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I've been ordering from LPMP for a short time now but it's every week now, so i thought I would make it official and join the forum. I love their products and have ordered several samples to try along with some bigger bottles if I love the scent. I absolutely love the Cougar potion, Cuddle Bunny, and Fleurs de Vanille (which I hope turns out to be a permanent edition rather then limited). I'm also quite fond of the Compromising Position. Anyway I just wanted to say hi and thank Mara for making it so we could all talk and ask questions and also to meet new people.


I do have a question though, some of the pheros don't smell very nice on me at all. The ones i listed above do smell great on me and my husband loves them which says a lot because he's never been a fan of perfume. the Phero girl smells bad on me and I say this knowing that everyones chemistry is different so please don't take this as a review. What makes it smell bad on a person?

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Hi- welcome!


pherogirl in particular needs to be vigorously shaken until you can't see any separation. I notice a HUGE HUGE difference in its smell when I don't, or don't shake it ENOUGH.


Are you letting that - and everything else with cops - dry down ON YOUR SKIN, COMPLETELY (20 mins seems to be most people's magic number), before putting on any clothes or smelling it?

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Welcome, Hubbysgirl!! A lot of pheros have an odor, it can be as mild as hairspray, or truly potent and stinky. Some of this depends on your chemistry, and your ability to "smell" them. Best thing is to either buy the pre-blended scents with pheros, or, if you want to use the UN pheros with various scents, give them ample time to dry down (20 minutes) before applying your cover scent.


You might find, with time, that you get used to the way pheros smell and it won't be an issue.


Pherogirl is very cops heavy, so maybe try using a bit less and give it 20 minutes to meld with your skin, then see how it smells. It just might not be your cup of tea. Some ladies have trouble with the honey scents and can't wear them. Also, sometimes it depends where you are in your cycle.


But, as you've found, there are plenty of alternatives!!


ETA: tyvey is right! Pherogirl needs to be vigorously shaken!!

Edited by goddesslynne
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Hello and welcome to the forum. I will leave the guessing to the ladies. My first thought might be the cops but if the Cougar potion works on you it might well not be that. Like you said everyone is different and eventually we all find a not that does not agree with us. I was also going to say try shaking the bottle especially if it has pheros in it and to let it dry down especially if it has cops in it but Tyvey answered that as I was typing!

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And yes skin chemistry is huge for me. Honey (phero girl or sexology) can go all cat pee on me. But smells sexy and beautiful on others.

Like everyone has already said, try shaking before applying.

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Welcome!!! I agree with Tyvey and Lynne on the Pherogirl. You have got to shake the hell out of that. It's hard with the little trial vial, but if you roll it between your palms vigorously, that will get the job done.


Honey can be hit or miss with me , and perhaps it is that way with you too. You will learn the more fragrances you try. And yes, some beloved scents sell out, but the good thing about LP is that there are ten new releases every month so you're bound to find something else you like just as much!

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Thank you all for the warm welcome!! It smells like pee on me too. I'll try it again with shaking it as I wasn't aware of that. I think that honey might be a factor as well. I'll try it different ways and see. I may just not be able to wear it. You guys are great with getting back to questions, I'm very grateful for that.

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please do report back -- betcha the shaking like mad for quite a while, helps. First time i tried it i was like BLECH WTF.... Next time I shook it til there was no separation, and then for a while longer to be safe, and it's been true mad love ever since - soft powdery ultrasweet candy deliciousness.

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Welcome here :) ...good advice given,and I will add to try anything at least several times,a few weeks apart...I still shudder at how close I came to discarding LP Red :w00t: and now it is one of my favorites !!!

Many of the honeyed scents with heavier cops did not work on me for awhile either,and then one day it was like,oh wow,what happened here? :lol:

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Contains clarification ...

Welcome.. PG is cop heavy and a honey scent. You may want to spend sometime on the review threads both scents and phero/cops.

As someone still new here it took lots of reading, questions and some trials to get my legs so to speak. PG really is not a Phero and you have probably figured that out by now. Cops are great tho! hang in there.

I have phero girl and I like honey scents.. it took some practice to get how to wear it right. As a go to basic with cops I'd suggest any of the LAMs and Occos.


Don't totally give up on your PG. I often use mine as a layer with a LP fragrance, just a dab or two in the cleave and i usually find it delightful after dry-down. Happy Trails!


btw- I find the honeys to be subject to bottle shock. Once it has a little time to settle after shipping the scent can stabilize. But honey is a bit of a raw sexy scent ( a little dirty sometimes too)

Edited by StacyK
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Hi hubbysgirl !! :thbf54f4bf:

yup...what the "vets" say !!

I've been here about 5 yrs and it's STILL trial & error for me, but you'll get the hang of it

meanwhile ENJOY the ride :)

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First, welcome aboard!!! You are going to learn a ton from everyone here and there probably no question you can ask that there isn't an answer to.


Second, don't give up on Pherogirl just yet. I agree that a) you should shake the heebie jeebies out of that thing and that's probably something good to consider with many of the scents, B) the cops is strong in this one, probably more evident than in many I've smelled, and c) it could be the honey. When I first wore Pherogirl, I hated it. I hated it enough for 30 minutes that I thought I may have finally found the one and only scent that I couldn't stand here. Then not too long after that, it morphed and calmed and settled. It became a really soft and sexy scent and I was amazed... and thankful.


As someone explained to me, back when all there was were oils, the intent was to create an ever-changing orchestra of scents and its really true. What you smell at first could definitely change with time as it blends and melds with your chemistry. You could still not like it but given a little time, you might be surprised.


So enjoy your scents and let us know your thoughts as you try them all out!!

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Welcome! You've already gotten plenty of great advice :) I've taken to the habit of shaking everything I have now just out of habit, though I'm not sure exactly which blend I first began doing it with....I think I just figured what was good for one was good for all :lol: So excited for you and all the fun you're going to have!

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Thanks a bunch everyone! You've all been very helpful. today is just plain scent, taking a break from pheros and cops...and honey. i think the honeyed ptions bother me. Did i read somewhere that its possible to have allergies with the honey or bee pollen? as far as the cops go I seem to do well with the EoW with a cover scent and it smells fine. Anyway i have lots of samples and today I'm wearing Bayou musk and I absolutely love it. Every time I think I have found a favorite I try a new one and add to my list of favorites. Cougar really is my first fravorite so far though. And for the record this is the first group forum I,ve ever joined and I have to say i woke up looking forward to seeing how everyone was doing and the tips and advice. Thanks again!!!

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Oh and I forgot to mention, my husband is an older man and he loves the Cougar. I had a sample and he told me to get the big bottle, also the big bottle of Cuddle bunny. He's never really been into fragrances but he really likes the LPMP products. He says they don't assault his nose the way most perfumes do. Cool huh?

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Oh and I forgot to mention, my husband is an older man and he loves the Cougar. I had a sample and he told me to get the big bottle, also the big bottle of Cuddle bunny. He's never really been into fragrances but he really likes the LPMP products. He says they don't assault his nose the way most perfumes do. Cool huh?


Awesome!!!! You know, my officemate is sensitive to fragrance. She says mine are the only ones that have never bothered her. Isn't LPMP wonderful?

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Oh and I forgot to mention, my husband is an older man and he loves the Cougar. I had a sample and he told me to get the big bottle, also the big bottle of Cuddle bunny. He's never really been into fragrances but he really likes the LPMP products. He says they don't assault his nose the way most perfumes do. Cool huh?

that's awesome!


If you like Fleurs de Vanille, I would stock up, or at least get a bottle while it's still around. I've only seen 1 or 2 favorites become permanent - so much depends on availability of ingredients as well as demand.

Re: Phero Girl - I definitely agree with shaking it up. It has a lot of good stuff that tends to settle. You may like it more if it's all mixed up. Even if that doesn't work, save your vial and try it again in a few weeks or so. I traded away some things too soon and had to find them again, lol


Welcome, glad you're joining us!!

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Thanks Halo for pointing that out..


Gotcha is a fab of mine, it is not cop heavy but I do find it a bit smelly, so I recommend a good cover scent. I does act like a heaver cop product tho. it's great.

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Oh yeah I think you're definitely having a reaction to honey if you have EoW and can manage that. Some people just can't do heavy honeys. Don't be totally afraid of honey though as there are a ton of different kinds. You might do okay with ones that are described as light and bright. Those smell totally different.

I have EOW and PG. I can't wear as much of the PG. No Mara maneuver ect . With PG I'm a dabber as I said before but I have found my sweet spot with it and its makes some of the non phero LP scents super sexy.

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Every time I think I have found a favorite I try a new one and add to my list of favorites. Cougar really is my first fravorite so far though. And for the record this is the first group forum I,ve ever joined and I have to say i woke up looking forward to seeing how everyone was doing and the tips and advice. Thanks again!!!


HAH...this could have been posted by me a few years ago !!! ...Cougar Potion was my first phero'ed fragrance {i]ever[/i] and still a favorite !! ...and LP is the first,and still the only forum I post to now :)


When I came to LP ,I was looking for a "signature scent" , little did I know I would fall in love with with so many incredible creations :icecream:


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I wouldn't call Cougar or Gotcha cops basics. LAM sure but other than Pherogirl that would be the OCCO line. Cougar and Gotcha both only have a few drops and are considered hair safe.

I agree I'm sorry..

Cougar and Gotcha have a dab of cops in the mix but are not Copulin based products.

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Oh and I forgot to mention, my husband is an older man and he loves the Cougar. I had a sample and he told me to get the big bottle, also the big bottle of Cuddle bunny. He's never really been into fragrances but he really likes the LPMP products. He says they don't assault his nose the way most perfumes do. Cool huh?



My husband says this too. He has a sensitive nose and really appreciates the more subtle quality and richness of LP's.


Welcome to our forum Hubbysgirl!

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Oh and I forgot to mention, my husband is an older man and he loves the Cougar. I had a sample and he told me to get the big bottle, also the big bottle of Cuddle bunny. He's never really been into fragrances but he really likes the LPMP products. He says they don't assault his nose the way most perfumes do. Cool huh?

Thats great to hear. BF is 52 and I love Scented Cougar. I think I asked this question before and the girls all said it works with young and older alike. The mellow scent works with pretty much everyone IMO. When I wear Cougar I get small hits frequently both socially and with BF.

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  • 1 month later...

Hi Everyone,

I've been trial and erroring with pheros and cops, so my apologies for taking so long to follow up on the phero girl. So i shook the PG as reccomended and still no luck...I still smelled like pee. I had to give that one up. I've also tried OCCO SLF and still...peeee. (that was actually a rather embarrassing experience). I went to using my EOW cops with cover scent (or not), and no pee or bad smell after melting in...strange right? So I then decided to take a chance and try Compromising Position with sexpionage (WOW!!!). No pee smell at all, so I then ordered unscented sexpionage (yes it's really that awesome!) and no prob with the pee either. I have found that i need to be very carefull with the honeys as they tend to bother me. Also I'm very careful now with what I mix with cops as I think its just my chemistry that makes it not mix well. The honeys bother me but also don't seem to smell nice at all on me. So again just my chemistry. There's so many other fragrances to choose from and I have ordered many big bottles from ordering the trials. I absolutely love LPMP!!! Anyway, hope you're all well and in good spirits. Hope my feedback helps.

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Honey is iffy on me too:/ ill never forget the time I wore Sexology and someone asked me if I smelled pee and if a dog peed in the office. It was awful!

Sometimes I get lucky with honey tho and it's all sweetness and yum. So I still sample because you never know!

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Hi and welcome!!! You got all good advice... Heavy honeys don't work too well on me either but brighter ones do so when you peruse the notes don't throw all the honeys out! Usually it says "bright spring honey" in the description for me to like it. But it's ok if you never try another honey scent you will never run out of options here anyway as you have figure out.


Lucky girl that you have already found scents that your man loves! For many here that seems to take awhile!

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