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I tried the trial vial of S&V and although it had a relaxing scent to it, something in it caused me to get this huge headache. I've noticed my nose can't really take woodsy/tea powder (not sure if those are even the proper descriptions of the scents lol) kind of scents. For example I can't stand the smell of henna! I get a whiff and I feel nauseous :\

I liked the Dominance in it A LOT though. I felt so powerful and strong....like Angelina Jolie as Lara Croft lol!

I think I'm going to order some UN Dom very soon x)

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I tried the trial vial of S&V and although it had a relaxing scent to it, something in it caused me to get this huge headache. I've noticed my nose can't really take woodsy/tea powder (not sure if those are even the proper descriptions of the scents lol) kind of scents. For example I can't stand the smell of henna! I get a whiff and I feel nauseous :\

I liked the Dominance in it A LOT though. I felt so powerful and strong....like Angelina Jolie as Lara Croft lol!

I think I'm going to order some UN Dom very soon x)



Dom is some good stuff!

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Dolly responded to my comment :0 squeee~

LOL! Fangirl moment x)


You're sweet.....we are here to answer your questions! And I am such a Dom addict!

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Decided to wear this one today, and it never lets me down.....if I am feeling kind of wimpy or crappy, but have stuff that HAS TO get done, I put some on and I am like...."OK, LET'S DO THIS!" And I know that is partly the Dom, and partly the scent....just a perfect pairing!

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I had to go in and buy a couple more bottles of this one before it starts getting low! It is smoothing out as it ages, and is really FAB!

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Dolly responded to my comment :0 squeee~

LOL! Fangirl moment x)

Yeah!!! That's always a good thing!! She's got lots of good info...

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Decided to wear this one today, and it never lets me down.....if I am feeling kind of wimpy or crappy, but have stuff that HAS TO get done, I put some on and I am like...."OK, LET'S DO THIS!" And I know that is partly the Dom, and partly the scent....just a perfect pairing!


Dolly you are so right. This should be called Kick ASS, Only it's too refined and sexy. I'm not sure if it's the scent either. Whenever I huff it in the bottle I instantly feel:


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LOLOLOL....you're right....love this one so much!

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Dolly, I'm trying to decide if this one would be good for me to wear to work... Monday will be the start of week 2 for me...



I would give it a try. I get great results with Dom at work....especially when I am dealing with obstinate men......

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Dolly, I'm trying to decide if this one would be good for me to wear to work... Monday will be the start of week 2 for me...


DD, I don't think it's too sexy for work. I amp it real hard so I literally wear just "dots" in about 3 places and I'm good. I think it's the slight "pee" smell of the amber too that gets me all aggressive LOL Go figure.

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Thanks, I'm going to wait a bit to wear this to work, as my bottle has cops in it so maybe I'll try a sample I have of this to work.



Yeah, you would probably do better with the non-copped version at work. And if it works for you, I think there are still FB's available without cops.

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Out of the 15 employees that report to me, 14 of them are woman and one of them is a man.



I have had great success wearing Dominance around women as well. I say give it a try.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Wore S&V on Saturday night, out with the boyfriend, thought it could make for a fun evening and might help my game of pool (ha!). Love the Dom in it, that definitely worked well with me and my confidence/attention getting. The resins and amber were a bit overwhelming when wet and when it dried down all scents combined into an incense scent on me and started triggering a migraine (sigh).

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There some definite wood smell right there, I can easily pick out the gunpowder or something akin to heavy smoke, this is screaming deep, dark and resinous. I can see this is why its a good cover for dominance lol


Speaking of which, I've been bouncing around wanting to dance and flirt (suavely ofcourse) and I'm crazy CRAZY outgoing n Tad more than usual. I was almost certain I grabbed something else bit I'm heavily reassured w.the sexy resiny scent wafting around me :lol:


The hits are a little strange to me; people are watching me and a couple of 'MANs man' ask me my name and they disappeare, will report a lil more later

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  • 1 month later...

Hehehe... breaking out my copped beauty today. Hubby is NOT a fan of the scent, but I didn't get it for him this time, lol. So off to work for experimentation. Just hoping I don't get the same crinkle nosed reaction to this scent as hubby from co-workers. It's always heartbreaking when others don't seem to love something as much as I do, lol.


I'm expecting this to be smashing, as Leather has always been great for work. If it turns out Dom is a little too dominant I have plenty of Est to layer with to soften it up but I'm excited to play with this today. And imo, I smell fantastic! I'm so surprised - and glad that I saved my samples - that coming back to it after so many months I love this so much....I may just need to get a back up in January....oh gosh...the order list doth growth yet again! :rolleyes:

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Do it! At least a trial. It's VERY sticky in that the scent lasts and lasts and a little bit goes a long way, imo. I'm thinking that may have been where I went wrong initially with MY samples months ago...I'm a slatherer and though I would totally slather this all for myself now - it was too much of a good thing. If I were to slather this and enter the public, the scent would fill every room I walked into - and probably hang out there for a while after I left! :D


I just put a dab on a few minutes ago - just for the scent's sake. This is soooo good! Playing with this yesterday was fun. Dominance and I seem to get on just fine and I don't see any reason to layer Est...no one feared me...I don't think I'm the scary type anyway :lol: Dom does seem to motivate me to get things DONE and in turn I then motivate others. It was a very productive day. No one was thrown off by the cops addition either,lol.


Another great thing - after the dry down and about an hour after application, while it still isn't hubby's favorite by a long shot - he did offer that "it's not tooooo bad" :D

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I can totally believe that DD, this scent is SO comforting to me. It's been a stressful 3-4 weeks at home (remodeling, contractors in and out, long hours at work and no where to go in my own home for downtime...). Last night I just put on a couple dabs and it just seemed to center me. I wouldn't lay it at the feet of Dominance so much as the scent just brings me to a state of well being...and that was just what I needed! So sleep? Yeah! I could totally see sweet dreams with this one :)

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  • 4 months later...

OK so I really did NOT like Sex & Violins in the beginning, and I still can't put my finger on just what that single note is that is so pungent to me. When I got it, I did the recommended RB app between navel & cleavage, then the "spread it around using your wrists"...


Went on with my day, and everywhere I went I felt like I was an invisible bulldozer walking in to a room - I had to be mowing everyone down in my S&V wake. Since it contains Dominance, I can say, I was definitely dominating the air around me. Now I did get some strange (but attentive) reactions from men, I will say. BUT, at the cost of my nose hairs... I don't think I'd wear it often.


So I turn to the forums, and read and study and smell... Then I use S &V again but very VERY sparingly. And I summate after several minutes that "this isn't TOO terrible." Then this week in the forums I notice someone in search of S&V... Two weeks ago I probably would have responded immediately... Now, I'm not so sure! So, yes, patience pays. So does studying up on scents, pheros, cops, application, etc. on these forums. After all this, I will probably KEEP and USE my Sex & Violins.


And if you've been on the fence... S&V is sold out now with only a few left on Artfire...

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OK so I really did NOT like Sex & Violins in the beginning, and I still can't put my finger on just what that single note is that is so pungent to me. When I got it, I did the recommended RB app between navel & cleavage, then the "spread it around using your wrists"...


Went on with my day, and everywhere I went I felt like I was an invisible bulldozer walking in to a room - I had to be mowing everyone down in my S&V wake. Since it contains Dominance, I can say, I was definitely dominating the air around me. Now I did get some strange (but attentive) reactions from men, I will say. BUT, at the cost of my nose hairs... I don't think I'd wear it often.


So I turn to the forums, and read and study and smell... Then I use S &V again but very VERY sparingly. And I summate after several minutes that "this isn't TOO terrible." Then this week in the forums I notice someone in search of S&V... Two weeks ago I probably would have responded immediately... Now, I'm not so sure! So, yes, patience pays. So does studying up on scents, pheros, cops, application, etc. on these forums. After all this, I will probably KEEP and USE my Sex & Violins.


And if you've been on the fence... S&V is sold out now with only a few left on Artfire...

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LoveStruck - I hung onto my sample of S&V for MONTHS before retrying it, writing it off as a "not for me". It was too "something" - head shop? incense? manly? All those things :D Then as my travels here at LP went on - not unlike your own - I bravely pulled it out "one last time" and by some strange magick, it was...intriguing , captivating...alluring even...and I was hooked! But it's true, it's got such an intensity and a strong throw that just a bit is all I need. Not sure if it's even enough to get the phero effect but, for me, the scent alone is pheromone like...resin-y and sensual and SHMEXAAAAY! :heart:

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NuTrix I remembered the story you shared with me back when I first posted! I thought of you when I suddenly did a change up on my attitude after hating on S&V. If there's one thing I've learned here, it's that you shouldn't write off a scent before you've done your due diligence on application. I can't say that I LOVE S&V, but I'm not ready to part with it that's for sure.

I hung onto my sample of S&V for MONTHS before retrying it, writing it off as a "not for me". It was too "something" - head shop? incense? manly? All those things :D

LOL....head shop? OMG, your posts catch me off-guard... I think you are right!!! There is still that "too something" factor in S&V for me, but in a tiny dose it's kinda dark and "out there" while not (feeling like) I'm burning nose hairs or brain cells. Now I have the full size RB so I hope it doesn't "age" & get even MORE "something" over time, as it will be awhile before I make a dent in it.

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I had a long love-hate relationship with S&V. Something about it caught and kept my attention, but every time I wore it, I swore it would be for the last time. Yet I kept buying and using up tester after tester of the stuff. Perplexing!


It is not a scent that allows you to ignore it. It can't quietly be worn. But I kept noticing people would move a bit closer to me in crowded places, sniffing the air to catch the scent. It intrigued them.


It took a long time, but I have made my peace with the take-no-prisoners persona that is S&V, and now embrace it.


But I swear, every time I go to wear it, that lady on the bottle stares at me and says, "About time, wench. Let's go!" And I realize I am but her bitch.

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But I swear, every time I go to wear it, that lady on the bottle stares at me and says, "About time, wench. Let's go!" And I realize I am but her bitch.

Well said! She's like those figures at Disney World in the Haunted Mansion...with the eyes that follow you wherever you go!
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LOL....head shop? OMG, your posts catch me off-guard... I think you are right!!!


And I admit - I'm the fist person to roll my eyes now when someone says, "What smells like incense?" :lol: But there I was, in my early LP days, asking the same question. :swoon:


Now I can pick out the woods, the gunpowder, the musks, the amber...and all those "head shop" associations are replaced by layers of complexity and appreciation of the art that is the magickal creations of LP :)


I had a long love-hate relationship with S&V. Something about it caught and kept my attention, but every time I wore it, I swore it would be for the last time. Perplexing!


Captivated - yes!


"Something" about it wouldn't allow me to leave it be...I was Seduced! She lured me, tantalized me, continued to tempt me with her dark and heady deliciousness...and finally...I succumbed...happily, gloriously and without regret.... :Emoticons0424:


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But sometimes I do have to be a bitch in a particular situation, sometimes I have to say, "Do not fuck with me or you will regret it." And that's where Dominance backs me up.

This paraphrases it perfectly; doesn't make me feel overtly sexy, but just edgy enough and " in your face" enough to help me power through whatever task is at hand. And if that task is to get laid, well, it does come in very handy - and that's when the gunpowder probably pays off ;)

And I must apologize to the auburn dominatrix on the bottle every time I pick it up... "I judged thee FAR too hastily..."

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This paraphrases it perfectly; doesn't make me feel overtly sexy, but just edgy enough and " in your face" enough to help me power through whatever task is at hand. And if that task is to get laid, well, it does come in very handy - and that's when the gunpowder probably pays off ;)

And I must apologize to the auburn dominatrix on the bottle every time I pick it up... "I judged thee FAR too hastily..."

I'm thinking of wearing this to a supervisor meeting today. I'll have to ask the label's violinist to help me kick ass. I reckon she's becoming a folk spirit to invoke in our time of need (kicking ass, getting laid, etc.)!


ETA: The enone, it burns my nostrils with wooden wee!

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This is a day that calls for DOM! This scent was gorgeous in the beginning, but I think it is even better now! It is smooth and rich and absolutely breathtaking. It has aged VERY WELL!!!!!! Glad I have a good-sized stash of hoarded bottles!!

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  • 3 weeks later...

I tried this again yesterday and it bears repeating: where you are in your cycle makes a huge difference to how things smell. I liked both the scent and the phero much better this around. It is still a bit heavy on the resin for me but overall a *much* better experience. I didn't notice any obvious hits but if anything people were attentive and helpful, especially in shops. I know this is their job, of course.

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Whoboy, do scent and phero ever go together in this one!


I love the scent but I'm not sure I can pull it off on a daily basis - and the phero seems to bring out something steely in me that is there anyway, but usually buffered a bit.


It smells heady and rich but not sweet at all; I can smell oranges but these are serious oranges, nothing sunshiny about them.

The whole thing is very dark and heavy; a little goes a long way and I keep catching whiffs from the small amounts I have put on my wrists.

It also lasts forever; through the day and I think I could even detect a lingering bit of it the next morning.


If I had a bit more money I would have sprung for a FB I think. I guess I'll just have to make my sample last and apply it when it really counts.


This stuff is backbone in a bottle!

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I tried this again yesterday and it bears repeating: where you are in your cycle makes a huge difference to how things smell. I liked both the scent and the phero much better this around. It is still a bit heavy on the resin for me but overall a *much* better experience. I didn't notice any obvious hits but if anything people were attentive and helpful, especially in shops. I know this is their job, of course.

Donsie thanks for that reminder. It really does make a difference. Granted, I'm pre-meno so my cycles are anything but predictable, but I do know when the Hormone Fairy moves in, cracks her whip and snarls "Let's dance, bitch."
Perhaps that's the optimum time to break out Ms. SV (the bolero jacket wearin'-glassy starin' beauty from the label) and start a mantra of my favorite descriptive S&V quote by Luna:

"Do not fuck with me or you will regret it."


I have a personal affinity now for Sex & Violins, as it was my first big lesson with LP... learning application, scents, and appropriate use. Still don't L O V E it, but I keep it like a loaded gun in my arsenal. Now I "get" the gunpowder!

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Man! This one I let sit in sample form FOREVER. Just sitting in my box...glaring at me. It was this weird fascination. I wanted to like it. I DID like it. I was intrigued by the scent, but, certainly, it wasn't me. It was to strong. Too head shop. Too masculine...no way that would ever work as a perfume...


And yet...


I would test it. I would huff it. There was SOMETHING about it I decidedly liked - but what exactly? Once it dried down it was beautiful, rich, deep and resiny - not head shop at all. What WAS this strange transformation. It was subconsciously appealing on a level that spoke more to my soul than my mind - so strange. I had so many Love Potions, why couldn't I let this one go...what was making me hold on to this scent that I obviously didn't care for - else why would this sample have sat so lonely in my box for so long? Why didn't I just give it away? Then one night, home alone and determined to make a decision about this distracting dilemma, I liberally applied to my wrists a goodly portion of this potion...and MY, did it bloom/BOOM! The musks, the woods, the amber, the bare touch of something sweet...and the STAYING power! It was so heady and thick, but I couldn't stay away from it. I was enraptured, enthralled and completely captivated. Won over entirely. Resistance was futile. There was no getting around it. and though it isn't an everyday wear for me, it is an utter WIN and I'm glad to have a bottle in my collection :heart:

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