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Female orgasm better with any women's potions ?

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Hi everyone ! I've been wanting to try pheros out for awhile , but of course , I don't wanna buy " snake oil " and waste money . After a lot of searching and reading , I stumbled upon LPMP . After reading everyone's posts , I feel confident ordering from here , but I'm overwhelmed by the choices ! First of all , I have a very high sex drive , but I have difficulty with orgasm UNLESS I'm ovulating OR about to ovulate . My boyfriend has a high sex drive as well , but not quite as high as mine ?. I've noticed we're both all over each other and having sex constantly during my ovulation week. But other times , we sext all day , only for him to come home tired and not as much in the mood anymore , but I'm all for it ! Long story short ... I'm looking for a formula that will get him more in the mood and possibly intensify my sexual desire to the point it is during ovulation , making my orgasm come easier . Poor guy ! He's the most amazing and generous lover , but each day post ovulation, my ability to orgasm gets weaker . He's a trooper though ! He won't stop til I'm satisfied ! I'm a lucky girl ! The strange thing is that the more he WANTS me , the more turned on I am , which makes me orgasm very easily . Any suggestions on my first order would be GREATLY appreciated ! Thanks so much ? PS , I'm sensitive to many scents . Many perfumes give me horrible headaches . I'm tempted to order unscented , but I've read it's harder to cover the scents yourself than it is to buy a pre scented one . I'm looking for a scent similar to Chocolovers. That's one of my favorite scents and doesn't give me a headache . I love the chocolate orange scent of it . I like gourmand scents with vanilla , chocolate and orange . Or clean fruity scents are good . No heavy florals . My faves are : Chocolovers, Organza Indecence ( smells like vanilla incense) , Sun's Eye Sweet Patchouli ( vanilla patchouli ) , Escada Moon Sparkle ( fruity) , Lovespell ( fruity ) , Egyptian Musk( sexy ). That list is to give a general idea of my taste ?

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First, the LPMP scents are nothing like commercial scents. And the sexual ones, in my opinion, are very difficult to equate to any commercial perfume. It took me a while to get used to them, and I am still learning and getting used to LPMP scents, but I've become addicted!

My recommendation is to get a few samples, maybe a sampler set and see what works for you - your nose, your skin chemistry. Try them more than once, during different times of the month.

I thought I loved clean, floral potions. Now I like sweet, creamy ones and even moving a bit to the dark side. Your partner will also have to get used to the new scents. Mine is still crinkling his nose unfortunately, but he'll eventually get broken in. :)

As for pheros - I can attest they work! Again, you have you experiment, but for me Sexology, Sexspionage and even Cuddle Bunny enhance my orgasms. And I mean really enhance. :burning-heart:

Good luck!


ETA: I don't know about Chocolovers, but I would suggest Tingle Tangle - it is cherry and chocolate yummyness!!! That with the pheros I mentioned above could work.

Pherodise with Lumina is also very chocolatey to my nose, but it's not sexual.

I don't do foodie scents much, I am sure other forum members can chime in.

But definitely check the newbie sampler set!

Edited by phergineer
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Thank you so much for the advice , Phergineer ! I'm definitely considering a sampler . Heather recommended unscented Sexpionage , but then I read a lot of posts saying it smelled like vinegar or feta cheese . LOL ! The fact that you told me which ones intensify orgasms for you was a HUGE help ! And warning me that BF would have to get used to the smell was helpful as well . He's got a good nose . Luckily , he seems to love the scents I love . I definitely think I should bite the bullet and get a sampler . I thought Tingle Tangle sounded very nice by the description . I'm one of those people who spends DAYS making decisions before I buy things . Thanks again for your fast reply ?

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Hi there!

Phergineer is correct - these scents are nothing like commercial scents. I'd almost venture to say that you'll have fewer headache issues with most of them. I'd second getting the newbie sampler - lots of fantastic scents to try in that little package! If you're happy with foodier perfumes, you might really enjoy Love Potion Original, and Love Potion Red. They're not chocolate scents, but both have a good dose of vanilla, (amongst other yummy ingredients), and both are pretty great at covering a lot of the stinkier pheros. I've had great success covering Sexpionage with LP Red, for example. I find LP Original is a little lighter, but it still provides good cover for most pheros.


In terms of pheromones that seem to increase orgasm intensity, I've had good luck with La Femme Noir, Sexpionage, and lately (because I've just "discovered" it), Blatant Invitation. The "softer", more bonding kinds of sexual phero blends, (like BAM, Sexology and Cuddle Bunny), work well for me, they just don't work well for me in terms of increasing the intensity of orgasm. I think this is because they're cuddlier, (which is awesome in its own way), but they don't necessarily hit that need-you-now note. Your mileage may vary of course, but that's the fun part - testing! ;)


I think I understand the whole feeling-more-aroused-when-you-know-your-guy-wants-you thing. I'm kinda like that, too. I like to be pursued. So in that way, you might turn out to be quite lucky in that there are a large number of pheromone blends that could work in your favour, making him a little more Rrawr! when you need/want him to be. :lol:


However, I've also had some stunning success with formulas containing no copulins at all - Lace, Heart & Soul, and Perfect Match spring to mind here - making BF quite the randy-man.


The nice thing about LP pheros is that there really is such a wide variety of blends, you're sure to find a few that work for you, the way you want them to work.


Also, keep in mind as you go along, (because once you try a couple, you'll undoubtedly want to try more and more! lol! This place is kind of addictive that way), that it's often quite fun to simply pair a scented copulin blend with one of the sexy socials, (like Cougar or Super Sexy for Women), or even one of the straight-up socials, (like Open Windows). Scented copulin blends are a lot of fun to use just on their own, too. My BF goes nutty for PheroGirl, for example. I always say that I can barely get the lid off the bottle before he strikes! :lol:


Anyway, good luck & have fun with this! :D And welcome to the forum!

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I would recommend getting some samples - the newbie sampler for sure, and see if there are any phero enhanced scents that have samples available. For example, Compromising Positions is enhanced with Sexpionage. Bawdy Babe is enhanced with cops. Coquette is enhanced with Bang. I've had great results with Blatant Invitation, the OCCOs, and LAM.


ETA: :welcome384:

Edited by Bella15
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WOW ! All of you are so nice and helpful ! This is the first forum where I've gotten so many responses ! Yippee ! I'm excited to try these for sure . Seems Sexpionage works well for the orgasm thing . Must sample that one . Inspire Desire sounds like my kinda fragrance ! You've all sold me on the sampler ! I guess that's the only way I can truly find out what works for me . I've been surprised many times by samples that were randomly sent that I wouldn't have picked , based on the description, but turned out to LOVE THEM ! I have a male friend who wants me to pick a sample for him too now . This is so exciting talking to real people who say this works for them ! Big hugs and thanks to all of you : Phergineer, Eggers , Androstenol, Halo0073,Quietguy, Bella15 ! Y'all are so sweet for helping me ! Now I'm off to the dreaded grocery store ! Wonder if any of these make grocery shopping less torturous ! I live near Gatlinburg, TN and our grocery stores are always so crowded and pricey ! Wish I could shop online for groceries ! LMAO

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I didn't reply because on this subject I have yet had experience enough to answer. Though back in the days of boyfriendedness I do recall alpha androstenol doing great things in that area. I wasn't on the board then though so there might be better things and combos that I have yet to try.


I just got the sampler and it is a great way to go. People kept talking about this scent or phero and using it for different occasions and I thought "Great, I have to buy so many different things. I have no idea where to start." Romantic ones were further down on my list than social ones but I kept reading about other benefits to the romantic ones. The sampler has some straight, non- phero scents and plenty with pheros to try. Then you can add samples of other things that catch your eye.


:thbf54f4bf: These are a nice bunch of people. They haven't even kicked me out yet. ;)

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These are a nice bunch of people. They haven't even kicked me out yet. ;)



Haha - if they let me stay around, you are very safe haha! :lol:

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Hi & Welcome!

Idk, over the summer I gave my friend a sample of a limited edition OCCO (Ambrosia) & she said she got more "bang" for her buck later on that night with her husband, lol. I'm using bang as the euphemism for her...well, you know ;)

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Welcome! It was just about this time last year that I was on the same "quest" as you are, LOL. You are VERY lucky to have found LP, and the forums will be a great source of info and guidance as you learn what works for your situation.


I ordered several recommended samples to try initially, and I do recommend starting with Mara's Phero blend perfumes because the ratios are already figured out for you. One of the first ones I tried (highly recommended to me) was Compromising Positions (w/Sexpionage) that is my fav sex blend by far. I've already blown through 3 bottles. OCCO Ambrosia is SO, but you may be able to find it on the trades. LAM is a very close second to Compromising Positions as far as effectiveness goes. I'd also get some samples from the Nov Pheromas group such as Coquette and Secret Sweetness!


You'll have quite a bit of "homework" to do early on... I recommend reading as much as you can in the LP Reading Room (link on the actual Perfumerie homepage) and here are 2 forum lists from Mara that I refer to regularly when I'm looking for a specific Phero blend:





Then have fun with your "experiments" and "case studies" as you see what works!

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Romantic ones were further down on my list than social ones but I kept reading about other benefits to the romantic ones.



Maililyahn's comment sparked this thought: I've noticed many social benefits from what I initially thought of as a purely sexual phero blend.

I've been dabbing just a bit of DOM (Dirty Old Man) unscented phero blend (contains copulins) on my chest every day lately (and covering it with Excalibur); because I've noticed a strong correlation between my wearing it and people (men and women) being more open, friendly, and willing to connect with me.


Not to belabor the anecdote, but in the short month or so since I've been wearing DOM, five people have gone out of their way to ask me my name and learn more about me. None of the scenarios were sexual, and all five of these people have seen me around at least on a weekly basis for over a year (so we've had plenty of opportunity in the past to make connections, but didn't for whatever reason).


My point being: It's fun to experiment. And don't rely on the marketing copy written for each Love Potion blend as a predictor for your real-world experience. Not that it's misleading; it's just that the real world presents way more scenarios than can ever be captured in the written description of a single product page. :)




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That's interesting! :) That is why the reviews are so helpful. People explain their real world experiences with the different pheros and that is very useful for other people deciding on which pheros to try. If people hadn't mentioned the other benefits on Dom and LFM then I probably wouldn't have tried them already but I love both of those.

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That's interesting! :) That is why the reviews are so helpful. People explain their real world experiences with the different pheros and that is very useful for other people deciding on which pheros to try. If people hadn't mentioned the other benefits on Dom and LFM then I probably wouldn't have tried them already but I love both of those.

I agree totally... I've learned much from the reviews from others and especially from the forum vets here. As it pertains to pheros (their EFX, usage, etc.) there are a handful that really know their stuff (Potion Master and Halo for starters) so don't hesitate to ask questions if you aren't sure about something. I've also realized that pheromones are fun to experiment with - but you have to do so wisely because they can backfire with misuse. Again... I can't stress enough how important it is to read, read, read the forums and pherowiki material. :wizard: It's really interesting and you'll find it (albeit gradually) sinking in to where you can be more confident in your choices.

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And don't rely on the marketing copy written for each Love Potion blend as a predictor for your real-world experience. Not that it's misleading; it's just that the real world presents way more scenarios than can ever be captured in the written description of a single product page. :)

True; although when Mara and I create the copy we're only attempting to provide a framework of reference to the intent and concept of the product - there's no way we could possibly predict results/effects, only what is desired in regards to use. I work very hard to attempt to appeal to as many people as possible with my descriptions. But we're not about the hard sell pie-in-the-sky kind of emphasis - we want the tone of LPMP to be fun and artistic and magickal. :)

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Wow ! So happy to see all the new replies ! I truly find the subject of pheromones so intensely interesting ! I've always been a very sexual person with a high drive and passion . Experimenting is going to be extremely fun , and a learning experience . I'm 37 and I'm currently on Suboxone . It's the reason I have trouble with orgasm , even though the drive is there . Before suboxone , I could orgasm within 5-10 minutes . I'm slowly tapering off the drug , so it won't be a problem eventually . It's a drug for addiction . Its a LONG story as to why I take the medicine , but it works as Intended . Anyway , I'm not one to settle for a side effect like this . Everything happens for a reason . It's caused me to learn so much about my body and how it works , which led me here to get to talk to all you nice and helpful people . I ordered the newbie sampler and Heather is going to be nice enough to let me try Compromising Positions/ Sexpionage ! I'll be setting up a tent near my mail box ! LMAO ! The neat part about this forum is that I see everyone getting to learn from each other . I see so many honest and true stories from you all . This whole predicament with the " numbing " sexual side effect of my meds is what made me learn about how to track ovulation because I noticed that during my fertile week , the big O was so much easier to come by . Now I use my knowledge for natural contraception . Knowing that we ladies release more Copulins during ovulation ( something I learned on these forums ) is what made me think that these blends might just help . Thank you to each and every one of you lovely people for taking the time to welcome me and advise me ! I look SO FORWARD to sharing my experiences with you all during my experiments . This will be my new ( more healthy ) addiction ! Lol ! I actually used the Crazy Girl lotion before I foung LPMP. I dunno if it was placebo effect , but my BF was all over me the first few days I wore it . It has synthetic cops . Also , a male friend I was working with told me he couldn't come near me without feeling turned on when I wore it . The other guys I was working with seemed to go out of their way to help me with things that week too . None of them knew my secret until I finally told my friend , after he kept going crazier than usual for me ! Sorry for the long story ! I'm a southern chatter box who never met a stranger ! Big hugs to each and every one of you ! Im wishing I'd have ordered sooner ! The anticipation is gonna drive me crazy ! Ordered Blue/Super Sexy for Men sample for my neighbor . It sounds like a great scent . Also got a sample of Balm Bomb for my grumpy days ! YIPEE SKIPPY

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:) Welcome, fellow Southerner. It was hard waiting for the first package. The rest are difficult also but at least you have lovely scents to play with. That first one was pure torture.



True; although when Mara and I create the copy we're only attempting to provide a framework of reference to the intent and concept of the product - there's no way we could possibly predict results/effects, only what is desired in regards to use. I work very hard to attempt to appeal to as many people as possible with my descriptions. But we're not about the hard sell pie-in-the-sky kind of emphasis - we want the tone of LPMP to be fun and artistic and magickal. :)

If you wrote down everything that a scent would be good for then it would be more of a list than a description and that's no fun. I love the short descriptions that tell what the idea was behind the scent and the longer scenes and stories that go along with them. I have spent a long time just reading the descriptions of perfumes. I think they are an intricate part of the New Release experience. The first taste of all the wonderful new scents that have just become available. :heart:


With that in mind there will be some serious stalking going on after Valentines Day.

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BTW , Donsie . I appreciate your input about the headaches ! I actually bought a fragrance today at a local adult shop because it smelled heavenly on me and was 50% off due to the store going out of business . It has copulandrone and Copulin-alike just like the Crazy Girl line . I figured it was worth a shot for $8 ! LOL . BUT I was forced to remove it with alcohol ( learned that trick here on forum ). It gave me a BLINDING headache ? . Buzzkill ! Lol . Nice to know another headache prone woman who can tell me that these LPMP scents don't cause headaches ?

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Thank you Maililyahn ! Glad to know I'm not the only impatient southern belle here ! I'm the most impatient person when it comes to receiving orders . I'll obsessively check the mail several times a day . I'm hoping the Bomb Balm calms me down a bit . I have ADHD , but refuse to take the meds because I hate the side effects , so I get so hyped up , i exhaust myself ! LMAO ! I'd rather be an energetic goofball than a zombie ( that's what the meds do to me ) . Happy to meet y'all

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I agree about the scent descriptions . They give enough of an idea about the fragrance and formula without being overwhelming . The reviews and personal stories here have been so helpful with my decision to order the sampler . EEK ! CAN'T WAIT

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Cutie Pie , your misspellings and wrong tenses will only add to your charm , in my opinion. My ipad has a mind of its own and sometimes decides to say something completely different from what I type in . Right now, it keeps leaving off my emojis for some reason. No worries here

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Since number of posts count towards order credit, the rule is to not post consecutively without other members replying first. One reply addressing each previous post while using text formatting might be a better idea :) At least you'll notice that's how it's usually done. Posts also need to add to discussion (I did not say they don't), so one word posts just to increase in number are usually frowned upon (again, it's not the case, but letting you know). Just sharing what I've learned, welcome again! :D


I am prone to migraines and LP scents have never triggered one. You'll find that some are even touted to relieve them. Some members even have success with Open Windows phero blend curing headaches. :)

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Thanks for letting me know that Phergineer . I'm definitely new to the whole forum thing anyway . I must admit that I was a bad girl and lightly skimmed the rules because I was too wrapped up In picking out my new goodies . Thanks for the kind and helpful advice ??

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Maililyahn's comment sparked this thought: I've noticed many social benefits from what I initially thought of as a purely sexual phero blend.

I've been dabbing just a bit of DOM (Dirty Old Man) unscented phero blend (contains copulins) on my chest every day lately (and covering it with Excalibur); because I've noticed a strong correlation between my wearing it and people (men and women) being more open, friendly, and willing to connect with me.


Not to belabor the anecdote, but in the short month or so since I've been wearing DOM, five people have gone out of their way to ask me my name and learn more about me. None of the scenarios were sexual, and all five of these people have seen me around at least on a weekly basis for over a year (so we've had plenty of opportunity in the past to make connections, but didn't for whatever reason).


My point being: It's fun to experiment. And don't rely on the marketing copy written for each Love Potion blend as a predictor for your real-world experience. Not that it's misleading; it's just that the real world presents way more scenarios than can ever be captured in the written description of a single product page. :)


Yes this. BI (Blatant Invitation) works exactly in the way for me that DOM seems to work for you.

And also on experimenting with results of Pheros beyond the descriptions...Gotcha is my favorite everyday Phero for work and the majority of my clients are women. Always consistant amazing results with it there even though I am not trying to "Gotcha" anything other than bonding and repeat business and it works!

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I think there is a post somewhere about migraines and scent triggers. I know that when I am having a migraine that some scents (even ones that I have loved at other times) are just NO. I had a migraine for three days after getting my January scents and it seemed that anything with musk in it made my head pound to the point of not being able to think straight. I can't blame it on the musk though. I have worn it before and after with no problems. In fact, I am wearing something with musk right now. :D Commercial bases give me headaches so most commercial perfumes are right out. I turned to oils years ago thanks to a vendor at the local Renaissance Festival and have loved them ever since. Mara's are some of the strongest I have ever found, lasting for hours and being strong enough that someone standing next to you can enjoy it also. I want to try the alcohol pheros here for more throw. I am just hoping that it doesn't give me any problems. I just haven't had the money to buy a full spray bottle of something.


Donsie, have you used the sprays? And do commercial perfumes cause some of your headaches? Or anyone really?



Yes this. BI (Blatant Invitation) works exactly in the way for me that DOM seems to work for you.
And also on experimenting with results of Pheros beyond the descriptions...Gotcha is my favorite everyday Phero for work and the majority of my clients are women. Always consistant amazing results with it there even though I am not trying to "Gotcha" anything other than bonding and repeat business and it works!

I love Gotcha. People seem more open and willing to talk. Mostly anyway. I had one guy actually seem to pull away from me who was normally very friendly and huggy. He was actually distant and stand-offish.

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My hubby gets headaches from commercial perfumes that the women wear at his work. Absolutely no problems with me wearing LP's in oil or alcohol. He's also now wearing oil-based LP's himself !!

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BTW , Donsie . I appreciate your input about the headaches ! I actually bought a fragrance today at a local adult shop because it smelled heavenly on me and was 50% off due to the store going out of business . It has copulandrone and Copulin-alike just like the Crazy Girl line . I figured it was worth a shot for $8 ! LOL . BUT I was forced to remove it with alcohol ( learned that trick here on forum ). It gave me a BLINDING headache . Buzzkill ! Lol . Nice to know another headache prone woman who can tell me that these LPMP scents don't cause headaches


I usually mark in my reviews (mostly on Amazon, though, I think) whether certain LPs can trigger a migraine/headache for me, but they only do it if I'm already prone (hormonal, overtired, skipped a meal, whatever). Of course those scents may not do it for others, but I like to give a heads-up. It's mainly certain musks.


Any idea what that fragrance you bought smelled like in terms of notes? We might be able to suggest an LP with similar ones.



ETA: Mai, sorry, just saw your questions to me. I have no problem with LP perfumes or pheros in alcohol/spray and I do have problems with some (many?) commercial frangrances.

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Welcome Crazyred. For making men sexually notice and desire you more the ones that work most blatantly for me are: Sexology, Super Sexy for Women and Cuddle Bunny.


Actually, wearing Super Sexy with some added cops makes men look at me like I'm already naked, while remaining very civilised and respectful at the same time. Just realised this combo is basically Bang, only without the extra Est. So that's probably a great one too. Have fun experimenting!

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welcome here!! sorry i am not frequently on here so i am late to the party, but i was going to suggest something with Dom. It increases my sex drive and makes my man extremely horny. It is my go to when I want to be pursued. I cant wait for you to post your reviews to all the goodies you ordered.

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Welcome! You've already got plenty of suggestions and over time you will test run a lot of those jewels that make life so much more fun! I absolutely adore Bang, it gets the sexy vibe going for me in no time. I love to combine it with Topper, and this combo makes for instant arousal when my man is close by. My knees have a tendency to give out as soon as he puts his arms around me. Does not make for slow languid lovemaking. More like wild monkey sex (yesss!) I pretty much pass out after. Snoring like a boar in the woods if my husband is to be believed...

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Welcome, I think Sexpionage may be one you're looking for, as stated a few times already. Its great because you can get a trial in the Compromising Positions scent. Also, LAM & BAM really work for me too. Lots of Flavors to try there.

If you like Egyptian Musk you should check out the Sugared line. Sugared Egyptian Musk is great and very versital. There are lots of chocolates here both dark & white (aka cocoa butter). I'm sure with some trials you'll find some scents & pheros you'll love. We are all varied in our tastes here and there really is something for everyone :)


Happy Hunting!

Edited by StacyK
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