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Cataluna LPMP Has Sent You A Package


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YAY!!! My package arrived today! I can't wait for the fun to begin later. :Emoticons0424:

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I can't believe how fast my order was packed and shipped. The LPMP team are so efficient! This is even more impressive knowing it's a small business, and knowing all of the other things you get up to, like joining in on the boards and creating new potions. Thank you for all of your hard work!


I am really excited about my package!

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Guess who just got their shipping notice!?! I am ridiculously excited about this one - I can't wait to get my hands on a fb of Love Immortal. Plus, it's just been a pretty crappy month or so for me, so I NEED something happy in my life. If that's gonna be perfume in my mailbox, then so be it!!!

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Me too me too!


I am embarrassed to tell you how many bottles I had them put in that box. But I swear, it's just the ones I REALLY NEEDED.


I am more embarrassed to tell you what the cart is up to with planning June's order. And that's not taking account next month's NRs or PEs....

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Just got my shipping notice!! YAY!! Oh, no, I have to sign for it which means that I won't get it until Friday. Booo!! :-( I don't get home until after the post office closes so I'll have to wait until my day off to get it.

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The Huntress Lies In Wait

Due to several mishaps I've been chasing my package since Friday. I should have had everything in hand on the 16th. But -- here I sit, in a quiet house lest I don't hear the murmur of the dying doorbell, awaiting the postman. I am thankful to him in advance for being instrumental in making my day. I am wearing EoW (first time ever), Cougar and Lucky Dog. I'll take my time signing for the package. :say66:. You're welcome Mr. Postman.

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I keep keep keep checking my emails for that message...Cataluna has sent you a package!! Olderbutwiser and cchristys, enjoy your new goodies!!! Hopefully mine will be shipped soon since it was placed on the 9th. Can't wait to know how my Love Potion White smells....grrrrrr, this is torture!!! lolol ;)

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And, Coming Up Roses, pray tell, does your Postman ring twice? Just HAD to ask, lol. I'll be curious to know what happens next..... :chimp86:

LOL - I was thinking the same thing!


I keep keep keep checking my emails for that message...Cataluna has sent you a package!! Olderbutwiser and cchristys, enjoy your new goodies!!! Hopefully mine will be shipped soon since it was placed on the 9th. Can't wait to know how my Love Potion White smells....grrrrrr, this is torture!!! lolol ;)

Having just doused myself with LP White today, I can tell you: it is going to smell AWESOME!!! Sorry, didn't mean to increase the torture! But you will love it, I'm sure.

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And, Coming Up Roses, pray tell, does your Postman ring twice? Just HAD to ask, lol. I'll be curious to know what happens next..... :chimp86:


:Emoticons04263: I'm afraid not. A girl can wish tho ;) . Our neighborhood had the same Postman for nearly 20 years...he retired and since then we haven't had a new one on permanent assignment. I just wanted to have some fun today LOL.

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Coming up Roses: I am enjoying all the playfulness and fun that we can have here....The postman doesn't know what he's missing! :smiley-signs136: I hope you'll give us a review of your experience with EOW, Cougar and Lucky Dog. What is Lucky Dog like?


Black Cat & BIrkey: I hardly had the chance to roll on a few stripes of LP White when my daughter (20) swooped in and snagged it. Now she has some LP Pink and LP White. Luckily I had a trial vial of LP White as well, lol! It's lovely, but I think I'm still in love with X Appeal.


Betcha your shipping notice comes in the morning Birkey.. :greensmilies-020:.I usually get mine 3 or 4 days before my pkg.


Have fun with your stash, ladies! :potions25:

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Coming up Roses: I am enjoying all the playfulness and fun that we can have here....The postman doesn't know what he's missing! :smiley-signs136: I hope you'll give us a review of your experience with EOW, Cougar and Lucky Dog. What is Lucky Dog like?




I love Lucky Dog! When I first apply it, reminds me of a York Peppermint Pattie. I have to look at the ingredients to see if there's chocolate, mint or any cousins listed. Here is the link for the LD version I have, http://www.lovepotionperfume.com/perfumerie/potion/LuckyDog/


Agree -- lovin' the party time :love: thanks for your communication piece. Also thank you for the kind prompting, lol. Fine time I start pulling my weight around here eh? I feel wholly inadequate to submit any reviews at this stage. I can't smell the notes. The blends just smell good to me overall. To break down the ingredients, oy vey, fuhgeddaboudit. It would come out in baby speak. I'll try to accelerate the learning process as best I can. Just know my middle name is tortoise :wub:

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I feel wholly inadequate to submit any reviews at this stage. I can't smell the notes. The blends just smell good to me overall. To break down the ingredients, oy vey, fuhgeddaboudit. It would come out in baby speak. I'll try to accelerate the learning process as best I can. Just know my middle name is tortoise :wub:


I find that I'm the same way, but the more LPs I buy, the better my nose gets at picking out certain notes! I'm still pretty bad at it though. But I find that when reading reviews, everything is helpful, especially since these perfumes can smell so different on different people. I say review away - even an "I love this" or "this is not for me" is helpful, especially if you can figure out which people on the forum have similar tastes as you do. I find that the more reviews the better!

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OMG, Coming Up Roses, your posts are like a topnote/breath of fresh air and I look forward to their uplifting tone....You are a deliteful presence and I value your input along with all the others here. It's like an alchemical mixture/process where the end result is an incredibly rich amalgam of diversity. Somehow, like a good fragrance, it all comes together in the end and works!


So, I agree with Almathea. Reading all the reviews helps in the decision making process....which, speaking of tortoises, I'm the worst when it comes to choosing LPMPS. :love:

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I keep keep keep checking my emails for that message...Cataluna has sent you a package!! Olderbutwiser and cchristys, enjoy your new goodies!!! Hopefully mine will be shipped soon since it was placed on the 9th. Can't wait to know how my Love Potion White smells....grrrrrr, this is torture!!! lolol ;)


Ohhhh, I can't wait either!!! I ran out of my trial of BTN/LFN and I am dying for my new UN LFN to come in the mail along with my 2x Levitation and other goodies. The anticipation is killing me! I'm keeping my fingers crossed that the email notice will come soon!

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I spoke too soon, ask and ye shall receive. Only a couple of hours later I got my shipping notice! :cat690:

Now only to make it through the weekend till they arrive early next week!

Edited by JudyO
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I'm such a lucky girl. My Postman is awesome! He called me at work and said that he had the package that I was waiting on. He said that he would lock it up safely in my mailbox and that it would be waiting for me when I got home. I'm so happy that he trusts me! It helps to know your mailman and to treat him with respect. Lol!! Yep, when I got home, it only took me seconds to tear into my new goodie box. LOL!!

Just got my shipping notice!! YAY!! Oh, no, I have to sign for it which means that I won't get it until Friday. Booo!! :-( I don't get home until after the post office closes so I'll have to wait until my day off to get it.

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Not only do I have great postal service (my postman signs for me, makes sure pkgs are safe/secure and calls me to let me know when they get there) I have always gotten impeccable service from LPMP. My last order was placed not even a week ago and I've already gotten my shipping notice......Wow! I get to have LPMP goodies twice this month! Way to go LPMP, although a 2 week turnaround from the time of the last order placed is entirely reasonable and understandable, this was a wonderful surprise. Thank you! :thumbup:

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You're blessed! Congrats on a great system working on your behalf all around superstar :oscar-red-carpet-1:

I haven't quite gotten it down pat yet. I believe once the shipping notice is sent from LPMP, I have two days to make sure I'm home to receive the package here in New York. Will have to be more mindful this go around so I don't keep missing the postman.

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CuR: Me? Superstar? Are you kidding? I'm just getting my feet wet. It usually says on your shipping notice 1-3 days from date of shipment. Is your postman hit or miss and not a regular one? Mine goes to my lock box at the P.O. but is usually too big for it so my guy keeps it in a safe place in the back.

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OMGosh!! I just received a shipping notice and I wasn't even expecting it until at least a week from now!! It's a big one and I am so excited!!! Got some of the wax melts and a few perfumes boosted..and the totem sampler for both months!! Thanks a million for getting it out so quickly!!! You have made my week!!.....now just to get through the weekend...lol ;)


I swore this was going to be it for a long while because I have spent way too much on LPMP goodies this week and now I see today Mara is coming out with all of those fantabulous June LE Love Potions!! Calling the CC company tonight to see if they can raise my limit!! :D

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Wonderful, Birkey! Looks like it will be a fun weekend or Monday for both us when our pkgs come! Curious to read your reviews on the Totem sampler(s) once you've tried them. They are spectacular. Beaver/SWS is my fav. Can't wait to try La Syphide and Flying Potion. Enjoy, but be careful with those C.C. s. ^_^

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  • 2 weeks later...

CAN'T WAIT!!! I just got the shipping notification on my PE.

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When I first became a member of this forum and read how excited everyone was when his/her package was shipped, I didn't get it....well, It didn't take long for me to get it.............


I got my shipping notice today and the New Releases are on their way!!!! :UkkiBannana: Wahoooooo.... :woohoonaner2gy: Yipeeeeeee!! :banana002: OMGosh I can't wait!!! :bananajoy:

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