also, if I get the UN Cougar in oil and make my own spray (adding perfumer's alcohol ...2/3 alcohol, 1/3 oil)....would I get the 1/3 strength? Or will I still have the stronger version even though it is dilluted with the alcohol?


thanks for sharing your experience

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Also, if I get the UN Cougar in oil and make my own spray (adding perfumer's alcohol ...2/3 alcohol, 1/3 oil)....would I get the 1/3 strength? Or will I still have the stronger version even though it is dilluted with the alcohol?


If you used the Un Oil to make your spray you'd get the Un Strength 1000m


The thing with pheros and you'll find this repeated all over the fourm, less is often more.

So don't assume you're not getting enough.

In addition to Mara's enhanced fragrances having great scent/phero congruency, it's generally easier to apply the enhanced scent (with the lighter 333 or 1/3 the full phero strength) without going overboard. This is particularly true when you are newer to using pheros. If you check out the "reading room" and Dolly's pheros for newbies journal thread you'll see this explained in more detail.


So if you like the scented then go for that. that's a great place to start.

If you are not crazy for the scent or prefer the Un which will give you more variety because you can use it with different fragrances that may be a good choice. Just remember to start out using a smaller amount and slowly adjust if needed. Also note that you should try each dosage more than once to accurately test it.

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Thanks for the clarification, StacyK :)


My another experience with scented Cougar. I used it on my wrists, forearms and on pulse points on the neck (and little bit of EoW on the torso). I went for a nice dinner with my family. The restaurant was full. The waiter who was serving us was pretty nervous the whole evening, however I am not sure if it was because of me or because of the Cougar. He was smiling a lot and tried to please us, but I noticed his hands were shaking when he was pouring us the wine :)

Later I went outside of the restaurant to greet my friend and a guy (complete stranger) who was standing outside with his friends j(3 girls) just stopped talking to his friends and just stared at me..like if you stop a movie, and then he just shouted at me "You are so beautiful" ! I am not sure if I can blame this on the cougar though, since he was shouting this like 10 meters BEFORE I even approached him (and the pheros could work). On the other hand, he seemed pretty lost looking at me.. that way he looked, it just was like he was struck... I think I have never seen such a reaction.


Well, the evening went on and it was fun, but I think the biggest effect the cougar had one me ! And let me tell you... T.M.I. is nothing compared to this. I had a couple of glasses of wine (so I think the mix of cougar and alcohol was the culprit), but next day I was just like...wtf?? Did I REALLY tell my girlfriend ALL of this??... It was like truth serum (but only on me !) for real.. I told her stuff I did not even know.. and she was not even asking ! I just went on and on and was spilling all my (and other people's secrets)... well, now I know this, I will be much more careful. I was careful when wearing T.M.I. and I was fine, because I knew this could happen (and didn't). But in this case, I wasn't prepared ...so from now on, I will be prepared that ANY phero MIGHT have this truth serum effect on me, just to be on the safe side :)

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Lol! I think it may have been the combo of alcohol & Pheros. There are reports of how pheros make some people more susceptible to the effects of booze.

What you just described is exactly why I don't do TMI. It effects me far more than anyone else in the room, no thanks. :) I'm chatty I don't need that extra push.

Part of the whole phero experience, are all the experiments we do when we are testing these out. :)

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Guest cutie.pie

Also, if I get the UN Cougar in oil and make my own spray (adding perfumer's alcohol ...2/3 alcohol, 1/3 oil)....would I get the 1/3 strength? Or will I still have the stronger version even though it is dilluted with the alcohol?


thanks for sharing your experience

Hey Blanche!


There's a thread in my journal in which I quoted posts about stuff like this, so, if you wanf, check it out: http://lovepotion.invisionzone.com/index.php?showtopic=10030&do=findComment&comment=383999 ;)

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Hello Cutie Pie :)


thanks, actually I have already seen your thread and it was very helpful to me ! Everything in one place :) That is how I made my own spray. I just cannot get my head around the strength.. I would think that if I dilute the pheros I would get weaker mix.. I honestly don't understand that if I mix pheros with alcohol, I will still have the 100 % strength instead of the 1/3 strength :)

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Maybe this will help some.

There are approx. 200 drops of oil in a 10ml bottle of LP perfume oil.

A 1oz bottle (30ml) will yield approx. 200 sprays.

If we take a 10ml bottle of oil and pour it into a 1oz spray bottle and mix it with 20ml of perfumer's alcohol, we get the same number of "doses", regardless of whether it is 10ml oil or 1oz spray.

You will be getting the equivalent of 1 drop of oil from a 10ml bottle = 1 spray from a 30ml (or 1oz) bottle.

It's a volume thing ^_^ A drop of oil is thicker and dense, the spray is just the drop of oil diluted in a fine mist :)

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Hello Cutie Pie :)


thanks, actually I have already seen your thread and it was very helpful to me ! Everything in one place :) That is how I made my own spray. I just cannot get my head around the strength.. I would think that if I dilute the pheros I would get weaker mix.. I honestly don't understand that if I mix pheros with alcohol, I will still have the 100 % strength instead of the 1/3 strength :)

Blanche, I wouldn't know how to explaine it further. My suggestion, post your last comment on the "ask Mara" thread. Get it straight from the source. :)

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  • 3 weeks later...

So big time Cougar hit.

I was craving fish, I admit it, fried fish. There's this place not far and I went to get some.

I had applied scented Cougar, one big spray with two swipes of the scented oil on my wrists. All topped off with one spray of Un Cougar.


This place is usually packed, line out the door ect. I go in, no one but me a the 3 guys that work there. It's a small place BTW. I order and the guy was super chatty, they are very matter of fact this is unusual. I turn to the fridge to grab some coleslaw, tartar.. The one older guy, I saw looking at me while my back was turned, says to me go ahead and take what you like. take more of the salads, have you tried the macaroni? I said no, then "ok thanks" he was all try this & that so I leave with 4 containers of salads free, I paid for my fish. While waiting for my fish, another young guy comes out and starts in "Hi" how's your day going"? ect and goes on & on. They were all so interested in me, making sure I was happy and chatty.

It was just a bit disconcerted when I realized oh yeah I'm blasting them with Cougar.


Well I think I found my sweet spot!!! :)

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Nice hit StacyK! :) I wore some 2 x Stone Cougar the other day and the CT tech was REALLY friendly with me. Just really cheery and going out of his way to be helpful. We then went out to run a few errands and have dinner and everyone we ran into was just being over the top NICE! On the way out of the restaurant, there was a young couple coming in and first the man held the door for me, then the woman. It was really nice! people around here are just not typically that friendly. Thank you, Stone Cougar!

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  • 2 weeks later...

^^Thanks Rose!!! :)


Back again. Damn... Dr Stone & Mara!! Wow WTH is it? I must be hitting the sweet spot with this.. and hitting it good.


I've been using Un Cougar with the Orchid & Magnolia Fairy Cakes. When I first tried the Mag FC my brain said "you need Un Cougar for this!" It was a very strong inclination. So I got it with my Fairy Cakes. IDK Y there's a part of me that said but these are not Cougar scents. But instinct won out.

The hits I get are far more frequent and harder that I got with the scented (which is still a fav). I know dose has much to do with it but I swear those FCs carry a very interesting message with the Stone Cougar. VERY INTERESTING LADIES!!

So it's first big hit, the tollway food stop. The young guys working at this smoothie place.. typical.. meh.. uhh ..whattt..attitude, not bad just the "whatever" thing those guys exude. Then.. hello Cougar!! Mr ..uh what oh ok.. is all up in my face and giving me my boosts for free and a free extra smoothie as well. Plus giving my girls all the extras ect. The girl at the coffe place became all smiles and asked if the girls (with me) wanted a samples of the coffee thing she's going to make. When they declined she smiled and gave us cookies :)


It was the same everywhere. On the fourth the restaurant we went to was busy but the hostess got very helpful, out of nowhere for us. Let us choose our table ect.. Young male waiter, very overwhelmed, totally "in the weeds" but sweet and very attentive.


The place (another restaurant) where we had planed to go by the beach to sit and have drinks/dessert & watch the fireworks was very busy. I had put us down 2 hours prior so we'd be seated at 8:45'is just in time for the fireworks. The guy was super nice & helpful..

When we got there they had switched from the iPad (that died) to paper for the wait list. Orig guy not around but the girl there couldn't find up. She was very apologetic and the Mgr came by to say sorry, but we believe you here take this table. Right up front. Later, other guy stopped by to say sorry but he was glad they took care of us.. ect

Had just a super cutie of a waiter from Cork, IRE. OMG.. Just a touch to young for me but still so very charming and drool worthy. The girls were all a twitter and smiley/giggles. Just LOVE everywhere. :heart::)

Everyone just giving that "little extra something" to me.

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So similar to the effects that I got Stacyk! Gotta love this stuff! :)

Yes!! You got the 2X right? That's next in my list.. well in awhile. I need mo $$ first :lol:

But OMG.. did those floral Fairy Cakes work for you? OMG The 1,2 punch of that combo.. chills on how amazing it is.

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Yes! I got 2X. Totally worth it! I only got the Gardenia in Fairy Cakes. It did not work well with my skin. It came off smelling oddly like root beer??? Elizabeth OSP got the same thing from it, but thanks for reminding me since I need to revisit this one and see if that passed as it did for her. I do love Gardenia and like you, Magnolia! :)

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I wore this at the start of the week to get back into the swing of things after being on holiday. I have the x3 and it will last FOREVER at this rate - but then, that's why I invested in it :) Normally 3 sprays (as I previously fogged in it) is plenty - they aren't usually even full sprays, lol. I have my current one boosted with Pure Sugar and tend to spray my PE Sanctuary over it.


What a great way to get back into the swing of things! This is a people pepper-upper for sure. Was told multiple times that I wasn't allowed to take time off again & how good it was to have me back ^_^ It definitely helped me as far as reining in the chaos under control after being gone for over a week. It kept my own mood elevated and I took things one "crisis" at a time and kept my good mood.

Cougar is always a sure fire win for me.


StacyK - I wish I enjoyed the floral fragrances more to try the orchid & gardenia with it. Well, Interestingly enough, I had a similar (how bizarre!) inkling when I tried the orchid. I thought they would be very congruent - if only I enjoyed floral fragrances as much as the foodie ones :heart: That's neat to know that they DO play so well together - how cool is that?!

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Yes! I got 2X. Totally worth it! I only got the Gardenia in Fairy Cakes. It did not work well with my skin. It came off smelling oddly like root beer??? Elizabeth OSP got the same thing from it, but thanks for reminding me since I need to revisit this one and see if that passed as it did for her. I do love Gardenia and like you, Magnolia! :)

The Gardenia, on me was not a win. But the Orchid & Magnolia are, big time.

There's a very intresting effect combining either of those with the Un Cougar. I feel, maybe, it's the duel nature of the fragrances. The warm, nurturing & comforting foody aspect blended with the feminine, pretty floral. Those two specific types being very womanly in different ways and coming together.

Add Un Cougar to that message, it just becomes this amazing female blast. People just really respond.

I also posed on the Orchid Fairy cake, don't want to go OT on the FC scents here. But commenting on the combined effect with this phero blend, Oh Wow!!

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I will keep the Magnolia in mind StacyK! Orchids can be hit or miss for me. Also curious about the plumberia! Wow NuTrix! 3X! I don't blame you. I love the effects of this one. I think I am like halo in that I really do need to dose heavily with pheros. I would go 3X on Stone Cougar in a heartbeat though.

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I would say FC Plumeria would work fine. It gives of the same vibe.


The UN Cougar is great and the right scent with it is Devine Intervention.

To use MARAS New adjective, I felt very MILFY! :)


It was just very noticeable. As the Monkey's sang..." I'm a believer" :purr:

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It's totally a "MILFY" vibe StacyK! I's go so sar as to say MILFY + since its effects seem to extend well beyond the sexual effects.

Yes it does. I had very friendly, kind & helpful interactions with women too. Good all round. You can engage in a friendly interaction with someone, then turn around and feel that sexy lady thing as well. :)

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  • 1 month later...
Guest cutie.pie

I'm wearing Pizzazz w/Cougar today and got a few hits, with women! First there was this grumpy lady at the post office that almost screamed at every customer, but when I came, she was extra sweet... Then I went to my doctor's, she was extra nice to me too, opened up about her own problems (?)...

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  • 4 weeks later...

I am going to post on Amazon too, a short version, but wanted to include yet another review singing Cougar Potion's praises!


The scent package is a refreshing blend of citrus and amber/musk. If you like resiny smooth perfume on top of a warm sugary sweet base, this is a great bet. The grapefruit citrus goes on bright, but after an hour or so the amber and musk combination is just about the only thing left on my skin. Whoo, this stuff really warms and blooms with your body temperature! You only need light application in your warmest spots, or slightly more on your cooler surfaces. The hotter this blend gets, the more it diffuses--until you are a cloud of glamour and sultry femininity wrapped in the warmth of sugared amber and musk. (I'm not even a huge fan of amber, or many resins, but this perfume is too gorgeous to dislike.) It really makes a great scent cloud.

The cougar pheromone has caused people who I didn't even notice make a beeline for me and start chatting like they just HAD to say something. On the flip side, I've had experiences where it makes men more nervous, and then begin to physically peacock to compensate I suppose. Older men (and even a lesbian woman once) seem to have a double-take moment at first.


At work I've seen a slightly younger, nervous man stick his hand in his white coat (a la Napoleon portraiture) to seem cooler--I wanted to burst out laughing! And another time, an older (very cute) man came into the office and started leaning on a nearby coat-rack while chatting at my desk.. Then he flexed his pecs. TWICE. (LOL, My absolute favorite phero reaction to this day!!!) In my head I was likeeee.... "Did you just--nah, probably my imagination. Oh--NOPE. You did it again. Yup, that is the pheros." Hilarious stuff.


I can say with certainty, this was the one perfume that got my attention and clued me in to Mara's indescribable talents.

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  • 4 months later...

I have scented cougar and UN (in RB); I rarely wear the UN bc I haven't found my sweet spot with it. It was easier to find my sweet spot with the scented cougar.


So just curious - if you wear UN, what do you usually pair it with? I think the scented is perfect combo; but just wondering what others pair the UN with.

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I have UN Stone Cougar in spray, i love it. I like it more than the RB. I usually go quite heavy on it, maybe 4-5 sprays.

I like to pair it with LP Original or fruity scents. Scented Cougar is a great pairing of scent and phero, so anything that helps imitating that.

As far as regular perfumes go, i like to pair it with Emporio Armani She.

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I got the Un but boosted it with Pire Sugar so that I could layer it with whatever I wanted :)


I tend to were it with scents I consider fun and playful when I'm out with friends, but when I'm with my guy I choose fragrances that I know he likes already. I still where it most often with my Sanctuary PE though, to kind of make it my own ^_~ I love foodie LPs and this is such a fun mix that it compliments a LOT of fragrances! :)

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  • 1 month later...

After having fun with Scented cougar (is there not a separate review thread for it? I couldn't find it), I ordered the UN Cougar. However I am still learning the dosage. I am reading here that many of you use quite a big doses. Maybe I should try that too. But when I want sure hits, I go with the scented cougar for now.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I finally got a full bottle of Cougar. It's easy to put it off because it's part of the permanent collection, and I was always worried that the other perfumes I wanted would sell out. But I am so glad I got a full bottle.


I love the smell of citrus, but I know it can sometimes be a little overpowering or too bright for some people. I don't think that would ever be a problem with Cougar, because the musk really mellows it out. It's one of my favorite perfumes. I usually switch it up, but when I first got my bottle of Cougar, I wore it for a week and a half straight. It feels good, knowing that I can buy more of this when I run out. :)

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I couldn't find a review thread for the Cougar fragrance, so like a couple of other people, I'll just post it here.


I got this as a sample a number of months ago and never really found the occasion to try it out. But I've given it a couple of trial runs the past two weeks. The fragrance is very citrusy and I don't really get a lot of other notes - it actually gets pretty syrupy on me on the dry down and has great staying power.


So I've been taking this out to a local swing dancing club. I used to swing dance in my 20s and was pretty good at it and I found a club that has a weekly dance on a night that I'm free so I decided to give it a whirl. I can say that the age range at this club runs from university student all the way up to late 70s (although there are only a couple of men and no women in this age set), and all sexual orientations appear to be represented. So far I've been having a lot of fun but it's probably for the best that I have this in oil and not in a spray because it is hot, hot, hot in this club with everyone dancing. Last time I drank almost two litres of water while I was there. So I was probably getting much better projection with this than I normally would.


Anyway, I haven't actually been to this club without any pheromones so I don't know how it would usually go, but I can say that I feel pretty confident while I'm there. I ask people to dance about as often as I get asked, which is something that I might have felt slightly more shy about without the Cougar. The women have, for the most part, been chatty and friendly. The men have also been pretty friendly and I get asked to dance a fair bit. Amusingly, two of the biggest "hits" - as in the people who seemed the most eager to initiate long conversations and to hang around and be complimentary - were a lesbian woman and a gay man. Annoyingly, however, a straight guy that I didn't particularly like kind of followed me around for a while and buttonholed me. He was kind of trying to pick me up but without being obvious about it. But on the other hand, on my way out I stopped to pet some guy's dog by the door and ended up getting drawn into a long conversation with two guys there.


Success, all in all.

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PINK GRAPEFRUIT ~ Refreshes and uplifts the spirit, eases exhaustion, beauty and youth glamour.
WHITE and TUNISIAN AMBERS ~ Fertility, luck, riches, sensuality.
WHITE MUSK ~ Self confidence and strength, sexual attractant, heightens passions and arousal.
PINK and WHITE SUGARS ~ Attracts love, luck, sweetness, riches, lust inducing.

STONE COUGAR PHERO BLEND ~ This blend was specifically designed to evoke the impression of youthful fertility, while being an intensely sexually stimulating MAGNET for drawing young hunks your way. This blend of ingredients is also known to sexually stimulate the wearer. Created exclusively for us by Stone Independent Research.

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