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Flying Potion

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Ok, now I understand why Mara says no spritzing & driving... I spritzed at home & WHOA! It kind of feels like when your just starting to feel a decent buzz after a couple of drinks. Wild!


The scent is light & uplifting & slightly spicy. It's nice in a just hanging out being myself way...


Did someone say that this is a mix of Tangy Ylang & White Licorice???

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Did someone say that this is a mix of Tangy Ylang & White Licorice???


Mara did...well not quite, but that was the starting point for the recipe.

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delectable anise/marshmallow sweetness with a tinge of grapefruit, with the ylang making it lusher. I admit this combo sounded a bit iffy on paper but it's rather fabulous ... unique, sweet, head-turning.


But! the effects. One timid spray to the back of the head, and it made me feel like a star...in a different way that Cougar... similar, but more HAPPEEEEEE. The normally reserved, quiet dudes who were next to me most of the night were garrulous, giddy and all smiles all night. And the warnings are no joke...a couple sips into a glass of wine and it might as well have been a whole bottle.


One word for stuff... WHEEEEE! sorry, two: DELICIOUS WHEEEEEE

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delectable anise/marshmallow sweetness with a tinge of grapefruit, with the ylang making it lusher. I admit this combo sounded a bit iffy on paper but it's rather fabulous ... unique, sweet, head-turning.


But! the effects. One timid spray to the back of the head, and it made me feel like a star...in a different way that Cougar... similar, but more HAPPEEEEEE. The normally reserved, quiet dudes who were next to me most of the night were garrulous, giddy and all smiles all night. And the warnings are no joke...a couple sips into a glass of wine and it might as well have been a whole bottle.


One word for stuff... WHEEEEE! sorry, two: DELICIOUS WHEEEEEE


Yeah you probably don't need to drink with this (or any 'mones), especially this. Which leads to an oxymoronic situation as people just want to buy you drinks when wearing 'mones, especially LPs phero enhanced brews. :D

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Yeah you probably don't need to drink with this (or any 'mones), especially this. Which leads to an oxymoronic situation as people just want to buy you drinks when wearing 'mones, especially LPs phero enhanced brews. :)

I drink & 'mone all the time with little or no intensifying effect, actually! but this? ayuh.

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I drink & 'mone all the time with little or no intensifying effect, actually! but this? ayuh.



Well, that explains my "I'm way too intoxicated for 4 beers." effect. Yaaaahooo!

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I drink & 'mone all the time with little or no intensifying effect, actually! but this? ayuh.



You must have a record tolerance (j/k). IDK I've learned to not even attempt anything stronger than beer with any blend, but especially the beta-nol heavy blends. My lips get so loose they could sink the Titanic!

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You must have a record tolerance (j/k). IDK I've learned to not even attempt anything stronger than beer with any blend, but especially the beta-nol heavy blends. My lips get so loose they could sink the Titanic!

ah well see girl there it is. I can *barely* (and therefore rarely) do anything with significant beta-nol at all, let alone with booze. I wore Suckled Honey a few weeks ago for the scent (& because I wanted to have a well-flowing smooth conversation) to have a beer with a girlfriend and LITERALLY COULD NOT STOP TALKING - it was like trying to pull back the tide.


ANYWHO, back on topic - did I mention this stuff is the shit. And it's not just your regular alpha-nol happy-sauce effect - it has that "I AM SUPER BEYOND AMAZINGLY FABULOUS!!" feeling to go with it. Gotta be the magick!!

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And Never go grocery shopping on this stuff. Last night all DH kept saying was "Marti, FOCUS!" :)



Well from my experiance Flying Potion keeps me flying high & above the urge to throttle my SO (picture Eeyore on steroids). This is definitely a winner.

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Mara's creativity and daring have no limits! Looking at the ingredients, I kinda did a HUH? at the marshmallow, grapefruit and anise. What's amazing, though, is that she pulls it off! For me this starts of with a soft poof of comforting marshmallow, then comes an invigorating citrus zing of grapefruit. The anise isn't immediately noticeable to me, but seems to play a behind the scenes role.


What a buoyant, happy scent!

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I still love this one.....I get mostly creamy marshmallow....keeps me from turning into Mr Stay-Puff! I wonder how this will work during "Mother Nature's Gift" next week???

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This made my headache go away yesterday within 5 minutes. I think I need a gallon. I know I won't be able to afford another bottle before they are gone, so I hope it's able to be rebrewed. I am seriously in love


Now that is something special...gosh,a few people say they get headaches from too much A-nol...I wonder if the straight A-nol spray,maybe lightly scented with Tangy Ylang would work for you?

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Phfft. I bought a bottle of this unsniffed because...please, that should be obvious.


So last night I honestly I did not plan to leave the house. But it had been a grossly awful week, and someone texted me so I covorted off with about 5 different swipes of new releases on my arms and a bottle of Flying Potion in my pocket (luckily I did not spritz and drive the 30 miles to town).


The scent is pleasantly autumnal but not overwhelming but who the hell notices the scent? One good generous sprtiz and I and my friends and half the tables around us were flying all right.

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@ Pony..IDK TT likes the scent, lol. So how were those drinks last night :wink2:


Geezuz save me from my Android, for crying out loud...I need that app that blocks you after certain hours from posting to FB or twitter...


What drinks?? HAHA. I think I had about 1 1/2 glasses of wine. Or were they shots of tequila...eh...anyway...I turned on the long-dormant charm switch and gave out my number 3 times...ahem...and I was home in bed by 11 and up the next morning without a hint of muzzy-head.

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I'm really loving this one. The sweet and creamy vanilla, marshmallow and ylang ylang balance out the cassis and sparkling tart grapefruit, and the licorice adds an unexpected sexy zing. I get just a hint of spice at the end, just enough to add a pleasant accent. The alpha-androstenol in this actually helps me feel more at ease with myself, even a bit more confident. I think I'm going to be reaching for it often.

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I gave this one an honest try..& I love the scent (so does TT, he even responded great to the phero).


IDK I think the level of A-nol in this one, was like a kick in the pants for my brain. I got a slight headache, & an even slighter giggliness. TT was clinging onto me like velcro, which was annoying because I wanted to go clean stuff! Anyway, it didn't really kick in 'the happy' for me, but my brain chemistry may be a bit altered because of my recent relapse. I just wanted to share for the edification of our research oriented members, lol.

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I didn't notice any phero effects from this, but I LOVED the scent. I'm crossing my fingers that it will come back some day.

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So I wore this to Q's party, it wasn't snowing that night so we all met at a restaurant/bar sort of central to the locals and I wore Drac's Pink Pumpkin Witch because he likes it and then Flying Potion in my hair but I wouldn't let him sniff me (he drove there, I drove home). Once we got to the place I spritzed myself liberally and then we were all together and talking and a couple people said things like, "Oooh, you smell like yummy pie!" and I gave anyone who wanted it a little spritz. It made others chatty and giggly but I really didn't see much "drunken" behavior, and at least half of us weren't drinking anyway. Nothing too outrageous because we were in public but it was fun, I felt much less self-conscious thanks to the a-nol. This really is a nice social type mix. When we returned home and he got a good whiff it led to much giggling and groping; I was afraid he might sense the anise but luckily he either couldn't or he was too hammered to notice. :lol:

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I do get all of the components of Tangy Ylang and White Licorce but the marshmallow is the star on me anyway. It's like all of the other ingredients dance in the background while Vanilla and Marshmallow are front and center. LOVE it!


I get Vanilla and marshmallow in this potion too! :P T I think my body does something funny to anything that has vanilla in... :S Anywayz I tried it on this morning and felt no difference... It didn't 'fly me to the moon'??? May be i haven't sprayed enough??

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I get Vanilla and marshmallow in this potion too! :P T I think my body does something funny to anything that has vanilla in... :S Anywayz I tried it on this morning and felt no difference... It didn't 'fly me to the moon'??? May be i haven't sprayed enough??

Definitely try a few more spritzes. On me it's delicate enough that I can do maybe 3 spritzes on each arm and a couple in my hair and the scent is not overpowering...and the effect is FUN!

Edited by ElizabethOSP
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I can't wait to receive my bottle but I'm kind of worried about grapefruit as I can't do grapefruit most of the time.

JOC, when did you become a Tribble Wrangler?! That is so COOL!!!


Also, I don't get a bunch of grapefruit from Flying Potion. It's just a bit of twang to keep it interesting. I mostly smell like marshmallows when I wear it. LOVE IT!

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self effect: INSTANT SUPER SWEET MARSHMALLOW!!! :shocked: I couldn't stand it as it's too sweet!! Nothing happened as all i was thinking about was the sweetness! :P


I gave it to my friend as well as other freebies and introduced her to LP :) She's currently going through a uber stressful time as exams are coming up and there are tonnes of work to do! So i sprayed it on her neck as i gave out my bottles n sniffees to her! First 5 minutes.... WOW SWEET MARSHMALLOW!! She was STUNNED by the sweetness of it!! :w00t:


We were getting really talkative and high as usual... and 10 minutes later, the marshmallow scent is no longer as loud- we were in the MTR( underground/ tube) and i managed to catch a really cheerful sweet scent every now and then! I wasn't really thinking about the effects flying potion can do, but smelling this sweet scent from my fd gave me a really different perspective on this potion! Before i hop off the train- i remembered saying - you smell really sweeeeeeeet..... like yummy almost DREAMY sweeeeeeeeeeeeetttttt.... i almost wanted to stay where i was and continue smelling it from her!! haha!! :winktongue:


So i left the train In a very content and happy mood! :love:


It's funny how different people's skin chemistry react to scents and potions :) Spraying this stuff on her affected me more than spraying it on myself! :D:D

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self effect: INSTANT SUPER SWEET MARSHMALLOW!!! :) I couldn't stand it as it's too sweet!! Nothing happened as all i was thinking about was the sweetness! :P


I gave it to my friend as well as other freebies and introduced her to LP :) She's currently going through a uber stressful time as exams are coming up and there are tonnes of work to do! So i sprayed it on her neck as i gave out my bottles n sniffees to her! First 5 minutes.... WOW SWEET MARSHMALLOW!! She was STUNNED by the sweetness of it!! ;)


We were getting really talkative and high as usual... and 10 minutes later, the marshmallow scent is no longer as loud- we were in the MTR( underground/ tube) and i managed to catch a really cheerful sweet scent every now and then! I wasn't really thinking about the effects flying potion can do, but smelling this sweet scent from my fd gave me a really different perspective on this potion! Before i hop off the train- i remembered saying - you smell really sweeeeeeeet..... like yummy almost DREAMY sweeeeeeeeeeeeetttttt.... i almost wanted to stay where i was and continue smelling it from her!! haha!! :)


So i left the train In a very content and happy mood! :)


It's funny how different people's skin chemistry react to scents and potions :) Spraying this stuff on her affected me more than spraying it on myself! :):)



that is neat. just for fun when you need a lift call her up and tell her you need a happy freashner around. he he. I would. Skin chemestry is a funny thing. I have been giving samples that dont work on me to my gf's and they smell better on them.

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Re: ElizabethOSP

YAH! It was WELL COOL! Im still shock by how affected i was!!! Gonna try on my other fds later on..... heehee :)


that is neat. just for fun when you need a lift call her up and tell her you need a happy freashner around. he he. I would. Skin chemestry is a funny thing. I have been giving samples that dont work on me to my gf's and they smell better on them.


HAHAHHAHHAHA.... YAH MAN! "OI! Meet me now! I need a happy freshener!" Im starting to think that it's a brilliant idea to spead LP's stuff to all my fds!! So that when they put it on, everyone else get affected by whatever they have on!! It's BRILLIANT! ;) POSTIVE VIBE= POSTIVE ATTITUDE! We def. need more of that in our 'stressful' world!! WOOP WOOP!

Edited by bumbob
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