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It was so weird! I keep thinking it was a new policy...tempted to go back unpheroed just to see. Lol. I had a guy stad behind me in liine (I had a huge buggy of groceries, he had 3 items) and I told him to go ahead of me, but he insisted he would wait. He then proceeded to make conversation about how good a frozen dinner he saw in my basket was. I'm definitely going to try it when I go out, and PPotion is on my list to get!

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Hi! This is a mini review of darling c...I really like it with all the cakey vanilly smell and the hint of orange in the middle notes. Although I have only tried this one time at a bday party (this past saturday), I can't say that I have any self effects or effects on others. I gave myself a good dose but it seemed like no one but me could smell it, usually friends and family compliment me all the time, including my bf who always says something about my perfume. I wrote in another post that people were almost repelled by me lol...which is why I think it didn't work. To get into detail, I have a hard time meeting new people and attending social functions because 1. People look at me and kinda roll their eyes 2. they don't talk to me, 3. they walk far away. I feel like people are always intimitated by me (mostly women I guess, men too though) and I really wanted to have fun and get to know everyone and all those things but it was just the opposite. It sounds so sad and pathetic :( but its the truth and I just don't want to be ignored anymore. Ah. I feel like I said too much, I'm super new here and no one really knows me...hopefully that will change! :) I wanted to ask too, that maybe the base has something to do with it, since oil wears closer to the skin and not in a cloud like in an alchohol spray maybe thats what it is?? I know I've only tried this once, I guess I will have to try some more and use up my sample.

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I wanted to ask too, that maybe the base has something to do with it, since oil wears closer to the skin and not in a cloud like in an alchohol spray maybe thats what it is?? I know I've only tried this once, I guess I will have to try some more and use up my sample.


Hi pinknika :) ! I prefer the sprays to oils, but I still like to use both, so I bought a few little 'perfume making supplies' just to make a spray with my sample. Mara also sells the supplies, and the alcohol needed if you want to make a spray, though, I think her kits are set up to be used with a full bottle of LP oil (correct me if I'm wrong vets!). Heres the link for the kit at the bottom of the page http://www.lovepotionperfume.com/store/Beta_Testing.html


If you want to try it with your sample before getting a full size LP, All you would need is a small pipette, perfumers alcohol (or 190-proof everclear vodka (illegal in some states), you can use regular vodka, but it makes the perfume a little cloudy and youll have to give it a good shake before use), and a small perfume atomizer. Mara recommends using a 33.3% to 66.6% (1:2) ratio of oil to alcohol. When I made my mini spray, I used 0.5ml of my sample to 1ml of alcohol. Like you, I usually get compliments to my scents, but oils usually need people to be a little closer, which is why I made a spray. I LOVED my spray Darling Clementine :Emoticons04235: . I even used a few small dabs of the oil with the spray just to have some staying power.


Im new here too, but everyone is friendly, so make yourself known, and browse the boards. I've found a lot of info, and fun topics to participate in. And also, when using pheros, you also have to make sure your body lanuage is matching your pheromone signal. If you have on a social pheromone, but you look closed, and standoffish, people who have been hit by your 'mones may not think it was from you. I'm super new to pheros, and have gotten a few samples from LP, but you should try making a spray from your DC (even a teeny one like I did, and you'll still have the oil left if you dont like the spray). I've only used it twice, but both times were very interesting. A breif review is above, and a full overview is in my pherotruth journal.


I hope this helps! You can contact me if you need anything else. And if I havent done so already, welcome to LPMP :) !

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Hi PinkNika,

No you didn't say too much, in fact writing this out shows us that you are a good communicator, so perhaps that part is not an issue with your ability to connect with people.


First, you really can't judge a phero potion based on one sole try. There's too many variables. You've got to try it at least a few times under different conditions to see if it works for you or not.


Second, congruence is everything. You have to support the phero blend and/or potion with your actions...one can't expect the phero or perfume to do all the work for you. For example, if one wears a sexual come-hither combo, but hides in the corner all night, it's not going to work.


But what jumps out at me, is that you said "People look at me and kinda roll their eyes".

Why do you think that is? And you said LOOK - so is it possible that you could benefit from having your look updated or refined, like a makeover of cosmetics or clothes?

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Hi there, I have a question- What is your body language like? My sister is a perfect example of wanting to meet people, but she always looks mad. I have to constantly remind her to stop frowning and get out of her head because it makes people afraid that she is going to bite their heads off and set them on fire.

She has a super WHITE amazing smile. Really that smile could light all of civilization when the Mayan Calender explodes.. but she hardly ever flashes those bicuspids because she has gotten used to frowning and being all analyze girl -Could it be that your body language is not smiling or inviting?

I know when I don't want to be bothered, people will know because of my body language, then I get bothered anyways because everyone is all like- OMG are you okay , what's wrong.. you're not smiling,you look sick or sad.. which leads to saying stuff like . oh I have bad gas and it's making me cranky,, because really how am I supposed to say.. Leave me the F ALONE? without sounding like a bitch? , then I get 10323 recipes for getting rid of gas - besides one way to make sure no one bothers me at work is by saying I have bad gas like poison fumes.

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Hi pinknika :) ! I prefer the sprays to oils, but I still like to use both, so I bought a few little 'perfume making supplies' just to make a spray with my sample. Mara also sells the supplies, and the alcohol needed if you want to make a spray, though, I think her kits are set up to be used with a full bottle of LP oil (correct me if I'm wrong vets!). Heres the link for the kit at the bottom of the page http://www.lovepotio...ta_Testing.html


If you want to try it with your sample before getting a full size LP, All you would need is a small pipette, perfumers alcohol (or 190-proof everclear vodka (illegal in some states), you can use regular vodka, but it makes the perfume a little cloudy and youll have to give it a good shake before use), and a small perfume atomizer. Mara recommends using a 33.3% to 66.6% (1:2) ratio of oil to alcohol. When I made my mini spray, I used 0.5ml of my sample to 1ml of alcohol. Like you, I usually get compliments to my scents, but oils usually need people to be a little closer, which is why I made a spray. I LOVED my spray Darling Clementine :Emoticons04235: . I even used a few small dabs of the oil with the spray just to have some staying power.


Im new here too, but everyone is friendly, so make yourself known, and browse the boards. I've found a lot of info, and fun topics to participate in. And also, when using pheros, you also have to make sure your body lanuage is matching your pheromone signal. If you have on a social pheromone, but you look closed, and standoffish, people who have been hit by your 'mones may not think it was from you. I'm super new to pheros, and have gotten a few samples from LP, but you should try making a spray from your DC (even a teeny one like I did, and you'll still have the oil left if you dont like the spray). I've only used it twice, but both times were very interesting. A breif review is above, and a full overview is in my pherotruth journal.


I hope this helps! You can contact me if you need anything else. And if I havent done so already, welcome to LPMP :) !


Thanks for your reply! :) I def think I am gravitating toward sprays, I did look at the perfumers alcho kit, that might be something to consider. I definately agree with body language, usually with me, I try and I guess come in with a smile and not cross my arms and kinda be more open but I think I will have to ask a friend what they think maybe they know something I don't lol. Thanks for your help! :)

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Hi PinkNika,

No you didn't say too much, in fact writing this out shows us that you are a good communicator, so perhaps that part is not an issue with your ability to connect with people.


First, you really can't judge a phero potion based on one sole try. There's too many variables. You've got to try it at least a few times under different conditions to see if it works for you or not.


Second, congruence is everything. You have to support the phero blend and/or potion with your actions...one can't expect the phero or perfume to do all the work for you. For example, if one wears a sexual come-hither combo, but hides in the corner all night, it's not going to work.


But what jumps out at me, is that you said "People look at me and kinda roll their eyes".

Why do you think that is? And you said LOOK - so is it possible that you could benefit from having your look updated or refined, like a makeover of cosmetics or clothes?


I agree, I haven't experimented enough and that is something I need to do. I guess I got caught up in the hype and the excitement and I got disapointed too fast. I consider myself very outgoing, I was trying to engage with others as best I could, and like I just posted my reply to sporty, I usually am very smiley and open my hands are at my sides or carrying my purse or whatever but I try my best...I definately did the rounds and people were introducing me to others but I got the same reaction I get mostly all the time.


What I meant by "people roll their eyes" I guess people are always judging me by my appearence, not everyone but I guess this a lot with other females, I have long blonde hair, tanned skin, my eyes are brown and big, straightened teeth...I think I'm as updated as I could be...at the party I was wearing a pinkish/purply dolman top, skinny jeans, high heels, and a long necklace...hair was down, makeup was daytime like, neutral colors no big bright bold anything. Light colored lips...I didn't think I stood out or was wearing anything inappropriate, I actually changed a few times so I could be casual like and conservative. I'm not sure...no one has ever commented that I needed to change other than probably lose like 10 lbs lol...I dunno....

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Hi there, I have a question- What is your body language like? My sister is a perfect example of wanting to meet people, but she always looks mad. I have to constantly remind her to stop frowning and get out of her head because it makes people afraid that she is going to bite their heads off and set them on fire.

She has a super WHITE amazing smile. Really that smile could light all of civilization when the Mayan Calender explodes.. but she hardly ever flashes those bicuspids because she has gotten used to frowning and being all analyze girl -Could it be that your body language is not smiling or inviting?

I know when I don't want to be bothered, people will know because of my body language, then I get bothered anyways because everyone is all like- OMG are you okay , what's wrong.. you're not smiling,you look sick or sad.. which leads to saying stuff like . oh I have bad gas and it's making me cranky,, because really how am I supposed to say.. Leave me the F ALONE? without sounding like a bitch? , then I get 10323 recipes for getting rid of gas - besides one way to make sure no one bothers me at work is by saying I have bad gas like poison fumes.


I usually consider myself very outgoing and I do smile. Actually i really like smiling because I think its the one thing I like about myself the most, and I think I look better when I smile... When I walk into a room I try and smile and have my arms at my sides not crossed, I try and be more open, shoulders relaxed. I guess looking back at the day, I sat down once and ate some food...only because I couldn't juggle my drink and a plate in one hand. And now that I think more about it, maybe at some point I got irritated...(towards the end) because I was sad about the pheromone (I know only one time shouldnt be judged) and also because I went to the party with hope that I would have a great time and meet some cool people. I know stuff like that shouldn't affect my mood but I guess I was disapointed and maybe it showed?? But on average, pheros or not I get this kind of response regularly, I should be used to it by now lol. But I guess moving forward I will have to keep a watchful eye and how I interact with others and ask a friend about my body language, I do frown from time to time at the grocery store, or at home or in the car, but I try and put on my best behavoir when I have the opportunity to meet new people. And now that I'm thinking, friends and family always say how bubbly I am, thats a good word to describe me...but usually people don't go past the appearence thing to figure out that I am so bubbly...I dunno...But I guess I will have to experiment more for sure....and try and control my reactions and monitor my body language more.

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Hmmm, are you in the "TOO PRETTY" category?


One of my bandmates was a former model, and of all of us girls, she had the hardest time finding a boyfriend and making new friends, because her good looks were intimidating to people..even though she was completely friendly and down to earth as a person. It was difficult for her to get people to come close enough to her to even find out.

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Yeah the wife of Q's assistant is the same way - she's really sweet and down-to-earth but model-gorgeous and therefore people are intimidated by her. I certainly would have been if I didn't know her in the context I do.

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Too-pretty... I had the same thought. Not only are people intimidated by super-prettiness, there are also pre-conceived notions associated with model-like good looks which, unfortunately, prevents people from looking at a person closely enough to see that she is not what they presume she is.

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Hmmm, are you in the "TOO PRETTY" category?


One of my bandmates was a former model, and of all of us girls, she had the hardest time finding a boyfriend and making new friends, because her good looks were intimidating to people..even though she was completely friendly and down to earth as a person. It was difficult for her to get people to come close enough to her to even find out.


I don't consider myself too pretty......but I am very girly though, all my girlfriends always comment that I would be the "pumps" if we ever had a lesbian relationship. LOL. but I have in the past 2 years, modeled for a local racetrack that included a competition and won and looking back into that competition, the girls I modeled with, weren't too friendly to begin with and a few of the girls I met and really got to know, we became close friends. The other majority, tossed me as soon as they announced the winners :( but...I am a really nice person and I try hard, not too hard to make connections with people, it's just a hurdle I have delt with through highschool, and in fact when I remember middle school and elementary school, I had no problems making friends although I considered myself hideous, I definately was an ugly duckling, I had the worst teeth and smile, I ended up getting braces and almost getting jaw surgery. But that all got fixed before my freshman year of highschool and I became a better looking version of myself...then of course thats when things got different I guess.

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How old are you, PinkNika?


It would help us to know in order to recommend products that may work best for you, Sweetie.


I'm 25, is age a big factor in what products that might work best? The samples I got were a lot of sexual stuff, and of course others like the audacious blend, and darling c and open windows. I was hoping to try everything lol

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Ok, so here's a detailed review of wearing DC to work. Its LONG!! So bear with me!


I have a journal at Pherotruth, so This is the entry:

Day: 3/10

Formula: Darling Clementine spray (contains LPMPs Popularity Potion) (3 to chest/neck, 1 to hair, 1 to wrist)

Setting: My 'weekend' job...the pharmacy


I was asked to work today because one of my colleagues is a new father, and wanted to build his daughter a swing, and my weekend job pays waaaaaay more than teaching, so of course, I was down to work. I get to work at 9am, and patients start coming in to pick up their meds, its 15 minutes after opening, and my technician had not gotten in yet <_< so I was starting to get a little agitated :smiley-angry021: She finally gets in, and to my surprise, its someone 'new.' Once she handles the patients who are at the register, I introduce myself, and she does the same. She is in her early 20's and attends college. After her introduction, she says 'Oh I think I've worked with you before, at another store.' I can't peg where I know this girl, and she tells me I worked with her at a store in the town 20mins away. She then proceeds to tell me, 'Im pretty sure its you, or someone who looks like you with a similar name.' I've met only 1 person with my name, and it wasn't spelled the same either, my name is fairly unique (at least where I'm from), AND no one with my name works with the company, but me. She tells me which store it was, and then smiles, and says 'I know it was you, but there's something different, I'm just not quite sure what it is.' The light bulb goes off and I remember, I DID work with her a year after I became a pharmacist almost 2 years ago...I was completing a clinical residency full time, while working part time in the pharmacy.


Now, a lot can happen in 2 years. I gained 15lbs since I started teaching (also almost 2 years ago too. I met her BEFORE I started teaching), but since Christmas, I've lost 20, and my face tends to easily 'pick up weight and drop it' depending on how my lifestyle is, but I'm pretty sure I am at the same weight, if not 5lbs less, than when I first worked with her (remember, almost 2 years ago). 5lbs isnt really noticeable, to me. I did even say, 'I'm not sure whats different...I may have gotten fat, he he.' Nope, she said that wasn't it. Since I started teaching, I have 'refined' my look to be more professional/classy/'grown up' but these were subtle changes. For example, I frequently wear light makeup, and have gotten my hair cut into a 'style.' It is still medium length, just a little more shape/style. I also don't wear it in a ponytail AS MUCH but many think my hair looks 'really different' if they see me wear it down after a few days of being in a pony (theres a STRONG possibility she met me in a ponytail, since I was finishing my very busy clinical residency when she met me...in the words of my colorful mother I "barely had time to wipe my own ass," much less, do my hair). And the last thing that may be 'different' may be my hair color. I have fluctuated between black and very dark brown (my natural color) color over the years. Sometimes getting light brown hilights, but more recently (maybe a year ago) I started getting dark red/wine colored subtle hilights in my dark hair. Mind you, the hilights are not dramatic, and can't be seen easily in regular light. ALL of these changes all at once may have warranted that enthusiastic 'Theres something different!' But, who knows, considering I can be vain at times...I usually take time to look nice. So maybe it was that 'Superstar' appeal from the popularity potion? That enhanced her perception of my personality/looks? Eh, maybe. lol.


Throughout the day, I interacted with several patients, AND mostly, very closely with the tech. She was super friendly to the customers (even when she looked agitated)...And being 'new' to my store, she was WELL accepted (in this small town, there's much racism, even I've been told I 'Shouldnt even be behind the counter,' and I'm 1/2 Caucasian/Middle Eastern...who GREW UP in a small country town like this! She's African American). Most customers are polite any given day, but 95% of the customers were abnormally friendly. Saying 'Hi' across the store to the pharmacy, extra chatty, etc. She interacted with the customers more than me...and maybe it was her personality...but could it have been that we were enclosed in an estimated 12ftx10ft space, with 2, 2 feet wide walking areas amongst the counters and shelves (The pharmacy is VERY cramped), constantly brushing past each other to finish tasks, and she was surrounded by my phero cloud (making her happy)...and patients were hit by MY pherocloud, but since she did most of the direct interacting (I was behind the counter filling Rx most of the time), the patients thought it was her phero sig, and interacted accordingly (very happy)? Eh, maybe. lol


In addition to the super friendly patients, I helped a few choose nonprescription products for different ailments...One older gentleman came to the pharmacy window and I went to assist him, as the tech was at the other window helping other patients. He leaned in, and said 'Do you have anything I can buy over-the-counter to help relieve my bowels?' And he was very confident and open with asking (I've had customers ask/show/tell me all types of weird/gross/inappropriate things that are 'wrong' with them, so this wasn't weird, though he was quite delicate with his words). He also seemed quite comical, friendly, and not ashamed to talk to me about his constipation. I went out on the floor to show him a few products. The first thing he said, eyes wide open, was 'My, you are a very pretty pharmacist.' :blushing: I chuckled (Telling me about his constipation and then saying I'm pretty was quite amusing) and said 'thank you.' I continued to search for a laxative for him. He looked at me and said 'I need something that's going to work FAST, and I don't want any liquids, I prefer pills, I'm so bloated, do you see this belly?' As he clutched and rubbed his extended stomach. I picked a product and described how quickly it would work, and what side effects he can expect. He then started to almost go into detail about his constipation, briefly mentioning his bouts of gas :smiley-signs135: ...but politely said, 'You know, I know you don't want to hear this, so I'm not even going to tell you.' During this, his friend came up to us and started joking that he should just get some prune juice and call it a day. The constipated man looks at me and says 'thank you,' as we all walk in the same direction (they are going to the cash registers in the front, and I am going back to the pharmacy). He then looks at his friend and says, 'Look at her, isn't she just pretty?' With his wide-eyed look :w00t:, points and looks toward me. The other guy responds jokingly with, 'See, I knew you were in here playin around and talkin to people, lets go.' The two smile, wave bye, and continue to go to the front of the store to check out.


Now...am I pretty? In the most modest way for me to say this...Yes, I'm very confident about my looks (I am human, and I have good days :beauty-pageant:, and not so good days :Dannaalterego: , like every other human, and NO I'm not cocky and I don't think I'm a 'super model.' lol, but I AM petty and no one can tell me different ;) ). Do people tell me I'm pretty? Yes, and oddly it's usually older women (they have gushed over me being a 'pretty girl' unpheroed, mind you) or older men. I rarely have people close to my age tell me I'm 'pretty' (intimidation factor? Eh, maybe...I'm an alpha girl). Younger guys usually give the obnoxious compliments that I don't find so flattering (For example, LONG Double takes to look at my ass, and they make it so obvious by saying 'daaaamn,' or 'mmm, mmm, mmm,' or the like. Its a HUGE turnoff btw).


What was interesting about this constipated, older man, was that he seemed ASTOUNDED, and MESMERIZED :Emoticons04235: by my beauty, as if I was a movie star. Every time he looked at me, his eyes were wide :w00t: (eye issues? eh, maybe. lol). As I just said, I am a confident person...and I know I'm pretty, but do I think my beauty is astounding or mesmerizing? Um, I think ALL women will be astounding/mesmerizing to AT LEAST one person in her life, it just depends on what the person who sees her is attracted to. Do I think Darling Clementine enhanced his perception of my beauty (NO not like beer goggles! lmao!) But enhanced what he already thought about me, and possibly enhanced his reaction to my beauty? ABSOLUTELY! And I'm pretty sure if his friend didnt come in to get him, he would have held me in the aisle to talk about his inability to defecate.


So, I'm pretty sure Darling Clementine played some role in enhancing the following interactions:

1. My technicians 'perception' of me...She said there was 'something different' about me. But it was good, although she wasn't sure what.

2. Her mood was good, she was giggly and chatty, EVEN though we were super busy.

3. The customers were VERY friendly and chatty...with only the two of us, and being busy, it sometimes causes the patients to have to wait a bit (and they can sometimes get impatient and rude)...but I had NO attitudes about waiting for a prescription to be filled.

4. The constipated man was overly excited about a 'pretty pharmacist' helping him find something to help make him shit!


So, In my book...Darling Clementine, your lovely scent and the awesome Popularity Potion...you are definitely a winner in my book!!! I felt like a true Superstar!!! :oscar-red-carpet-1:

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:lol: awesome report!


I nominate this line for the best quotes page:


LOLOLOL!! We have a best quotes page?! I bet many of the LP ladies are all over that section! Two who immediately come to mind are LadyV and Invi...their posts are so colorful, witty, and funny! I love reading them. lol.

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HAH! ..that was a hoot to read :lol: ..soooo relieved that Darling Clementine will be reincarnated through Darling Catalina in the new releases :jumpforjoy:

Thank you!! Yes!...I might have to snag one since I never got a full size DC. Just the sample vial I made a mini spray with...And I have only a few sprays left :fright04238:

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  • 1 month later...

I requested this as a forum freebie when it first came out. I didn't test it till a week or two ago. In the vial it was a soft and fluffy orange cupcake scent. After dry down, I got a rather strong maple syrup cum cookie scent which in a way, reminded me of MRF BI. I was hoping for the cakey scent to stay but it didn't.

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  • 1 month later...
Guest icing

This smells like golden-yellow, not too sweet, moist angelfood cake to me. There's also some spice and an awkward stale/sour phase on my skin, which is the citrus, but after that, it's just lovely golden cake. I've yet to notice any personal or... not-personal effects with it, however.

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  • 7 months later...

I won this one in the auction and even thou cakey scents are not my thing, I got a sample a bit ago and this one just puled me in... I love wearing it to work. It has a lovely scent and its not to strong to wear to work, I love the orange in it, its really just a great social scent to wear.

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I hope it doesn't sell out before my Christmas order!!!

DANG! I'm telling you: taking a hiatus from LPMP = serious regret! I'm only now getting around to reading some of the thread histories and LOOK WHAT I MISSED! I bet this was absolutely DELISH!

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DANG! I'm telling you: taking a hiatus from LPMP = serious regret! I'm only now getting around to reading some of the thread histories and LOOK WHAT I MISSED! I bet this was absolutely DELISH!


I always wish I would've found LPMP years ago, so I can imagine how frustrating it must be to come back to see how much you've missed. The positive part is that you did come back :)

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  • 2 years later...
Guest cutie.pie

I got a sample of Darling Clementine from an amazing LP member (thank you!). Of course I loved it immediately (this is a twin scent to one of my all time favorites - Atomic Mandarin)... It smells soooooooooo good! :P

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Clementine actually came first, but Atomic Mandarin is meant to be a version of both Darling Clementine and Darling Catalina.

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Guest cutie.pie

I know :) But when I discovered LPMP I think that was already sold out (or not on my radar).

I'm glad Atomic Mandarin is not phero'd, because PP doesn't do much for me. I must also try Fairy Cake Orange :)

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Yeah like I said, once Inspire Desire is sold out, you can still have the orange cupcake thing with Fairy Cake: Orange.

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  • 2 months later...

I'm so fortunate to have found this on the Trading Post (thanks Hearts!). Self effects are perfect - I feel in control, confident, and out going - and I think others see me in the same light, when I wear PP. Scent is amazing, rich brown cake with orange and vanilla. The throw is so strong. I always get comments when I wear this.

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  • 1 year later...

I tested Popularity Potion in My Darling Clementine in August of 2013. It was in the 90s and super hot all the time. The fragrance was foodie and fruity. It did not turn super sour on me, but it did turn sour. The scent also had a good bit of staying power.


I did not have any self-effects. I usually slathered Popularity Potion all over my neck, chest, and hands.... and it gave me some of my biggest hits ever. This phero had such a good effect on both men and women of all ages. It worked so well that I wonder if it was a social sexual phero because I got a lot of sexual hits from men and women liked me as well. A few of my biggest hits were:


I went to get gas and all of the men in the station aged 20s -40s were so excited and happy to see me. They kept calling me beautiful and giving me DIHLs. As I pumped my gas I turned around and caught 4 men inside the station pressed up against the glass staring at me.


I attended a networking event and pretty much all of the men were very responsive. I even got hits form gay men – one older (50) and one younger (20ish). I had men leave mid conversation at the bar to come to my table to talk to me. Lastly I had a married guy to follow me around all night and tell me that he would help me with anything I needed help with.


Popularity Potion even worked on people who knew me. I had family friends giving me compliments over and over again and this mone even worked on my mom and turned her into a chatterbox and made her compliment me.


Finally this mone made people think I was younger than what I was. I was mistaken for my mother’s granddaughter for the first time. :) Hahahahahaha!


At any rate I love this phero. It is truly a party in a bottle. I am definitely getting a full size of this in the future!

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