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Honestly, for me at least, I usually have more success first off, with the phero/scents. The dosage is always just right.

Like they say, with pheros less is usually better than more. :)

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Honestly, for me at least, I usually have more success first off, with the phero/scents. The dosage is always just right.

Like they say, with pheros less is usually better than more. :)

Well, I caved and got the bottle. So there will be plenty to experiment with! :Emoticons10311:

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:burning-heart: I am LOVING this one! It is so very, very *PRETTY*! I was nervous about the Apple Blossom, but I needn't have been. In perfume notes, I am a Tobacco Flower and Leaf addict, so I figured this would end up working on my skin. And oh, my stars and garters, how it does work! This is rounded, gentle, and very womanly. It's clean in an understated and sexy way. As far as the phero goes, I think it got my bones very thoroughly jumped the other morning. This aspect will, of course, require much further testing. :666: Oh and I don't smell cops in this at all! :)

Edited by ElizabethOSP
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This one is great for right out of the shower, soft luxurious towel draped loosely around you, wet hair hanging down with that "come hither" look in your eye for that special someone....


This wouldn't be my choice for scent as a go-to but it certainly is as many have described it. Clean but not soapy, definitely floral, not as much so as Sneaky Clean. I would lean toward preferring the Sexology scent over this, but that is only a matter of tastes. This one is very feminine and lovely. It's no wonder it's such a hit with so many of you :^^:

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This is very perfume-y on me; I think I was hoping it would be a little sweeter, but the apple blossom just took over and went kind of sour on me, alas.

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I just pulled out a turtleneck from the "I really need to do laundry but maybe I can get away with wearing this one more time" pile; when I sniffed, I thought, wow, did I do laundry in a blackout or something? This smells so clean and warm, as if it's fresh from the dryer...


And then I remembered: it's the shirt I was wearing on Saturday when I tried X Appeal. Man, I LOVE this stuff!

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I have really enjoyed this one and am glad I purchased a full bottle untested.


On me this is a very airy light white musk. I personally don't get a clean/laundry type of scent, it comes off on me as more a sensation of white musk floating on light puffy clouds.


I have a bottle of this ordered in a spray and am also looking forward to trying that delivery as I have a feeling it will increase the airy vibe.

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Hard to believe , but I have never actually bought a perfume/ phero blend as of yet , only Fbs of Un Pheros except a trial vial of LFN with something.

This sounds really tempting though , I might break down and order this as is , soon as the store is open again .

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I am loving the way this sounds!!!



I just pulled out a turtleneck from the "I really need to do laundry but maybe I can get away with wearing this one more time" pile; when I sniffed, I thought, wow, did I do laundry in a blackout or something? This smells so clean and warm, as if it's fresh from the dryer...


And then I remembered: it's the shirt I was wearing on Saturday when I tried X Appeal. Man, I LOVE this stuff!



I have really enjoyed this one and am glad I purchased a full bottle untested.


On me this is a very airy light white musk. I personally don't get a clean/laundry type of scent, it comes off on me as more a sensation of white musk floating on light puffy clouds.


I have a bottle of this ordered in a spray and am also looking forward to trying that delivery as I have a feeling it will increase the airy vibe.

This is sounding better everyday!!!!!

Edited by luna65
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Irish Eyes -- I was going to suggest you try the sample first, since this seems to be very different on different people, but if you like all the contrasting descriptions, maybe you should go for it! I got my bottle and am so thrilled--it feels like this is my new secret superpower!


And Chitown, I got the spray too and am loving it! The scent is so potent in the oil; I'm finding the more diffused delivery very effective.

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Definitively not for rosebud :( I'm not a big fan of soapy clean scents anyway but this one is nothing but soap on me. I really amp that note, and I really don't like soap smell at all. Funnily enough Mr Scrumptious likes this one...

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I have a sample arriving the day after tomorrow.....I have a feeling that after I get my box and try all my new things.....January won't be able to get here soon enough. LOL I can make the sample into a small spray if needed to tone it down a bit.


Irish Eyes -- I was going to suggest you try the sample first, since this seems to be very different on different people, but if you like all the contrasting descriptions, maybe you should go for it! I got my bottle and am so thrilled--it feels like this is my new secret superpower!



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I have a sample arriving the day after tomorrow.....I have a feeling that after I get my box and try all my new things.....January won't be able to get here soon enough. LOL I can make the sample into a small spray if needed to tone it down a bit.


Oooh, have a wonderful time! Can't wait to hear what it turns out to be on you, and how you like it!

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Just going from the sniff so far, I think this is a fabulous scent. I agree with the comment about it being more the essence of soap rather than the soap...like you washed and rinsed but that clean scent lingers. Or for those thinking dryer sheet....it is more like the smell of clothes after being dried with it...not like sniffing a dryer sheet right from the box.


I didn't get a sharp slap in the face soap smell but I will let it settle and see how it goes. If it gets a bit stronger in the vile, I will just add a touch like others suggested. I like the scent so I will have fun testing this one. Not sure if a tiny dab will be enough for the sexology part but I am going to concentrate on how the scents I bought react with my skin first and worry about the pheros effects later.

Edited by irish eyes
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Okay after work this AM I dabbed a bit of this on myself before going to bed. I wanted to see if it was a sharp soap smell and it wasn't sharp to me at all. A little goes a long way but I like the scent. I slept for a few hour and awoke to the glorious smell equivalent to being wrapped up in a pile of towels fresh from the dryer ( minus the heat of course) Just an absolutely comfortable, snugly, fresh-washed scent. This one is a winner for me.

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When I got home this morning and pulled the sheet back, I was greeted with a burst of this great smell. I am not sure if the amounts I could wear this in would be enough to actually get the amount of Sexology needed for anything, but I am thinking layering it with some of the UN Sexology would work since I only need a tiny amount of the scent.


You are right Blackcat, A bottle would last a long, long time.

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I tried this one again...a little really goes a long way. I have to be careful with it so I don't drown myself in scent. But in a small amount this scent is still a winner. I will be trying Sneaky Clean and any of the other "clean" scents I find. At least Sneaky Clean is permanent.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I wore this last night. OMG it's like a long, warm, sheer hug. It's super clean honey scent.

I really think a warm clean honey note shines through here. It's soapy clean, but.. I'd put it in a sexy honey category too. It really struck me as honey last night and I loved it. :)

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I have been enjoying this one, and yes a little goes a lonnng way on me. It smells fresh and clean without managing to smell soapy on me. It lasts a long time and the longer I wear it, the better it gets! By the end of a couple hours it melds with my skin instead of smelling like an addition to my skin. Weird right, but that's the only way I can explain it.

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How much did you apply? I put it on a few min after my shower and I did the swirl on my stomach, some in the cleavage and a long stripe on ea forearm/wrist. I loved the scent and I smelled the cops very faintly for maybe a second then all I could smell was that clean, light honeyed scent I really wanted more but already feared I had on to much sexology. It must have been ok, people were extra nice and helpful, chatty ect, no weirdness

I just wish the scent lasted a little longer. it's so pretty.



Have you ever buttered your bread and went back 3 more times because it needed it? That's how I roll with my LPs.

I roll that shiz like I am buttering this sweet, hot, and warm body.


How on earth are you guys able to wear that much cops?!? I'm doing little tiny dabs in my cleavage and still anxiety ridden that I'm going to gross everyone around me out. Well, at least I can feel better now that the one day I thought I'd overdone it and grossed a guy out at work, I probably really didn't. Because I didn't have on near as much as you all are piling on.


I am a cops chicken. :chickendance:

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^^^HAHAHA! Darbla...it's possible that he wasn't grossed out at all....you may have been overly nervous and read into something that wasn't there...you can only know by trialing it again.... :ange::lol2: Though 2 common negative reactions to cops are nervousness and irritation from guys who aren't sure how to handle their testosterone boosts :Emoticons04263: From LP, I've not had anyone be grossed out by a fragranced cop blend because of cop smell. Come to think of it, it's always been the opposite with guys. I get compliments on my cop'd perfumes. You should try again....you know...for posterity, to see if you get the same reaction more than once. It's the only way to know for sure if you can really blame the cops. And think if you may be wrong and how you could be missing great opportunities!


I sound like a pusher :lol: but I like to think of it as that I'm an enthusiast trying to help others be enthusiastic too! :)

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How on earth are you guys able to wear that much cops?!? I'm doing little tiny dabs in my cleavage and still anxiety ridden that I'm going to gross everyone around me out. Well, at least I can feel better now that the one day I thought I'd overdone it and grossed a guy out at work, I probably really didn't. Because I didn't have on near as much as you all are piling on.


I am a cops chicken. :chickendance:

I think it actually good to start out conservatively with cops. But, you don't have to be terrified. I'd say the first thing you need to do with cops or Pheros is make sure you are not overly expectant.

Wear what your comfortable with. I sometimes ask about dosages, I've gotten some very helpful info doing that. But you are experimenting so just enjoy the ride. Most hits I get, I don't actually realize it until much later. I tried Pheros looking to enhance my personal interactions and feel good, sort of an extension of using fragrance.

How do you respond to cops? If they make you feel dirty then you'll be happier going light. But, if your wondering how others are perceiving you with cops I'd say Don't. Just follow the basic rules, keep them off your face, neck, clothes and out of your hair. You 'll probably find that happy spot soon enough. Also and I can't emphasize this enough.. don't forget about the Social pheros. There are some really awesome blends in that category.

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If it helps you diagnose me :D I'll throw out some FYI: I'm not interested in romantic relationships at all, but am using pheros more for "social engineering" as someone here has phrased it. After my last huge relationship disappointment, there's not a cell in my body that's still interested in romantic relationships. I'm shooting for the self-effects from pheros and what they can accomplish in the friends and work departments, but not the romantic relationship department. The reason I thought I might have grossed out a guy friend at work was because of the cops odor, but I'm hoping I had it so close to my own nose that I was the only one really detecting the scent.


But even though I'm not interested in luring someone into a romantic interlude, I get that if guys (and girls) feel perky, happy, more upbeat around you then the general, friendly relationships are going to be better. If the sexy pheros in small doses promote that, I'm all for wearing them. I do use Open Windows and DHEAS but after days and days of that I'm ready to mix things up a bit, so I started experimenting more with cops both alone or with the other pheros. I just haven't seen enough positive reactions yet when I'm wearing them for me to think they're doing much. Which might be because I'm applying too sparingly, not that they're not effective. And probably I'm too much focused on work to even notice anything non-work going on around me. :break_pc2: And too tired and too little time on weekends to do any socializing outside of work doesn't help, so that limits the range in which I can monitor reactions to the pheros.

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On me this is a very airy light white musk. I personally don't get a clean/laundry type of scent, it comes off on me as more a sensation of white musk floating on light puffy clouds.



THIS and the comment earlier comparing it to jasmine are enough make me reeeeeeally want this scent, if the Sexology phero would work for my "friendly social engineering" I expounded on above instead of sending into guys around me into testosterone fits.

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Hi Darbla, what about Cougar or Gotcha? Those have a small amount of cops in them, and they are great socials. They are the only ones I wear to work, (in scented Cougar and Fuzzy Wuzzy) I'm also too chicken to wear the straight-up OCCO's! Super Sexy for Women is great, men and women love that one, and no cops in that one at all. Sneaky Clean is great, I've been meaning to try my X-Appeal sample for work, but I have yet to do so.


ETA: They are the only ones I wear to work with cops in them.

Edited by SpriteLeigh
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I tried this one again...a little really goes a long way. I have to be careful with it so I don't drown myself in scent. But in a small amount this scent is still a winner. I will be trying Sneaky Clean and any of the other "clean" scents I find. At least Sneaky Clean is permanent.

This is making it even more appealing, because the scent sounds fabulous and I wouldn't be ODing on the sexy phero if I had to apply lightly. I could enjoy the scent without driving men crazy around me. :D


SpriteLeigh, I've used Cougar in small and larger doses and never noticed much different around me; either in my reactions to it or others, so I figured I'm just one of the few on the forum who've said it doesn't work for them. I had a sample of "Fuzzy Wuzzy" but blazed through that too fast to gauge much reactions (LOL). I needed more experiment time with that and would've bought a bottle, but it sold out in no time flat and I just haven't bought any of the UN Gotcha. Maybe I need to try that.....

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Aaagggh bounce dryer sheet - I always amp these "clean' 'cotton' 'linen' scents all to hell. I put a small blob on my tum, and slathered Jo's white chocolate frosting everywhere else, like 6:1 ratio, and rubbed it all together. The Jo's WCF did sweeten it up a bit, cut the pointiness for a little while, but it lost the battle within an hour or so. I did smell nice and fresh despite being sweaty and clammy and crabby. But this genre is not my thing. More for yall :)


I mostly was trying it for the phero which I still don't have much of a handle on...pretty afraid of b-nol as it has made me cause major public scenes what with the sobbing and gut-spilling of the "it all began when I was born" variety... but today I noticed, hm, it's cuddle bunny plus b-nol...so maybe it will make me more relaxed and sociable. So thought I'd give it a try since I was going to be in a forced socializing situation despite being very very tired. It made several people (men and women) stare sort of inappropriately at my face. Not pleasantly or critically, just staring, like you would stare at a poster that had information you needed on it. I figure that is the b-nol - them being extra receptive / attentive, or something.

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Aaagggh bounce dryer sheet - I always amp these "clean' 'cotton' 'linen' scents all to hell.


but today I noticed, hm, it's cuddle bunny plus b-nol...so maybe it will make me more relaxed and sociable. So thought I'd give it a try since I was going to be in a forced socializing situation despite being very very tired. It made several people (men and women) stare sort of inappropriately at my face. Not pleasantly or critically, just staring, like you would stare at a poster that had information you needed on it. I figure that is the b-nol - them being extra receptive / attentive, or something.

Me too :( It's very pretty, but I would NEVER be able to wear enough to get phero effects because it gets so loud on me...little dabs? Gorgeous...like a smidge at my belly button and dab split between wrists

YES! Like CB + B-nol! This phero combo is great! I think it's really well balanced and don't think you'll have the b-nol melt down. I know this one is "supposed" to be a sexual blend - and it can work that way at home with hubby - but it's behaved well socially for me and I've had great reactions at work with it. People, men and women, are helpful & attentive & really focus on me when I'm speaking with them and carry through with instructions. Not just nodding along and then going off to do whatever. Like they really want to do well by/for you. Thumbs up! :)

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Just reporting in and adding to the discussion above -- I just wore this to wedding for a gay friend, with a guest list that was almost 100% female. I am not a socially comfortable person. I am also very single at the moment and I was attending on my own, with only a few people I really knew. that being said, I had a minor level of acquaintance with several of the women there.


For me, my crabby mood started to lift after I spritzed X Appeal on my cleavage and belly. Several people engaged me in conversation -- a woman and her daughter asked me to sit with them at the ceremony, another women asked me to get up and dance for the group dance following the married couple's first dance, I could find a conversation whenever I needed to. I was able to navigate what I had feared would be a really tricky social situation with a fair amount of ease and comfort. So for me, this works as a social, particularly since the scent is so clean and classy. I think Sexology paired with a killer sexy scent would NOT have been appropriate. But in X Appeal, it worked for me in the way you describe, Darbla.


Oh, and I also spent some time talking with one of the few men there, a recently divorced straight guy, and he seemed perfectly comfortable and at ease with me. Chatty and attentive, but not blindsided, so I didn't feel I was being teasing or rude with my phero'd-ness. Plus what people have said about a little scent going a long way also minimizes that danger, I expect.

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X Appeal is a win with my bf. First off, it smells like fresh laundry or dryer sheets. So it's almost like not even wearing perfume. It smells like clean and sexy girl skin- wearing fresh, warm clothes straight from the dryer. It's not too sharp either. The scent lasts forever and I can still smell if on me hours later.

As for the phero, it makes my bf very snuggly, chivalrous but with a sexy edge. Lots of pawing and innuendos all day. But not so teasing or extremely playful. More of just being comfortable and content just being together. It a very couple-y or relationship building type of phero for me.


Eta- sorry for the bad grammar. Typing from a phone sucks!

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It a very couple-y or relationship building type of phero for me.




You hit the nail on the head with this. I think it really helped me and my guy to establish a firm foundation before the fun stuff. This is actually the best vehicle for B- nol that I've found so far.

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If it helps you diagnose me :D I'll throw out some FYI: I'm not interested in romantic relationships at all, but am using pheros more for "social engineering" as someone here has phrased it. After my last huge relationship disappointment, there's not a cell in my body that's still interested in romantic relationships. I'm shooting for the self-effects from pheros and what they can accomplish in the friends and work departments, but not the romantic relationship department. The reason I thought I might have grossed out a guy friend at work was because of the cops odor, but I'm hoping I had it so close to my own nose that I was the only one really detecting the scent.


But even though I'm not interested in luring someone into a romantic interlude, I get that if guys (and girls) feel perky, happy, more upbeat around you then the general, friendly relationships are going to be better. If the sexy pheros in small doses promote that, I'm all for wearing them. I do use Open Windows and DHEAS but after days and days of that I'm ready to mix things up a bit, so I started experimenting more with cops both alone or with the other pheros. I just haven't seen enough positive reactions yet when I'm wearing them for me to think they're doing much. Which might be because I'm applying too sparingly, not that they're not effective. And probably I'm too much focused on work to even notice anything non-work going on around me. :break_pc2: And too tired and too little time on weekends to do any socializing outside of work doesn't help, so that limits the range in which I can monitor reactions to the pheros.

Hi I really want to respond here but I think that'd be a threadjack . If you want to bring this to the general phero thread I'll be around. I get what you're saying btw.

Sorry for the double post... iPhone

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  • 3 months later...

Tried this today....LOVE it....I agree, I think its Sneaky Clean's AND Cuddle Bunny's near relation. I like it because it smells wonderful and reminds me of my early childhood...I catch whiffs of an apple flavored pipe, like my dad used to smoke and it also reminds me of sheets hung on the line to dry. We used to have apple orchards on the old farm. It's clean, sophisticated with sexy underneath....and the nol helps make everyone around me more chatty in an easy way....even my husband, lol!


This is one of my favs. A Peaceful Easy Feeling.....which also reminds me of that old song......


Good times. Good memories.

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So happy to be able to get my bottle(s) of this. It's fast becoming one of my all around scents/pheros. It's been helpful to me as well as a couple of my friends that I've shared a tiny bit with. Most noticeably was the first time I used it was when my husband and I attended our oldest son's new band's concert. He was the keyboardist for many years with Physical Graffitti, a Led Zeppelin tribute band and now is in a band called Vinyl Revolution. This was a fun night where everyone, friends, family of all ages got together and for me, the sexology in XAppeal was great. My husband loves the scent and it really seems to help with deeper bonding with others, even tho I know that Treasured Hearts, Heart and Soul are used more for that, I haven't tried them yet. I plan to at some point.


Anyways, the next time I wore XAppeal was during an afternoon of helping a colleague who is retiring to Italy to inventory her herbs, make tea blends and to see clients that afternoon at her shop. I have my own office, but I also see clients at different locations. One of my clients can be very overbearing and controlling and it's hard for her to see her own stuff sometimes, yet she's a wonderfully strong woman. She came to see me that day and was preparing for a reunion with her daughter and family that evening after a time of separation for various reasons. She was also having some issues with her man. She became much more open/vulnerable with me that day during her chart reading. I had my little vial of XAppeal with me and decided to share a swipe with her on her wrists. Hugs and she went on her way, and I on mine. I had more clients to see that day and was meeting a a few friends later to watch the Kentucky Derby over dinner in Newport. I put on some more XAppeal followed by Cougar later that night and cannot begin to tell you how much fun I had that afternoon and evening. It was a group of very professional, intelligent women, some of which I just met that night, some older friends, but I never laughed so hard. We ate, rooted for "our" horse (yippee, California Chrome WON) and then went to one of the ladies house after to sit and talk some more. Deep, deep talk about everything, our men, our children, etc. with much bawdy laughter and silliness, like a pajama party on steroids....Women just having a great time and feeling good about themselves.


Anyways, in the meantime my client whom tried the XAppeal texted me that her little reunion with daughter, friends and man went extremely well and she was happy as a clam.....


I drove home.....had to use the highbeams on my jag as one of the low beams were out and cop pulls me over.....he seemed confused, them slowly smiled, then told me to get my light fixed and let me go, he he. It's weird.....but you can tell when the pheros work, cuz people get this vague, puzzled look about them like they are temporarily lost and then something shifts and clicks in....


Good thing, cuz I didn't need to get a ticket at 3:00 am... altho snuggly hubby at 3 am was another story, lol.

Edited by Olderbutwiser
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Thanks for reminding me how much I love this one! It's really just perfect. I may regret not having gotten a backup bottle... except I have to say: my spray is lasting amazingly. A little goes such a long way!

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