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Egg 2014


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Egg 2014

Which came first? Our original scrumptious EGG did! The egg is a particularly potent symbol the world over: the harbinger of fertility and rebirth, its shape echoes the world and its emergence means Spring has arrived once more in our midst. Numerous cultures and belief systems revere the egg in seasonal celebration and there is no more perfect object to give us all a boost of fertile inspiration and nourishment of our aspirations…so have an EGG! This popular potion (now in its fourth brew!) encourages new beginnings and sets the mood for creative endeavors of all kinds...a fun, festive delicately sweet and smooth marshmallow amber blend features fertility-encouraging ingredients, from the sophisticated to the delicious.


Magickal Meanings of Ingredients:

MARSHMALLOW ROOT ~ Fertility, happiness, creativity, increase in psychic awareness, intuition, love, protection, exorcism. Gently commanding and persuading.
Attracts love
, luck, sweetness and riches. Lust inducing, wishes granted.
POWDERY VANILLA ~ Aphrodisiac, inspires happiness, playfulness, sexual arousal, lust, vitalizing.
WHITE AMBER ~ Fertility, creativity, love, luck, riches.
Self- confidence and strength, sexual attractant, heightens passions and arousal.

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I want but my 2011 bottle is almost brand New :D


Anyone note any differences?

Edited by StacyK
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No one would, at this point. ;)

But when M and I discussed it the main impression I got is that this version is closer to the original, no chocolate or pink sugar notes like the variants.

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At least 1 bottle...easy....even though I have hoarded the 2011s. Doesn't matter. Must have. Resistance is futile. :rockon:

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I can't wait for this! I LOVE my bottle of Egg 2011. I haven't smelled any other version of Egg, so I've really got my fingers crossed that I'll like this one as well.



At least 1 bottle...easy....even though I have hoarded the 2011s. Doesn't matter. Must have. Resistance is futile. :rockon:


And I am jealous of your hoard! I rarely buy more than one bottle of anything - the scents I REALLY like I've bought a backup bottle when possible. Egg 2011 is one that I like well enough to buy a backup bottle, if I ever find one.

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I can't wait for this! I LOVE my bottle of Egg 2011. I haven't smelled any other version of Egg, so I've really got my fingers crossed that I'll like this one as well.


Diito! 2011 is the only EGG I've encountered too. Now II can make one into a spray! I tend to slather this so a good fogging now and again will be nice ^_^ I don't know how much re-brews vary - plus I don't think I first sniffed 2011 until 2012, who knows how it aged by the time it got under my sniffer?? Or how 2014 may as well...

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There is a smooth soft delicate quality definitely just like the original, but it also has a sugary vibe like 2011, so it's the best of both and as such, utterly delicious!

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This one is dreamy!


I will have to pull out 2011 and snoffle them side by side but this (2014) is stand alone deliciousness. This one has caramelized sugars too, which I don't see in 2011. I know I hoarded a fair share of Marsha Mellow. It was EGG 2011 that got me hooked on marshmallow scents. I wonder, shall I forever be surprised at how elegant a foodie scent can be? This is such a warm, friendly and inviting, snuggly scent. I wonder how it would stand up to a boost of Sexology, CB or Lace?

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There's no chocolate. As I said, for me, it's the best qualities of the original and the 2011 version.

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I didn't care much for Egg before, but I kinda like this. It's sweet fluff with a hint of creamy musk. Nothing more, nothing less. On me it's rich and deep but light at the same time. Wears forever and a day!

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I slathered this am and immediately yelled "OMG so delicious" and cackled like a cartoon villain. It reminded me of kanary kremes for some reason. Doesn't throw a lot but it's sneaky how long it hangs on - well over 12 hours it was still going strong!

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I am loving this one. Light and sweet but as tyvey and Blue Bear said, it lasts a long time. Wet it seems to only be a suggestion of a scent on me but blooms n my skin to the sweet vanilla musk scent I love. Glad I got a FB of this stuff and may need more!!!

Edited by irish eyes
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I slathered this am and immediately yelled "OMG so delicious" and cackled like a cartoon villain.

My reaction was "Oh crap this is wonderful, must acquire STAT before all the other addicts buy it out from under me!"

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I only ordered 3 bottles...so far....

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So my order came today and this was the first one I tried out. There's always the possibility of travel shock, but at first sniffing I find this one to be VERY similar to Egg 2011. That's the only other Egg I've tried so far, and I love love love it, so I'm super happy with this re-brew!

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I would be devastated if you did not love it :D I think you're in for a treat!

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I have really been thinking of a vanilla-white musk PE so this is great. If the marshmallow is anything like Flying Potion, I can only imagine it being fantastic.

I'm still such a dang freshman at this note stuff that I can't remember from day to day what I'm actually gravitating towards...guess I need to get out the list of what I have/love so far and see which "notes" are in the lead.

I got Flying Potion... L O V E it immensely. So is there a definite similarity (i.e. the marshmallow?)Then I could very well be a blossoming marshmallow junkie. :nice09715:

Edited by LoveStruck55
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EGG 2011 made me realize my love of the marshmallow...then came Marsha Mellow...of course the Flying potion - YUM! Spell Weaver, Smoking Bun....SO many! EGG 2014 was a no brainer! Marshmallow is a WONDERFUL thing to love :love:

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OMIGODOMIGODOMIGOD!!! I can actually WEAR Egg 2014 without my skin eating it alive!!!

:hearts0425: :hearts0425: :hearts0425: :hearts0425: :hearts0425: :hearts0425: :hearts0425: :hearts0425: :hearts0425:


*Whew!* Sorry for yelling. I am so happy! This is such a pretty scent, and for some reason this time around it *stays* around. WOOT! Everyone has described it better than I could over the years, so I won't even try. Just wanted to say that IT WORKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Edited by ElizabethOSP
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So I gave this one a full day's wear, and I think I love it just as much as 2011. 2014 does seem to have a bit more of a "perfume-y" smell to me. It's not strong enough for me to dislike it, I think it just adds to the yumminess. This is the first LP that I've tried two different re-brews of one perfume, so it was definitely a bit of an experiment for me. I love it though, it's similar enough that I like it just as much, but just a tiny bit different so that I don't feel like I'm buying the same thing. I actually just got a bottle of 2009 from the trading post which I haven't tried out yet, so I'm curious to compare that one too!


It also does have pretty good lasting power on me, but then so does 2011,


Oh yeah, and this is definitely my favorite Egg label so far, but then I'm a sucker for animals.

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I have not had much of a chance to wear 2014. But I did dab away the day it got here. The '11 has a bit of pinkness to it. This one is all "white" or pure, in the sense that I don't get extra notes or variants.

It's just a step more than a "skin scent" but works similarly to my nose. It's obvious it will be very layerable. As always, I love me some marshmallow root!!!

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I love 14! Wow! And the staying power! It stays pretty true through the entire wear, not a lot of morphing - so far. But it stayed pristine w/o re-application for more than12 hours. Absolutely freaking fantastic. I still love11 but I may need to increase my stash of 14 if it's still around next time I order! :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I think this version is my favorite "Egg"! Just powdery, subtle marshmallow musk. The white amber isn't stabbing my eyes.. It's such a delicate, pretty scent. I'm wondering if I need an FB...

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The staying power of this one is scummilicious! Granted, I maaaay, slather the teensiest bit... To hoard more or not o hoard more...always the question....

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  • 2 weeks later...

I really like EGG... but I don't love it (like I love NEW). I think I must be the only one that doesn't love it!!! For me, it's just too sweet - I had hoped the musk and amber would balance out the sugars for me, and be more of a sexy grown up scent, if you will. I will say, if I use it sparingly, it's a subtle, uplifting vibe after about 10 min. Wet and early on, I feel like my skin is a layer of rich, sugary fondant with crystalline sugar sprinkles all over it. Definitely fun; I'm not disappointed that I got it, given the hefty legacy of "EGG" in the SO section of the perfumerie. However,there are so many others that I would reach for before it! I will let it age awhile - which has already proven wise a number of times. Thou shalt not decree final judgement on a scent in the first "go around"....

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  • 10 months later...

I do not have any of the other “Eggs”, so I am going strictly off the 2014 version. It is everything I have always wanted. My daughter wanted a “vanilla” perfume and we are sharing this. It is soft, simple, white, sweet, and smells delicious if you are a vanilla fan. Both my husband and I are big vanilla fans, me being the powdery vanilla fan. It is sweet and clean, kind of like Sneaky Clean, but without the “sneaky” or florals, the amber and musk adding just enough depth. It smells the same out of the bottle as it does on and dried down. At first, I thought it was a disappearer, but I think it just wears close to the skin as it was always there all day long and even the next morning when I woke up. Forget having to request the perfect vanilla scent, Mara already made it! January is my “vanilla month”, so this one is a perfect symbolic perfume for new beginnings.

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  • 5 months later...
  • 4 weeks later...

So I got the Egg 2014 in the august sale. I thought it would be different. I like it, but I could live without it. To me, it is nice vanilla scent and I would say it is pretty sheer. I can't smell it as much as I would like to and so can't others (I assume). I also got the Sogni incantati, so now I can compare. To me, it is similar, but the Sogni is more pronounced, so to say. And I detect some apricot note from it. Egg is more "straight vanilla" to me. I like both, but I have other LPs that I love.

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  • 9 months later...

Love the Egg 2014! I got one in the sale, liked the scent well enough, and decided it to wear it a few days in a row. At a party, we sat around the fire outside and the warmth really amped it. Husband came close and said: did you put on more perfume? You smell great! And the other day at an outing, after a vigorous walk, one of the ladies next to me got all excited: what's that smell? It's sooo Lovely! Great foodie scent that really blooms with increased body heat!

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  • 9 months later...

I have not tried any of the previous versions of Egg to be able to compare, but this version is lovely. It's a very light scent. When it first came out 3 years ago I liked it, but didn't love it. I tried it again more recently and since it has had time to age it has a lot more depth. It's a creamy, white and slightly sweet amber musk. The marshmallow is more apparent which I love. It reminds me a bit of Sugared Egyptian Musk. Makes a great scent for the office...I could smell it hours after applying...Egg 2014 has now become a like/love potion which I reach for frequently!! :)

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