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I waffled...went back...couldn't decide...then it sold out! *boo* I'm very much looking forward to hearing all about it!! Hope you get yours soon Lori!!


I think next week might be the week for my order...I ordered at the first possible moment, so I'm really excited!!

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GAH!!! Me TOOO!!!!!



Cheesy darlin' - I got nothin' - except I feel you. <g>


I don't even have the stamps.com notice most people seem to have gotten today. Sighs. Sighs again.


Maybe tomorrow.


Everybody sing - The sun will come out TO-Morrow...


Eeekkk. Ear and Brain worm.

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No notice here either :baby_tantrum: . I actually tracked the mailman down today two neighborhoods over :) and told him that I leave the house every day to pick up my kids from school during the one hour that he comes every day. I halfway threatened him to leave my packages at the door, then when he said he couldn't without a signature, I actually begged him to sign for my packages for me :) . He refused. I turned on my heel and stomped away. I did give him one last look before I squealed away though :tantrum: . I am SICK of people not obeying me!!!

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No notice here either :baby_tantrum: . I actually tracked the mailman down today two neighborhoods over :) and told him that I leave the house every day to pick up my kids from school during the one hour that he comes every day. I halfway threatened him to leave my packages at the door, then when he said he couldn't without a signature, I actually begged him to sign for my packages for me :) . He refused. I turned on my heel and stomped away. I did give him one last look before I squealed away though :tantrum: . I am SICK of people not obeying me!!!


LOL TG....going postal on the mail man!!!!


cheezy..I got my notice last night....so I can't wait to try Sweet Baby...I snagged one before it was GGG...

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I have tried to explain to a couple of girlfriends the anxiety around a stamps.com notice and the depression when I check my email and find it's not there. Or the terror that it won't ship before Mara leaves and I won't have the 3 orders before Europe.


I am afraid if you are not an LP addict - this concept is inexplicable.


Sighs. Crosses fingers, throws salt over shoulder. I'd spit but I think it would look funny in my black mini dress and velvet peeptoes. (dinner party after work so had to go dressed way up)

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I have a sign of relife(and I cant spell)--whatever-I GOT MY STUFF-


NO NOTICE FROM STAMPS AT ALL!!!! In fact if Mara hadn't told me, they sent the package, I'd have never known.....so. Maybe Stamps is down????? I will come back for an edit on Sweet baby, I am sick-again-bronchitis cold thing, unshakeable..but I just took alka seltzer cold and my nose should be in decent working order shortly. Then I can do some reveiws!

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Ok. I can smell-this is the very first thing I tried from my order(this and Forest Floor being the most anticipated.) and IT IS PERFECT.


I asked for a more "Grown up version" of a Love's Baby Soft type deal, and they NAILED it. Danna was a lil concerned at one point that this wouldn't be "IT", but it IS!

Sweet, but certainly not overly so, baby powder. A bit of floral, I smell lily of the valley and violet, faintly, blended PERFECTLY, and theres a depth here, maybe somethin SG didnt tell me about?? A wood or spice of some sort way down deep,giving it 'just enough' headiness to make it known as NOT a perfume for children.

Powdery, sweet, snuggly and very very feminine-in a word "nuzzleable"! Like a cozy soft fluffy blanket of scent. Its sexy and comforting all at once.

And the throw and staying power are perfect as well. This is exactly as I hoped it would be.

I made this awhile back, as a gift for Djac(it was her idea to make this and she put the idea down, cause it was an LP release idea I guess, and had met with some trouble along the way, I don't even recall what it was about), but I knew she wanted this made, and so I decided to suprise her by turning it into a PE.

With all thats goin on with her, I just hope she gets some kind of lift from it. At the time I just figured with all she does, it would be cool to make this and dedicate it to her.

So, Djac-this ones for you! Love ya girl. Hope we hear from ya soon, and I hope you enjoy this small comfort.

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I worn this today w/ Occo Blue....& it's soft, soothing & cuddly, INNOCENT BUT SEXY...very grown up baby powder.....I was slathered in this today...LOVE IT...great job Lori & djac...


*sighs* I wish there was more...I would make it a beta spray!!!!!


So do you know what notes M & D put in Sweet Baby Cheesie?



I hope djac is ok & loving this as much as I am...missing ya & thinking bout ya girl.....

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Well baby powder of course-and lily of the valley.

I THINK she said violet and mimosa(I'm not trained in what mimosa actually smells like,so I can't 'pull' it out of the scent and anaylze it-i do know it's a 'powdery floral' but thats all I know, dunno if its got a green nuance or what.)...after that, no! Ha, I'm not real sure- Oh duh, white musk-theres that(that must be the depth I was talking about that I totally forgot). And Danna can correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think she used any sugar in this.

Glad you love it Fawn!! :o

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  • 4 months later...
So, has anyone gotten it? It sold like hotcakes! I dont has yet! Anyone have a word? I'm gonna do this with a couple other PE's cause I'm starting to go mad.



I never got a chance to tell you baby...you did it! just what I had envisioned, you did it!... I love this and yes, it is the baby scent I wanted....thank you a million times over Cheesy


be blessed


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  • 1 month later...

This started out dead-ringer Johnsons Baby Oil on me...then during drydown turned into a dirtier version of itself...and now smells like... CHICKEN BROTH!!!


VERY STRANGE!! Will have to try again....

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This started out dead-ringer Johnsons Baby Oil on me...then during drydown turned into a dirtier version of itself...and now smells like... CHICKEN BROTH!!!


VERY STRANGE!! Will have to try again....



LOL.....sometimes certain scents will do weird things with body chemistry.....

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

Hahahaha! Wha??? Chiken broth.

Our chemistry is indeed strange.

And now Djac and I are both back, so dont be sad about wearing Sweet Baby.

Djac!---so glad you love it! It was totally made in your honor. Love ya lady!

Now its bedddtime. work tommorow again. Sigh...

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  • 2 years later...

This is very powdery on me - I didn't know oil could manage to actually smell "dry", but this does! It is the epitome of sweet baby powder, very musky and gentle and nice, with a slight floral undertone. I find myself wishing it was a bit sweeter, but I am a sweet freak and that is what layering is for I guess, and it is still very beautiful even despite that. The way it melds and warms up on my skin is simply to die for.

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  • 4 months later...

Ya know, the ONE thing that I would change about this is to add some kind of sugar to it. Probably powdered.

I love it as much as ever but I do tend to wear it with Sukis Boy Bait, Egg, Sugared Cream, or one of my vanillas to sweeten it up.

One of these days I might do an updated version of this, just for kicks. Id add sugar and possibly alter the florals, just to switch it up!


ETA: How similar is Babe in the Woods to this one guys? Cause reading the descriptions made it sound like grown up Loves Baby Soft too...might be right up my alley...?

Edited by cheeseburger79
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Ya know, the ONE thing that I would change about this is to add some kind of sugar to it. Probably powdered.

I love it as much as ever but I do tend to wear it with Sukis Boy Bait, Egg, Sugared Cream, or one of my vanillas to sweeten it up.

One of these days I might do an updated version of this, just for kicks. Id add sugar and possibly alter the florals, just to switch it up!

Omg YES times one thousand! I love the label on this and I rarely use it because it's so precious! An updated version would be amazing!

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Coooool.... I know alot of people really liked this one. Im thinking about a "dark" Sweet Lorien B too...instead of strawberry, id use black cherry. Id make the vanilla a "noir" type. Red Rose instead of pink,and throw in some leather or patch...

You likes?


Lady V, I added my Babe in the Woods comment after you posted. What do you think about it comparing to Sweet Baby?

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Coooool.... I know alot of people really liked this one. Im thinking about a "dark" Sweet Lorien B too...instead of strawberry, id use black cherry. Id make the vanilla a "noir" type. Red Rose instead of pink,and throw in some leather or patch...

You likes?


Lady V, I added my Babe in the Woods comment after you posted. What do you think about it comparing to Sweet Baby?


I love anything cherry or rose. It has to be the right rose, maybe a bit of leather for that sexy femme fatale thing..

I couldn't wear Babe in the Woods, it smelled to pubescent for me. Something about the musk made me feel like I should be wearing thin panty liners and undies with " Wednesday " on them. Babe in the Woods is teen to me, like Teen at a locker applying her Cover Girl lip shine, whereas Sweet Baby is all baby to me, soft cuddly skin smelling cute little boy that I love so much, especially after his bath when I grease his fat little body down with lotion.

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Awesome. I'm glad ya dig it! And my project tomorrow is to finally open a trade page in preparation for the sale. There's just sooooo much new stuff I wanna try, and I'm broke as a mo'fo! So trade page it is.

I think I have three ro four bottles of Sweet Baby, so odds are one will end up on the trade page. Probably a Sweet Lorien B too(maybe...I love it but i think I have four..).

Anyways,keep your eyes peeled! :)

As for the pubescent thing..heh, yeah that's kinda what I'm after. Id never dress in the whole Lolita style, but I really want a scent that takes me back in time to those days.

Edited by cheeseburger79
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Awesome. I'm glad ya dig it! And my project tomorrow is to finally open a trade page in preparation for the sale. There's just sooooo much new stuff I wanna try, and I'm broke as a mo'fo! So trade page it is.

I think I have three ro four bottles of Sweet Baby, so odds are one will end up on the trade page. Probably a Sweet Lorien B too(maybe...I love it but i think I have four..).

Anyways,keep your eyes peeled! :)

As for the pubescent thing..heh, yeah that's kinda what I'm after. Id never dress in the whole Lolita style, but I really want a scent that takes me back in time to those days.

CB .. I really want to get a sweet baby. I followed Halo and asked on the wheeles are spinning thread. Do you remember the notes in it? Edited by StacyK
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  • 1 year later...

Its over a year later and I'm just seeing this post! Sorry!! I dunno if you still wanna, know this or not Stacy, but if Im remembering correctly it's baby powder,white musk, lily of the valley,violet and mimosa. Godspeed! :)

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  • 11 months later...

Ha!! Bizzare! It's a year later to the month and I wore Babe in the Woods after my shower, which got me thinking about this stuff again, and waxing poetic about how I wish I had added a sugar or vanilla to this---AGAIN!

Enter Sugared Vanilla Bean! I just want to say that even though this is an older LP, Sugared Vanilla Bean layered over this is freakin WONDERFUL! Just GORGEOUS! So, anyone (cough cough, Stacy), that wanted to redo this one...add vanilla bean! Or maybe someday I'll redo this one that way, although my next "baby" themed PE will be called "Babycakes". It will have "baby smell", pink sugar, pink musk,oakmoss(?) and....CAKE! Probably yummy yellow or white birthday cake with thick frosting, and my little person will grace the label! :D

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