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Cuddle Bunny and Cuddle Bunny 2009

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Wow, this delivered the goods tonight. So, I can confirm that if a man doesn't respond as you hope to a blend like Sexpionage then CB should be next on your list to trial.


Oh, and it smelled lovely and slightly fruity. I got lots of compliments and the smell drew him in and caught him like a (cuddly) spider's web!

I am so glad this worked for you!!!! For sex time I stick with this or just cops. I like aggressive sex and being with an alpha man....I think they really get hot for the EST+cop thing. Lol. It works.
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I love cops on their own, too, but my main squeeze is very much in his head and heart rather than... other bits. The little bit of additional complexity from the EST makes this work better can cops alone. He's not alpha but he is very much a caretaker, so it seems to work for him. Yay!

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(scented) Cuddle Bunny was in the women's sampler set I ordered. "Clean" scents don't seem to work all that well with my body chemistry, but there was something about Cuddle Bunny which drew me to it nonetheless. My initial reaction to the fragrance was that it reminded me of laundry detergent. This is not an insult, as doing laundry is my "favorite" household chore--I just love the smell of clean clothes and sleeping on freshly laundered sheets.


It's strange because while the description seems to indicate it is a floral-based scent, the combination of the notes doesn't give off a heavy floral vibe. I can detect (at least some of) the different florals, but none of them predominate--it's just very balanced and clean with a dash of citrus.


That said, for me, it is a strong fragrance, and it lasts for hours. It mellowed out a bit somewhere around the 3-4 hour mark, but the scent was still unmistakeably Cuddle Bunny. This is one I will probably have to apply with a light hand so as not to overpower (I have a more sensitive sense of smell than most). I do find the fragrance relaxing, so I decided to wear it before bed the other night and I feel asleep quickly, which is really nice as I have periodic bouts of insomnia.


The next morning I got up to go work out. I'm always running late, so I literally put on my workout clothes, brushed my teeth and left. When I arrived at the gym, the three ladies at the front desk greeted me enthusiastically. They are all very nice, and they do say hello to everyone, but it's usually just one person. This was the first time everyone greeted me at once--they practically did it in unison. lol. What was really funny though, was one of them stopped me and said, "I have to tell you, you just have the most gorgeous hair!" Yes, she complimented my tangled up mass of curls bed head. lol. While I was in the locker room, I remembered putting on Cuddle Bunny the previously night. I wonder if I'm going to turn out to be one of those women for whom cops make other women friendlier instead of turned off/unfriendly?

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I wonder if I'm going to turn out to be one of those women for whom cops make other women friendlier instead of turned off/unfriendly?


OH!I hope so! I don't get bristly reactions when wearing cops!


Scented CB is enticing and addicting! It's SO easy to just keep huffing! :D I have a weird love/hate relationship with it though. Too much and I get that stabbing 3rd eye pain, but just right - HEAVEN :heart: I keep it under my clothes mostly and just a wee dab below each ear and one tiny swipe split between my wrists. And it has staying power like few I have do!


My guy LOVES it too. He's always liked the fresh bed sheets too, lol, though laundry is DEF NOT his favorite chore Hahaha!

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OH!I hope so! I don't get bristly reactions when wearing cops!


Scented CB is enticing and addicting! It's SO easy to just keep huffing! :D I have a weird love/hate relationship with it though. Too much and I get that stabbing 3rd eye pain, but just right - HEAVEN :heart: I keep it under my clothes mostly and just a wee dab below each ear and one tiny swipe split between my wrists. And it has staying power like few I have do!


My guy LOVES it too. He's always liked the fresh bed sheets too, lol, though laundry is DEF NOT his favorite chore Hahaha!


I think that's what I'm going to have to do too, just a dab or two. I got a bit of a headache myself when I first applied Sneaky Clean. I know they're different, but to me at least they both register as "clean" (obviously, with the latter ;) ). I'm on the fence about SC, but CB is definitely one I like. Now I just need to find me a guy to test it out on. If your man is any indication, perhaps I should mention my affinity for doing laundry early on in the dating process. :Emoticons04263:

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If your man is any indication, perhaps I should mention my affinity for doing laundry early on in the dating process. :Emoticons04263:




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Wore dab of un-CB with LP red last night to dinner with boy & his two guy friends. When I got there, the eyes of the friend closest to me widened and he turned his whole body away me, slowly, like a music box dancer - looked like someone trying to run away from danger in ultra ultra slow mo - looking back at it, it was actually pretty funny. He was VERY chilly and wouldn't make eye contact when we were introduced. I soon learned he was gay, hence the fleeing o' the cops 'n' est. We ended the evening as BFFs but I really had to turn the charm all the way to 11. :D IIRC CB has bothered gay men I encounter, more than other cops blends or even straight cops... makes sense but hadn't experienced it in a while...

Edited by tyvey
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(scented) Cuddle Bunny was in the women's sampler set I ordered. "Clean" scents don't seem to work all that well with my body chemistry, but there was something about Cuddle Bunny which drew me to it nonetheless. My initial reaction to the fragrance was that it reminded me of laundry detergent. This is not an insult, as doing laundry is my "favorite" household chore--I just love the smell of clean clothes and sleeping on freshly laundered sheets.


It's strange because while the description seems to indicate it is a floral-based scent, the combination of the notes doesn't give off a heavy floral vibe. I can detect (at least some of) the different florals, but none of them predominate--it's just very balanced and clean with a dash of citrus.


That said, for me, it is a strong fragrance, and it lasts for hours. It mellowed out a bit somewhere around the 3-4 hour mark, but the scent was still unmistakeably Cuddle Bunny. This is one I will probably have to apply with a light hand so as not to overpower (I have a more sensitive sense of smell than most). I do find the fragrance relaxing, so I decided to wear it before bed the other night and I feel asleep quickly, which is really nice as I have periodic bouts of insomnia.


The next morning I got up to go work out. I'm always running late, so I literally put on my workout clothes, brushed my teeth and left. When I arrived at the gym, the three ladies at the front desk greeted me enthusiastically. They are all very nice, and they do say hello to everyone, but it's usually just one person. This was the first time everyone greeted me at once--they practically did it in unison. lol. What was really funny though, was one of them stopped me and said, "I have to tell you, you just have the most gorgeous hair!" Yes, she complimented my tangled up mass of curls bed head. lol. While I was in the locker room, I remembered putting on Cuddle Bunny the previously night. I wonder if I'm going to turn out to be one of those women for whom cops make other women friendlier instead of turned off/unfriendly?


I'm just now seeing this. Was it just the three women at the desk? Any males within smelling distance? I had a similar experience at the dentist some years back. Cuddle Bunny is a consistent hit with women for me...but only when there were absolutely no men present. No other male patients, no male dentist. Someone pointed this out to me on this board somewhere. Sure enough, when I went in for my fillings, i tried to replicate it. The women weren't catty, but the obvious pheromone induced effect was gone. But my dentist (a male) couldn't do enough for me! :lol: Just another interesting effect to watch as you're testing your new goodies!!!!

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I know I already reviewed the scented version of this, but I just had to come back and enthuse over it (again, some more... :lol: ) CB as a phero blend is just all kinds of amazing. It has definitely been, in my relationship, the "heart to heart", cuddly, snuggly, relaxed-and-all-is-good-with-the-world, long happy chats blend. The "next day" effects have also been pretty impressive- I caught my man being all protective of me just the other day after an amazing CB-enhanced night (ordinarily he's much more laid back). OMG, WARM FUZZIES, Y'ALL! I really can't rave about it enough.


I'm seriously considering ordering a bottle of the UN version next month as a Christmas present for us. I find that even though we both love its effects, I don't reach for the scented version very often because I don't care much for the scent. It actually makes me nauseous after a couple of hours. I had to make it through most of the trial vial to put two and two together on this one, none of my other LPs have that effect on me. I think it may be because I perceive it as very strong even though I don't use much and keep it below decolletage level. I need a "CB lite" version! Think "week old clean laundry" instead of "fresh from the dryer!" :P


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I need a "CB lite" version! Think "week old clean laundry" instead of "fresh from the dryer!" :P



Hahaha! Yes! This!


I really like the scent of CB but it's too strong for me to wear more than a smidge. You won't be disappointed with the Un, and you could maybe make a "lite" CB by adding a trial vile (or even just several drops) to a FB for a "lightly scented" Un :)

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LOL, yes, intense laundry scent! I also find the scent not entirely me and it can give me a headache. I can tell that it's very pretty but I just doesn't strike me as quite my thing, if that makes any sense. I'm really looking forward to Living Doll so I can try CB in an entirely different kind of perfume, which sounds like it will fit me even better.

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I know I already reviewed the scented version of this, but I just had to come back and enthuse over it (again, some more... :lol: ) CB as a phero blend is just all kinds of amazing. It has definitely been, in my relationship, the "heart to heart", cuddly, snuggly, relaxed-and-all-is-good-with-the-world, long happy chats blend. The "next day" effects have also been pretty impressive- I caught my man being all protective of me just the other day after an amazing CB-enhanced night (ordinarily he's much more laid back). OMG, WARM FUZZIES, Y'ALL! I really can't rave about it enough.


I'm seriously considering ordering a bottle of the UN version next month as a Christmas present for us.


I agree with you about Cuddle Bunny! I love the effects of scented Cuddle Bunny so much that i bought a fb of UN -- for me, it is not the same. There is too much phero action going on, even in my CB boosted AtMan (which I lovelovelove), I think there is too much phero. Personally, I prefer the 1/3 strength Cuddle Bunny action in the scented version -- and I love Cuddle Bunny so much, that I'm trying to figure out a way to boost some of my scents with just a third of the phero power. :)

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Now that you have a scent boosted full strength, The easiest way may be to just get two more Atomic Mandarin bottles and mix the three together then divide them back up into the three bottles. You would have 1/3 the CB and lots of AM to wear. LOL

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Now that you have a scent boosted full strength, The easiest way may be to just get two more Atomic Mandarin bottles and mix the three together then divide them back up into the three bottles. You would have 1/3 the CB and lots of AM to wear. LOL


Well.... I DO really love Atman... but that much?



...wait, now I am seriously considering this... lol!

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Well.... I DO really love Atman... but that much?



...wait, now I am seriously considering this... lol!

and Trust me......you never really know how much you love an LP until you are trying to get that last bit out of a bottle of a scent no longer available. Like some bitter sweet ending in a romantic movie....If I like something....three bottles is not too many.

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I agree with you about Cuddle Bunny! I love the effects of scented Cuddle Bunny so much that i bought a fb of UN -- for me, it is not the same. There is too much phero action going on, even in my CB boosted AtMan (which I lovelovelove), I think there is too much phero. Personally, I prefer the 1/3 strength Cuddle Bunny action in the scented version -- and I love Cuddle Bunny so much, that I'm trying to figure out a way to boost some of my scents with just a third of the phero power. :)


Aww I'm sorry to hear the Un didn't work for you! But thanks for letting me know, I hadn't thought of that. I think I'll try a trial size first to make sure it's not too much for me too before going FB on it. I've been kind of a phero lightweight with what I've tried so far, with the exception of Balm Bomb, which I can apparently soak in a vat of before reaching my sweet spot :P

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and Trust me......you never really know how much you love an LP until you are trying to get that last bit out of a bottle of a scent no longer available. Like some bitter sweet ending in a romantic movie....If I like something....three bottles is not too many.


omg, don't I know it! I was trying to be all unattached and enjoy the potions for what they are including their limited edition-ness and when they're gone, it's time to remember fondly and move on ... and then, I ran out of my Gypsum White sample and and found myself balancing the vial on my forearm, to let any tiny droplet that might remain be brought by the force of gravity to my skin. The scent was sold out by the time my budget had any room for perfume and that sample was all I had or would ever have. Argh!!! Why? Whyyyyyy?? So much for enjoying in the moment and moving on! lol! (PS I did later get extremely lucky re GW in the trade forums! yay!)

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  • 2 months later...

I tried Cuddle Bunny unscented last night for he second time.

The first was on Christmas, and I also used the Sugared Vanilla Roses wax melt (with CB). I'm a little confused by this blend. I guess I expected it to lend more of a sensual, intimate connection.


The first time I used 5 drops (I have the trial pheromas bottle with the dropper). I had no self effects and could notice nothing in my partner either. the next thing I know, he goes to the bedroom, and comes back with his shirt undone and just takes me on the couch, in a very aggressive and hot session. Very unexpected from the description of this blend. I thought Sexspionage would result in this, but I never experienced that from it. As I said, I was not very turned on.


Last night, I decided to give it another try. I used 8 drops, and covered it with Eye of the Moggie. He was playing video games. I had my dinner next to him, hoping to illicit a response. I even tried to have him smell me, and he told me "you smell like honey, I wonder what you're after ^_^ " But he continued to play his video games. I felt a little irritable - which I did prior to applying the blend, so I decided to go wipe it off. We went to bed, cuddling, and just when I expected for both of us to just fall asleep, there it was, again... another hot, aggressive session, only this time I was turned on too. :666:


I'm not giving up on this blend yet, but I definitely haven't found my sweet spot. I think I need to start with a lower dosage next time.

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I've had it happen a few times, with a few different blends, where BF woke me up in the middle of the night for a romp, after not having shown much more interest than normal. Most of these times he'd been a bit more affectionate than usual, but didn't appear to be interested in sex until we'd already been in bed for a couple of hours. It's happened with Cuddle Bunny, Perfect Match and Lace (of all the cop-less things!), and even once with Sexpionage! So weird.

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  • 2 months later...

This is a Springy scent to me. Yes, probably because of that label with the cute bunnies on it. I get cottony floral, watery notes, and a bit of Zing!! Either it’s the ginger or the cops. The cops actually add to the scent for me. Without that Zing!, this would be too precious for me, but I really like it. I am not a floral person and I found this such an odd combination to make a softly sexy, sweet perfume. Also, the maple seems to stay in its place. Usually when I wear anything with maple in it, it is Right There! On me. Pancakes for everyone! I can’t really comment on the phero blend. It doesn't take much with this. It's powerful. The first time I put on too much and learned my lesson. I haven’t noticed anything different with the husband, but I seem to be in a better mood and sometimes that’s what counts! But, with my husband it really doesn't take much. Funny thing --the other day, my 12-year-old son caught a whiff and said, "Oh, I know that one! That's 'Snuggle Bunny'!" :Emoticons04280:My family knows all about Mara's creations. I have them smell me all the time. :Emoticons04263:

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  • 2 weeks later...

This my first LP scent that I fell in love with ! Although it is a sweet kind, which I would generally not prefer, it somehow works on me. There are a lot of floral notes in it (jasmine, water lily, etc...which are my favorites), but honestly I cannot smell them to tell them apart. I just know that it gives off a sweet vibe, but...that kind to die for ! I even layered this with my own perfume (it is solid jasmine perfume) and it worked together faboulosly.


Also, the staying power is amazing.. I can smell it on my skin even after 24 hours..and on the clothes much more than that.


As for as the effects, I have not had that many chances to see them, but it it works very well for me. I feel feminine and sort of delicous :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

WHAT THE FROG!!!! I have not been wearing pheros much lately for various reasons. Today on a whim I had put on velvet kisses a while before seeing a group of people I'm working on a project with, who all already knew each from before and I'm the only new person. It's intense and stressful and a type of situation that is "naturally" cliquey. Some people were friendly enough before but you kind of had to be the one to do all the work. Well I walked in a little late and sat apart because they were all working on something and one by one they all came over like moths to flame and surrounded me and were competing, and I mean like at escalating speaking volumes and shoving in front of each other, to compliment me on my dress (which they've seen me in before), various aspects of my appearance, even my freaking choice of the ginger ale I was drinking. Straight and gay girls and guys. It was pretty uncomfortable honestly. It was so bizarre (vs past interactions) and extreme that before I remembered I was wearing CB I seriously wondered if it was some kind of CARRIE-like prank. I can only assume they all happen to be soft hearted EST super-responders.


I'm continually amazed by how multi purpose so many of these blends can be

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I feel feminine and sort of delicous :)


It's true, CB has staying power and there is something sweet and lovely going on - have you been noticing any other effects since your last post? It has really good throw and I can only wear just the littlest bit or it overwhelms me, but it's such a clean and lovely scent! A little bit goes a really long way :)


I can only assume they all happen to be soft hearted EST super-responders.


I'm continually amazed by how multi purpose so many of these blends can be


There are A LOT people who respond wonderfully to Est - for those few that don't seem to it's pretty ugly and reveals what (I think) can be a narcissistic personality. Not always - but usually guy with "being a daddy" issues and the guy with "whiny girl" issues are the worst responders. Everyone else seems to LOVE the stuff :lol:

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My experience has been the opposite of yours, Nutrix...I know quite a few non-est responders and they are quite nice. I wouldn't call a one of them narcissistic. Actually, now that I think of it, I only have one or two guy friends who respond to est. The rest don't at all, and they are great people.

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I get mostly very positive EST responders

I went to court to talk to the DA and wore LFM with an extra dose of straight EST because in the past that works like a sledge hammer. Yes it delivered again.

CB usually works well for me too. Tho I don't often use it as a straight up social. People being very lovely dovey. Only once, this one woman was weird. Like an invisible force field was pushing her away. she physically could not approach and moved off. it was intresting and odd. it was a very obvious phero response. She was the only one though.

All the other women swarmed around me and hung out with me chit chatting and so on,


I love the scented CB & Velvet Kisses.


I would love a summery CB scent. Hint...

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IT WAS A NAVY BLUE POTATO SACK. I'm barely exaggerating. All hail CB


I am sure it was the beautiful, witty, charming girl inside the sack as well.


Cuddle Bunny is so useful at the mall for me personally, teenagers bend over backwards to get close to me, it makes sense that this was the case, these are the kinds of hits I get at the mall ALL THE TIME with CB from these types of cliquey teens. They literally fall over trying to touch me and tell me how great my hair/lipstick/outfit is. It makes shopping so much more pleasant.

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  • 1 month later...

So, I accidentally applied a whopping great dribble of CB and ended up crying at how cute children were. This is not donsie. Donsie only likes animals. LOL @ donsie doped up on EST at a vulnerable point in her cycle.

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:lol: I'll have to keep that in mind next time I'm going to have to be exposed to children - as I too prefer animals...:heart:

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I was still eyeing up the fertility and family planning section at the grocery store today. Dangerous stuff that EST! Either that or my mom is doing some twisted magic to get me to give her a grandkid (I wouldn't put this past her).

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  • 6 months later...

So, I accidentally applied a whopping great dribble of CB and ended up crying at how cute children were. This is not donsie. Donsie only likes animals. LOL @ donsie doped up on EST at a vulnerable point in her cycle.

I was still eyeing up the fertility and family planning section at the grocery store today. Dangerous stuff that EST! Either that or my mom is doing some twisted magic to get me to give her a grandkid (I wouldn't put this past her).


Heh. I should think about when I'm on my period before testing scents and pheros for the first time, but I wasn't thinking about it when I road-tested (scented) CB tonight. Luckily I had no selfies, so no overly emotional moments.


While this was my first time testing the phero effects, I had tested just the scent at home. I do like it but I added a bit of Irish Rose to soften it a bit. Hit up happy hour with some of this in my cleavage. One of the bartenders (female) and one of the other regulars (a guy) were extra chatty with me. My little crush, Blond Bartender, gave me an extra glass of beer, which he's only been doing since I began secretly hitting him with assorted pheros, hehe. At one point when the bar area was quieter, he leaned forward and rested his forearms at the edge of the bar and touched my arm three times to make a point. In all these months that I've been going, he's only ever touched me once. I'll take what little subtle escalation I can get :D

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I sounds like he's an Est + Cops responder. If you like him try a slather next time. Also if you have it, the combo of Lace and cops works well to.

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Thanks StacyK. I actually don't have Lace, but I will give CB another run with him another time.


Cherie, I'm still a newbie to pheros so the little hits are exciting, hehe. I have yet to get the much-desired DIHL reaction though! All in good time...

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Oh I know I love LACE. I'm dying to see the notes for that one. I'm hoping its a FB. I'm a total sucker for those lables too. I have just under 1/2 of my UN spray left so I'm hoping to save up for another soon. Adding some cops to Lace definitely moved it up a notch. Of course if you have A'nol you can add that to the CB it's not going to be LACE but maybe something to get by with. I can't do straight A'nol it makes me feel queasy.

But, back to CB, it's such a deceptive powerhouse of a blend.

Edited by StacyK
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