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Idk who mrs kravitz is, that's me now! Woohoo. Movin on up!


She's the nosy neighbor on Bewitched.




Thank you. I tried to think of a clever dirty one but couldn't beat this one which i stole from a kids show


Hahahaha! I don't watch a lot of kids shows except for when I can't find the remote, but I actually think I might have seen a piece of this because I remember thinking how freaking awesome it was!

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"Hot Mess Express"! Love it! Congrats, halo0073!!


Looks as if I moved up to "Disgruntled House Elf."


Disgruntled? So not true. I am very gruntled.

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ducky your moving up quick! It took me forever like almost a year to get to 100posts..I was shy and mostly was lurking and reading all the reviews..


Ditto! I lurked and read reviews for WEEKS before actually posting anything!! That first post was the hardest. After that, piece o' cake because everyone's so wonderful here.


Do you ever get the feeling that, if we put ten or so of us forumites in a room together, no name tags or anything and no names mentioned, we could figure out who was who within a few minutes just by watching and listening??

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Do you ever get the feeling that, if we put ten or so of us forumites in a room together, no name tags or anything and no names mentioned, we could figure out who was who within a few minutes just by watching and listening??


A couple of us might be real easy to figure out.

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A couple of us might be real easy to figure out.


:lol: ...just look for the one with the constant typos,grammatical errors and skipped letters,and I am easy...to find :P hey Hearts,yeah you go...and Halo love both the name and avi,thought I said that somewhere but maybe not.

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Congrats on the 100+ milestone, MCR!! :love592: Your posts are always so interesting and fun to read -- here's to the next 100+!!!!! :cheers04251:

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:bday1032:YAY! CONGRATS, Everyone!!! :bday1032::heart: And Calii, I LOVE what you said on the previous page:


Thank you my friends :abfx: ...if anyone had told me that I would be posting on a forum much less rack up 6,500 posts 2 1/2 years or so ago I would have truly laughed out loud :w00t: Almost as much as if I would ever imagine looking forward to wearing a different scent every single day,not to mention the fun with phero enhancments :P

...LPMP and this forum is hands down, simply the best, for more reasons than I ever knew :hearts09793:

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Ohhhhh,MrsC that is your first milestone,you are officially out of squibdom :rofl222:


...well well well,the traveller returns :jumpforjoy: LOL I just rustled the bushes for you today in the stalk talk thread :unicorn: Hope all went as planned,or better,you were missed :abfx:

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Ditto! I lurked and read reviews for WEEKS before actually posting anything!! That first post was the hardest. After that, piece o' cake because everyone's so wonderful here.


Do you ever get the feeling that, if we put ten or so of us forumites in a room together, no name tags or anything and no names mentioned, we could figure out who was who within a few minutes just by watching and listening??


I Lurked too for weeks before jumping in and I fell in love with everyone. This is the best thing on the PLANET


I would be easy to spot. I have a loud laugh. Cross between a tugboat and a helicopter.

Congrats everyone!

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I would be easy to spot. I have a loud laugh. Cross between a tugboat and a helicopter.

Congrats everyone!


This made me giggle. I have an explosive laugh. I once got hired for job based on it. Not kidding. Worked there 5 years! :D Loud laughs are the best.


I ranked up too. Madame Leota. Not to be confused with Mrs. Ray Liotta. ;)

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:) Loud laughs ARE the best! I sound like an ape shrieking when I laugh big...and then I can't breathe. Heh. :chimp82: Or I giggle endlessly and cry. :10_small16: My elder daughter inherited the shriek. She started yelling BREATHE! at me when I laugh, and now I yell it at her, too. I remember my mom laughing like that when I was a kid. Must be genetic. :heart:


HEY EGGERS! Who's Mrs. Ray Liotta? And I WUB your doggie/daisy avi!!! :)

Edited by ElizabethOSP
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Mrs. Ray Liotta would be Ray Liotta's wife, (if he has one!). Haha! Smart ass, I know. Do you remember the movie Goodfellas? The main character is played by the actor Ray Liotta. I was just making a funny.


I love this avi, too. Makes me happy every time I look at it. :D


I think laughs must be genetic, too. I laugh an awful lot like my mom a lot of the time - and all of her 8 siblings have the same laugh. You should hear us in a room together! But she doesn't have the initial "explosion" part of the laugh. I don't know where that came from. My dad hates it. I think it startles him.

BF loves it though. When we went to see The Simpsons movie, there was a guy seated a few rows away who was obviously laughing not at the movie, but at *my laugh*. It was like it just tickled him, and he couldn't seem to stop laughing at it. Eventually BF said people in the theatre were laughing more at the two of us laughing than at the film - and it certainly did feel that way!

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Mrs. Ray Liotta would be Ray Liotta's wife, (if he has one!). Haha! Smart ass, I know. Do you remember the movie Goodfellas? The main character is played by the actor Ray Liotta. I was just making a funny.


I love this avi, too. Makes me happy every time I look at it. :D


I think laughs must be genetic, too. I laugh an awful lot like my mom a lot of the time - and all of her 8 siblings have the same laugh. You should hear us in a room together! But she doesn't have the initial "explosion" part of the laugh. I don't know where that came from. My dad hates it. I think it startles him.

BF loves it though. When we went to see The Simpsons movie, there was a guy seated a few rows away who was obviously laughing not at the movie, but at *my laugh*. It was like it just tickled him, and he couldn't seem to stop laughing at it. Eventually BF said people in the theatre were laughing more at the two of us laughing than at the film - and it certainly did feel that way!

That is most excellent!!! You guys were spreading the Happy Vibes! :w00t: Edited by ElizabethOSP
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I am a tearful laugher. It doesn't take much laughing for my eyes to tear up, and if I'm really laughing I look like I'm sobbing! It's actually quite embarrassing! :rofl222:


And yay, I ranked up! Witch avi this time :)

Edited by Synergist
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I get teary sometimes, too, but I'm much more likely to snort. I mean, I don't sound like Horseshack (sp?) from Welcome Back Kotter or anything, but still, a snort is a snort is a snort. I'd rather tear up! At least tears of laughter are cute!


Funny laughing story: One night at this bar I used to work at, I was standing behind the bar when a customer came up and apparently asked me for a pen. I say "apparently" because I didn't hear him ask for a pen - I didn't even see him standing there! I was too absorbed in gapping out on something, (who knows what?), and my co-worker, Tim, who was standing beside me at the time poked me and said, "Hey, that Dude just asked you for a pen." And I was so out of it, it barely even registered that Tim had said anything to me. I turned to him, as slow as a turtle and said, "wh-a-a-a-a-t?", like someone pushed my slow-motion button. I kind of snapped to then, 'cause I noticed Tim looking at me funny and pointing at something, (I *still* didn't notice Pen Guy), and then I unexpectedly burst into such hysterical laughter that I fell to my knees behind the bar! I have no idea what made me start laughing. And Tim was like, "Yeah, uh, here Buddy, here's a pen," and passed one to the guy without ever taking his eyes off me, rolling around on the dirty floor behind the bar like an absolute lunatic. I don't even know if the guy took the pen. For all I knew he told Tim to keep it, and then ran away from the crazy girl. :lol: I like to think of that moment as the stupidest moment of my life. So far.


ETA, forgot to say Congrats for ranking up! :D


Edited by Eggers
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I get teary sometimes, too, but I'm much more likely to snort. I mean, I don't sound like Horseshack (sp?) from Welcome Back Kotter or anything, but still, a snort is a snort is a snort. I'd rather tear up! At least tears of laughter are cute!


Funny laughing story: One night at this bar I used to work at, I was standing behind the bar when a customer came up and apparently asked me for a pen. I say "apparently" because I didn't hear him ask for a pen - I didn't even see him standing there! I was too absorbed in gapping out on something, (who knows what?), and my co-worker, Tim, who was standing beside me at the time poked me and said, "Hey, that Dude just asked you for a pen." And I was so out of it, it barely even registered that Tim had said anything to me. I turned to him, as slow as a turtle and said, "wh-a-a-a-a-t?", like someone pushed my slow-motion button. I kind of snapped to then, 'cause I noticed Tim looking at me funny and pointing at something, (I *still* didn't notice Pen Guy), and then I unexpectedly burst into such hysterical laughter that I fell to my knees behind the bar! I have no idea what made me start laughing. And Tim was like, "Yeah, uh, here Buddy, here's a pen," and passed one to the guy without ever taking his eyes off me, rolling around on the dirty floor behind the bar like an absolute lunatic. I don't even know if the guy took the pen. For all I knew he told Tim to keep it, and then ran away from the crazy girl. :lol: I like to think of that moment as the stupidest moment of my life. So far.


That's hillarious!! Oh, and I snort when I laugh too.

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I get teary sometimes, too, but I'm much more likely to snort. I mean, I don't sound like Horseshack (sp?) from Welcome Back Kotter or anything, but still, a snort is a snort is a snort. I'd rather tear up! At least tears of laughter are cute!


Funny laughing story: One night at this bar I used to work at, I was standing behind the bar when a customer came up and apparently asked me for a pen. I say "apparently" because I didn't hear him ask for a pen - I didn't even see him standing there! I was too absorbed in gapping out on something, (who knows what?), and my co-worker, Tim, who was standing beside me at the time poked me and said, "Hey, that Dude just asked you for a pen." And I was so out of it, it barely even registered that Tim had said anything to me. I turned to him, as slow as a turtle and said, "wh-a-a-a-a-t?", like someone pushed my slow-motion button. I kind of snapped to then, 'cause I noticed Tim looking at me funny and pointing at something, (I *still* didn't notice Pen Guy), and then I unexpectedly burst into such hysterical laughter that I fell to my knees behind the bar! I have no idea what made me start laughing. And Tim was like, "Yeah, uh, here Buddy, here's a pen," and passed one to the guy without ever taking his eyes off me, rolling around on the dirty floor behind the bar like an absolute lunatic. I don't even know if the guy took the pen. For all I knew he told Tim to keep it, and then ran away from the crazy girl. :lol: I like to think of that moment as the stupidest moment of my life. So far.


ETA, forgot to say Congrats for ranking up! :D


That's funny!

People can hear me laugh for miles... not even joking. Some people have said I have the best laugh because it's hearty. Im like WTF is that like comparing me to beef stew? Like I have a hearty laugh like a Log Jammer eating Dinty Moore beef stew in Alaska or something?


After the laughter people will stop by to smile at me like I'm the bearded fat lady in the circus and YOU JUST HAVE TO GO SEE HER

Ugh one thing I did notice is that CUNTTARD has tried to emulate the way I laugh and she sounds like she's swallowing a chain saw and gargling chicken wings


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Well,conga-rats Mz Just Drawn That way,and I well imagine your voice has that purrrr quality ...ummm, but I still see Trevor :D


My voice sounds like a teenage boy going through some intense puberty. Nothing purry at all. It's okay I have great hair AND BIG EYES

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