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I don't know if this post is welcome or not, but I thought it would be helpful to those of you who are not accustomed to using pheromones, now that we have so many choices available to us here.


First, don't expect big dramatic "hits" with them all the time. The reactions you get will range from very dramatic to very subtle. You need to start being VERY aware in order to pick up on some of them. The strength of the reaction will depend on the person you are dealing with. One of the big ones is that if you are around people who you know and are in contact with on a regular basis, and they do something totally out-of-character. For instance, I reported that while wearing them, my ex-husband came and sat directly behind me at 2 basketball games. You may say "Well, that's not a big thing. He didn't even talk to you." But, for him, it IS a REALLY big thing......usually it is like I am wearing "ex-husband repellant"......he wants to be as far away from me as possible. All I'm saying is, don't get discouraged if you don't experience the big dramatic reactions. Pheromones can work like that, but more often than not, they don't.


Second, don't expect pheromones to work miracles. They can ENHANCE your experiences, but they won't change people's minds. For instance, if someone is really NOT attracted to you, or just flat-out does not like you, pheromones won't change that. However, if they are "on the fence", pheros can help tip the scales in your favor.


And, this is just a side note or word of caution. Be careful when wearing heavy copulin mixes. I would assume that this would also apply to the "super sexy" mix. After I try out that little gem, I'll let you know. Copulins actually raise men's testosterone levels (I have some stories about that....a little explicit to post here, though.....but Mara has heard them :lol: ). Anywhoooo, with the raising of the testosterone, some men can't handle it, and you may receive full-on sexual reactions from men that you don't know. This is not to scare you away from using them, because they are just too damn FUN, but just to re-iterate that you need to be PREPARED while wearing them in public. Copulins can do some freaky things.


So, just some food for thought while you are waiting for your new phero blends to arrive..... :lol:

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  • 3 weeks later...

Thanks for the tips.


This might be a good place for me to ask something: how do I use the unscented Super Sexy? How much of it? Can I put on too much other scent over it and dilute it down to ineffective?


I'm new to pheros so I may have a lot of questions that seem elementary to you more experienced users... :unsure:



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Thanks for the tips.


This might be a good place for me to ask something: how do I use the unscented Super Sexy? How much of it? Can I put on too much other scent over it and dilute it down to ineffective?


I'm new to pheros so I may have a lot of questions that seem elementary to you more experienced users... :unsure:




I have used the add in concentrates. I am assuming you are talking about the unscented SS in the roll-on? If so, I would think that with the unscented diluted pheros, you could begin testing them as you would any other pheros on the mkt. So, that is the route I will go with this.....


I find that the pheros in use here are quite powerful, so if you are a new user, I would just first try a swipe or two on your wrists, and a swipe or two on your other pulse points. Wearing scent over the pheros does two things....one, it will make people want to lean in and sniff you.... :) Second, since these are oil based scents, it will help keep the pheros from diffusing too quickly.....which is especially good if you live in a warm climate, like I do. If you are concerned that you are putting too much scent over it, just put a tiny bit over the pheros, and scent the rest of your body however you normally do.....or, you could apply a small dab of the pheros ON TOP OF your scent......that will also aid in diffusion......


If you find that you are not obtaining any reactions from the pheros, increase the amount you are applying. Each person will need a differing amount to get their desired results. As I say, I am a more experienced user, and these blends are NOT WEAK, that's for sure. As a beginner, you truly may not need much.


Tips for aiding diffusion....If you talk with your hands, like I do, apply the pheros to your wrists.....I am also a notorious "hair-flipper", so I also apply it to my neck......you want to apply them where they can "get out there" for lack of a better word.

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Thanks for the tips.


This might be a good place for me to ask something: how do I use the unscented Super Sexy? How much of it? Can I put on too much other scent over it and dilute it down to ineffective?


I'm new to pheros so I may have a lot of questions that seem elementary to you more experienced users... :unsure:




No worries about asking questions, hun.....knowledge is power.....


When I became a phero user, there were very few women buying them and/or offering suggestions....those of us who were new to them pretty much had to fight our way through it.....

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Queue the "The More You Know" jingle....heh.... ;)


tee hee :):)

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Thanks, Dolly! I've been reading here and checking out pherotalk and androticsdirect.com, and I think I'm going to order 'Instand Sexiness B' and 'Instant Shine' from there, and use my Love Potions over them. The pherotalk forum is a little overwhelming at first glance, but maybe as I read more I'll get more comfortable with it. Thanks again!




I opted for the unscented Super Sexy roll-on; I just roll it on like I would the scent, allow it to dry-down, then apply my scent over it.



One thing that I absolutely love about the LP formulations is that they are non-alcohol based and they stay so nice and long on the skin.... and the selling point for me was that they are "hair-safe" so, when I run them through my hair, I don't have to worry about them drying my hair out... of course, running the roll-on through my hair means greater diffusion area, therefore more 'mones into the area around me.

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I opted for the unscented Super Sexy roll-on; I just roll it on like I would the scent, allow it to dry-down, then apply my scent over it.



One thing that I absolutely love about the LP formulations is that they are non-alcohol based and they stay so nice and long on the skin.... and the selling point for me was that they are "hair-safe" so, when I run them through my hair, I don't have to worry about them drying my hair out... of course, running the roll-on through my hair means greater diffusion area, therefore more 'mones into the area around me.


I may have to get me a couple of the unscented roll-ons, just for the heck of it.....

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ok this is kind of funny. I ordered one of each of the Phero-blends and then the add-ins so that some of my other LP favorites can be "spiked"

I got the package today and just started unpacking it (*phew* the concentrates are STINKY even in the bag)


My male cat comes slinking out from where ever he hides most of the day and now won't get OFF of me. I've tossed him off my lap and out of the room three times since starting this post. LOL. I


I can't wait till hubby comes home!

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ok this is kind of funny. I ordered one of each of the Phero-blends and then the add-ins so that some of my other LP favorites can be "spiked"

I got the package today and just started unpacking it (*phew* the concentrates are STINKY even in the bag)


My male cat comes slinking out from where ever he hides most of the day and now won't get OFF of me. I've tossed him off my lap and out of the room three times since starting this post. LOL. I


I can't wait till hubby comes home!


My cat doesn't really react to any pheros that I have worn......but she detests the scent of Sandman Snoozeth.....every time I tried wearing it to bed, when she would jump up on the bed (as she always does), she would come near me, take one whiff, and immediately go FLYING off the bed and out of the bedroom.

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  • 3 weeks later...
A question for EOW users:


How many drops do you, personally, apply per typical application?


I use one drop split between wrists, one drop in cleavage... and My Beloved is SO AROUSED! I love it :banana052: I know others use more... and I think May uses only one drop... so it varies from person to person.

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Please ! I need some feedback ladies.....

I'm still on the fence about 'unscented Super Sexy' and EW(peeeUUUUpee), while they aren't exactly identical, which would be 'more practical' ? That's not what I really mean, but I'm not sure of what I'm trying to find or what I'm looking for :( . For some of you it's trial and error, is that the avenue I should take ? and just get both ? ( I really hate sounding so silly and uneducated about pheros :) )


liz :001_tt2:

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A question for EOW users:


How many drops do you, personally, apply per typical application?


I typically apply anywhere from 6-10 drops, depending on the situation.....


Liz, to answer your question, it really IS largely trial and error when it comes to pheros. I have both Super Sexy add-ins and EoW, and have even used them together. Super Sexy is a bunch of pheros, and EoW is straight, synthetic copulins. Two totally different animals. So, if I were you, I would get both....


And don't fret.....we were all uneducated once......and now, we get new stuff to try......some of the new blends here are new to ALL of us.....so, we're all in the same boat.....we'll get through it together......

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I typically apply anywhere from 6-10 drops, depending on the situation.....


Liz, to answer your question, it really IS largely trial and error when it comes to pheros. I have both Super Sexy add-ins and EoW, and have even used them together. Super Sexy is a bunch of pheros, and EoW is straight, synthetic copulins. Two totally different animals. So, if I were you, I would get both....


And don't fret.....we were all uneducated once......and now, we get new stuff to try......some of the new blends here are new to ALL of us.....so, we're all in the same boat.....we'll get through it together......

Sometimes I feel like I ask the SAME question over and over again. Yeah, I agree, I should probably get both.... my finger is on the 'add to cart' button, but I'll have wait for next payday. I just HAD to have this cute little 'evening' bag $152, 2 tix for Cirque de Soleil $190, and 2 'toys' :( $ 92, so it's alittle tight, but I think I can swing EW this week. Thx for your input Dolly !!


liz :)

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Sometimes I feel like I ask the SAME question over and over again. Yeah, I agree, I should probably get both.... my finger is on the 'add to cart' button, but I'll have wait for next payday. I just HAD to have this cute little 'evening' bag $152, 2 tix for Cirque de Soleil $190, and 2 'toys' :( $ 92, so it's alittle tight, but I think I can swing EW this week. Thx for your input Dolly !!


liz :)


Yeah, EW is pretty cheap, and one bottle will last you a good long while, too.......unless you apply it the way I do.... :001_tt2:

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Yeah, EW is pretty cheap, and one bottle will last you a good long while, too.......unless you apply it the way I do.... :)


Perhaps someday I WILL !! double :001_tt2:(hee-hee)

liz :(

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey VK,


EW is Essence of a Woman from Love-Scent.com. However they have order some EW to sell through LP in an oil which may be quite good for diffusion, so if you can wait for it you can purchaseit from the lovely Danna and Mara. Oh and if you want to know more about this Ail has a great post on copulins and such, that I would reccomend reading (I have no idea how to link it, check out the phero info thread)


With regards to the phero blends with copulins: Pherogirl: Rebrew, Dominance, Cougar, Cuddle Bunny, as well Intellectual Woman.


Hope this helps!


CC :msn_red_fox_smilies-09:

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It's the stinky stuff, Kat.


C'mon everyone - warn her how stinky it is!!! Don't want her as shocked as Liz was when she got her bottle! LOL!


Lol, well it isnt as bad as it WAS :msn_red_fox_smilies-09: ...but yes beware, it is quite potent and unpleasant to the female nose :001_tt2:

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Hmm...I might re-think that then. lol. My skin amps things that smell just slightly unpleasant on other people.

YAY! I've got a sample of cuddle bunny headed my way, and a bottle holding because I am pretty sure I am going to LOVE that one, so I'll get to try the copulins. Thanks for all the info guys. This is all terribly interesting when you first get into it. I've heard of using pheros, but they've always been so expensive and such.

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Lol, well it isnt as bad as it WAS :A002: ...but yes beware, it is quite potent and unpleasant to the female nose :Hug_emoticon:



To most noses.... to some of us it smells pleasant. And, the effect can vary across your cycle. I read some research indicating that there is a gene responsible for "smelling" the copulins and other pheromones... those with the gene smell the cops and some other pheromones as unpleasant, those with a mutated gene smell them as pleasant, and those without the gene can't discern the scent at all (but some without the gene can be "trained" to discern....)

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Hmm...I might re-think that then. lol. My skin amps things that smell just slightly unpleasant on other people.

YAY! I've got a sample of cuddle bunny headed my way, and a bottle holding because I am pretty sure I am going to LOVE that one, so I'll get to try the copulins. Thanks for all the info guys. This is all terribly interesting when you first get into it. I've heard of using pheros, but they've always been so expensive and such.


I wouldnt put copulins in the perfume category in the way the skin amps. It is a whole different animal and I would say it is something that you should try and ignore the stench. The EW users have worked hard to figure ways to cover the stench and those secrets are totally available to you, so I wouldnt let that be the deciding factor. If I were you I would try something like Phero girl rebrew to see what it is like wearing cops. The perfume covers the scent so you wont even know its there! :A002:



To most noses.... to some of us it smells pleasant. And, the effect can vary across your cycle. I read some research indicating that there is a gene responsible for "smelling" the copulins and other pheromones... those with the gene smell the cops and some other pheromones as unpleasant, those with a mutated gene smell them as pleasant, and those without the gene can't discern the scent at all (but some without the gene can be "trained" to discern....)


The scent of EoW and cops in general has actually grown on me and I dont mind it. And I get quite "effected" when wearing them on myself.


I havent read the gene scent research in relation to pheros and cops, but I have read similar studies with regard to eating asparagus and having smelly pea and being able to smell it. Its a gift to be able to smell the stench :Hug_emoticon:


The study that you refer to makes total sense though from my experience. MY ma is one of those super noses who can smell if pheros or cops are in the house! lol.


I find the scent factor and knowing that some can and cant smell it to be part of the fun :blue_dancing_banana:

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It's the stinky stuff, Kat.


C'mon everyone - warn her how stinky it is!!! Don't want her as shocked as Liz was when she got her bottle! LOL!


:A002: Actually... Mara is putting it mildly heh-heh... Kat, FOR ME it was just horrendous-sp ?, in any case, apparently you have to build up a tolarance to it, I'm too impatient ! But many of the ladies here swear by it, and am considering trying it again...but for now I'll let PM/SG do the blending for me.


liz :Hug_emoticon:

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi all!


I'm new to the forum and new to pheros. I need some advice, if you don't mind sharing your expertise.


I have so far tried PG: Dominance, the original PG, and PG: Super (haven't worn this out yet). I also have Synchronicity, but I haven't tried it yet (it smells absolutely gorgeous though!)

I think I would like to try unscented pheros next, but I can't decide between the Super Sexy concentrate and EoW.


Which one would you suggest I buy? What I'm looking for is something all around effective, because I have lousy luck with men (as in: they definately look, usually more than once, but then dismiss me for some reason I haven't figured out yet. I'm not *that* unattractive. Maybe I scare them? I *am* a bit on the alpha-side of the spectrum and most of the men I come across are somewhat shy.)


Any thoughts?


Thanks in advance!

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Hi all!


I'm new to the forum and new to pheros. I need some advice, if you don't mind sharing your expertise.


I have so far tried PG: Dominance, the original PG, and PG: Super (haven't worn this out yet). I also have Synchronicity, but I haven't tried it yet (it smells absolutely gorgeous though!)

I think I would like to try unscented pheros next, but I can't decide between the Super Sexy concentrate and EoW.


Which one would you suggest I buy? What I'm looking for is something all around effective, because I have lousy luck with men (as in: they definately look, usually more than once, but then dismiss me for some reason I haven't figured out yet. I'm not *that* unattractive. Maybe I scare them? I *am* a bit on the alpha-side of the spectrum and most of the men I come across are somewhat shy.)


Any thoughts?


Thanks in advance!


Between SS and EoW, you should go with the SS, I think. If you buy straight EoW, that is NOT true pheros. It is copulins, which raises mens' testosterone levels and sends out a STRONG sexual vibe.


If you want cops, PG Dom and origial PG have a lot of EoW in them, so you have that area covered. SS is the same formula that is in the Super for Women, BTW, and Synchronicity has the Drop your Guard.

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Between SS and EoW, you should go with the SS, I think. If you buy straight EoW, that is NOT true pheros. It is copulins, which raises mens' testosterone levels and sends out a STRONG sexual vibe.


If you want cops, PG Dom and origial PG have a lot of EoW in them, so you have that area covered. SS is the same formula that is in the Super for Women, BTW, and Synchronicity has the Drop your Guard.


Thanks Dolly, I was really hoping you'd answer my question. I've read your posts on the reviews about various pheromones looking like this :surprised: and I appreciate your experience on the subject.


I will buy the SS then!


Thank you :omgwtf:

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Thanks Dolly, I was really hoping you'd answer my question. I've read your posts on the reviews about various pheromones looking like this :surprised: and I appreciate your experience on the subject.


I will buy the SS then!


Thank you :omgwtf:



You're very welcome! I think you'll like the SS.....I love it.....last night my fiancee and I were going to spend a quiet evening at home together......


I wore SS WITH the EoW oil, covered with Messalina......my fiancee wore Super for men.....it was definitely an OMG night!! Really REALLY WILD!

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Dolly, what do you think about sorcerersviolet trying unscented Cuddle Bunny for what she is trying to convey?


Sorcerersviolet, you describe yourself as somewhat alpha, so perhaps something like Cuddle Bunny, which brings out nurturing, protective, snuggly feelings out of men - might soften and balance the vibe you are putting forth? What do you think, Dolly?

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Dolly, what do you think about sorcerersviolet trying unscented Cuddle Bunny for what she is trying to convey?


Sorcerersviolet, you describe yourself as somewhat alpha, so perhaps something like Cuddle Bunny, which brings out nurturing, protective, snuggly feelings out of men - might soften and balance the vibe you are putting forth? What do you think, Dolly?



That's so funny, I just put in my order for the SS, and requested a sample of Cuddle Bunny (if I qualify for the two free samples yet, that is)! I must have been thinking in the same lines: cuddle bunny = girl next door :omgwtf:



Edited because I had a few drinks (shh, don't tell anyone) and now I can't type.

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Dolly, what do you think about sorcerersviolet trying unscented Cuddle Bunny for what she is trying to convey?


Sorcerersviolet, you describe yourself as somewhat alpha, so perhaps something like Cuddle Bunny, which brings out nurturing, protective, snuggly feelings out of men - might soften and balance the vibe you are putting forth? What do you think, Dolly?


True, Cuddle Bunny may help soften that image up. Also the Drop your Guard (like in Synchronicity) would probably also help her seem more approachable.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Ladies.


I have another question for you: how long does it take for the SS to evaporate completely?


Just wondering because I've been doing 'field testing' this week (and what a fun week it's been!), adjusting the amount and such, and I noticed that when I use around seven swipes from the bottle, I get at least two "hits" on my commute to work. That's about 15 mins. to 45 mins. after applying the SS.

However, some 6-8 hours later on my way back home, I get zilch. Nothing.


Is this because the pheros have evaporated? Should I dab on a little to refresh it?

Or is that too much if I've alread put on seven swipes in the morning? I've seen people mention pheromone OD, and though I don't have a clue what it means in reality, I'd rather avoid it.


Anyone care to take a stab at my newbie problem? I apologize for being so utterly clueless :lol:

Thanks in advance!

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Hi Ladies.


I have another question for you: how long does it take for the SS to evaporate completely?


Just wondering because I've been doing 'field testing' this week (and what a fun week it's been!), adjusting the amount and such, and I noticed that when I use around seven swipes from the bottle, I get at least two "hits" on my commute to work. That's about 15 mins. to 45 mins. after applying the SS.

However, some 6-8 hours later on my way back home, I get zilch. Nothing.


Is this because the pheros have evaporated? Should I dab on a little to refresh it?

Or is that too much if I've alread put on seven swipes in the morning? I've seen people mention pheromone OD, and though I don't have a clue what it means in reality, I'd rather avoid it.


Anyone care to take a stab at my newbie problem? I apologize for being so utterly clueless :lol:

Thanks in advance!



Well, depending on the weather and humidity where you live, it can evaporate....I live in Southern Louisiana, and I do usually reapply, because even though they evaporate less quickly with a non-alcohol base, they do dissipate over time.


As far as OD, I have tested mega-doses of various pheros, just for the fun of it, and the only ones that I have gotten bad reactions with are the "male" or alpha pheros (androstenone).....I don't think that an SS OD would be problematic.

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I think the worst one might experience with an OD is a headache, or at least that is my specific experience. But some compounds are also said to produce a sort of punch-drunk feeling if applied too liberally.

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  • 4 months later...
So, just some food for thought while you are waiting for your new phero blends to arrive..... :cry:


well, I've read it and now I'm starting to get afraid to use them if they're here! heheheh

no.. corse not!

I will def. use them all up, it will be just me and the boys>> :(

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