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Darling Catalina

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With first wear, in the vial and initally on my skin this is totally yummy, and didn't turn plastic like Darling Clementine did. BUT after a while...Popularity Potion is stinky on me! Sometimes my chemistry reacts strongly to Chris' blends (like SS4W) so I think I might need something a little more robust to cover it. But everyone who missed out on the original should snag a bottle post-haste!

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I'm just speaking from my own perception. I don't consider it bad necessarily, just that some mixes are particuarly noticable to my sense of smell.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The affect of the phero on me is somewhat subtle, I've been feeling more social, less shy, and have a strangely more optimistic outlook about my future despite the fact I'm still a pessimistic fatalist (don't ask me why, but people are contradictory in general). People seem to be more receptive to me, but I want to wait for a few days before I draw any final conclusions. The scent is great too, I was worried that the citrus and strawberry might overwhelm the rest of the notes, but thankfully it pairs well with other foodie and resinous perfume oils. I'll try to make a more complete review of it in a few days.

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Firstly the scent smelled quite strong and then mellowed . I had forgotton that this was a pheromone blend.

Self effects were more optimistic in my outlook, focused and a sense of being more discerning and astute. One to buy in a full bottle or spray

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This is sweet, sugary. I'm not getting any fruit notes at all. Just foody goodness. And I feel ... uplifted in a way that I don't when I use UN PP. Definitely wearing this to work tomorrow.


And ordering a second bottle.

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It was cakey, phero-wise, someone I know doesn't fancy me did a lot of mirroring my body language, and I felt a little uncomfortable, like maybe I might start flirting outrageously with him, otherwise nothing else of note happened, although a lady at the gallery was very friendly with me but then she might just be like that. I'll try it again and report back I think.


I'm having a hard time with scents at the moment, not being able to describe them properly and stuff.

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  • 2 weeks later...

This version is all pink orange cakey goodness on me! Is there pink in this? I get whiffs of pink sugar here and there and it smells so good!!!! Wet it smells identical to Darling C but as it dries down it becomes more frosted pink orange cupcake. I didn't get any pink in Darling C like I am getting in this. DAMMIT I am going to have to order a bottle of this now! It smells exactly like a orange hostess cupcake bathed in pink sugar.

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The frosting note was always "pink sugar" (strawberry) to my knowledge, so maybe it just comes out on you more in this brew.

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This smells every bit as luscious as Darling Clementine on me,if anything it is stronger!! :w00t:

I am sooooo glad I got a back up bottle. The Popularity Potion in it is really working for me,self-effects wise at least...I feel amazing :cat692:

am very much looking forward to taking this out and about!

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Exactly the same luscious vanilla-frosting-slathered orange cake I get from Darling Clem, if not stronger like Calii mentioned, and Popularity Potion has great self-effects on me to boot. I find it takes the edge off any irritability I might be feeling and makes me more approachable.

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The biggest difference between the two versions is the latest one has natural vanilla bean paste in all it's oooey gooey glory - thus the floating globules you might see in the bottles. I used the flavoring this time because I used up all the corresponding fragrance oil in the last batch, but I think the bean paste makes this one smell even denser/stronger than the original. (And I get to taste the bean paste each time I brew with it, it's mega yummy.) ::slurp!::

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I came out of hibernation, and had to get a bottle! It has been a rough past few weeks with work! I saw someone mentioning pink sugar...I think that scent is becoming my new favorite. I looooved Clementine, and I'm pretty stoked to get this one!

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With first wear, in the vial and initally on my skin this is totally yummy, and didn't turn plastic like Darling Clementine did. BUT after a while...Popularity Potion is stinky on me! Sometimes my chemistry reacts strongly to Chris' blends (like SS4W) so I think I might need something a little more robust to cover it. But everyone who missed out on the original should snag a bottle post-haste!


Luna, DC went plasticky on me too after awhile, even though I was in love with the seent for the first 2 hours. I call it "the play doh" smell on me. Do you think this is B/C of the PP phero in it or something else?

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Oh criminey!!!

What are you saying?! I must get another bottle?! Even though I have 2 oils and 1 spray of Darling Clementine?!


I don't want to enable you dear Libra, but I can't lie. I can smell the difference. Think pink tufts draped in orange cake.

Darling Catalina does exactly what I wanted Darling Clementine to do. I get the orange hostess cupcake BUT the pink frosting too!

I did a side by side comparison. To me, this one is more pink frosting that sits on top of orange cupcakes.

Get a sample at least to compare. I know I am not crazy, I swear this one is pinker.

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Luna, DC went plasticky on me too after awhile, even though I was in love with the seent for the first 2 hours. I call it "the play doh" smell on me. Do you think this is B/C of the PP phero in it or something else?

Usually the "play-doh" aspect has to do with the reaction of one of the notes. For me it's usually either vanilla or amber or a combination of both.

With pheromones it's normally a kind of metallic smell which occurs if there's a weird reaction.

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"French" Vanilla seems to be a culprit most often when there's a plasticy complaint. Not sure why - maybe a butter accord that is added? Did not add French Vanilla in these blends, but probably added something buttery....so may be that??

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I don't want to enable you dear Libra, but I can't lie. I can smell the difference. Think pink tufts draped in orange cake.

Darling Catalina does exactly what I wanted Darling Clementine to do. I get the orange hostess cupcake BUT the pink frosting too!

I did a side by side comparison. To me, this one is more pink frosting that sits on top of orange cupcakes.

Get a sample at least to compare. I know I am not crazy, I swear this one is pinker.



Here's the deal...my second oil of Darling Clementine is still sealed up...I could always give this as a gift!! And therefore be able to morally get away with ordering a Darling Catalina!!! EEEEEK!!!

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Here's the deal...my second oil of Darling Clementine is still sealed up...I could always give this as a gift!! And therefore be able to morally get away with ordering a Darling Catalina!!! EEEEEK!!!


It would be a nice wedding present or baby shower gift. People always get married round this time or have baby showers.

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I don't want to enable you dear Libra, but I can't lie. I can smell the difference. Think pink tufts draped in orange cake.

Darling Catalina does exactly what I wanted Darling Clementine to do. I get the orange hostess cupcake BUT the pink frosting too!

I did a side by side comparison. To me, this one is more pink frosting that sits on top of orange cupcakes.

Get a sample at least to compare. I know I am not crazy, I swear this one is pinker.

This is only from a single swipe (I'm playing with my whole order :) ) but I agree. I get way more clementine, and it *does* have a pinkish feel to it! I think I'm going to like this one even more. :heart: I'll actually review when I wear it on its own.
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This is weird. There has to be a whole 'nother page of this thread that my browser won't show me....TESTING! TESTING!!!


ETA: Nope, not there. I'm getting emails of posts, but I cant see 'em here. Weird. The last post I see above this one is from Miss DC at 7:55 pm last night. Triple weird. THE FORUM, NOT MISS DC! Heee!!!!

Edited by ElizabethOSP
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Well...the last post I see,other than yours is the one from Mz DC :huh: Any chance they are from the Darling Clementine thread...wait,that does not make sense either

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This is weird. There has to be a whole 'nother page of this thread that my browser won't show me....TESTING! TESTING!!!


ETA: Nope, not there. I'm getting emails of posts, but I cant see 'em here. Weird. The last post I see above this one is from Miss DC at 7:55 pm last night. Triple weird. THE FORUM, NOT MISS DC! Heee!!!!


It was moved under my journal ESOP. You are not crazy I promise.

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