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You guys, remember that the original Rocket Fuel was 2x the norm for phero amped perfumes, and sold for $50 per bottle. 666mcg per bottle, of pheros. So, still less than your 1x unscented sprays, but maybe the combo is what makes the magic?

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You guys, remember that the original Rocket Fuel was 2x the norm for phero amped perfumes, and sold for $50 per bottle. 666mcg per bottle, of pheros. So, still less than your 1x unscented sprays, but maybe the combo is what makes the magic?

huh, I don't think I ever knew that!! or certainly forgot. so with ss4w, more is more, for me anyway :D thank you for the info!

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You guys, remember that the original Rocket Fuel was 2x the norm for phero amped perfumes, and sold for $50 per bottle. 666mcg per bottle, of pheros. So, still less than your 1x unscented sprays, but maybe the combo is what makes the magic?


Well perhaps I need to wear more of the spray but I do think the scent does have an effect as well. There's just something about MRF that draws people in.

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I have a bottle of SS4W in spray but I have not tested it out but I know that the oil works very well on me. Perhaps it's time to bring out the spray for road testing this weekend, another working weekend for me.

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I was inspired to wear this today and as I was at a red light, I reached into my bag o scents to see what I wanted to wear. I pulled out Immortal B to layer with the film of SS4W I had greased myself in. I wasn't being posey or whory just dabbing on my wrists and on my neck when I turned to my left and saw a truckload of men waving and smiling with thumbs up signs. Then they revved their engine and sent lawnmowers clattering into their truck bed. Normally I would've of rolled my eyes and thrown a coke can at their truck for being perverted dirty men, but I had to laugh it was so funny. I think they had hydraulics either that or the lawnmowers caused a shift from the revving of the engine

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Wait, Totally confused. I thought MRF had BI in it. Did the old version have SS4W?


I really loved wearing MRF but EVERY time I did, someone would ask who was smoking a pipe? I am considering ordering plain BI next month


I am still loving SS4W

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Good. I don't use it much either. This place is way better.


Based on what Mara said I think the SS4W x2 is exactly what I need so I'm putting it on my list for a future order.

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SS4W is one of my best friends. Not sure how much of it is due to it being in MRF,or the pheros itself.


Sexpionage is amazing. Its replaced BI for me.


dammit, first Tyvey's avy was turning me on, now mine is :(

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I totally snagged a SS4W beta spray (1x)...lightly scented with LP: Original. It's on the delivery truck to be delivered today. I am so excited to get my grubby fingers on this bottle. I've never had a phero spray lightly scented, but I figured I couldn't go wrong with Original...it will only enhance the other scents. :)

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I die for SS4W I am wearing it today with your lastest wonder creation. I love how it makes me feel, very confident. I don't get anyone hitting on me just a lot of shy smiles and blushes. One of the assistants here smiled and blushed to purple when I told him where he could find a hole punch. Like I'm super sexy girl and I speak their language only better.

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I just haven't noticed ANY hits with the SS4W. I use both the spray and the oil. Not any obvious self-effects either. Anyone have any suggestions? Application hints? I really want to love this...it sounds like it works great for so many of you! I have the Un oil and the x1 spray...


Thanks :)

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how much of it are you using?


alot of obvious type hits are dose related.

sometimes because you are looking for specic behaviour,you dont know that you ARE getting hits.

unusual behaviour -sexual or not - is a "hit".


it might be that you need to find the right dose that works for you.

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I usually use a stripe of the oil down each side of my neck, and a spray to the chest and the hair. Have tried adding someoil to the chest area, too. I just haven't noticed any unusual behavior, but maybe I am just missing it? I just get such blatant reactions with things like Pherogirl and BI...guess I was thinking it would be more along that line.

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For starters, self effects are different for everyone so I could be off here but..... if you use more than is necessary,sometimes the nose "shuts off" and tunes-out. It doesnt sound to me like you are using too much though, only because the oils disperse slower.

If that was all spray, Id say slow down.


Supersexy :

Ingredients: Estratetraenol, alpha-androstenol, dehydroepiandrosterone sodium sulfate (DHEA), tetrahydrodeoxycorticosterone, androstanone.


BI: Contains a blend of Alpha-Androstenol, Alpha-Androstenone, Estratetraenol and Copulins.


What I believe you may be experiencing is a reaction to the COPS in BI. The formulas share anol and Est. You ought to be getting self effects from the anol, I havent met anyone that doesnt to some degree.


Also,someone correct me if I am wrong, but I believe the phero choices in the SS4W mix give off an alpha-woman "I KNOW im sexxay" effect, where BI is almost directly "fertile -do me- dont go easy - and let me raise your testosterone"

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So...in theory, mixing the two will give off "I'm the sexiest bitch in this room, I know it, and I want some action in my pants RIGHT NOW!" ? Cause....I gotta try that.




*kat wants some booty. Lots of it. She doesn't want to be able to walk straight the next day*

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ok...while I am soooo with you on that,

I have no idea if the 2 pheros that double-up when both mixes are put together (that would be EST and ANOL, which are not agressively sexy at all. they are passivly sexy) would throw-off the balance of sweet aggressive sex.


The best aggressive sex mixes I have found so far are the BI and Sexpionage.

This doesnt mean the others do not lead to that (oh my they certainly can) but these 2 are blunt and dont appologise for it.


The others might wine and dine you for a bit first ;)

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Aww, I have BI, but I don't have sexpionage. I'm getting it in one of the blends I ordered...so guess we'll see how that mixes on me.


I think the ONLY difference in those 2 mixes is that BI has EST in it and sexpionage doesnt.

I figure the ratios in phero balance are prolly different too.


My guess is that sexpionage is what you might like best, since EST demands cuddles and affection.


We dont have TIME for that.


I have tried the sexpionage, and I find it awesome.

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No one will do this with me,lol.


I have worn sexpionage (and all the others,for that matter) in public (on a plane in a train on a boat in a moat with a goat on a boat.....) but its so much funner with a phero wing gal!


I mean,think about it....dont you wanna know if they are making googly eyes or falling over themselves behind you?

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HELL YES!! Get your butt up to DC. I'm a dj at one club up there, and a member to a private club in richmond. I can show you the ropes to the goth scene up here. I have looots of corsets too. :666:


oh. hell. no.




that would be some scary fun!!!


worked in the bar scene for years, goth club would be a new twist.

if opportunity presents itself,beware!


....and i'll have my best henna on. Head to freakin'toe.

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i am assuming this is same as SS4W? If so i just sprayed a bunch on about 20 minutes ago. Mood went up almost instantly. Getting little butterflies in the tummy almost like little jumps. This should be interesting. Put on 3 sprays (2 on arms, 1 on neck/chest) and a bit on the back of my neck. My spray is 1x

THIS is what made Mara's Rocket Fuel more than just another hoard-worthy scent.

Same with SUPER for women.

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Okay, so far...Went shopping with the family. BF offered to buy me socks and panties. Unprecedented in our 10 years together. He just got his tax return so that is a factor as well but seriously he doesn't offer shit like this. he might say yes if I ask him but not offer. Also he gave me a credit card just for groceries. Also unprecedented. We actually argue about groceries about 75% of the time. We have spent hours on this topic alone in therapy. people at Target didn't seem to be too affected by me so can't speak about strangers but on BF who I know well obviously, this is the most useful phero I have tried on him (with the exception of BI for the bedroom). He is leaving to go out of town in an hour so bedroom testing will not happen today. I wonder if it will make him more generous in bed?

inquiring mind need to know if we are going to stock pile this or not ........

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So...in theory, mixing the two will give off "I'm the sexiest bitch in this room, I know it, and I want some action in my pants RIGHT NOW!" ? Cause....I gotta try that.




*kat wants some booty. Lots of it. She doesn't want to be able to walk straight the next day*


Then you NEED to wear MRF and Comp. Position together. It is a BOMB...I didn't walk straight for a week



LOR, any diff for you w/ sexpoionage and BI? I can't wear MRF (the fragrance) so I wanted to get BI un. Not sure though. SS4W seems to do it for me. But want MORE MORE MORE,.


What phero mixes give you the most um.... next-day-bowleggednesss?

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Then you NEED to wear MRF and Comp. Position together. It is a BOMB...I didn't walk straight for a week



LOR, any diff for you w/ sexpoionage and BI? I can't wear MRF (the fragrance) so I wanted to get BI un. Not sure though. SS4W seems to do it for me. But want MORE MORE MORE,.


What phero mixes give you the most um.... next-day-bowleggednesss?

Just like Halo said, BI is the raw primal going on and I think the cops addition in it helps that atmosphere.

Not to mention It feels as though it has more androstenone than SS4W ,which brings on the aggressive "try me" vibe.


SS4W though is just that-

its super-sexy and leads to what you get in BI potentially.

SS4W is for both puttin' a hurt on you and going out and being sexxay,


BI is "do me. do me now."


Sexpionage is BI on steroids,for me personally.


BI contains Estratetraenol, which adds a feminine soft touch. You can be inviting (the do me part) but your ok not taking the lead.


Sexpionage doesnt have the Est.

Its more your taking the lead and while wearing it, its effortless.


I dont think I even have to think about it,lol, it just happens.


Right now Sexpionage is my fave.

Id try it since your okay not walking for a while ;)


BTW, keep in mind that your used to the SS4W which I believe doesn not have cops.

BI has cops.

Sexpionage has more cops,lol.

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Just for the record,there is no androstEnone in SS4W,and no cops.

Sexpionage is mostly cops :) with a "smidge" of androstEnone and a "dash" of a-Nol.Sexpionage,at least what I have in Comp p,is awesome :woot: ...and I bet the new MRF w SS4W,is going to be an instant win for me too !!!!

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For me personally BI kicks SS4W's ass in the raw primal sex department. SS4W is more social to me. I wouldn't wear BI around the town unless I was trying to get picked up.


Yeah SS4W definitely has the shine factor, in that it gets you noticed and responded to in a sexual way (if you're supporting that perception), but it's sexual attention-getter whereas BI is just a sex-getter, full stop. :lol:

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Just like Halo said, BI is the raw primal going on and I think the cops addition in it helps that atmosphere.

Not to mention It feels as though it has more androstenone than SS4W ,which brings on the aggressive "try me" vibe.


SS4W though is just that-

its super-sexy and leads to what you get in BI potentially.

SS4W is for both puttin' a hurt on you and going out and being sexxay,


BI is "do me. do me now."


Sexpionage is BI on steroids,for me personally.


BI contains Estratetraenol, which adds a feminine soft touch. You can be inviting (the do me part) but your ok not taking the lead.


Sexpionage doesnt have the Est.

Its more your taking the lead and while wearing it, its effortless.


Sexpionage has more cops,lol.


I have SS4w and Sexology UN, also Comp positions




Unscented Pheromone Blend for Women. Sexually assertive, but cuddly too - it whispers, "yes" , and gives off a vibe of uninhibited sexuality but eminently approachable at the same time. Contains a blend of Alpha-Androstenol, Alpha-Androstenone, Estratetraenol and Copulins.


Comp. Posotions:


outrageously potent exclusive SEXPIONAGE pheromone mix, a ticking sex bomb of Essence of Woman Copulins with the added mastery of androstenone and a euphoric dash of Alpha-Androstenol.


I was going to order BI Un. Has anyone noticed a dif between BI and Sexology? BI's the only one I haven't tried alone.


Bottom Line: What's the phero with the most "do me" in it? :666:

Edited by Raq On
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