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La Femme Mystere

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Yais! What?




Sporty, I LOVE your avi! I got those books as hand-me-downs from my neice & nephew, and read them with my kids!


Lol! thanks! The characters are too cute. My avi should probably be Ms. Stubborn or Ms. Bossy though! Lol! Newb question alert! Lol. Can someone explain the decanting circle?

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A decant circle is a type of group order. It lets you sample LOTS of stuff before buying full bottles. One person runs the circle. The participants put their orders in to her, and pay when they order, and then the Runner of the Circle puts the order through, decants perfumes into sample vials, then sends them out to the circle participants. It's a blast!!! :w00t:


P.S. OOPS. I spelled niece wrong in my previous post!!!

Edited by ElizabethOSP
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Oooh. Ok. That does sound fun! Would this be a more economical way to try many things than purchasing samples? Or trades?

Yes, generally. And then you can figure out which ones are must-haves, and then get ***BOTTLES!*** And you can still hoard your little vials...and...and...Mwwwwaaaaaahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!


Oops. My addiction is showing... B)

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I was trying to figure why one would do this vs just buying samples from LPMP :D since LPMP unlike other businesses doesn't charge premium for samples (aka discount for larger bottle purchase)....and realized, duh, it's a way to try pheros which don't COME in samples! -ie the UNs and the LAM BAM OCCO. (right?)


ETA I just realized A, my math was off even with my assuming 5 way split (tho only a teench), and B, duh, of course, a decant circle can split a bottle into a variety of sample-sizes....duh again. Never mind me.

Edited by tyvey
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Right, IMO the only use for a decant circle here is to try the unscented phero mixes or PE releases (which you might only ever get to sample in sniffee form otherwise).

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Oohhh. That DOES make sense. I requested BAM and OCCO as a forum freebie when I did my order, and got an email that they aren't available as samples. So this would be an excellent way to sample them!!

you can get an OCCO, BAM, or LAM sampler, but one lone sample....no, last year Mara offered the pheros (UN) in spray form for $15, perhaps she may again, then you can try a few !

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I do 2 to 1 , alcohol to perfume. It doesn't seem to dry my hair - I find I use 3 spritzes AT MOST - it's still quite potent - and I suppose I'm getting alcohol on different bits of hair each time, so it's not as if a few particular strands are getting destroyed :D


Here is Darbla's hair mist that is actually GOOD for your hair -- it's less strongly scented, I find, but it was actually a bit too HEAVY for my hair, in the summer anyway, when I used the amount I wanted to get the amount of SCENT I wanted. Also, being extremely scent-fickle, I made too much and didn't come close to using it all up. ...although, it'd probably do well as a very light skin moisturizer as well...

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I do 2 to 1 , alcohol to perfume. It doesn't seem to dry my hair - I find I use 3 spritzes AT MOST - it's still quite potent - and I suppose I'm getting alcohol on different bits of hair each time, so it's not as if a few particular strands are getting destroyed :D


Here is Darbla's hair mist that is actually GOOD for your hair -- it's less strongly scented, I find, but it was actually a bit too HEAVY for my hair, in the summer anyway, when I used the amount I wanted to get the amount of SCENT I wanted. Also, being extremely scent-fickle, I made too much and didn't come close to using it all up. ...although, it'd probably do well as a very light skin moisturizer as well...


Thanks, Tyvey!! :)

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Right, IMO the only use for a decant circle here is to try the unscented phero mixes or PE releases (which you might only ever get to sample in sniffee form otherwise).

Now That. Is a Lovely. Idea! You're spot-on, Luna. I love that we always have access to the big sampler vials of the monthlies! I'd be in pig heaven with a phero and/or PE circle, though. Y'all are making me want to do a circle. I've not run one--only participated. Hmmmmm.
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What are you going to decant Beccah?

La Femme Mystere, darlings :)

Is it too late so "sign up" for a decant? I'd love to try w/o purchasing the FB..

Nope, not too late. I'm waiting until after I can try the (LP site) monthly releases to place an order. So if I want any full bottles everything will be sent together. I will be happy to split with up to 5 people. Keep in mind I will have to factor in shipping when I give the grand total price ladies. The main thing for me is that I have a cupboard full of pheromones I'm not using & it seems wasteful to go full bottle on something I haven't tried yet ;)

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La Femme Mystere, darlings :)

:heart: Oh DUDE! REALLY?!? I'm in!!! :heart:



Oooh! How does a newb get in on that action? :Emoticons04280: Is there a time frame I need to be a member? Special instructions?

When Beccah sets her circle up, we order decants through her. Beccah....?
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Oooh! How does a newb get in on that action? :Emoticons04280: Is there a time frame I need to be a member? Special instructions?

You can have in. Since you're trusting your money with me (a vetted member), & I'm placing the order after I have all the monies, there really isn't a trading post issue. I will make a thread in the trading post to discontinue cluttering this thread.

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Right, IMO the only use for a decant circle here is to try the unscented phero mixes or PE releases (which you might only ever get to sample in sniffee form otherwise).

Someone else pointed out in a newbie thread, and I'd never thought about it specifically this way -- pheros often ARE available for low-cost testing - it's just that it might "have to" be scented, lol - ie in the form of a sample of an LPMP-designed scented-phero - eg, Extracurricular Proclivities w/Bang -- so, even if the scent doesn't interest you, you can make a little $5 investment to check out the phero...for some reason I tend to forget that even though I frequently take advantage of it myself...


Ok, now to review LFM: I am live-notetaking about my 1x spray to front of collarbone:


Forgot I had it flavored with LP O, and put it on top of Denise's Silky Freesia n Musk. Whoops. but NOM!

...can I just say, LP calls these $10 boosts a "light" scenting, but this sure feels like a generous amount to me. Typical LPMP :)


In first minute, I DIHL'd myself...stunned, slightly spacey, just stood there at dresser staring at nothing. Significant mental effort to move, lol.


A bit of that MYSTERY PHERO (heart 2 heart) sensory sharpening and "ultra-3D" effect.


Ok now people staring warily at me, like-- not good, not bad, just "this is an animal we're unfamiliar with: it may behave unpredictably: let's keep an eye on it." Like I'm an ostrich loose on the street. Some look outright worried. Feeling a bit paranoid.


My head is spinning/buzzing pleasantly: about 4oz of wine's worth.


Sudden attack of starving.


Suddenly very aware of tongue, which feels bigger than usual. Thinking how weird it is that we have this huge muscle in our mouths that is diving down our throats and yet it doesn't choke us and we aren't constantly aware of it.


Caveat- for those who don't know- I'm fairly phero sensitive (I think, based on the smaller amounts that "work" or throw me for a loop compared to others here).


Perhaps I spray this a little further from my nose next time :D

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"this is an animal we're unfamiliar with: it may behave unpredictably: let's keep an eye on it." Like I'm an ostrich loose on the street. Some look outright worried. Feeling a bit paranoid.


:10_small16: ...you are too much :)


I am like you in the phero sensitive dept,and plan to do much more experimenting with this one,as I surely have had some over the top reactions :w00t:


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:D perhaps you are subconsciously trying to spray them into your mouth, like... I always forget which it is that you eat... Mamelons?



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Suddenly very aware of tongue, which feels bigger than usual. Thinking how weird it is that we have this huge muscle in our mouths that is diving down our throats and yet it doesn't choke us and we aren't constantly aware of it.


Dude, I wanna party with you!

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:D perhaps you are subconsciously trying to spray them into your mouth, like... I always forget which it is that you eat... Mamelons?



Welllllll....wouldn't it *really* depend on our orientation(s)...? :smiley-sex009::smiley-sex009::smiley-sex009:
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k, i've been wearing this for 2 days, to work (NOW that's the LIZ I remember !!) and the self effects are delicious !!!

you know that "Fiat" commercial, where a cute geeky guy is staring at a beautiful woman as she's bent down and she notices and SLAPS him as she seduces him ?




right down to the latte foam...hee

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k, i've been wearing this for 2 days, to work (NOW that's the LIZ I remember !!) and the self effects are delicious !!!

you know that "Fiat" commercial, where a cute geeky guy is staring at a beautiful woman as she's bent down and she notices and SLAPS him as she seduces him ?




right down to the latte foam...hee

Shit. I need some of this. I don't know if I can hold out 'til Beccah's decant circle! AUGHHH!!!
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Shit. I need some of this. I don't know if I can hold out 'til Beccah's decant circle! AUGHHH!!!

I just replied to your other post, I was gonna tell you to live on the edge and just buy a bottle, I bought both roll-on and spray (1x), I've never done that w/any un-phero blend, contemplating Lumina in spray too now !


*twists EOSP's arm, EOSP says ouch but racks up the CC...hee*

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I just replied to your other post, I was gonna tell you to live on the edge and just buy a bottle, I bought both roll-on and spray (1x), I've never done that w/any un-phero blend, contemplating Lumina in spray too now !


*twists EOSP's arm, EOSP says ouch but racks up the CC...hee*


So if you've tried both the oil and spray LFM do you notice a diff?


I do LOVE my La Femme Mystere!!!!


@Elisabeth...I concur...you're going to end up needing a FULL BOTTLE anyway! Might as well git 'er done!!!!!

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So if you've tried both the oil and spray LFM do you notice a diff?


I do LOVE my La Femme Mystere!!!!


@Elisabeth...I concur...you're going to end up needing a FULL BOTTLE anyway! Might as well git 'er done!!!!!

for me, the "spray" self effects are more....instant

I first tried the roll-on when I was in the hospital, didn't have much to "work" with as far as experimenting, but did notice a little "something" w/my PT, MD and male nurse, but that was a "swipe" down my chest, a small one across my neck hair line and another small one under my chin.

Edited by liz
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Shit. I need some of this. I don't know if I can hold out 'til Beccah's decant circle! AUGHHH!!!

Yeah, well Beccah doesn't even know if she can hold on that long, lol.

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k, i've been wearing this for 2 days, to work (NOW that's the LIZ I remember !!) and the self effects are delicious !!!

you know that "Fiat" commercial, where a cute geeky guy is staring at a beautiful woman as she's bent down and she notices and SLAPS him as she seduces him ?




right down to the latte foam...hee


Hot damn...hee, I saw that commercial just yesterday! So good to see our Mistress Liz back in action...had to laugh at you using it in the hospital,but now why should that surprise me,can't keep a good woman down *MWAH* :hearts09793:

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Is this supposed to make ME frisky? Because it does. A total waste today because Shadow was out this afternoon. There I was, house full of kids, feeling all sex-ay, not a chance of getting lucky.


Probably shouldn't wear this to work either.

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I've worn it to work, course I don't slather/overspray. LFM doesn't make me frisky, it's more a sense of sexy confidence that I get. On the 2 occasions I wore it to work, I found moody/difficult attys were a bit more agreeable, eager to please and even kinda flirting.

Think members here were referring LFM as a Sophia Loren-ish phero

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