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Totem: Bat w/La Femme Noire

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Yes! It reminds me of my grandmother's cellar. It was very damp and musty and earthy. It was also where she kept her washer and dryer, so it smelled of damp earth *and* detergent and softener. That's exactly what Bat smells like to me when wet. I can't say I love it (I didn't mind the scent growing up but I don't want to smell like a cellar to other folks) but after a good, long, solid dry-down I can't smell any musty earth or anything anymore.

Reading that I conjured up the smell! My grandparent's "scary" (I WAS a kid after all) basement w/the washer/dryer. Excellent description donsie. I'd love to smell this if only to amaze myself that Mara can create A N Y T H I N G. I think maybe a sample.
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Reading that I conjured up the smell! My grandparent's "scary" (I WAS a kid after all) basement w/the washer/dryer. Excellent description donsie. I'd love to smell this if only to amaze myself that Mara can create A N Y T H I N G. I think maybe a sample.



It's certainly worth a trial vial! I'm going to keep playing with it and see what happens. I get the feeling this one might be particularly susceptible to hormones/where someone is in their cycle.

Edited by donsie
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OMG you guys, I got this in the spray and I was a little worried it might dilute it too much, but I love it even more if possible! I spritzed chest, arms and back and it's a soft musky cloud I carry with me. It's so subtle I'm not sure other people are even registering the scent on a conscious level, but I am getting little wisps of earth and smoke and stone. Heaven!


I actually broke down and got this in a trial vial :rolleyes: can't wait to test it. It'll be a first try with LFN as well. I too want a little earth, smoke and stone lol. Thanks for adding to my anticipation for this fragrance, you have such a way with words :)

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I actually broke down and got this in a trial vial :rolleyes: can't wait to test it. It'll be a first try with LFN as well. I too want a little earth, smoke and stone lol. Thanks for adding to my anticipation for this fragrance, you have such a way with words :)

In the oil I get ONLY earth. I could not get the other notes on my skin. I will try again soon.

Do you get more of the 'other' notes in spray?

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BlackCat actually has the spray, check out her post a few lines up. I wish I had the courage to get the spray...I have a trial vial on order for the oil. This will be my first dark scent and first time trying La Femme Noire. So I thought oil might be safer, could be wrong tho :^^:

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BlackCat actually has the spray, check out her post a few lines up. I wish I had the courage to get the spray...I have a trial vial on order for the oil. This will be my first dark scent and first time trying La Femme Noire. So I thought oil might be safer, could be wrong tho :^^:

Yes. That was meant for BC. I hit the wrong.quote.

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blind grab yielded this yesterday. Something in it disagrees rather profoundly with me -- it's a skin chemistry thing, because I did not get it in the vial -- something that smelled like a crushed bug -- otherwise it was green and stemmy and quite commercial-feeling, and seemed pretty credibly unisex to me.


The phero made people dive, yelping, out of my way, as usual.

Edited by tyvey
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— something that smelled like a crushed bug –


The phero made people dive, yelping, out of my way, as usual.

:smiley-laughing024::rofl222: :lol2: :10_small16: What kind of crushed bug? My first chuckle today tyvey (it's been a long ass day) THANK you!

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:D something largeish with a black striped shell and green squishy insides. I looked at the notes and I'm guessing it was the combo of the black musk (a death note for me) and maybe the vetiver....
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:D something largeish with a black striped shell and green squishy insides. I looked at the notes and I'm guessing it was the combo of the black musk (a death note for me) and maybe the vetiver....

OK. I asked for this. :vomit:

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I've tried with this one but I don't think we'll ever get along completely. The musty earth persists for hours and hours and what it leaves behind isn't much to my taste. Sadness. I still love you, though, ickle bat!


It's certainly unisex when it dries down and I wonder how this might wear on a man.

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In the oil I get ONLY earth. I could not get the other notes on my skin. I will try again soon.

Do you get more of the 'other' notes in spray?

Sorry, StacyK, not sure how I missed this!


I get a very similar experience of the scent in both oil and spray... if the oil is pure earth to you, my guess is that the spray will just be lighter earth. I love the spray because for me it enhances the ethereal sense of the scent, but it is not significantly different in terms of my experience of the notes... the oil is pretty complex for me. Sorry it didn't work for you!

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Sorry, StacyK, not sure how I missed this!


I get a very similar experience of the scent in both oil and spray... if the oil is pure earth to you, my guess is that the spray will just be lighter earth. I love the spray because for me it enhances the ethereal sense of the scent, but it is not significantly different in terms of my experience of the notes... the oil is pretty complex for me. Sorry it didn't work for you!

Thanks BC. I really want this to work but so far the Bat won't give me any love. :(


The BANYAN Fruit is all earth on me so I get double wet dirt.


"Enchanted Wonderland" is great on me because I get this whole earthy winter wonderland thing going on due to how the Banyan is on my skin it's great.


BTW have you tried "Treat"?

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BTW have you tried "Treat"?

Treat was a little cocoa heavy for me.... I can do chocolate but it doesn't always love me.


Just read the description of Enchanted Wonderland, though, and I think I need to sample!

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Treat was a little cocoa heavy for me.... I can do chocolate but it doesn't always love me.


Just read the description of Enchanted Wonderland, though, and I think I need to sample!

Treat is cocoa heavy on me too. But a bit after dry down I get more of the other notes. I've been leaning more towards it lately. Sometime Cocoa mellows with age.


Definitely try EW.

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I am still considering a FB of this but the new releases bumped it down. I love the earthy thing, it is gorgeous on me...and I smell something a tiny bit fresh coming out, maybe the banyan? Anyway, as much as I love the LFN phero that is what makes me hesitate on this. To me this is a bedtime scent and the two times I wore this to bed I slept fitfully. I think the blend stimulates my brain!

Maybe I would wear this as a day scent in the winter...

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^^The LFN may not help you sleep. Thanks to Halos suggestion, I've used LFN to do house work and other tasks, the 'none can sometimes really focus my energy.

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Dang this baby smells like sweet earth! Wet I get a sort of sweet fruit, then as soon as that starts to dry down it becomes sweet earth that is a bit musky?dirty? After about ten minutes it disappeared. It disappeared into the night like a bat.

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^^The LFN may not help you sleep. Thanks to Halos suggestion, I've used LFN to do house work and other tasks, the 'none can sometimes really focus my energy.


Was so pleased to know this was a side benefit of LFN. I sprung for a sample, can't wait to test it :rolleyes:

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  • 4 weeks later...

I wore this to work yesterday to see if it could help me focus on a report I have to write. I'm not sure how it did in that regard (seemed to be fine) but I did find the damp, cool earth scent very refreshing and an antidote to the scorching sun.

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  • 1 month later...

Thanks to all great reviews - especially Blackcat's - I want to be Queen too!! :)


Ordered 2 samples - mainly bc I want to try LFN but also bc intrigued to try something very difft from my usual pink and foodie stuff. We'll see how well my skin plays with the fragrance but being able to try LFN now is so worth it.


I'm not an earthy girl usually but maybe scent will ground me more. Anyhow very much looking forward to trying. I love the ideas around all the notes - and I think pairing bat totem with LFN is a pretty awesome concept.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm breaking my own new 'rule' of trying something at least 3 times prior to reviewing - but have been sniffing this for a few hours, so here it is.


Ok, first impression - I got this mostly for LFN. The notes intrigued me, and bats are cool, but LFN was main reason. Since reviews were mixed and as I'm into sweeter PINK stuff (or troppo ala Beach Bunny), I was worried it would come across earthy and dank. Or dark moody. Or worse.


I don't smell any dankness or earth at all on myself after dry-down (wet yes). My skin is actually brightening this up into a "sweet-er" scent, not food or pink sweet, but like a floral sweet (?) - hard to describe. Maybe the marigold is amping up. Some note in this is making this 'perfume-y' on me. So first test drive, not labeling this as a 'me' scent just bc I don't like any true floral on myself - due to the 'perfume-y' aura. :(


But, I am holding unto my samples not only for LFN (which by the way, am loving the LFN selfies, should have waited to test this during day though, I'm more awake now) but thinking this may age into something deeper and fuller bodied.


After reading other's reviews, thinking I must have weirdest skin chemistry EVER or at least for today as I keep sniffing and keep getting marigold and maybe a dash of fruit.


ETA: Also keeping samples bc really love the intent of these notes. if my skin is amping marigold, maybe I need it's properties more today? :) These are potions after all, not just random scents thrown together. So each one is unique intented creation, glad I got this!

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Hey Beach Goddess, you've come over to the Totem side :) Very cool. I like stretching my usual scent limits as well. I seem to naturally rotate what I wear over a cycle, so foodies during my period, then more tropical towards ovulation, and calmer and meditative towards my period. And I love the unisex scents for work or when I'm super stressed. The Totems fill that hole for me, something beautiful, sometimes mysterious, sometimes unisex. So much to discover.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey Beach Goddess, you've come over to the Totem side :) Very cool. I like stretching my usual scent limits as well. I seem to naturally rotate what I wear over a cycle, so foodies during my period, then more tropical towards ovulation, and calmer and meditative towards my period. And I love the unisex scents for work or when I'm super stressed. The Totems fill that hole for me, something beautiful, sometimes mysterious, sometimes unisex. So much to discover.

Thanks andro! I'm not sure when I'll try for other Totems just bc I have so much on my list now. :( Pleasantly surprised @ Totem Bat - def much difft than I had imagined. But that said, at least for now, not vibing with anything that my skin turns 'perfumey'. Still holding unto samples bc of LFN and also bc I know this scent could grow on me. Agree so much to discover. I have totem lamb on my list too!


But for now my main trend is the sweet pink, foodies, vanilla types. I think bc I work (a lot) and these make me feel more playful as they are less 'serious' than other types of scents. I love the idea of smelling like cupcakes and pink frosting, coconuts, etc. :D

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Have I already reviewed this? Yes? No? Well here we go anyway with some road testing...


Oh my goodness, I've found my shoe with the Bat Totem blend! And thanks to the LFN boost, that show is a black-brown, velvety four-inch stiletto with aubergine bottomed soles ready for hours of man-devouring comfort.


Wet, this is munching on licorice in a damp forest. The earth is green and clean without being oppressive thanks to the birch and the licorice doing a balancing act to partner with the sweet soil accent.


This dries down to what I would assume is smooth vetiver and patchouli with a hint of something woodsy (or perhaps floral with the marigolds?). This is my first experience with vetiver. It almost reminds me of a masculine scent, but the notes never quite "go there" to full on man-smell. Which is great because there's no way I could do without the combination of Bat and Le Femme Noir.


When wearing this, people can't help but look it seems. Typically, I'm very much a "cleans up well" gal--which is a nice way of saying my default setting is "there's potential to look nice, but she ain't showing it today." LOL. So I slathered some Bat Totem on the other week and went to an old college roommate and close friend's birthday dinner. We sat at this long table, and I actually ended up across from another college roommate (but not a close friend) and her boyfriend--the lone male to attend. The whole dinner, he barely looked me in the eye when I spoke to him or looked in his direction. BUT when I wasn't looking at him, turned to glance at a television behind me, or focused down the table at someone else, etc... He would openly stare straight at me or glance continously in my direction. He's not the kind to avoid me or anyone else so I thought it was bizarre how tight-lipped he suddenly got. Could have been my more uninhibited "charming" behavior as well though. When I put on sexy pheros like Cougar Potion, LFN or LFM, I tend to get a little fresh. :P


I think even if the "damp dirt" is making you hesitate, just know the LFN alone might make it worth the try if you haven't experimented with that phero yet.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest cutie.pie

Hmmm...all I get is earth, in the sampler and on my skin :( I think that this is the first LP I don't like much, but I got it because I wanted to try LFN. I did notice more energy, but after few hours I felt so tired and sleepy...

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Hmmm...all I get is earth, in the sampler and on my skin :( I think that this is the first LP I don't like much, but I got it because I wanted to try LFN. I did notice more energy, but after few hours I felt so tired and sleepy...

Maybe let the sample rest/ age a bit? I hope that helps though all's skin chemistry is dift. On me, I found this to be seductive. although 'perfumey' in a way; I'm letting samples settle bc all notes are beautiful - scent and intent. Hope it works out for both of uts - the notes are too awesome (plus LFN). Here's to more testing and allowing scent to 'mellow'. :)


FYI - I have the UN LFN and it's awesome, want to do more 'testing' prior to reviews.

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Guest cutie.pie


FYI - I have the UN LFN and it's awesome, want to do more 'testing' prior to reviews.

I wanted to try LFN because of you, actually ;) Because you said it help you get things done! :)

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  • 10 months later...

Dudes!!! I gotta tell you something cool. I just tried this on, want to test it while taking Lena for our evening stroll...well, no sh1t!! As SOON as we came around the front of our house, I saw a BAT!! For true! I've only seen them around here a couple times and never this early. Neat!!! I'll come back to review soon! :D

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Ha! I actually made some new friends when I wore it last night too! We stopped to let Elena see a puppy, and ended up meeting the COOLEST couple! They are my age, live right down the street from me, and have verrrry similar opinions on the dreaded religion and politics as I do (rare around here cause this is the Bible Belt of the Midwest)..in short, they are rad, super open minded, and they chatted me up big time! They also have kids, a little bigger than Lena but whatever. We're going over there to visit tomorrow so Lena can see a new litter of kittens they have.

This is pretty big for me, cause I have hardly any friends out here so far, and we hit it off immediately. Must be the LFM! :D orrrr, the bat..or both!

I need to scope the scent itself out a bit more though. I didn't get any licorice root and I want to. Hardly any black musk either. This was loads of fresh soil and earthy banyan on me, but I wasn't paying strict enough attention to the dry down either cause I washed it off before bed. So I'll try it again and see what 'develops' (yuk yuk) :)

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Ha! I actually made some new friends when I wore it last night too! We stopped to let Elena see a puppy, and ended up meeting the COOLEST couple! They are my age, live right down the street from me, and have verrrry similar opinions on the dreaded religion and politics as I do (rare around here cause this is the Bible Belt of the Midwest)..in short, they are rad, super open minded, and they chatted me up big time! They also have kids, a little bigger than Lena but whatever. We're going over there to visit tomorrow so Lena can see a new litter of kittens they have.

This is pretty big for me, cause I have hardly any friends out here so far, and we hit it off immediately. Must be the LFM! :D orrrr, the bat..or both!

I need to scope the scent itself out a bit more though. I didn't get any licorice root and I want to. Hardly any black musk either. This was loads of fresh soil and earthy banyan on me, but I wasn't paying strict enough attention to the dry down either cause I washed it off before bed. So I'll try it again and see what 'develops' (yuk yuk) :)

This one work really well at work as well…. It helps me to give the air of open and welcome to my bat cave vibe….I love it...

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have this very big bowl on my desk that's full of samples and sniffies from LPMP only, i swear all these together make for an amazing scent! I ca'nt pick out which one smells the most. The combiination of them all though makes for something delicious!

Anyway, i was sitting on my dest this morning going through my emails and decided to grab to samples and put some on just to fix my mood.


So I applied a couple drops of OCCO Gold and a couple more drops of Totem: Bat. Now I have to admit that BAt doesn't smell nice on my, or maybe it's my skin chemistry or my scent tastes, but this is plain grass to my nose.


Of course that doesn't stop the LFN from being an awesome phero! A couple of minutes after applying, i hear the doorbell. it's the mailman... So i go downstairs in a very short pair of shorts and a t-shirt to get my mail. We talked for a bit and then all of a sudden he is like, "you know your body looks amazing! you have changed so much since i first met you. You were nice before too, but now you look so sexy!"


Insert Phoebe blushing tones here, cause i do love compliments but i get very shy when i receive them :)


let's just say it made my day, so now i'm off to go workout that little sexy tushie of mine ;)


P.S don't be afraid to squat heavy ladies!

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  • 2 weeks later...


P.S don't be afraid to squat heavy ladies!

Ditto! It works! Yesterday I was walking and a woman says to me "I don't mean to weird you out, but you have a beautiful ass!" The awkward part was that I had 4 older men by my side... As in 10 or more years older.

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Ditto! It works! Yesterday I was walking and a woman says to me "I don't mean to weird you out, but you have a beautiful ass!" The awkward part was that I had 4 older men by my side... As in 10 or more years older.


Awesome Phergineer! If i only i could convince more women to not be afraid of heavy lifting. Weights can definitely transform your body, plus the protect you against osteoporosis which is a huge plus!

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