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Agent XXX w/Sexpionage

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I do not have WORDS for how delicious this smells in the vial. H.O.L.Y. COW. I cannot wait to wear this and follow it as it morphs through all these delectable notes - WOW!


I loved it when tried on my skin! So very complex, wonderful soft and spicy floral at the same time. Now I'll need to find a proper occasion to wear such a sexy scent, and also review it :)

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DD because they ALL wanted to sleep with you!

Lol! :D

I just want them to be non-bitchy and nice and this works every-time with these goof balls. I'm such a hard-ass at work that I can not imagine anyone there wanting or thinking that this would be a possibility...Now if they knew that I'm really a pussycat, that would be a whole other story....LOL

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I finally gave in and got this. It really does smell like the inside of my LP sample bag! It has that LP smell that I just love. As it dries down- I get the rose ( which I love) it's floral with a hint of spice. Sooo glad I'm not amping the spice which I usually do.

All the notes blend really well. This scent feels sexy without being smutty. Surprised Sexpionage is hiding under this without bleeding through at all!

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This one is a trickster!



It started out all gooey sweet and then within 10-20 minutes something shifts completely. I DO NOT understand how these notes are working together to create the smell my nose is experiencing - don't get me wrong - this is goooood...real good. It's foodie. But it's not. It's spicy but like an exotic spiced fruit pastry. I can't wait to really slather this one! This is insanely good!

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I really love this scent!!! The rose is so lovely. I am new to LPMP and I only ordered a sample of this. Wore it to a black tie event last night, and I felt wonderful. My hubby loved this on me, and apparently so did the gentleman sitting to my left! Since this is my first outing with pheros, I was conservative in my use of this. The man sitting to my left kept engaging me in convo all night long. It also could have been my dress, which accentuated the girls nicely! ;-) Will have to test this again in a few days.


Can aanyone recommend a scent that is like this w/o pheros? I kept smelling my arm last night to the point of distraction. Seriously wanted to lick my arm!! Lol!

Edited by crystalpine
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OK. I SLATHERED this yesterday and after my initial test was VERY surprised by the outcome - but not in a bad way. I got ROSE - lots and lots of beautifully surprising rose an it was GORGEOUS!


Initially, when I tested this on a small spot I completely go the spices and fruit and the rose was not forward at all. Now a handful of days later - slathered - ROSE. Lots of rose on a bed of delectable spices just barely there in the back ground.


I was outdoors and it was terribly humid and if you stood in the sun you would've been baked...and by the look...some people were (sunburn - ouch!) I am terribly pale and I fan of shade, lol. People like myself don't tan - we burn :P But my lovely rose sweltered away quickly within several hours...but I think it would be safe to blame that on perspiration...SO upon second application I still had the same delightful rose out come with the spices beneath and got very little fruit at all other than the complimentary undertone to the rose fragrance.


Makes me want to wear it again today to see what it does! But I have to give my other LPs a chance, lol, still - such a crazy wonderful surprise and it was a very lovely non granny rose too. It was very fresh and "on the bloom" type of rose. VERY nice indeed! :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I remember testing this out a few times after i first gotten it and my first thought was BLECK!


When i tested it the first few times, the rose smelled pretty bad on me--like i thought it was a good idea to douse myself in (old-school granny)rose perfume and go rolling in some MORE granny perfume.. none of the other notes were present at all, which i thought was queer and left it alone for awhile.


Coming back to it now, I get some hardcore rose (essence? it smells artificial on me) thats being candied with spices.

Right after dry down is done it smells like a buttload of spice and the rose get crazy mad sharp like woah. Very very warm smelling. im picking up something else but not too sure what it is.


After an hour its the spice that stole the show, the rose is still sharp but you have to really look for it because it smells like skin--and oh what a surprise when you find it! After its found i think its still in the background but my nose seems to focus on it more. I sometimes pick up something tart/fruity, the sugar came back with a vengeance that makes my mouth water haha


I keep catching myself gravitating towards my test spot, the air around it is divine and sweet; but once im close in its not what i think i was smelling (hot, spicy skin) It almost feels like im false advertising :lol2:


Not too sure what to make of it, theres definitely some ultra mega "warmness" to it. figuratively and almost literal. The sweetness of the candied rose draws you in then once youre in you get slapped with the spice and tangy fruit so hard that (i caught myself) blushing and looking the other way.

Its definitely a good cover for sexpionage(i never smelled it before so its obviously a good cover) theres no getting around it.


The verdict; It starts out as an okay scent that i had the pleasure to experience morph into a strangely great sensual smell. The "final stage" where its all done morphing and fusing with the skin- it left a very nice sweet vanilla musk that i dont have any problem with. I would probably use this for special occasions only cuz it kinda smells like that. Something like anniversaries or what-have-you that i have to take a super long time preparing for. Its a very mature scent which is unfortunately not what im all about but i am happy i own something like this ^_^

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So, I did my second trial with this last night at home with hubby...seriously IN LOVE with the rose!!! :hearts0425: It dries down beautifully on me. YAY!

As for the effects on hubby...normally there is a lot of foreplay leading up to the main event (not complaining!), but he went straight to it!! He said "hmmm, you smell nice", and away we go! Later I asked why he was so aggressive, and his reply was "it wasn't your perfume!" HA! He is such a non-believer that even when he knows I'm wearing pheros, he doesn't think it works. :666:

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crystalpine! My guys the same! :lol:


He even has a handful of things that I've gotten for him, that he wears for me when he knows we'll be together. BUT he won't wear them to work because he says he doesn't want the women there chasing after him...BUT he doesn't believe that pheros work either . :blink: Hmmm...He's either in denial, fibbing, or just willing to let me have my fun....or maybe all of the above :P


I figure that just makes it all that more fun for me! So you go ahead and play and the two of you can reap the rewards and he can blame it on whatever he likes so long as he associates it with YOU! :Emoticons0424:

Edited by NuTrix
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  • 2 weeks later...

A spicy, citrus, rose that starts subtle and stays subtle. After dry down honey and cop mix swirl to the top which I'm guessing is uh Sexpionage? I can see this complimenting crystalpines black tie event, more elegant than I expected.

Edited by Cherise
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I ordered this I'm so freaking excited to get it! One question, are the phero enhanced perfumes going to give me any actual phero related effects? Because I wanted to try them so I could pick out the unscented bottles I want

Oh yes. Definitely. Sometimes the lower dosage in the phero-enhanced perfumes, (I call 'em "pheromas" :) ), are even more effective than the higher dose you get in the UNscented. And with Sexpionage, you WILL feel the effects. ;)

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I didn't tell my BF for the longest time, either. I wanted to make sure it wasn't a placebo effect. Plus, I wanted him to think it was ME he was going crazy for, instead of the artificial pheromones I was wearing. They work! :) And so did my Ebil Plan. :666:

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But wouldn't something like dominance be better for speaking ? Or does the really sexy stuff help more?


Heheheee...cops always make me happy - plus it has a-nol - which also always makes me happy - and it's got some none in it too - which makes me alpha and confident - AND it smells FANTASTIC! I could see this good for that kind of thing - may even help the crowd be more attentive!LOL!

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I honestly do not recall receiving standoffishness from women while wearing cops - BUT - cops can make some men that way...sometimes the increase in their testosterone will cause "one-up-itis" or a weird competiveness, like they just have to question everything you say and try to make you justify your views or choices. It has A LOT to do with the type of guy and your relationship with them - type "A" personality or competitive co-work who is always trying to prove their worth....and honestly, sometimes they aren't even aware of WHY they are responding that way. Knowing that this is possible and being diplomatic enough to steer it has been essential in some instances for me.


As far as selfies though - Sexpionage ROCKS! And the above circumstances have been FAR and FEW between - so I wouldn't concern myself too much about it - just store it in your memory banks somewhere.... :)

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But wouldn't something like dominance be better for speaking ? Or does the really sexy stuff help more?

Finished my speech at 8pm and now, just catching up with some old acquaintance's and this and Compromising Positions (both have sexpionage) seem to help me have rare courage and give me the extra push I need for these kid of events... I used Dominance to work out in, it gives my endurance and energy.


I wanted to add that folks have been coming up to me since my speech complementing me and basically just wanting to hang near me, I never get this type of activity normally, so for me Sexpionage in these blends really help me kick it up a notch and make me feel confident.

Edited by dolphindolls2
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Great post DD!


I have had great times wearing this to work - even though it hardly seems appropriate, lol!


Good to hear you did so amazingly well - even if it is hard to believe that this would be considered out of the ordinary for you ^_~ :heart:

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Great post DD!


I have had great times wearing this to work - even though it hardly seems appropriate, lol!


Good to hear you did so amazingly well - even if it is hard to believe that this would be considered out of the ordinary for you ^_~ :heart:

I try to always project confidence when I'm giving a speech for business or alumni event. However, that is what the outside looks like, the inside is a total mess of nerve's...


Thanks for the kind words....

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I try to always project confidence when I'm giving a speech for business or alumni event. However, that is what the outside looks like, the inside is a total mess of nerve's...


:Emoticons04263: So true! One thing I STILL catch myself doing is wanting to speak too fast at the beginning - all nerves. It's amazing how confident we sound when we just slow down and "have conversation" rather than bullet through. But that's me - I'm sure you had people donating left and right for your event! :Emoticons0424:

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:Emoticons04263: So true! One thing I STILL catch myself doing is wanting to speak too fast at the beginning - all nerves. It's amazing how confident we sound when we just slow down and "have conversation" rather than bullet through. But that's me - I'm sure you had people donating left and right for your event! :Emoticons0424:

It was a success and we raised $550K for my universities scholarship fund.

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So not only did YOU come out smelling like roses (Agent XXX!) but so did everyone else! :love592:NICE!

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So not only did YOU come out smelling like roses (Agent XXX!) but so did everyone else! :love592:NICE!



Congradulations! Your speech must've spoke to their hearts which spilled out their wallets ;)


I do try and speak to my audience and since I'm such a big cheerleader for the university I attended, I tend to become very passionate in my plea's to ensure the continued ability for future students to have the same accessibility to this outstanding university that we all did.



The cost of a college degree in the United States has increased " 12 fold over the past 30 years", far outpacing the price of inflation of consumer goods, medical expenses and food.

According to Bloomberg, college tuition, books and fees have increased 1,120% since records began back in 1978.

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Finished my speech at 8pm and now, just catching up with some old acquaintance's and this and Compromising Positions (both have sexpionage) seem to help me have rare courage and give me the extra push I need for these kid of events... I used Dominance to work out in, it gives my endurance and energy.


I wanted to add that folks have been coming up to me since my speech complementing me and basically just wanting to hang near me, I never get this type of activity normally, so for me Sexpionage in these blends really help me kick it up a notch and make me feel confident.

Thats great DD. I'm sure you had a lot to do with it too. But, as someone not overly fond of public speaking... I'll keep that in mind. :D


...And Kudos to you on your education stand!!!!

Edited by StacyK
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

What's Tyvey's word? "UNGF"? That about says it for this perfume. Hot-damn! I just love it so much, I want to wear it all the time, yet this is actually the first time I've worn it since I got the FB. I pick it up every single day, shake it, smell it, and lament the fact that I'm too chicken-shit to wear it out of the house. But it smells so good! And BF loves the scent, too. He actually told me, himself, without my having to ask. That's always a good sign: I need MOAR. :D

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  • 4 weeks later...

The rose in this is actually very subtle. Sometimes I amp rose, but the citrus, honey and vanilla are the real stars of this one. The honey is definitely one of those sexy honeys, not as full-on as in OCCO SLF or Honeyed Love Potion but related to those. The spices are very subtle; they work with the musk to heat it up and give it that warm-skin sexiness. On me this is more gourmand than floral overall. I'll take that!

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This is the most wearable rose I've ever smelled that doesn't take me to that horrible place that my mom or grandmom's perfume lived... :wacko:

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  • 3 weeks later...

This has changed with age. It's more hippy chic, a little softer around those prominent edges. I get much less hippie bordello or Catholic Funeral than I did at first. Much more pretty/exotic now. Wow!

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