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Cataluna LPMP Has Sent You A Package


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Everyone who recieved there Halloween goodies congradulations. Iam jealous because I just placed my order a few days ago. I know its a big deal! :pumpkin2: Halloween goodies you just have to get, at least something. Thank Gosh for my cousins helping me out this month, I was able to get myself a lil order. :) yay! :lol: And October is here everyone! Its gotten cold on the northeastern side of the globe. Feels great! I love fall, its my favorite season.

Edited by AncientGoddess
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:smilies-23596: my package arrived and it came doubly fast, this is because I requested express mail, so if any of you feel that patience is not your virtue I recommend express mail so you can get your goodies faster.... Enjoy Halloween....
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I knew there was a reason for me feeling more positive and optimistic then usual this morning. They are on there way!!! Oh thank you ladies! This email has made my weekend! and will deff. be a great positive attribute for next week while i start my real job hunt. :party: :For-Adrienne: :abfx:

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Hey Ladies,


My package arrived today and I just wanna say thank you so much for all the wonderful goodies. I was suprised and very happy with everything that I recieved today. Everything smells and feels amazing. I love this time of the year!



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Got my orders from the beginning and end of sept this morning, had to retrieve from the PO but I am soooooooooooo glad they made it to me safe and sound. What a long strange trip they had, indeed.


Apparently we have a brand new guy on our route, so the non-delivery yesterday/ his first day is more readily forgiven. I want to make him a gift baggie with some cookies and a note that says: Please, come on up with my signature package! It's just one floor, we are home and waiting (with fresh coffee if you like) and I promise we won't bite!


...yet... :lol:

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AAARRRGGGGGGGG ! hate it when a lazy, substitute mail person chooses to leave a "Sorry We Missed You" notice ! ESPECIALLY WHEN I'M HOME !!!! :^^:

now I have to wait til Monday, drive like lunatic half way across F'g town during my 1/2 hr lunch period, stand in F'g line waiting till the 10 people ahead of me purchase ONE F'g STAMP EACH....buy a BOOK FGS !!!

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OMG, just choked on a pecan! Love it when our Lizzy let's loose


huh ? that wasn't me, must have been my alter ego :^^: , she's drinking now trying to forget ! oh crap....she's gonna hate the hangover tomorrow, hee !

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Ok,now that was a record,ummm I ordered Sunday and just got the email that my package is ON IT'S WAY :lol: ...you guys seriously ROCK :019-[Drooling]-[EmoticonKing.co

Edited by Calii
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Oh My Gosh...another record breaking turn around,I just got the notice! Wheeeee muh Flying Potion is on its way...and Touch Of Ebil and LP Winter Solstice 09!



:lol: :lol: :lol:

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Woo hoo, I cannot believe it, I ordered six days ago, already received my package! Wow! Thank you thank you thank you. I seriously was like "who sent me something?" and then flipped out when I seen it's from LPMP, lol, you guys kick ASSSSSSSS!


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Had to cancel my spa day and hair dresser so I can be home tomorrow. Going out tomorrow night. Whatever shall I use?



Too funny...Hopefully I'm home form class when mine comes! BTW congrats on the FL win :)

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I'm kind of a douche for not checking my email sooner but what did I find buried among all the promotional crap (come on Bocajava, your coffee sucks, get over the fact I'm not buying from you ever again) but THE notice! W00T!!! :)

ETA: OMGZ I want teh mailbox kittehs!

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