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Well, well, well.......



I spritzed two verrry light pumps, one on tummy/chest other on back of neck.....Before I spill the beans on results I must use again to make sure it wasn't just coincidence but I'll tell you all later.


Besides, right now I must go comb out the rather large rat's nest on the back of my hair :surprised:

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  • 2 weeks later...

So OCCO plus SS4W give me phenomenal self-effects- a total shiny happy people thing. It's been an issue at work before however when the pissing match starts...since I don't want any of them - it's an issue.


I thought all the relevant male type subjects were OOTO today so WTH? Go OCCO Green plus SS4W and embrace the inner Shel...true that!!! Laughter, giggles, pranks, I had the BEST most fun day at work.


But - the male who has had (we all suspect) a crush on me in the past - was in. And that combo proved deadly. Again- you won't feel what you don't feel - but his feelings became rather OBVIOUS.


OCCO plus Ss4W? fab combo...by me at least?! used with greater discretion...

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Again- you won't feel what you don't feel - but his feelings became rather OBVIOUS.


:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


Have had that happen with just OCCO Red,I can imagine the combo :w00t:


Going to try SS4W with OCCO ...probably tonight,hell maybe sooner :)

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Actually - I feel a little bad about it.


I had (I thought) managed to quash the whole thing. So much for that. It got so obvious that I felt compelled as we were leaving for the day, to mention I was off to see the man next weekend...and crush-man got so-pissed off he couldn't control his expressions (tantrum) followed by storming off to his car.(barely said goodbye, sayonara, peeved out of his head)


Again - he isn't feeling anything he wasn't already feeling. I just felt bad that he nudged over into a public display. And I did think his feelings had gone away...


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Awwwww,Shelly,I misunderstood,that is not something to laugh at :w00t::)


My LOLZ,was at the "OBVIOUS" ,ummm,as in,tent city,which is what happened to me...heh,in my case it was funny because of who it happened to.

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No worries Calii. It's not a tent city thing for him - he actually really wants to have a relationship I think...although he clearly was appreciative of how I looked...


It was more that the combo seem to trip some trigger - and the whole suppressed wanting became a really public wanting again...and honestly - I preferred the suppressed thing. Since I'd actually thought he'd moved onto greener pastures but guess not...


Makes face - again - not your fault. More mine. I thought it wasn't an issue and broke out my happy sauce. My bad.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm interested in trying SSFW in the unscented oil because I think the list of ingredients looks very interesting.


"Ingredients: Estratetraenol, alpha-androstenol, dehydroepiandrosterone sodium sulfate (DHEA), tetrahydrodeoxycorticosterone, androstanone."


What would happen if a man wears SSFW?

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I'm looking to attract women. The ingredients in SSFW are all ones that I'm interested in trying anyway.


I have SSFM in the 1x spray.



Well, I would THINK that would cause some phero-signature confusion in your targets, as Est is only produced by pregnant women....

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Yeah you know I'm not the Guru (nor do I play her on the Internet) but IMO men should not be wearing EST. Not even a little bit.

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Yeah you know I'm not the Guru (nor do I play her on the Internet) but IMO men should not be wearing EST. Not even a little bit.



Yeah, some men like to dabble with the female pheros, but I am not sure WHAT wearing Est would do for a man.


For instance, some wear a little bit of cops, thinking that it gives the aura of having "been with" another woman, thus making him appear (pheromonally-speaking) like a player.....I just think that is nasty.....if I perceive someone to be a player, I run the other way.....but that is just me personally.


Now, since Est is in the urine of pregnant women, that would lead to the curious question of what pheromonal message would that send, if a man wore it? :P

Edited by Dolly
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Have several male customers for EST, interestingly.


My guess is that they wear it when they want to be 'taken care of' by others. It definitely relays a vulnerable vibe, which I can see men enjoying once in a while. (Like how so many men milk the hell out of it when they get a cold?) It makes people want to take care of you and treat you gently.


I remember Snoopyace saying that the 'less-than-alpha' men's blends make women treat him like he can't even tie his shoe laces without assistance, which annoys him, but everyone has their own needs, likes and wants, so I can certainly envision some guys enjoying being babied, and EST would probably do quite well for that.


As for the rest of the ingredients in SS4W...not sure how the whole package would work for a man.


For women, it creates quite the SHINE, doesn't it? Spotlight on the amazing WOMAN, kind of thing.


Well, Jaycee, you'll have to let us know how it goes should you decide to experiment with it!



ETA: Jaycee, if you ARE seeking that "being taken care of" kind of vibe, I would also suggest you try Teddy BB. I have one straight male customer in Florida who is a gorgeous young guy in his early 20's, and says that every female, including his mom, simply can't do enough for him when he wears it. He's delighted with it - "Even ma Moms can't keep her lips off me. Everyone loves on me like crazy when I wear it." he says.

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Hmmmmm....very interesting.....learn something new every day!

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Yeah I understand the cops thing* which is why I don't question it anymore. It's interesting...for me, the more dominant a signature in someone I love, the more I want to do that very thing: take care of them, fuss over them, obey them, service them...uh, what was I saying? Oh yeah. As I tie EST to a very specific motivation it just doesn't quite add up in my head but if guys do have fun with it, well alrighty then!



(*because in the right circumstances it's a fun time)

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To answer the Est. on a man question. TT hasn't given me the best reactions when I've worn, but I loved him wearing H&S, it makes him so much nicer to be around, when he wears Est & it makes me feel warmer toward him. Also, I would assume that since it's the pregnant woman's fetus that actually produces the Est., then there's probably a quite bit that comes off of newborns. Would make sense with Est's "whole take care of me vibe". Don't most mothers always talk about just enjoying the smell of their new baby's? I did, lol.

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I have been reading that some guys are using EST,TH-Doc (tetrahydrodeoxycorticosterone) & Cops for really good self -effects. :)


Calii, is this a particular product on the market or something they whip up themselves?


What kind of self effects are they wanting / experiencing?

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Calii, is this a particular product on the market or something they whip up themselves?


What kind of self effects are they wanting / experiencing?


These were home mixes...words I heard most were "relaxing" and "nicer" on the Est,and mood enhancer with the TH-doc...LOL, of course I cannot find the posts I was looking for now,but I believe the cops were for the testosterone boost.


Beccah has posted somewhere here that her TT reacts well to wearing Est,I believe in Heart & Soul <?>

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There's been testing re cops and testosterone boosting. There HAS TO BE a target female, even if it's only a photograph, or else it doesn't occur.


One of the first commercial uses for copulins (actually, I think it was THE first) was for men to wear to the gym, to boost testosterone to try to create the effect of taking steroids, but without the steroids. So a safer more natural thing for body builders. Men were supposed to apply it under their noses. The experiment and product failed. Testing found that without a target female in the picture there was zero boost in testosterone levels in men. Interesting, yeah?


The EST use sounds about right...it def can have a soothing effect on men in the right surroundings. I wonder what is meant by "mood enhancer" with the TH-Doc. What kind of mood, do you know?


Thanks for the notes, Calii! xoxox

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In my experience, men can wear just about any pheromone or combination, but we do have to watch the ratios and dosing.


I've worn EST-based mixes before and I like them, but I prefer a DPG base which is why I'm looking at SS4W. I'm also hoping to try Popularity Potion because it looks very interesting. I really like the unscented DPG option here.

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  • 2 months later...

I'm exhausted but if I don't post this, I will probably never tell you about my first hit with UN SS4W.


I have tried SS4W last year. This came in the form of the original MRF. Not much of a hit with that. Anyhow, I decided to order a bottle of SS4W in oil and a bottle in spray a while ago. Received them like 2 months back but never got down to try it till last week or so.


It's summer and it's extremely hot & humid here. Since my transportation services will only resume next week, I have been taking a cab or a public bus, depending on the weather, to work for a week.


I can't remember what scent I had on that morning but I had some UN SS4W. I took the bus and it was rather warm. A lady was originally standing next to me and I could see from the corner of my eye that she has been staring at me and stood closer and closer to me. She then took the single seat directly in front of me (I was standing) and instead of sitting properly by facing the front, she turned around 90 degrees and faced me, staring at me all the time. It wasn't the rude stare, it was the "WOW" stare! I can't wait to test drive beta spray!!!



This prompted me to order two more bottles as backup.

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LOL!! Your description is so vivid, and so funny. Thank you for reporting the hit. My passion for SS4W had faded a bit of late, because I think my homemade spray is a little strong for wimpy me - it's 1x but the last few times I've worn it (ONE SPRAY!) to my head, it's made me a teench irritable. I need to dilute it....

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  • 4 weeks later...

Holy Crap! This stuff is LETHAL! Saturday night with LP Autumn 10, Occo Red & SSFW.....I get to the local hangout & see a male aquaintance (he used to go with my best friend) long beautiful hair, great eyes, tall. You get the point) This guy has ALWAYS been the object of attention in any bar. I sit down, he whips his head around & says to me "GOD, You smell amazing" Marti flips hair "Thanks". He's like "You're Geri's friend aren't you?" "Yup, how've you been?" We start chatting about an unusual piece of jewelry I have on & the next thing you know, he's TOTALLY SUCKED IN! This is a guy who has probably never said more than 1 sentence to me at any time that our paths have crossed. He's just like totally into talking to me, giving me undivided attention (which for him is weird, as he is very used to being the center of attention).


But wait, it get's better!


About 30 minutes later this young 20 something guys walks in sits, on the other side, introduces himself & is now competing for my attention.


I'm fracking 48!!!! He couldn't have been more than 27!!! WTF????? :msn_red_fox_smilies-09:


What an ego boost, watching the two of them compete for my attention, I really needed it!


I genuflect to Mara's genius :)


I'm not worthy, I'm not worthy!

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Holy Crap! This stuff is LETHAL! Saturday night with LP Autumn 10, Occo Red & SSFW.....I get to the local hangout & see a male aquaintance (he used to go with my best friend) long beautiful hair, great eyes, tall. You get the point) This guy has ALWAYS been the object of attention in any bar. I sit down, he whips his head around & says to me "GOD, You smell amazing" Marti flips hair "Thanks". He's like "You're Geri's friend aren't you?" "Yup, how've you been?" We start chatting about an unusual piece of jewelry I have on & the next thing you know, he's TOTALLY SUCKED IN! This is a guy who has probably never said more than 1 sentence to me at any time that our paths have crossed. He's just like totally into talking to me, giving me undivided attention (which for him is weird, as he is very used to being the center of attention).


But wait, it get's better!


About 30 minutes later this young 20 something guys walks in sits, on the other side, introduces himself & is now competing for my attention.


I'm fracking 48!!!! He couldn't have been more than 27!!! WTF????? :msn_red_fox_smilies-09:


What an ego boost, watching the two of them compete for my attention, I really needed it!


I genuflect to Mara's genius :)


I'm not worthy, I'm not worthy!


What a great story!! LP Autumn/Occo Red!!! I love that combo!!

Just curious...Did you use oil or spray SS4W?

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  • 1 month later...

Holy Crap! This stuff is LETHAL! Saturday night with LP Autumn 10, Occo Red & SSFW.....I get to the local hangout & see a male aquaintance (he used to go with my best friend) long beautiful hair, great eyes, tall. You get the point) This guy has ALWAYS been the object of attention in any bar. I sit down, he whips his head around & says to me "GOD, You smell amazing" Marti flips hair "Thanks". He's like "You're Geri's friend aren't you?" "Yup, how've you been?" We start chatting about an unusual piece of jewelry I have on & the next thing you know, he's TOTALLY SUCKED IN! This is a guy who has probably never said more than 1 sentence to me at any time that our paths have crossed. He's just like totally into talking to me, giving me undivided attention (which for him is weird, as he is very used to being the center of attention).


But wait, it get's better!


About 30 minutes later this young 20 something guys walks in sits, on the other side, introduces himself & is now competing for my attention.


I'm fracking 48!!!! He couldn't have been more than 27!!! WTF????? :surprised:


What an ego boost, watching the two of them compete for my attention, I really needed it!


I genuflect to Mara's genius :bow:


I'm not worthy, I'm not worthy!


Your story gives me hope! I have a long-term crush on this guy I know aka "my future husband" and in need of a way to get his undivided attention and love/lust lol. I am trying figure out if I should get SS4W spray because I have Detective & Dame oil and it seems to not "work" for my situation.

Edited by LuvLyfe
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Craziest thing - I've noticed lately that my homemade flavored ss4w sprays for hair AREN'T as effective as when I'm wearing the oil (MRF original). ?? Often the sprays (esp in hair) are at LEAST as effective as oil. Maybe I'm being too timid w/the amount :shrug:

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Craziest thing - I've noticed lately that my homemade flavored ss4w sprays for hair AREN'T as effective as when I'm wearing the oil (MRF original). ?? Often the sprays (esp in hair) are at LEAST as effective as oil. Maybe I'm being too timid w/the amount :shrug:


I have the same issue. In a 1x spray this doesn't seem to work at all but when I wear MRF (original) it's all hits, all the time. I can't figure out if the issue is spray vs oil or if there is a difference between the old SS4W formula and the new one or if my 1x spray just isn't strong enough.


I ordered a PE boosted with SS4W so if that works as well as the original MRF then I think I'll have the problem pinned down.

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