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Will Sexpionage Help??

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Hi Everyone,

I have been seeing a wonderful man, He is 61 and I am 49 and I wanted to know if Sexpionage would help more in bed?

Sometimes he has trouble with his staying power,if you know what I mean!He always feels bad and I dont know if it is common for a man his age.I have never been with a man over 46.

Would NOCO White cover the smell?I am worried about smelling bad.I have to take 2 bus rides home after I see him some nights and I dont want to smell bad and offend anyone.




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OK, first of all, you CAN NOT ride the bus alone at night wearing Sexpionage. Absolutely not. If you decide to try this it is either a sleep over or at your place.


I think it's worth a try. Mr. Goddess is younger than your man, but it makes a huge difference (pun intended) in the boudoir.


Sexpionage is potent, but I think you'll be fine with OCCO white.


ETA: I have mine as a boosted roll on with LP Orig.

Edited by goddesslynne
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Hi Lynne,

I have my 2 kids at home so I cant spend the nights at his place.

I have Topper,could I spray it over the Sexpionage and tone it down then be ok on the bus?

The bus isnt that full at night.

How much do you use and where do you apply it?

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Godesslynne has a valid point. Hmmm, a shower afterwards at his place before the bus ride home? Lotsa soap and scrubbing. Change of clothes, too.


E.T.A.: You DO NOT want to be wearing this phero at night on a bus. Please don't.

Edited by SpriteLeigh
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I wouldn't want to chance it either, Heather. Not on a bus alone, at night, even if the bus isn't very crowded. Sexpionage is some potent stuff, and not just in terms of the smell.


Is there any way you can take a cab & request a female driver?

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I wouldn't want to chance it either, Heather. Not on a bus alone, at night, even if the bus isn't very crowded. Sexpionage is some potent stuff, and not just in terms of the smell.


Is there any way you can take a cab & request a female driver?

Yes, this!! Or maybe a sleepover for the kids at a friends' house or a relative? Then he can visit you and you can have all the Sexpionage fun you want!

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I wouldn't chance it either. It doesn't matter that the bus isn't full. All it takes is one. And then there is the waiting for and walking to and from... I do like Spriteleigh's idea of a good shower before you leave. Otherwise, keep using your OCCO.


ETA: And even the OCCO is iffy. It's the bus riding at night that is putting me off on the sexy pheros.

Edited by BlueBear
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Thanks for all your advise everybody.I didnt realize Sexpionage could be a problem on my way home.

I just was worried about smelling bad around other people on the bus.

I have worn OCCO White and BI out and I never had any problems anywhere. Everyone is super friendly and nice.

I thought the OCCOs have more cops in it than Sexpionage?

Dont they put out almost the same vibe?

I just wanted to try the Sexpionage for extra help in bed for him and some self effects for me.

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Heather, one of the components in Sexpionage is androstenone, which is meant to make you and your partner sexually aggressive. But if you wear it on a public transit system, it will still be affecting those around you - meaning it could cause sexual aggression in men you don't know - either on the bus, or while you're walking home. There are a lot of cops in Sexpionage, and yes, they do cause a testosterone spike in men, (which can be dangerous enough), but the androstenone in it could make it a lot more dangerous. I've used Sexpionage - at home, alone with my boyfriend - and I can tell you that it causes a very immediate, animalistic kind of reaction in him (and me :) ), but it's definitely not the kind of reaction you want to inspire in the men-folk on the bus. (Which is why I suggested a cab home, with a female driver).

Hope that helps!

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It could, yes. Even if it's in oil - if it's warm outside, or if you're a bit sweaty yourself, (from the earlier, fun activities), it could make the oil project further. It's not something I would want to chance. The last thing we want is for something bad to happen to you!


Try to save it for a night when either you don't have to go home, or he comes to your house (if your own kiddies are at a sleep-over or whatever), or you can find a safer way home. This is definitely one phero you don't want to take chances with.

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Exactly!!!!!!! I wouldn't chance it even in oil. The sprays are relatively new here, so all those warnings in the EOW thread are based on oil bases. If you must use this, please shower before leaving!!!

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Dolphindolls2 said she uses Compromising Potions.

It sounds yummy!

Doesnt that have less Sexpionage in it?

The thought of Sexpionage is starting to scare me but I want to try it.

I will stay off the bus while wearing this.

Thanks for the info about how strong it is everyone.

I thought because I am older it wouldnt affect others around me.

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To be clear, ANY amount of sexpionage, even "less" in CP, is a bad idea when you will be traveling alone and/or at night. You have been warned.

Absolutely!! I hope I didn't make it sound like the amount in Compromising Positions was somehow "safer".

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If he only has problems maintaining his erection and not with actually wanting to have sex, then honestly all you really need is cops, so use an OCCO. I have dealt with the same issue (my man will be 60 this year) and it definitely helps. Sexpionage is really more about having intense wild sex, and if he's got ED, it's better to just concentrate on accomplishing the deed to begin with. And if he's aware that you have to take public transport at night just so you can have private time with him? He needs to call you a cab, IMO (then again I'm involved with one of the most chivalrous men in the world, so maybe I'm spoiled).

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Also to be clear, same goes for cops, or anything with none. Not just sexpionage.


When you wear those, REGARDLESS OF AMOUNT, you are basically going around with a bullhorn shouting, "anyone and everyone anywhere within a mile radius, fuck me now (hard, in the case of none) ."


If you want to send that message under any given situation or in any given environment, that's your prerogative. Intent, desired result, awareness and responsibility are up to you.

Edited by tyvey
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I agree with everyone here about remaining safe. The phero alone, cops alone, are not something you need to be afraid to use under the right circumstance. Everything here is amazing and I have felt nothing but uplifted by finding LPMP. BUT, using one of these that are specifically to trigger what you want in your man will also possibly trigger the same reactions in those you don't want to. From personal experience, the oils will diffuse farther than you think they will.


I would say save it for a time when you will not have to be out alone while wearing it. Sexpionage is awesome stuff, absolutely and Compromising Positions not only has that in it but it is the most yummy scent as well.


Everyone here has had their own stories of how things have worked on them and the best advice is probably just to remember why you bought certain items and are you prepared to handle possible reactions you could get from others who could pick up those same intentions though not meant for them specifically.


Wishing you a very happy 4th of July though!! Hope that you have the same luck of setting off your own fireworks as so many here have! :D


Edited for bad grammar.

Edited by StoremyWhether
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Also to be clear, same goes for cops, or anything with none. Not just sexpionage.


When you wear those, REGARDLESS OF AMOUNT, you are basically going around with a bullhorn shouting, "anyone and everyone anywhere within a mile radius, fuck me now (hard, in the case of none) ."


If you want to send that message under any given situation or in any given environment, that's your prerogative. Intent, desired result, awareness and responsibility are up to you.


This. I will so much as wipe all my makeup off and put on the best axe-murderer face I can when riding the subway at night. If I was wearing something with cops/any sexual phero beforehand and it hadn't completely burned off, I'd wipe it off. Maybe nothing will happen, depending on the motley mix you might find in that particular station at that particular time, but it's not worth the risk. I have been heckled by creeps wearing absolutely NO perfume, pheroed or unpheroed. I'd say, if you want to wear it while you're with him, take the subway first and then put it on when you're there. Keep tissues handy to wipe any remnants of it off when you leave. We're not trying to fire arrows at you, we only want you to stay safe.

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I have worn OCCO White and BI out and I never had any problems anywhere. Everyone is super friendly and nice.

I thought the OCCOs have more cops in it than Sexpionage?

Dont they put out almost the same vibe?

I just wanted to try the Sexpionage for extra help in bed for him and some self effects for me.



They do NOT put out the same vibe AT ALL. Sexpionage is very aggressive and animalistic. I would NEVER wear Sexpionage in public. Never. Not even on my most crazy, impetuous day.


The fact that you have been running around in public, wearing OCCO and BI and have not had any problems simply means that you are lucky. Nothing more. I only wear heavily sexual mixes like OCCO when I am either with my man, or I am VERY FAMILIAR with ALL OF the people I will be coming into contact with, and I have been wearing pheros for 10 years. Yes, I did some crazy things, but I realize now that I was just lucky that I didn't end up in a bad situation.



Dolphindolls2 said she uses Compromising Potions.

It sounds yummy!

Doesnt that have less Sexpionage in it?

The thought of Sexpionage is starting to scare me but I want to try it.

I will stay off the bus while wearing this.

Thanks for the info about how strong it is everyone.

I thought because I am older it wouldnt affect others around me.



Where did you get the idea that because you were older, it wouldn't affect others? When we talk about older women possibly needing "more" cops, we mean in order to "seal the deal" with a specific target in mind. Not to just AFFECT others.


Cops on a female create a strong testosterone spike in ALL MEN. Emphasis on ALL. Some are better at controlling themselves and their urges. The others, not so much. In public places, men who have good self-control will hide the fact that they are being affected, so it will appear that there is no reaction......when, in all actuality, there is a SERIOUS reaction happening.


Wearing BI, OCCO, or Sexpionage on a public transit system (or other public venue) is just asking for trouble.



If he only has problems maintaining his erection and not with actually wanting to have sex, then honestly all you really need is cops, so use an OCCO. I have dealt with the same issue (my man will be 60 this year) and it definitely helps. Sexpionage is really more about having intense wild sex, and if he's got ED, it's better to just concentrate on accomplishing the deed to begin with.


I agree with this. If he has a slight ED issue, Sexpionage may not be the best idea. My man is 52, and OCCASIONALLY has issues. OCCO or LAM is all it really takes to overcome it. Sexpionage when a man is having an issue would probably not really help.....as Luna said, it is more for WILD SEX.....not just sex.




Also to be clear, same goes for cops, or anything with none. Not just sexpionage.


When you wear those, REGARDLESS OF AMOUNT, you are basically going around with a bullhorn shouting, "anyone and everyone anywhere within a mile radius, fuck me now (hard, in the case of none) ."


If you want to send that message under any given situation or in any given environment, that's your prerogative. Intent, desired result, awareness and responsibility are up to you.



THIS THIS THIS! Please read this passage over and over!!!!! This is the message you are sending when you are running around in public with BI and OCCO. Any man who is within range is getting the message that you want to be taken to bed and NOW. Wearing these mixes to work, on the bus, and other public places projects that aura, whether you want it to or not. Period. Come across one psycho who has issues with controlling himself, and you are in trouble.

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Dolphindolls2 said she uses Compromising Potions.

It sounds yummy!

Doesnt that have less Sexpionage in it?

The thought of Sexpionage is starting to scare me but I want to try it.

I will stay off the bus while wearing this.

Thanks for the info about how strong it is everyone.

I thought because I am older it wouldnt affect others around me.


Compromising Positions is very yummy, but I would want to echo what others have stated in that I would not want to ride a bus home at night with this on, or really any of the sexual phero's on.... Please be careful.

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I think Dolly summed it up on the issues of Sexpionage and OCCOs and sexual pheros in general, so I'll just say that with regard to age and not affecting others, many of us ladies here are older and I think that everyone would tell you that pheros work VERY WELL on all ages. I've read some posts that said younger women probably don't need the same amount of cops that older ladies may need (correct me if I'm wrong anyone) because they are still producing so much of their own but cops and pheros DO work and no matter what your age, that "cloud" of scent is something that is floating around you.


I'm 40 and I can't tell you how grateful I was to see so many ladies on here that were around my age so I could make better educated choices rather than read posts from only 20 somethings (no offense 20 somethings). I wouldn't have jumped in on the phero aspect if it wasn't for their own experiences because I'm not in the same place, look the same or feel the same as I did at that age. But, I've seen hits from young guys to men that are probably my father's age since I've started using LP. These do not discriminate and I've come to appreciate the need to look at my collection like drinking and driving - always need to wear responsibly.

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And if he's aware that you have to take public transport at night just so you can have private time with him? He needs to call you a cab, IMO (then again I'm involved with one of the most chivalrous men in the world, so maybe I'm spoiled).



I'm still scratching my head over the bus situation......


I would not consider a man who would send me home on the bus to be worthy of my time......sounds too much like he thinks of you as just a booty call......

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I would not consider a man who would send me home on the bus to be worthy of my time......sounds too much like he thinks of you as just a booty call......



Yeah that's just wrong. My BF won't even let me take out the trash, get the mail or do laundry - because it's located in our underground parking area.

Heather ~ don't even mess with this man, I mean it sounds like you are going to do what you want anyway, but it starts from inside.

Inside first, outside last. What I mean by that is- you can dump your whole bottle of Occo White, Sexpionage, BI, Topper, and everything on you, and if you don't feel happy, sexy, fun, the pheros will achieve just the opposite of what you want.

Is any of this registering and making sense? Maybe what you need is to make love to Heather, and not this fucking dickhead.

You have children, riding a bus in the middle of the night because you have to get home to your kids-essentially putting yourself in grave danger to me, is backwards. This guy must have a golden ruby encrusted penis, that you chisel away and take with you for a rainy day ~ because I would never, ever, ever, in a million years go to some dude's house where- maybe he is going to get an erection- then leave on a bus at night wearing pheros because the motherfucker cannot be bothered to take me home or call, and pay for my cab. Fuck all that. I'm a mother first. I'm a whore second.

Does this make sense?

I 'm not trying to be mean. Just honest.

Edited by LadyVictoria
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Hi Everyone,

I have read and reread all of you replies and I think I finally understand about the dangers of wearing cops.

I really thought since I am not in my 20s or 30s and that I am 49 that it wouldnt affect many men of all ages.

I have worn BI somedays and OCCO on other days and everyone has always been nice and friendly,I have not noticed anything bad.

But I dont wear alot just a little.Isnt that ok to do?

I feel so good when I wear BI so thats why I like to use.I tried other blends but dont feel anything.

Also I am so used to riding buses to go everywhere so I didnt think anything of it,but I will be more careful now.

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Is any of this registering and making sense?

Does this make sense?



Heather, I think there are bigger concerns for your well being here than whether you should be wearing more sexpionage or BI. Let me say it another way: Pheros only enhance what is already there in the first place. Secondly, I think the others expressed concern about the bus issue because though you may be used to riding busses, I don' know how much experience you have riding busses with (as Tyvey put it) a bull horn announcing that you want to get violently screwed.


And the fact that the wonderful man you are seeing doesn't drive you home himself. Maybe he doesn't drive?

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OK, Heather....best of luck to you, but I will not have any part of giving you advice that is not considered. After 30 replies telling you that you shouldn't wear the sexual blends in public, you still say....."if I only wear a little, will I be ok?".....so, if we tell you yes, and you go out and get attacked by that one lone whacko that rides the bus that one fateful evening, then it is on our conscience that it happened. No, I am not putting myself in that position.


Did you read above where I said, because nothing bad has happened to you YET, you should just consider yourself LUCKY? This is the honest truth. I have been dealing with this stuff for a lot of years. The blends you are wearing are VERY powerful sex signals. No joke.


BI and OCCO in public are inappropriate, and dangerous when the woman wearing them is alone. PERIOD. That is my last opinion on the subject. You are a grown woman, and if you choose to do so, then any bad things that happen are on you. I am done.

Edited by Dolly
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Also to be clear, same goes for cops, or anything with none. Not just sexpionage.

When you wear those, REGARDLESS OF AMOUNT, you are basically going around with a bullhorn shouting, "anyone and everyone anywhere within a mile radius, fuck me now (hard, in the case of none) ."

If you want to send that message under any given situation or in any given environment, that's your prerogative. Intent, desired result, awareness and responsibility are up to you.

But I dont wear alot just a little.Isnt that ok to do?

Personally I decline to answer questions that have already been addressed in the same thread, like this, and some repeatedly. Good luck to you
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Personally I decline to answer questions that have already been addressed in the same thread, like this, and some repeatedly. Good luck to you



This goes back to my point about giving advice that is not considered. Heather, with all due respect, you say that you read and reread our replies.....not trying to be harsh, but maybe you should read again. I think you want someone, anyone to validate your opinions and thoughts, so you read what you want to read. Just my humble opinion.

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OK, Heather....best of luck to you, but I will not have any part of giving you advice that is not considered. After 30 replies telling you that you shouldn't wear the sexual blends in public, you still say....."if I only wear a little, will I be ok?".....so, if we tell you yes, and you go out and get attacked by that one lone whacko that rides the bus that one fateful evening, then it is on our conscience that it happened. No, I am not putting myself in that position.


Did you read above where I said, because nothing bad has happened to you YET, you should just consider yourself LUCKY? This is the honest truth. I have been dealing with this stuff for a lot of years. The blends you are wearing are VERY powerful sex signals. No joke.


BI and OCCO in public are inappropriate, and dangerous when the woman wearing them is alone. PERIOD. That is my last opinion on the subject. You are a grown woman, and if you choose to do so, then any bad things that happen are on you. I am done.



Heather, Please head Dolly and everyone else advice, I would not use these late at night period....

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But I dont wear alot just a little.Isnt that ok to do?

I feel so good when I wear BI so thats why I like to use.I tried other blends but dont feel anything.

Also I am so used to riding buses to go everywhere so I didnt think anything of it,but I will be more careful now.


No. Even with just a little, you have no idea how far your skin will "throw" the pheros (and towards what creep). That would be even worse if it's a perfume that has tremendous throw on your skin. Case in point: I was wearing a (non-LP) honey-based scent, no pheros, at work. I know I amp honey, but I had no idea I'd amp it as far as I did, which was only into the next room. Now can you imagine if I was in a subway station and that had blatant sexual pheros in it, in any amount? That's about 20 feet of distance, which is usually the minimum distance I keep from suspicious-looking characters when I have a choice.. When you're on the train you don't always have the choice to stand as far away from the creepers as you might like, and the results could spell disaster.

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Heather let me put it to you this way: if you continue to ask questions, and then obtusely refuse to apprehend the answers you receive to those questions and ask more questions which don't take into account the responses you've already received. pretty soon no one is going to want to answer any of your questions.

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I am really confused.some women have said they wear the OCCOs during the day.

So is it not ok to wear even a small amount during the day?

I understand now about not wearing them on the bus around strangers at night.

I wont do it any more,and I dont think I want to get the Sexpionage,it sounds too strong,but

what about a tiny amount during the day to give a youthful glow.

I really feel good when I wear cops.

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I am really confused.some women have said they wear the OCCOs during the day.

So is it not ok to wear even a small amount during the day?

I understand now about not wearing them on the bus around strangers at night.

I wont do it any more,and I dont think I want to get the Sexpionage,it sounds too strong,but

what about a tiny amount during the day to give a youthful glow.

I really feel good when I wear cops.

I can understand the confusion and I won't argue any positions either way on cops during the day because I'm still a newbie here and learning myself. I've worn cops during the day ala Cougar and it was more like a social phero than sexual and everyone was happy and chatty and relaxed but I also trust everyone I work with and I have a car so I'm not having to walk anywhere really but that's me, right or wrong.


In this thread, I would venture to say that probably what the most concern about is travelling via bus and the reason why you are. I think the biggest thing is that you are traveling with a lot of strangers and possibly waiting at stops with people whom you have no idea what intentions they may have or worse yet, having to walk somewhere to get to a bus stop AND travelling at night is a huge thing. If I'm wrong, I'm sure I'll be set straight but if you are not around those you can say you trust (and having taken the bus a lot when I was carless I know the creeps you meet), you can't control who will respond to any phero - especially in situations where you are definitely more vulnerable.


Whether the ladies' concerns would be a little different if you had your own vehicle or were driving your own vehicle with this on, I don't know but I think they might. Again, I know I will be set straight if I am incorrect or misunderstood anyone's intentions. And this is along with the fact that it does rub everyone, I think, the wrong way that your guy would just let you hop back on a bus and go home. Personally, I'd be pissed and sex would be far from my thoughts if that was the best he could do. Pheros or no pheros, perfume or no perfume, maybe I'm old fashioned but no woman that is cared about should be riding a bus at night but again, just a thought.


Take the advice, as passionately as it is given, and consider it depending on your situation. We are all adults here and accountable for our own actions.

Edited by StoremyWhether
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