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Sneaky Clean with Super Sexy for Women

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Everyone who gets a sniff of this wants to take it from me! LOL. I'll need to start keeping the cards I get with my orders. (always end up losing them) I get a lot of compliments with this. More along the lines of "WHat lotion are you wearing?" "What soap do you use?"

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I'm wearing this today. What a smexy musk! I really love that getting it in a perfume spray didn't change the character of the fragrance ( I still have a sample in oil to compare).

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

I wore this again a couple of days back, the scent turned out slightly musky with a light honey vibe in the background. I assume this came from the cactus flower honey. I guess I'm picking more of the ingredients as I'm ovulating. My nose is most sensitive when Aunt Flo is in town.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I got my best selling sampler pack about a week ago and I wanted to try some lighter scents since I really go for the deep dark ones usually. Sneaky Clean definitely turned out to be a favorite for sure (only surpassed by Cougar) and I've found that SS4W seems to work really well for me at work. I haven't smelled anything that reminds me of incense though. Just rich floral. Reminds me of the soap you get at the Ritz Carlton, classic. Definitely FB worthy.

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  • 4 weeks later...

:D After work last night I refreshed my Sneaky Clean (a dot in my cleavage) so that I wouldn't feel so work-stinky, and then I settled in at the bar with Chef, to have a quick beer. Chef sniffed a couple of times, gave me the side-eye and said, "Do you smell that? What could that be?", knowing full well that it was my perfume. Then Manager Dude came out of the kitchen, piped right up and said, "Smells like Eggers!" :lol: I wear Sneaky Clean at work so much that it just smells like me! :lol: Made me giggle.

I still love this perfume every bit as much as I did the first time I smelled it. And I'm unbelievably happy that Mara decided to make it permanent. :wub: Thank you! :D

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^^ She Did? I had not noticed. Oh that's great! <3


" smells like Eggers" lol

Thats a great scent to use at a restaurant.


I used to get that with GOBM. Not so much now because I'm stingy with it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I had the funniest thing happen today at work while wearing Sneaky Clean and thought I'd share it. First, here's the background:


About two weekends ago, I decided to pull out the Jouir De and go all out. I was dressed up and looking pretty good. I was feeling sexy and playful and LUSTY (after the hour dry down) and even noted to my husband that I was wearing the smuttiest scent I could think of. :Emoticons0424: Yep, he got my meaning... probably the first time I've seen his glasses almost fall off his face.

So, fast forward to today at 5:15 pm. Sneaky Clean hasn't been applied since 5 am and I meet him at his desk (we work at the same place, opposite ends of the site) to go home. I'm standing there maybe five minutes and all of a sudden, he looks at me and says "I'm pretty sure that is not the same perfume but it reminds me of that perfume you wore... you know which one I mean", eyebrow wiggle, smirky smile. LOL I had to laugh.


Who knew that Sneaky Clean could be so smutteh!!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Got my sample of Sneaky Clean today. It is SO PRETTY!!! When it hits my skin, it's a lovely, clean, and fresh floral bend, with a touch of soap (which is all good). It really does smell fresh-from-the-shower! On the long drydown, I get an elegant, quiet, still-clean-smelling floral musk. OMGYUM. LOL @ Storemy saying it's SMUTTEH because *ahem* the SS4W phero is an extremely effective one for Mr. Matt and me. This scent with this phero was an absolutely brilliant combo, Mara! I am going to need a bottle...maybe a spray...must decide. :heart::heart::heart:

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Got my sample of Sneaky Clean today. It is SO PRETTY!!! When it hits my skin, it's a lovely, clean, and fresh floral bend, with a touch of soap (which is all good). It really does smell fresh-from-the-shower! On the long drydown, I get an elegant, quiet, still-clean-smelling floral musk. OMGYUM. LOL @ Storemy saying it's SMUTTEH because *ahem* the SS4W phero is an extremely effective one for Mr. Matt and me. This scent with this phero was an absolutely brilliant combo, Mara! I am going to need a bottle...maybe a spray...must decide. :heart::heart::heart:


I love SS4W too!! This one has the most consistent and interesting reactions. I get total happy vibe, everyone chatty and feeling all good at work and then my husband equates it with sex. LOL This and Cougar, I probably could not do without. And the scent reminds so much of rich, expensive soap... it is indeed a surprise attack!! I've got it in spray,Elizabeth, and it's really long lasting. I only put on perfumes right before I leave for work around 5:30 am and you get the great diffusion all day. 5:30 pm was when my husband commented on it. At that point, I couldn't smell it on me at all but it was still there for him. ;)

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  • 1 month later...

Sneaky Clean has become my secret weapon when the world is just whacking away at me. It smells more classically "perfume-y" to me, which is usually not what I'm drawn to, but the scent is so comforting and uplifting. It reminds me (emotionally, not necessarily in terms of actual notes) of smelling my mom's perfume when I was a little girl and she and my dad were going out--grown-up and exciting and reassuring all at the same time. And since I rarely feel grown-up, it's a lovely boost to wear this one.


It really does make me think of shampoo, in the best possible way. The description is right on the money--I feel freshly showered and wrapped in things made of natural fibers (silk, cotton). And although it's very luxurious, it actually puts me in the mood to accomplish things. Some luxurious scents put me in the mood just to loll around on my bed, reading romance novels and snuggling with animals. Not this one!


I'm actually not that into the pheromones, normally, but SS4W is a total hit for me (and a total match for what the scent is already doing). It makes me feel calm and cheerful and helpful, and as such is a great asset for my retail job. I like the hits I get with it--I find that a lot of my customers are more polite, attentive and interested than usual. We have a lot of regulars that we build relationships with, and this seems to enhance that sense of connection. To the degree that flirtation is amped up, it's always in the flattering category and not in the creepy predatory one.


I have also discovered that I need to be very conservative in how much I apply. Normally I am a slatherer--I often need to put on quite a lot for my skin to hold scents. But Sneaky Clean is magical. Just a few strips on my belly, smudged around per instructions, and I'm good to go for 12 hours. (I also find I can overdose a bit on SS4W and get a little over-the-top giddy. So less is more, for me, with this one).


Anyway. I am so glad this is in the permanent collection, and I expect it to be a permanent staple of MY collection.

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Nice review, Blackcat! That's very much how I feel about Sneaky Clean, too. It tops my list, both in terms of scent, and phero. Together, the scent and phero really do the job for me at work, too. "Sneaky Clean" is the perfect name for it. Initially there's that luxurious soap/shampoo scent, (which to my nose, almost smells fluffy), and then as that scent fades over the course of the day, there's that gorgeous musk that shows up. It mimics what happens from shower time to the end of day, as if you weren't wearing perfume at all. You go from smelling all clean and soapy, then the soap smell gradually fades, and you begin to smell your own skin. I like that. It's a very natural feel. And it fits very well in a work environment. The phero is just fantastic for building relationships with customers. I find that with my regulars, it makes the women all very buddy-buddy with me, and the men flirt just a little bit more than they would if I were sans phero, but it's in a very good-natured way, not at all sleazy. There's something really kind of classy/elegant/natural about SS4W in general, which is why I gravitated toward it in the first place. But it's so perfectly paired with the Sneaky Clean scent that it feels as though I'm stepping into my natural second skin when I wear it.

I couldn't be happier that Mara decided to make this part of the permanent range. Honestly. Thank you again, Mara! Sneaky Clean makes me feel like me on my best day, only better. :D

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Nice review, Blackcat! That's very much how I feel about Sneaky Clean, too. It tops my list, both in terms of scent, and phero. Together, the scent and phero really do the job for me at work, too. "Sneaky Clean" is the perfect name for it. Initially there's that luxurious soap/shampoo scent, (which to my nose, almost smells fluffy), and then as that scent fades over the course of the day, there's that gorgeous musk that shows up. It mimics what happens from shower time to the end of day, as if you weren't wearing perfume at all. You go from smelling all clean and soapy, then the soap smell gradually fades, and you begin to smell your own skin. I like that. It's a very natural feel. And it fits very well in a work environment. The phero is just fantastic for building relationships with customers. I find that with my regulars, it makes the women all very buddy-buddy with me, and the men flirt just a little bit more than they would if I were sans phero, but it's in a very good-natured way, not at all sleazy. There's something really kind of classy/elegant/natural about SS4W in general, which is why I gravitated toward it in the first place. But it's so perfectly paired with the Sneaky Clean scent that it feels as though I'm stepping into my natural second skin when I wear it.

I couldn't be happier that Mara decided to make this part of the permanent range. Honestly. Thank you again, Mara! Sneaky Clean makes me feel like me on my best day, only better. :D

Thanks, Eggers! You are so right about the way the scent changes over the course of the day. It's beautifully subtle.


And I also was struck by what you said about the effects with women customers. This definitely had as pronounced as effect with other women for me as it did with men. I have learned to spot the kind of woman who is always trouble and this had a definite softening effect on a couple of ladies who looked like total terrors! I may need to try some other things boosted with SS4W, although I think part of the reason Sneaky Clean works *so* well is that the scent itself is so non-threatening to other women. It's really beautiful, but it isn't calling attention to itself or showing off. (Or trying to get her husband's attention in a way that isn't good.) So yes this one is a winner!

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I agree Blackcat, great review. :D You're right about Sneaky Clean being a non-threatening scent. It has a very high end clean smell and not overtly sexy, sort of like smelling like the Ritz Carlton!! And yes, SS4W is the bomb!! So glad that you are finding scents and pheros that work for you... no doubt that you're finding there are some great ones for just about every occasion!!

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Oh my god... Thank goodness this phero perfume is permanent- otherwise I'd have to rob a bank and buy up every last bottle.


I can't rave enough about this scent- soft, sweet, delicate, elegant, gorgeous, quietly seductive. It reminds me of the time my sisters and I went to a really posh restaurant, and the women's bathroom was so beautiful I just wanted to stay in there all day- it had this subtle, lovely lighting that made you look extra nice, beautiful antique furniture, classical music playing softly in the background, and this hand lotion that smelt so clean and sweet and divine. That's what this fragrance does in combination with the SS4W- it just makes you and the world around you seem more naturally beautiful.


Haven't had a chance to really test phero effects yet, but I'd buy this for the scent alone.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sneaky Clean, it fits the name perfectly. Complete magic. It's like a getting out of a shower and having used a sweet, honey, floral soap that clings softly to your skin. This smell would waft up periodically and I would just stand there and bask in my own sexy, clean scent. It is a damn good summer scent for when you feel hot and sweaty. It's very refreshing and makes you feel like you are a sexy-clean biotch even when the weather makes you want to take a shower every time you walk outside. Being near the beach, it is so humid here that I have to don shower-to-shower powder every morning just to stay fresh. This would also be good any other time of year because the cleanly vibe this gives off is also a soft, comforting one. Definitely a go-to scent! FB worthy!

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I am never going to run out of Sneaky Clean.


I've worn it sooo many times already (have only owned it for about 3 weeks) and it lasts all day, despite being so lovely and soft.


Putting this phero perfume on basically guarantees I'll have a good day. Everyone will love me, and I'll be wonderfully admired. Maybe I'm a secret narcissist, but god I love that.

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Not being a fan of florals in general wasn't sure about this one, however I love nice clean scents (I have perfume that smells like Gain because I love clean smells). I am glad I gave this a try. I'm not good at picking out notes but this smells nice and fresh and clean. On me its a nice sweet musk that I feel comfortable wearing to work. I feel sexy and clean wearing it. (As opposed to sexy and dirty, which OCCO SLF makes me feel) The scent lasted all day and towards the end of the day it still smelled good but more musk and less sweet. I cant wait to try this out around the man I like, I have a lotion with a similar clean smell that he commented on before, I want to see what he thinks of this.

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Not being a fan of florals in general wasn't sure about this one, however I love nice clean scents (I have perfume that smells like Gain because I love clean smells). I am glad I gave this a try. I'm not good at picking out notes but this smells nice and fresh and clean. On me its a nice sweet musk that I feel comfortable wearing to work. I feel sexy and clean wearing it. (As opposed to sexy and dirty, which OCCO SLF makes me feel) The scent lasted all day and towards the end of the day it still smelled good but more musk and less sweet. I cant wait to try this out around the man I like, I have a lotion with a similar clean smell that he commented on before, I want to see what he thinks of this.


LOL, is it from Cocoa Pink? I got a dram of that to test the smell, with the vague intentions of having Gain scented shampoo and conditioner...lol. As for the Sneaky Clean, the SS4W coupled with the scent is kryptonite for guys!

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@Eggers, yep that's my sweet kitty Ginger. I've had her a few months now.


Ginger is gorgeous!


As for the Sneaky Clean, the SS4W coupled with the scent is kryptonite for guys!

Agreed. It's the most perfect scent/phero combo - and perfectly named, too! ;)

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@BlueBear, it wasn't from Cocoa Pink, but from an etsy seller, can't recall the name. I hope Sneaky Clean is kryptonite for guys as my guy is playing hard to get, and I've been trying to lure him in as it were, I refuse to chase him, I want him to come to me :)

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Hi & welcome jnnemre,


I really hope your target man responds well to Sneaky Clean. I am loving it. I keep wearing it to work and the men there (workers and customers) are really responding well to it. They're very friendly and helpful and stand closer than usual, etc. And as you said, it just makes you feel so clean & sexy wearing it.

I honestly think this phero perfume might possibly be perfect for every conceivable situation.


And I too have been admiring your lovely Ginger kitty.

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I couldn't decide if I like this more or Babes In The Woods which turns out to be a rather "cloudy" clean kind of scent as it turns powdery and slightly musky on my skin. Sneaky Clean on the other hand is a very "crystal" clear kind of clean scent. However, I don't quite like the honey trail (it is the catcus flower?) which remains on my skin after all the other notes have disappeared. It actually makes my skin smell dirty.


Overall, I still love this scent and I am glad that it is a permanent scent. I'll cover the honey by refreshing lightly when the flora notes have disappeared.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I don't know why I'm afraid of this one...I think because everyone keeps describing it as "clean" I think soapy...kind of like Bonded, which didn't work for me. Please tell me this is all in my head, and Sneaky Clean is nothing like bonded, so I can go ahead and buy myself a sample!

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@Eggers, yep that's my sweet kitty Ginger. I've had her a few months now.

I love Ginger! She looks so comfy and I feel like she is looking right through me...very disapprovingly!


@Amalthea...IMO Sneaky is not like Bonded. It is a completely different kind of "clean and soapy" thing. It is not my favorite but I have a small bottle that Tyvey made me and it does come in handy. As you can see though it is a huge hit with everyone else!!

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I find it's more of a fuzzy kind of soapy. Not a sharp soapy. Please don't anyone kill me for saying this, but it kind of has a Dove or Ivory Soap-like aura. Like an innocent, pure, clean kind of soap that rinses off nicely and leaves you feeling clean & frisky.

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Interestingly Sneaking Clean and Caramel Musk feel very closely connected to me, even though they aren't really alike. I suppose it's the vanilla and musk in them. They're both such naturally elegant, serenely clean scents that project this aura of soft femininity in a quiet but confident manner.

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Interestingly Sneaking Clean and Caramel Musk feel very closely connected to me, even though they aren't really alike. I suppose it's the vanilla and musk in them. They're both such naturally elegant, serenely clean scents that project this aura of soft femininity in a quiet but confident manner.


I liked Caramel Musk quite a bit at first, but after I wore it a few times, it started to remind me of something... the smell of my Gramma's lipstick, like, way back in the 70's and I was little enough that she could still spit on a Kleenex & rub my face off with it. I loved my Gramma, but apparently I *hated* when she rubbed spit all over my face, (which smelled like her lipstick), and I haven't been able to wear Caramel Musk since. In fact, I think I traded it away.


But yes, I find Sneaky Clean very soft, and quite the confidence booster. I love it. It's still in my top 5. :)

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I find it's more of a fuzzy kind of soapy. Not a sharp soapy. Please don't anyone kill me for saying this, but it kind of has a Dove or Ivory Soap-like aura. Like an innocent, pure, clean kind of soap that rinses off nicely and leaves you feeling clean & frisky.

I feel that way too except how the catus flower honey turn put on my skin.

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I liked Caramel Musk quite a bit at first, but after I wore it a few times, it started to remind me of something... the smell of my Gramma's lipstick, like, way back in the 70's and I was little enough that she could still spit on a Kleenex & rub my face off with it. I loved my Gramma, but apparently I *hated* when she rubbed spit all over my face, (which smelled like her lipstick), and I haven't been able to wear Caramel Musk since. In fact, I think I traded it away.


But yes, I find Sneaky Clean very soft, and quite the confidence booster. I love it. It's still in my top 5. :)


Now that's a sad story: a lovely perfume turned to granny lipstick spit :(


Having said that, I really used to love the smell of lipstick as a child. I remember walking through the cosmetics section of one of those "classy" department stores that have that slightly snooty, superior air and seeing all these luxurious lipsticks lined up on one counter as testers/diplays. I really really wanted to take a bite out of them. After that, every time I saw a brand new lipstick I got an intense craving to bite into it.


However, I can see that lipstick spit may not be as attractive.

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Thanks ladies! Looks like it's definitely worth a shot, especially since I badly want to try SS4W. And if it's anything like caramel musk/TMI I will definitely love it. That's a scent I was SO afraid of because it's listed as "unisex" and I didn't want it to be masculine, but now that I've tried it, it's one of my favorites!

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Now that's a sad story: a lovely perfume turned to granny lipstick spit :(


Having said that, I really used to love the smell of lipstick as a child. I remember walking through the cosmetics section of one of those "classy" department stores that have that slightly snooty, superior air and seeing all these luxurious lipsticks lined up on one counter as testers/diplays. I really really wanted to take a bite out of them. After that, every time I saw a brand new lipstick I got an intense craving to bite into it.


However, I can see that lipstick spit may not be as attractive.

Aw, don't be too sad. At the time I was kinda bummed, sure. But now I just think it's funny how much my attitude changed once I made the connection. Scent memories. They're amazing things. I'm not bothered now. There are so many gorgeous perfumes coming out all the time, I'm pretty sure I fell in love with another one right away! ;)

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Sneaky clean surprised me! Its like a really nice bar soap that's reminiscent of flowers(non specifically) I was wanting to hate this one but its too pretty to hate. Especially right after a shower its very clean, a Tad "blue" n lightly powdery.


My man said I'm flowery and he likes the scent. His reaction to the pheromone wasn't very nice, he was a douche. But Im also quite depressed more so than usual so that could play a big role.

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God I love this stuff! I have soooo many pheros & perfumes now, and they're all brilliant, but this one is just magickal.


I wore it to an evening class yesterday and we were broken up into small groups and sat at round tables discussing things. The woman sitting next to me just kept turning and talking to me and looking at me all the time. Her pupils kept dilating and she kept staring at me for longer than you usually would, like she couldn't help herself. She's not gay, she just seemed absolutely knocked over the head by my "Sneakiness". And I kept catching her turning her head half towards me and taking long hard sniffles, lol.


Afterwards we were moved around to different seating areas 3 times, and this man in my class kept rushing up behind me to make sure he was going to sit right next to me.

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No need to be sad. I'm actually surprised how rare that is here that a scent does not work for me. Most LP potions are just fab and I can have any of them with SS4W added, isn't that something to be happy about? :D

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