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Nommy-Smelling Butterstuff

Potion Master

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OOO... I like the butter for massage idea.... COMBO!!! :):D:D What a GREAT IDEA! :D This could be a potential all year round product coz people need massage every now and then!!! :lol::D:D Will you be able to offer small batches of them? :10_small16::):)

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Now I want to go play in the kitchen....squeeee.....first thing in the morning.


Of course, Thursday is cleaning service day, and I always seem to want to launch big messy projects as soon as they leave. John always asks why I can't do them BEFORE they get here. :sigh:

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The sizes will be 4 oz. I have 4 ounce metal tins that are great for the butters. (I did that last brief batch in the same tins but only filled it up 2.5 oz of the way). I still have to do the math, but I think they can sell for around $20.00 or so. I will do the batches pretty small...around a dozen tins at a time.

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Year-round, multi-use butter!!! YESSSSS!!! How about a scent along the lines of LP Autumnal Equinox? Or various sugars...cookie...nuts...


:) Actually, *swoon*, the scent of the Nommy-Smelling Butterstuff is FABOOOOOO! :D And it has saved my hands *multiple* times. THANKYOU!

Edited by ElizabethOSP
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The sizes will be 4 oz. I have 4 ounce metal tins that are great for the butters. (I did that last brief batch in the same tins but only filled it up 2.5 oz of the way). I still have to do the math, but I think they can sell for around $20.00 or so. I will do the batches pretty small...around a dozen tins at a time.


Thankyou potion master! :lol: I meant will you be able to sell smaller than 4oz? like 2.5 oz? :) Sometimes i just like to have a bit to try... heehee :D

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Thankyou potion master! :lol: I meant will you be able to sell smaller than 4oz? like 2.5 oz? :) Sometimes i just like to have a bit to try... heehee :D


That's why I sent around the free samples. Did you get one?

I will likely have some left from future batches that I will send around too, but making smaller sizes for sale isn't cost effective, sorry.

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What about simple layer scents that won't clash with your perfumes, such as Vanilla, Chocolate, Brown Sugar, etc?


The proto used the LP scent by the way, but it smelled a bit different because of the cocoa butter and coffee butter in the recipe.

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What about simple layer scents that won't clash with your perfumes, such as Vanilla, Chocolate, Brown Sugar, etc?


Great idea, babe, maybe like what you've got for the NoCos (but foody since that works better).

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That's why I sent around the free samples. Did you get one?

I will likely have some left from future batches that I will send around too, but making smaller sizes for sale isn't cost effective, sorry.


Oh i see, thankyou!! :) I've never received any samples of nommy smelling buterstuff before!! Would be really nice to try some :lol::):)

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My hands were very happy last night! :wub:


And then I ran my palms through my hair and the residue made it soft and yummy-smelling, yay!

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strongly scented and *light* on - was expecting it to be thick/waxy. Nommy beyond nom. The lip stuff is *very* moisturizing without being gloppy, no mean feat, and is a yummy fruit fest.



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I'd like a GINGER-Y butter shtuff lippy please 04.gif

(like my ebil sug'd ginger cookies)


ps: I'm a year-round lippy wearer

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strongly scented and *light* on - was expecting it to be thick/waxy. Nommy beyond nom. The lip stuff is *very* moisturizing without being gloppy, no mean feat, and is a yummy fruit fest.


I can haz nommy lip stuff ... *sad kitteh face*


hey it works for Luna :Hug_emoticon:

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I have to order more beeswax for the base. That freebie should last a while tho! I've been using mine every day for weeks and still have quite a bit!


I'll be working on the butters as soon as I finish the Wax Melts, they're taking a lotta time!!!

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So here's my lip butter report...I asked Q how it tasted, he shrugged. I finally just put a bit on his lower lip for him to lick and he still shrugged. So then I asked him if my lips looked plumper and he started snickering.


The lesson is: never ask a smartarse a leading question. :love::)


Personally I am loving it! :w00t:

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What about simple layer scents that won't clash with your perfumes, such as Vanilla, Chocolate, Brown Sugar, etc?



VANILLA :wub: VANILLA :lol: VANILLA :UkkiBannana:


I really liked the scent that you had for the samples sent out... What was it? Cocoa butter, coffee & caramel something or the other? Either way....it was absolute yummyness


Oh, and I vote for year-round supplies of the buttery goodness... My super dry skin just soaks this stuff up, it's so lush!

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This butterstuff is fantastic!!!Smells awesome and my skin feels like velvet.I've been using this the entire day today and LOVE IT!!!!I seriously need more, so whatever you make I buy it Mara!! (hint: chocolate, strawberry, brown sugar and apricot pleaseeeeeee!!! :lol2::) )

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Ok, who wants Nommy Butterstuff!!!???!!!


Here are your choices, I made 2 scented and one flavored.

Scented = Rocket Fuel or Mango/Pineapple/Chocolate.

Flavored = Cake Batter, crafted with flavor oils of French Vanilla, English Toffee, Marshmallow, Buttery Dough, Caramel, and Stevia sweetener.


These came out amazingly amazing. Using the wider range of butters this time, they are creamier, softer, smoother. (Pumpkin Seed butter is so cool!) These will be easier to use for massage too, and no grainy-ness at all. I put the Rocket Fuel one on last night and 8 hours later I could still smell it on my skin. Rockin stuff!


I still have all the ingredients out, so I'm not going to limit the list, I can make more. But keep in mind, these will have a max of a two year shelf life and any unopened tins should probably be stored in the fridge for longevity. The price is $20.00 per 4 oz tin, filled to the top.


Any takers?

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One scented Rocket Fuel & one flavored please!

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One Rocket Fuel and one flavored pleaseeeeeee!!!!!! :abvb:


Potion Master, how much is my total so far? I want to know if I can afford to buy anything else before you invoice me...

Edited by Potion Master
Just did a quick add-up and it looks like $66 for the melts, and $40 for butters.
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How do we go about paying for the lovely butter? Do we add it into a regular LP order, or just send money via paypal, or...?


I'm going to invoice everyone via paypal for their Wax Melts and Butterstuff orders, just this first time. After that, they will be available in the cart.

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Thanks! And, ADD person that I am, I wasn't even thinking of this being in the cart later on! WOOT!!!!! More for laterssss!!!!

I'm going to invoice everyone via paypal for their Wax Melts and Butterstuff orders, just this first time. After that, they will be available in the cart.
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I am waiting to hear if my niece wants in on this :great:


...just to be clearish,I can add a "regular" order to my reserved melts,so there are no extra PP charges for you,right? :666:

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