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OK! The good news is the Cougar is not making me feel weird and "off" like it has in every other scent I have tried it in. I am actually feeling awesome and upbeat! This is such an enthusiastic scent! I do like it and it is so perfect for today. It is sunny and clear and the air is so fresh, I can't imagine wearing any other scent today. It does remind me somewhat of Passion in Pink but not quite as sickly sweet so I like it better for me. I am not sure about getting a full bottle yet. It has the potential of wearing me out. It just might be tooooo much. I will definitely wear my sample and see if I am sick of it by the time it's gone.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I held off on testing this one because it didn't sound like a "me" scent... I tried it yesterday for a retail day, though, and wow, it was really effective! The scent is quite citrus-y on me, with the floral very calm in the background. It had a bit of a perfume-y vibe to it, but more in a "complex blend where the notes are so intertwined it's hard to pick out any one as dominant" not in smelling like a commercial perfume. The scent was subtle and sophisticated... not quite me, but perfectly congruent with the phero! Cougar Potion didn't work for me as a scent, but the phero is great and this was a wonderful scent setting for it! I felt sparkly and confident; had some lovely hits with younger male customers (and a couple of older as well!). Definitely a social rather than a sexual vibe, which I like for that setting. I could see this working beautifully for any social setting that has professional overtones to it -- it's feminine and grown-up and deeply attractive without putting out too much on the sexual side of things. I'm actually contemplating a full bottle, which I didn't expect to be! I think I would use it in the same way that I use Sneaky Clean--they are quite different in many ways, but both have an element of classiness to them (but still playful and fun) that is supremely useful.

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Nice review Blackcat!! I felt the same about Pizzazz when I first tried it. I worried about the rose amping because florals (rose especially) usually goes all dominatrix on other notes but I loved how it wasn't overwhelming. In my head, I've always linked Cougar phero with scented Cougar but this one definitely fits into the category perfectly for that upbeat, playful vibe I associated. It's definitely my scented Cougar alternative!!

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In support of Pizzazz usage, I decided to wear this today. So far, everyone has been pleasant and although putting the stereo in my car has been nothing but a pain in the ass (it's a Mitsubishi so of course everything is wonky to install), the installer has bent over backwards answering questions, offering solutions, gift cards for the trouble, you name it.


I put this one around 9:30 and right now, it feels like a soft vanilla-laden rose with a splash of citrus. I'm with you Halo. It's morphed all over the place the last couple of hours. I never get any brown sugar though? Has anyone noticed having that stick out to them? Its not prominent like in other scents. I assume that's probably why I get a faint vanilla feel from this now though.

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  • 2 weeks later...

This really reminds me of a snack I love eating In the summer Called Jubes (or as I just call it Jube jubes because it sounds better)


It sorta reminds me of the original or mango. It certainly reminds me of them at fist smell out of the bottle, once on that initial Jubes twang is still there but now its just an underlying scent w.a dusty rose aura. It screamed 'yum' until the rose came out and now I'm not sure what to think of it.


I think the roses don't like me cuz it felt like someone decided to jab me in the eye with an ice pick and is still hammering it in, its still really early so maybe it'll mellow out, if it doesn't then ill be sad to wash it off

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  • 4 weeks later...

I love Pizzazz! Wet, it is just such a juicy, fresh happy fragrance, I can't help but smile, even when doing the most boring domestic crap today! And of course, the Cougar is making me feel like the shizz, even when folding laundry and mopping the floors. And I'm also a fan of the long dry down, this has the feeling of texture, like a soft suede. Not that it smells like suede, lol, but it makes me think of something soft and almost velvety. Love it!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I was hesitant to get is because of the rose. My grandmotherly kindergarten teacher eons ago wore a very strong pure rose perfume and while it is lovely, I equate it with old lady.


But I got this and was so pleasantly surprised. It was sweet and tart against a floral background. Not too overtly flowery though as it mixes with the sweet/tart very nicely.


In fact, it reminds me of a drink. My mother makes her own version of a hot toddy and would give it to us when we had sore throats and heavy chest congestion. It was hot tea with orange juice, honey, lemon or lime juice (depending what she had on hand) and a capful of brandy. The scent of Pizzaz reminds me very much of this tea. It is lovely!

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  • 2 weeks later...

The first time I wore Pizzazz, I thought, "Hmmm...*squidgy shrug*...maybe not for me." But I couldn't just let it sit there and be sad. I mean, it has COUGAR in it!!! I let it age a little and tried again.


YOWZA!!! I love it now! It's not too sharp like it was at first. Everything blends, and it smells so. Freakin'. GOOD! Cougar is always a great phero for me, so that's a given. But the scent! It's really lovely now! It's congruent with the phero. It's a happy scent. Stuff's excellent. I'm gonna end up with a full bottle!


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  • 1 month later...

I love Cougar and the self-effects were there when I wore Pizzazz -- and I do wear it for the selfies! But ack on the scent -- at first it is bright and sparkly, but then it dries down into old-lady-rose on me. And it doesn't fade!! it sticks around forever!! So -- it's kind of a joke to play on myself: wear a scent I can't stand which is enhanced with a phero that makes me feel AWESOME! lol!

I'll try it again in a few weeks to see if it morphs into something marvelous, but for now, this is a no go. :(

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I love how Pizzazz and the Raspberry Rose Confite smell in the bottle, but they both go wonky on my skin. Rose/raspberry blends just don't like me, even though I like THEM. Phooey. Not fair. :smiley-angry016:

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It makes no sense how much I love this one. The roses don't usually sit well with me. That Confite one was a total bust. Agent XXX was better but still not FB worthy for me. But Pizzazz!! So drippingly refreshing! Every time I wear it it smells a little different. Sometimes the lime pops out...sometimes the mint! I think it smells exactly like this drink must taste which I plan on making one of these days.


Thank you Halo for inspiring a scent with Cougar that I finally love!

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That amazes me...such a happy scent. I will be wearing the hell out of it when I go to Hawaii next month! This and Dolly's Hot and Sticky of course. My friend that I will be visiting there LOVED the concept of the rose mojito. He couldn't believe there was such a perfume! Ahhhh these non LP'ers...they have such a tough time smelling outside the box...

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with aging this has gotten less pointy, even at the beginning (though it didn't bother me when it was) and MUCH SWEETER and more overtly foody. It reminds me early on, and even more in late drydown, of Pink Musk. :dancing kitteh:

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  • 1 month later...

Ahhhh these non LP'ers...they have such a tough time smelling outside the box...


:Emoticons04263: well stated MDC. Glad you were able to use it on your trip. Pizzazz does make for a great vacation scent. Also good to know that it ages well!

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I get a lot of lime from Pizzazz. I love the summer-tropical feel / smell of this blend! The notes work amazingly well together. Total mojito...great cover for Cougar! The fact that it ages well is thrilling altho I can't see mine lasting more than a year. So it won't have a chance to age too long.

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Guest cutie.pie

When I tried this one for the first time, I didn't like, don't know why. But after a week, I tried it again, and loved it. The moment I put it on it's sweet and sugary, but later it's fruity and flowery at the same time :)

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  • 1 month later...

I love this scent! I didn't think I was a rose fan before finding LP's but Mara has converted me, I love Pizzazz for it's fruity and floral scent, it's the perfect summer cocktail. It makes me feel 'sparkly' which makes it the perfect vehicle for 'cougar'. On me it's more fruity soda, with a back note of rose. Definitely a must have for any fruit or rose fan. Has a great throw and last a long time.

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  • 2 months later...
  • 3 months later...
  • 5 weeks later...

This is very rose at the start. I had a moment where I thought it was going to be too much but it never got to that point. It wears really well, stayed strong. I can still smell it hours later. On dry down I got more of the rose and the lime together. I think the berries sweeten the rose in a nice way, making it more youthful and less sharp, especially after the long dry down. I have a feeling I will still be able to smell this faintly in the morning.

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  • 2 months later...

Cutie pie, you should do an iso for Goldie Fingers and Limelight if you can find it. I really think you'll like those.

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