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Like A Magnet--WOW

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OK ladies, I am still on vacation visiting family, but I have a few free minutes, so now is time for MY weekend phero report....I was loaded with LAM under LPLE/BI. My sweetie and I left the kids, ages 10, 11, 12, & 19 with my mom and grandma and decided to pop over to one of the local bars Sat night. My man was wearing Super.....YUM. Little sideline re Super.....he hugged my Mom and grandma before we left, and my mom asked my grandma if she smelled him. When my grandma said "No", he went back over and leaned in....She, at almost 91, grabbed him around the neck and said....."OH YEEEEEEAAAAAAH".....I cracked up. Super for Men affects me that way, too...hehe....


There weren't too many people in the little backwoods bar, but I kept getting sheep eyes from this one guy that was sitting at the bar next to us. Every time I would look over at him, he would give me this big silly grin. My man, putty in my hands. Since it was kind of slow in there, he decided that he wanted me to get nasty with him on the dance floor (and those were his exact words)....so, we did....boy, did we put on a show!


Afterwards, we went parking like a couple of teenagers, back in a dark alley, clothes flying....talk about a HOT evening.....WOW. I walked in about half dressed, carrying my panties in my hand, and my mom was awake, sitting there grinning at me....she says, "I take it that you had a good time?"


I won't ever be without LAM in some form or fashion, that's for SURE.

Edited by Dolly
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Ahahhahaha! I am loving it. Nice Dolly, very nice. SOunds like your ma and grandma are just fabulous too...Keep the LAM here FOREVER :lol:


Can anyone give insight to how B-nol will affect this in exchange for A-nol (referring to BAM)

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It really just depends on how that person might react...as we've discussed, a-nol provides a euphoric type of feeling in a situation, so it enhances attraction by providing good feelings all around. B-nol lends an emotional bonding aspect to a situation, and if that situation is sexual then it can enhance intimacy in a number of ways. In my experience the emotional barriers or personas can be discarded and two people can just be themselves in the one place they should be if they desire true intimacy.

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It really just depends on how that person might react...as we've discussed, a-nol provides a euphoric type of feeling in a situation, so it enhances attraction by providing good feelings all around. B-nol lends an emotional bonding aspect to a situation, and if that situation is sexual then it can enhance intimacy in a number of ways. In my experience the emotional barriers or personas can be discarded and two people can just be themselves in the one place they should be if they desire true intimacy.


Thanks Luna. I totally needed that Phero review 101. :) It is all coming back slowly :D

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It really just depends on how that person might react...as we've discussed, a-nol provides a euphoric type of feeling in a situation, so it enhances attraction by providing good feelings all around. B-nol lends an emotional bonding aspect to a situation, and if that situation is sexual then it can enhance intimacy in a number of ways. In my experience the emotional barriers or personas can be discarded and two people can just be themselves in the one place they should be if they desire true intimacy.


I am learning something new every post I read...... :D

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OK ladies, I am still on vacation visiting family, but I have a few free minutes, so now is time for MY weekend phero report....I was loaded with LAM under LPLE/BI. My sweetie and I left the kids, ages 10, 11, 12, & 19 with my mom and grandma and decided to pop over to one of the local bars Sat night. My man was wearing Super.....YUM. Little sideline re Super.....he hugged my Mom and grandma before we left, and my mom asked my grandma if she smelled him. When my grandma said "No", he went back over and leaned in....She, at almost 91, grabbed him around the neck and said....."OH YEEEEEEAAAAAAH".....I cracked up. Super for Men affects me that way, too...hehe....


There weren't too many people in the little backwoods bar, but I kept getting sheep eyes from this one guy that was sitting at the bar next to us. Every time I would look over at him, he would give me this big silly grin. My man, putty in my hands. Since it was kind of slow in there, he decided that he wanted me to get nasty with him on the dance floor (and those were his exact words)....so, we did....boy, did we put on a show!


Afterwards, we went parking like a couple of teenagers, back in a dark alley, clothes flying....talk about a HOT evening.....WOW. I walked in about half dressed, carrying my panties in my hand, and my mom was awake, sitting there grinning at me....she says, "I take it that you had a good time?"


I won't ever be without LAM in some form or fashion, that's for SURE.


Yeah Dolly!!!


You always make me proud... I wanna be you when I grow up...LOL


I knew you were gonna have a great time on this trip...did you get the chance to see the effects of Tranquility or Mayday on the kiddies and the man during the ride?


Don't forget to come back and post when you have a minute



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Yeah Dolly!!!


You always make me proud... I wanna be you when I grow up...LOL


I knew you were gonna have a great time on this trip...did you get the chance to see the effects of Tranquility or Mayday on the kiddies and the man during the ride?


Don't forget to come back and post when you have a minute





I used Tranquility with Nymph, and it did work, for sure! I posted in the Tranquility thread just a bit ago....

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Alright ladies, here comes my LAM verdict....OMFG THIS STUFF IS SUPER FREAKING AMAZING!!!!!


The last time I fell this hard for a phero mix was when I wore MX135 and LAMe ;) together. I have been totally wanting to find a good replacement for that dual, especialyl one with a good scent that didnt make others run in fear :D ...and well M&D you did it!


So here is the scoop. i tested this out during my birthday weekend. I didnt think I would being using LAM as it was a relaxing girl weekend, but I figured I'd toss it in "just in case". Oh am I glad I did!


I did pair this with LP Red IS/A and Cuddle Bunny scented, cuz the honey doesnt love me all the time, and also because I love that blend together. Those two have a good shwack of pheros in them, but I do wear them alot and am very familiar with their phero signature on me.


Now here is what transpired...


Me and my girls decided to find this party (on this lil island) that this hottie had told us about. I decided to slather on some LAM (Navel to cleavage with extra lines in the cleavage. As well as to the wrists, lil on sides of neck and a bit on back of neck by hair line.) After 20 min dry down I dosed myself in LP Red and scented cuddle bunny. This I added to my hair and back of neck and the other LAM places.


I smelt INCEREDIBLE! My hair was LP Liscious and my body was sending off a HUGE phero sign.


Now it was off to the party. I was outdoors for the entire night as there wasnt drinking inside so majority was outside. Fbaulous DJ and tons of friendly people. Every person I talked to was super friendly and the guys were flirting like crazy (even some of the ladies were). I eventually ended up finding a group of 4 guys that became part of our group for the evening.


These oys were so much funa dn all had differnet looks, styles and personalities. All were very nice looking, two in particular striked my fancy and one of them YOWZER!!! OMG DROOLING he was so YUMMY and built and just, mmmmmmmmmm!

Hehe, ANYWAYS ;) ...


I was getting crazy attention from them and amazing welcomes...except for the super yummy one. It seemed the vibes of the other three were of total interest for me. However the one I really wanted, I was getting nothing, and really hadnt had the option to talk to or anything. I actually thought he could care less for me. I wished I had gotten the positive vibe. But I was quite satisfied with all the attention from the other boys. :)


Now I have a fun personality and so it isnt unusual for a guy or two to beinterested in me at a party, BUT three in one group, with all different personalities etc...this had to be the LAM. It seemed that EVERY group I approached that night I was wanted by a couple of the boys...that made me feel good. AND it was totally god vibes too. I was interesting and fun and made people around me easy going and happy.


BUT back to the YUMMY man lacking the "I want CC, vibes" :) lol.


As the group of us (my ladies and the 4 boys) were chittchatting and having some crazy our beer supply began to disapear. We were in need of refills. The boys had stashed there beer just down the road, so I offered to go grab it for them as I love wandering off and entertaining myself with change of scenes. Well, mr. yummy decided to join me for the beer hunt. I was a lil surprised but thought nothing of it and off to get the beer we went. It was great getting Mr. Yummy away from the group. He totally opened up and came out of the quieter, yet cocky shell I had seen with his friends. The walk to the beer was actually quite fun. We totally began to hit it off and laugh and have a good time. Well we found the beer hidden amongst the high grass beside the road, and well...hehe, MR Yummy, took this opportunity to show that he DID have interest in me :D


HE grabbed me in his "OMG buff sexy strong" arms and pulled me close to his "hot, sexy, hard, rippley" body...YUM and proceeded to kiss me PASSIONATELY!!! IT WAS HOT!!!! Honestly if there wasnt people and cars and cement and prickles and, and...I would have let him have his way with me then and there. LADIES THIS MAN WAS HOT ;) AND a FABULOUS KISSER. I was like weak. and at the same time he was SMITTEN with ME!!!! Lil ol ME!!! THis is like YUM YUM material.... Ok the LAM TOTALLY played a fabulous part in this.


I could go on, but I think I have written a book, lol. And perhaps you ladies imagination can take you away from here ;)


LAM is amazing stuff and so much fun. I cant wait for another night to wear this goodie! :D


Oh and if you want to have a good idea what Mr. Yummy looks like...Picture a cross between YOUNG Jean-Claude Can Damme and John Cena (WWE)...


For me, that's YUMMY!



Im so glad you had an awsome b-day with a woderful follow up story.I hope I get this lucky with

our annual $th of july party. :D



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In addition to what Luna has said already about Beta-Androstenol (Beta-Nol) I just want to say that when you slather BAM! All over, you have to think a LITTLE bit more carefully about application points, than you do when you use LAM..


Here's why:


BAM! Contains a high concentration of Beta-Nol, and in all seriousness you should NEVER use heavy amounts of high concentration Beta-Androstenol unless you are fully prepared for all you will hear, and ALSO for all you will perhaps let slip.


Yes, it DOES indeed foster deep communication and bonding - but in very high concentrated amounts, it definitely and seriously DOES act like a somewhat crude form of liquid truth-serum. I have used it for that very purpose to get to the bottom of something when I knew a friend was in trouble, and the results were let's just say, shocking..


In order for Beta-Androstenol to affect you as little as possible, and to very much affect those around you or your partner, you should AVOID applying it to the wrists, inner elbow crooks, face, or neck. Keep it to the hair, back of the neck, backs of knees and cleavage.


With BAM! (and LAM) I would NOT advise it going in the hair, as copulins cling to hair for DAYS, so you really shouldn't be putting any blend containing copulins in the hair at all.


If of course, you want to also be Little-Miss-Honesty, then apply to the places I just said you should NOT apply it to (except the hair) unless you only want to mainly affect other people.


Beta-Androstenol lends a "Best-Friend" vibe to things even with people new to you, but I have only noticed that effect at low concentrations, and the concentration in BAM! Is anything BUT low..


What you get from an application of 50 mcg and above of Beta-Nol, is that it brings to conversations within a relationship a slightly more serious side, and you really can have some very good heart-to-hearts if that is what you're looking for, by just using this level of concentration.


I use Beta-Nol and copulins a LOT, and it's absolutely one of my favourite combinations for giving a relationship a very empathetic loving feel to it. Add a spritz or two of EST to your hair and it's a wonderful bonding formula, and creates a great sense of comfort and unity in a one-on-one situation between two people. The addition of copulins to sex it up as in BAM! Means you can take that deep communication right to the next level, and sex will almost definitely have a caring side to it, and will feel almost cerebral at times.


Beta-Nol is well-known for causing people who have literally just MET you, to feel like they have known you for a very long time, and in MEDIUM-high doses such as the dosage in Sexology, it doesn't so much act as a truth serum, but more like a bonding agent. It really can promote a sense of trust and a level of deep comfort. But in LAM! The concentration is HIGH, so just be aware that you MIGHT affect yourself and could give away things you really had no INTENTION of giving away..


I guess you could say LAM is great for really getting things hot, and definitely for playtime, whereas the formula used in BAM! Is very much something that can enhance a relationship or can help to draw someone you would like to perhaps show a bit more interest in you, closer to you. Without a doubt it does that.


Hope this helps a bit! :D




Ail )O(

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In addition to what Luna has said already about Beta-Androstenol (Beta-Nol) I just want to say that when you slather BAM! All over, you have to think a LITTLE bit more carefully about application points, than you do when you use LAM..


Here's why:


BAM! Contains a high concentration of Beta-Nol, and in all seriousness you should NEVER use heavy amounts of high concentration Beta-Androstenol unless you are fully prepared for all you will hear, and ALSO for all you will perhaps let slip.


Yes, it DOES indeed foster deep communication and bonding - but in very high concentrated amounts, it definitely and seriously DOES act like a somewhat crude form of liquid truth-serum. I have used it for that very purpose to get to the bottom of something when I knew a friend was in trouble, and the results were let's just say, shocking..


In order for Beta-Androstenol to affect you as little as possible, and to very much affect those around you or your partner, you should AVOID applying it to the wrists, inner elbow crooks, face, or neck. Keep it to the hair, back of the neck, backs of knees and cleavage.


With BAM! (and LAM) I would NOT advise it going in the hair, as copulins cling to hair for DAYS, so you really shouldn't be putting any blend containing copulins in the hair at all.


If of course, you want to also be Little-Miss-Honesty, then apply to the places I just said you should NOT apply it to (except the hair) unless you only want to mainly affect other people.


Beta-Androstenol lends a "Best-Friend" vibe to things even with people new to you, but I have only noticed that effect at low concentrations, and the concentration in BAM! Is anything BUT low..


What you get from an application of 50 mcg and above of Beta-Nol, is that it brings to conversations within a relationship a slightly more serious side, and you really can have some very good heart-to-hearts if that is what you're looking for, by just using this level of concentration.


I use Beta-Nol and copulins a LOT, and it's absolutely one of my favourite combinations for giving a relationship a very empathetic loving feel to it. Add a spritz or two of EST to your hair and it's a wonderful bonding formula, and creates a great sense of comfort and unity in a one-on-one situation between two people. The addition of copulins to sex it up as in BAM! Means you can take that deep communication right to the next level, and sex will almost definitely have a caring side to it, and will feel almost cerebral at times.


Beta-Nol is well-known for causing people who have literally just MET you, to feel like they have known you for a very long time, and in MEDIUM-high doses such as the dosage in Sexology, it doesn't so much act as a truth serum, but more like a bonding agent. It really can promote a sense of trust and a level of deep comfort. But in LAM! The concentration is HIGH, so just be aware that you MIGHT affect yourself and could give away things you really had no INTENTION of giving away..


I guess you could say LAM is great for really getting things hot, and definitely for playtime, whereas the formula used in BAM! Is very much something that can enhance a relationship or can help to draw someone you would like to perhaps show a bit more interest in you, closer to you. Without a doubt it does that.


Hope this helps a bit! :D




Ail )O(


Great post Ail... I wish this post right here could be a sticky... I for one would often come back to refresh my knowledge of both Anol and Bnol...as I use both for very specific reasoning and sometimes one could get confused and do it backwards.


great post Ail...thanks for the info...very very helpful



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In addition to what Luna has said already about Beta-Androstenol (Beta-Nol) I just want to say that when you slather BAM! All over, you have to think a LITTLE bit more carefully about application points, than you do when you use LAM..


Here's why:


BAM! Contains a high concentration of Beta-Nol, and in all seriousness you should NEVER use heavy amounts of high concentration Beta-Androstenol unless you are fully prepared for all you will hear, and ALSO for all you will perhaps let slip.


Yes, it DOES indeed foster deep communication and bonding - but in very high concentrated amounts, it definitely and seriously DOES act like a somewhat crude form of liquid truth-serum. I have used it for that very purpose to get to the bottom of something when I knew a friend was in trouble, and the results were let's just say, shocking..


In order for Beta-Androstenol to affect you as little as possible, and to very much affect those around you or your partner, you should AVOID applying it to the wrists, inner elbow crooks, face, or neck. Keep it to the hair, back of the neck, backs of knees and cleavage.


With BAM! (and LAM) I would NOT advise it going in the hair, as copulins cling to hair for DAYS, so you really shouldn't be putting any blend containing copulins in the hair at all.


If of course, you want to also be Little-Miss-Honesty, then apply to the places I just said you should NOT apply it to (except the hair) unless you only want to mainly affect other people.


Beta-Androstenol lends a "Best-Friend" vibe to things even with people new to you, but I have only noticed that effect at low concentrations, and the concentration in BAM! Is anything BUT low..


What you get from an application of 50 mcg and above of Beta-Nol, is that it brings to conversations within a relationship a slightly more serious side, and you really can have some very good heart-to-hearts if that is what you're looking for, by just using this level of concentration.


I use Beta-Nol and copulins a LOT, and it's absolutely one of my favourite combinations for giving a relationship a very empathetic loving feel to it. Add a spritz or two of EST to your hair and it's a wonderful bonding formula, and creates a great sense of comfort and unity in a one-on-one situation between two people. The addition of copulins to sex it up as in BAM! Means you can take that deep communication right to the next level, and sex will almost definitely have a caring side to it, and will feel almost cerebral at times.


Beta-Nol is well-known for causing people who have literally just MET you, to feel like they have known you for a very long time, and in MEDIUM-high doses such as the dosage in Sexology, it doesn't so much act as a truth serum, but more like a bonding agent. It really can promote a sense of trust and a level of deep comfort. But in LAM! The concentration is HIGH, so just be aware that you MIGHT affect yourself and could give away things you really had no INTENTION of giving away..


I guess you could say LAM is great for really getting things hot, and definitely for playtime, whereas the formula used in BAM! Is very much something that can enhance a relationship or can help to draw someone you would like to perhaps show a bit more interest in you, closer to you. Without a doubt it does that.


Hope this helps a bit! :D




Ail )O(


FANTASTIC post Ail! This is really good to know. I'm contemplating what would happen if you layer LAM with BAM--does it equal BLAM????

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FANTASTIC post Ail! This is really good to know. I'm contemplating what would happen if you layer LAM with BAM--does it equal BLAM????




Now that is my first hardy laugh for the day...that is so funny Bookworm


BLAM!...too funny



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Now that is my first hardy laugh for the day...that is so funny Bookworm


BLAM!...too funny




Glad you like!! Now we'll have people BLAMming all over the place, if some of the LAM stories get taken to the next level (although in some cases, I'm not sure that can happen).

Edited by SWBookworm
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Mara and I had this fantastic idea for the label of BAM! But we were thwarted at the final fence!


BAM! Was supposed to go inside one of those BAM! POW! SPLAT! bubble-type things you get in superhero comics, or in Popeye, but Mara couldn't find any PD pictures or stock photos to suit, so that idea was sadly canned.


Shame too, as I think it would have been fab! ^_~


I love BLAM! It's hysterical. Another two hours and I would have had a monitor to remove wine from again after reading that SWBookworm, but as it is, I just nearly fell off my chair from laughing, & now have a badly skinned knee..:blue_dancing_banana:




Ail )O(

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In addition to what Luna has said already about Beta-Androstenol (Beta-Nol) I just want to say that when you slather BAM! All over, you have to think a LITTLE bit more carefully about application points, than you do when you use LAM..


Here's why:


BAM! Contains a high concentration of Beta-Nol, and in all seriousness you should NEVER use heavy amounts of high concentration Beta-Androstenol unless you are fully prepared for all you will hear, and ALSO for all you will perhaps let slip.


Yes, it DOES indeed foster deep communication and bonding - but in very high concentrated amounts, it definitely and seriously DOES act like a somewhat crude form of liquid truth-serum. I have used it for that very purpose to get to the bottom of something when I knew a friend was in trouble, and the results were let's just say, shocking..


In order for Beta-Androstenol to affect you as little as possible, and to very much affect those around you or your partner, you should AVOID applying it to the wrists, inner elbow crooks, face, or neck. Keep it to the hair, back of the neck, backs of knees and cleavage.


With BAM! (and LAM) I would NOT advise it going in the hair, as copulins cling to hair for DAYS, so you really shouldn't be putting any blend containing copulins in the hair at all.


If of course, you want to also be Little-Miss-Honesty, then apply to the places I just said you should NOT apply it to (except the hair) unless you only want to mainly affect other people.


Beta-Androstenol lends a "Best-Friend" vibe to things even with people new to you, but I have only noticed that effect at low concentrations, and the concentration in BAM! Is anything BUT low..


What you get from an application of 50 mcg and above of Beta-Nol, is that it brings to conversations within a relationship a slightly more serious side, and you really can have some very good heart-to-hearts if that is what you're looking for, by just using this level of concentration.


I use Beta-Nol and copulins a LOT, and it's absolutely one of my favourite combinations for giving a relationship a very empathetic loving feel to it. Add a spritz or two of EST to your hair and it's a wonderful bonding formula, and creates a great sense of comfort and unity in a one-on-one situation between two people. The addition of copulins to sex it up as in BAM! Means you can take that deep communication right to the next level, and sex will almost definitely have a caring side to it, and will feel almost cerebral at times.


Beta-Nol is well-known for causing people who have literally just MET you, to feel like they have known you for a very long time, and in MEDIUM-high doses such as the dosage in Sexology, it doesn't so much act as a truth serum, but more like a bonding agent. It really can promote a sense of trust and a level of deep comfort. But in LAM! The concentration is HIGH, so just be aware that you MIGHT affect yourself and could give away things you really had no INTENTION of giving away..


I guess you could say LAM is great for really getting things hot, and definitely for playtime, whereas the formula used in BAM! Is very much something that can enhance a relationship or can help to draw someone you would like to perhaps show a bit more interest in you, closer to you. Without a doubt it does that.


Hope this helps a bit! :blue_dancing_banana:




Ail )O(

you mirrored my EXACT experience with betanol,

and i am using in addition to all these LP scents a 25mu spray.


truth serum it is...... :)


i cannot even WAIT for BAM!


i dont think i go a day without betanol, unless i am not using pheros at all that day...

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Mara and I had this fantastic idea for the label of BAM! But we were thwarted at the final fence!


BAM! Was supposed to go inside one of those BAM! POW! SPLAT! bubble-type things you get in superhero comics, or in Popeye, but Mara couldn't find any PD pictures or stock photos to suit, so that idea was sadly canned.


Shame too, as I think it would have been fab! ^_~


I love BLAM! It's hysterical. Another two hours and I would have had a monitor to remove wine from again after reading that SWBookworm, but as it is, I just nearly fell off my chair from laughing, & now have a badly skinned knee.. :blue_dancing_banana:




Ail )O(


Too bad you couldn't find any photos for the BAM! label (although I do love the ones you have). That would have been totally fabulous!



But I'm VERY glad you got a good laugh in, even though you now have a skinned knee to show for it and, at the very least, you didn't have to clean your monitor!! :)

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:blue_dancing_banana: Skinned knee or not - I now has a glass of Merlot Sangiovese Sicilia in my hand. Life is GOOD!


Yes, the comic book idea would have been fun, but the resulting label is really gorgeous.


Glad my post helped people. I'm aware that sometimes I get FAR too passionately-technical and have to stop myself from spouting "science-speak," but I think I stayed within the realms of "Fairly-easy to-understand," this time. That cannot be said for EVERYTHING I post about pheromones though, and I am WELL aware of that - so I do try to keep an eye on it.. ^_~




Ail )O(

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In addition to what Luna has said already about Beta-Androstenol (Beta-Nol) I just want to say that when you slather BAM! All over, you have to think a LITTLE bit more carefully about application points, than you do when you use LAM..


Here's why:


BAM! Contains a high concentration of Beta-Nol, and in all seriousness you should NEVER use heavy amounts of high concentration Beta-Androstenol unless you are fully prepared for all you will hear, and ALSO for all you will perhaps let slip.


Yes, it DOES indeed foster deep communication and bonding - but in very high concentrated amounts, it definitely and seriously DOES act like a somewhat crude form of liquid truth-serum. I have used it for that very purpose to get to the bottom of something when I knew a friend was in trouble, and the results were let's just say, shocking..


In order for Beta-Androstenol to affect you as little as possible, and to very much affect those around you or your partner, you should AVOID applying it to the wrists, inner elbow crooks, face, or neck. Keep it to the hair, back of the neck, backs of knees and cleavage.


With BAM! (and LAM) I would NOT advise it going in the hair, as copulins cling to hair for DAYS, so you really shouldn't be putting any blend containing copulins in the hair at all.


If of course, you want to also be Little-Miss-Honesty, then apply to the places I just said you should NOT apply it to (except the hair) unless you only want to mainly affect other people.


Beta-Androstenol lends a "Best-Friend" vibe to things even with people new to you, but I have only noticed that effect at low concentrations, and the concentration in BAM! Is anything BUT low..


What you get from an application of 50 mcg and above of Beta-Nol, is that it brings to conversations within a relationship a slightly more serious side, and you really can have some very good heart-to-hearts if that is what you're looking for, by just using this level of concentration.


I use Beta-Nol and copulins a LOT, and it's absolutely one of my favourite combinations for giving a relationship a very empathetic loving feel to it. Add a spritz or two of EST to your hair and it's a wonderful bonding formula, and creates a great sense of comfort and unity in a one-on-one situation between two people. The addition of copulins to sex it up as in BAM! Means you can take that deep communication right to the next level, and sex will almost definitely have a caring side to it, and will feel almost cerebral at times.


Beta-Nol is well-known for causing people who have literally just MET you, to feel like they have known you for a very long time, and in MEDIUM-high doses such as the dosage in Sexology, it doesn't so much act as a truth serum, but more like a bonding agent. It really can promote a sense of trust and a level of deep comfort. But in LAM! The concentration is HIGH, so just be aware that you MIGHT affect yourself and could give away things you really had no INTENTION of giving away..


I guess you could say LAM is great for really getting things hot, and definitely for playtime, whereas the formula used in BAM! Is very much something that can enhance a relationship or can help to draw someone you would like to perhaps show a bit more interest in you, closer to you. Without a doubt it does that.


Hope this helps a bit! :blue_dancing_banana:




Ail )O(


Thanks once again for the wonderful info,I really find it helpful.I keep I notebook around ,so I can write these things down.You always make it easy to understand ,when still in the learning mode.

Almost like being in school but actually like it lol.



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I'm very glad it's helped you, Tee. :)


Any questions, please don't hesitate to ask. I may not always be able to get right back to answering, as I am very busy right now, but I WILL get back to them - rest-assured. ^_^




Ail )O(

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I was thinking about what you and Lor have said about b-nol being "truth serum" and how my take is somewhat different, but then again, as you've said over and over it's about congruence. I experience more of a metaphorical nakedness with b-nol, if that makes any sense. And I want that, but some people would not, and yet it's entirely inherent in the situation in which I use it. So I realize that the things I say are informed by my experience which is why it's great when you come along and do employ that academic demeanor (to an extent) so that we all know the overall effects and not just the subjective ones. :)

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The levels between the Beta-Nol and cops in BAM! is different than the levels of Alpha-Nol and cops in LAM. I purposely wanted to keep the Beta-Nol level where it would have a bonding effect but not a truth serum effect, and I added 20% more cops to the balance to make sure it stayed in the sexual realm.


I have totally experienced the truth serum effect when I wore True Confessions to a couple of parties as an experiment, and hoo boy, never again. :)

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The levels between the Beta-Nol and cops in BAM! is different than the levels of Alpha-Nol and cops in LAM. I purposely wanted to keep the Beta-Nol level where it would have a bonding effect but not a truth serum effect, and I added 20% more cops to the balance to make sure it stayed in the sexual realm.


I have totally experienced the truth serum effect when I wore True Confessions to a couple of parties as an experiment, and hoo boy, never again. :)


Yes, sometimes I just don't WANNA handle The Truth!

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The levels between the Beta-Nol and cops in BAM! is different than the levels of Alpha-Nol and cops in LAM. I purposely wanted to keep the Beta-Nol level where it would have a bonding effect but not a truth serum effect, and I added 20% more cops to the balance to make sure it stayed in the sexual realm.


so does that mean that the 'cops' smell is stronger in BAM ? and whatever scents you added will not be covering up as much as in the LAM ? or as light ? does that make sense ?

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so does that mean that the 'cops' smell is stronger in BAM ? and whatever scents you added will not be covering up as much as in the LAM ? or as light ? does that make sense ?


I tried to keep the balance of the scent and pheros constant. The scents are light with just a touch of the phero smell popping through.

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I tried to keep the balance of the scent and pheros constant. The scents are light with just a touch of the phero smell popping through.


phew ! that's good....you know me and EOW :)

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Hey Ail! :D Thanks so much foir your clarification. I am totally effected by high dosaes of B-nol and have had to be very careful when wearing it anywhere that I can smell it. I am totally getting flash bcaks of me with b-nol on and the things that happen, oooh boy! Glad to hear this isnt crazy high to the point of truth serum, although I KNOW I am going to have to be exra careful!


Got a quick q for you (again :D )... Why do you say that we should avoid cops in the hair. I understand it stays around, but how is that a REALLY bad thing? I dont tend to put a lot of cops in my hair, but I do use the back of my neck a lot. As well as the occasional low cop phero scent in the ends.


I am just curious what happens with copulins in the hair...


THANKS my dear!


Glad you like!! Now we'll have people BLAMming all over the place, if some of the LAM stories get taken to the next level (although in some cases, I'm not sure that can happen).


Hehe, oh Bookworm, you r so cute :D I dont know if my world could handle me BLAMming all over the place. I have been LAMing all over the place lately and, well it has got a lil crazy. Yet oh so fun! hehehe

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Hi CC! :D


I always recommend never to wear copulins in the hair (as does Dolly) because the molecules actually cling to the hair-shaft, and do NOT come out with a normal wash and condition.


You need to use a clarifying shampoo to remove copulins thoroughly, because once the bacteria in hair interacts with the components which make up synthetic copulins, the odour build up is really something you do NOT want to be hanging around you.


I find it much easier to just spritz my EST, Beta-Nol or whatever into my hair & keep the copulins to application points I KNOW I can remove them from the next day.


Copulins also have an even greater effect for many women on men the day AFTER application, and unfortunately their sheer tenacity is what makes them a REALLY bad choice for putting in the hair. It's always your choice of course, but I truly do NOT relish smelling the copulins intensify.


My hair is mid-back length, and it would drive me nuts (and those around me I am quite sure) if every time I swung my hair I almost knocked myself out from the smell!


Hope this helps you! :D




Ail )O(

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I always recommend never to wear copulins in the hair (as does Dolly) because the molecules actually cling to the hair-shaft, and do NOT come out with a normal wash and condition.


You need to use a clarifying shampoo to remove copulins thoroughly, because once the bacteria in hair interacts with the components which make up synthetic copulins, the odour build up is really something you do NOT want to be hanging around you.


I find it much easier to just spritz my EST, Beta-Nol or whatever into my hair & keep the copulins to application points I KNOW I can remove them from the next day.


Copulins also have an even greater effect for many women on men the day AFTER application, and unfortunately their sheer tenacity is what makes them a REALLY bad choice for putting in the hair. It's always your choice of course, but I truly do NOT relish smelling the copulins intensify.


My hair is mid-back length, and it would drive me nuts (and those around me I am quite sure) if every time I swung my hair I almost knocked myself out from the smell!



Mine is waist length now, and I learned VERY quickly not to put the cops in the hair....I am a big time hair-flipper, and EoW in the hair smells a lot different than EoW on the skin!



I can't wait to get BAM though.....and more LAM.....I am going to be BLAM-ming all over the place!

Edited by Dolly
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I sees the light of LAM finally!

Haha, put a bunch on last night with a tiny bit of Dracula's Bakery a little while before the fella came by. I was in the midst of cooking dinner.

Well. That had to stop, I'm grabbed from the back and nuzzled, ect, turned around kissed alot, and finally just PICKED RIGHT UP and carried off to bed where tasty things were done to me for about 2 hours.

Lord that was nice.

And yeah- I somehow turned the stove off first.

That was some Tarzan and Jane action though, I tell ya. Now I see what all the hype is about!

Next time I'll get extra crazy like my good friend Dolly and swoosh this with a little of my LP LE with Blatant Invitation.

So far the two alone have yeilded WICKED results. I told her if I put them together it may cripple me...but in a very good way...:D

Haha, so good to be havin fun again!

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I sees the light of LAM finally!

Haha, put a bunch on last night with a tiny bit of Dracula's Bakery a little while before the fella came by. I was in the midst of cooking dinner.

Well. That had to stop, I'm grabbed from the back and nuzzled, ect, turned around kissed alot, and finally just PICKED RIGHT UP and carried off to bed where tasty things were done to me for about 2 hours.

Lord that was nice.

And yeah- I somehow turned the stove off first.

That was some Tarzan and Jane action though, I tell ya. Now I see what all the hype is about!

Next time I'll get extra crazy like my good friend Dolly and swoosh this with a little of my LP LE with Blatant Invitation.

So far the two alone have yeilded WICKED results. I told her if I put them together it may cripple me...but in a very good way... :)

Haha, so good to be havin fun again!


Hey cheese,so glad thing are going so well for you I can't wait to try lets just say desert before dinner.you go girl



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I dunno if I should do this? But I responded to the pms thing in another thread so I'm bringing this back up to the top for Ail and CC again.

Ail wants it up here.

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I dunno if I should do this? But I responded to the pms thing in another thread so I'm bringing this back up to the top for Ail and CC again.

Ail wants it up here.



I think that would be a great idea

tee :banana-computer:

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Mine is waist length now, and I learned VERY quickly not to put the cops in the hair....I am a big time hair-flipper, and EoW in the hair smells a lot different than EoW on the skin!



I can't wait to get BAM though.....and more LAM.....I am going to be BLAM-ming all over the place!


I'll be sure to keep the cops out of my hair. EST seems to do okay though.

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