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Hi all,


My name is Lisa and I've been skulking around your message boards for a few days.


I'm new to pheromones, but have a lot of experiencing as a perfume blender for a previous soap and lotion making business. I purchased someone else's EOW a couple of weeks ago and had a tragic situation where I was sitting next to super crush and the smell of homeless women toe cheese was wafting around the room, coming from my cleveage. Clearly, I need a "clue."


But holy crap. .. I'm already addicted! After sending multiple emails to Mara to figure this out, I thought I would just introduce myself to the wise ones and maybe you can help me.


A little about me: Almost 50, recently had a hysterectomy so I am feeling "blah" in the attraction dept. Have a super crush on a fellow who I attend church with once a week and the guy adores me but has never asked me out. . which is why I need pheromones!!! I am also a super alpha sales manager lady so I need to feminize myself via clothes and scents.


I bought a few trials, but that's like getting a sample at See's candies. Not going to work.


I bought Gotcha and Treasured Hearts in unscented roll on. I also just put in a special order for an Une Scent with LFM and added cops. Bascially everything I ordered has cops because I suspect that is what I'm missing because I haven't been asked out in almost 2 years and although plus sized, I gotta say I'm looking pretty darned good these days!


I want to blend my own creations and I'm a huge fan of honey-amber-clove combinations.


So my questions:

1) Knowing I put some cops in everything thus far and it's all oil, where do I wear this stuff so mankind actually smells it on me.

2) Can I add cops to a 60/40 spray and not suffer the previously mentioned situation from occuring.

3) If I use a spray, where do I apply that? Should I be ordering a spray instead of oil since I'm a smoker?

4) Does Sweet Spot refer to the amount you apply vs. the location of the applications?

5) I've order Gotcha, Treasured Hearts (no cops) and Une with Cops and LFM. How much is enough?

6) I keep reading about boosters. What are those and how do I order boosters?

7) If a booster is the added pheromone and it is so they don't add it to the perfume oil but give me a vial alongside, is that a way to do a "sample size" trial of that pheromone intead of ordering a full bottle?


and most importantly,


8) What do I order next to a) get that LOVE thing going since I'm surrounded by hot guys who never ask me out and B) have a honey-amber-clove or nutmeg kind of smell that isn't foodie.


I was looking at Rocket Fuel III with Bang, or Super Sexy. Or LP Red with either of those blends.


Please help! Thanks! Lisa







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Hello there! And welcome to our little home! I will type more later....it is tax season and I am crazed right now! But I can just point you in the right direction on a few things....


First off, never ever get cops in your hair! It will not come out, unless you wash it two or three times with Prell (aka paint stripper). You will smell like a big coochy-head, which is normally NOT a good thing! So, if you do get a spray, start there. No cops in spray! I would suggest since you are starting out, to get all heavy-cop blends in oil. Those should stay close to your body. Then you can spray the more social blends in your hair.


I would say you should get some Cougar in the scented form.....it is great, and is ok for hair, because it just has a smidge of cops.....it gives you that sparkly vibe and is fab for any type of situation. Rocket Fuel is also good.....it has Super Sexy in it.


Also, the cops, you may want to go easy on at work, because it can give off the wrong vibe....as in, "I want to go to bed with you, and right this minute".....check out my journal for some good beginners tips.


Boosts are where Mara adds the phero of your choice to the scent for you, so there is no need to layer your phero and scent.


Sweet spot refers to how much each person needs. It is very individual. You should start slow, with a small dose and work your way up.


Will type more later!

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Hi Lisa! Welcome!

Please do check out Dolly's journal, there is a wealth of info in there, particularly the "newbie" threads!


The easiest and most economical way to test drive pheros without making a big investment is to find a scent that is already phero enhanced and order a trial vial of it. Even if the scent is not something that is usually your "thing," it'll give you an idea of whether the phero blend in it is a good fit for you (and I have to say, I have tried MANY LP scents that were not my usual "thing" and ended up falling in love with them. Mara has a real gift!)


I think you "need" :D some Cougar in your life. Don't be put off by the name if you're not interested in younger men, it will work on the older guys too and can give you back the hip wiggle! It also contains cops, but it's a small amount that is still work and church appropriate. ;)


I always recommend the newbie sampler (scroll down for the women's): http://www.lovepotionperfume.com/articles/Sets

Because that is THE most helpful thing I ordered when I first found LPMP. Scented Cougar is already in there as one of the samples, as well as Sneaky Clean (which contains Super Sexy). LP Red is in there already too!


Since you enjoy blending your own scents, you might also be interested in checking out the sugared layerables: http://lovepotion.invisionzone.com/index.php?showtopic=9513

Layering a little sugared clove with your Une might be in order!


I hope this helps a little!

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"homeless women toe cheese" :smiley-laughing024:


Welcome! I think Dolly and Memorare covered most everything.. definitely get the sampler!


As far as cops go, I usually apply in my cleavage, sometimes a circle around my belly button. Then I let it dry for like 10 mins or so before I get dressed. I like using the OCCOs, it helps cover the scent.

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Welcome to the forum. I suggest letting the cops dry down for a minimum of 15 minutes, until you get used to using them. The OCCOs are pretty excellent for those starting out. As a matter of fact, I have a bottle of EoW that's lasted me for years because the OCCOs & other phero options make applying the unscented copulins a bit of a hassle in comparison. Cougar is an amazing blend.

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I second the use of the OCCO line.....I buy straight EoW from Mara, but use it for my own "boosting" purposes. I almost never use it straight up any longer. The OCCO line is perfection for covering purposes.

Edited by Dolly
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Hey, Lisa. I am no expert on the pheromones. I just wanted to say hi and welcome! :bye: I started with the woman's sampler. And I just wore Cougar the other day and it smells yummy! I have some unscented pheromones, but I also find the already phero'd scents to be easier to work with especially if you are worried about applying too much. If you're a clove fan, you might want to just buy the Sugared Cloves; I haven't seen a lot of scents with cloves in them.

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Hey, Lisa. I am no expert on the pheromones. I just wanted to say hi and welcome! :bye: I started with the woman's sampler. And I just wore Cougar the other day and it smells yummy! I have some unscented pheromones, but I also find the already phero'd scents to be easier to work with especially if you are worried about applying too much. If you're a clove fan, you might want to just buy the Sugared Cloves; I haven't seen a lot of scents with cloves in them.


I agree that the phero-enhanced scents are generally easier for newbies to start with. And speaking of the sugared line.....sugared amber is to die for! I am an amber lover as well, and it is really great!

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Welcome to the forum! I will let you and the ladies hash out the answers to your questions but god luck!

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Hi! Welcome to the forum and wonderful world of LPMP! I'm still pretty new so I'm just saying hi as well. There is a wealth of info here from people with so much experience with pheros and cops. I highly recommend Dolly's journal as well. I use some pheros but I'm more into the scents. (Again, I'm not best for experience with this stuff) I do have one OCCO scent and it's fantastic and works great so I would recommend those. Have fun! :)

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Looks like all of your bases are covered :D

Welcome to LP and your, no doubt, newest - and soon to be greatest - fascination!


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Thanks everyone....trying to find Dolly's journal. Can someone share the link? Also I believe some super smart person named nutrix had some blending percentages to use in a post? If possible, could I get that as well?


I promised Mara I would use what I had before ordering more, but I can't do it. I have to get the sampler and the recommendations even though I've already placed 3 orders in 2 weeks. It's like I need to bedazzle my body here.

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Welcome :)


I'd say if your wearing the pheros or cops to work go with a scent (and phero blend) that's pretty and femine but work friendly. Take note of Dolly's comment about perceptions. You'll have some hits and misses as you try out different blends and amounts but stay calm, experimenting part of the fun.

Definitely check out "The Reading Room " in the Perfumerie as well as the Review Threads and Dollys journal, the "pheros for newbies" topic in particular but lots of good stuff all around.


I definitely recommend you get a couple of trial sized OCCos to gauge what scent you like. I also recomend scented "Cougar" and "Sneaky Clean" with Super Sexy For Women. Those are sexy/social pheros & scents which will put a swing in your step but are work friendly as well.

Good Luck.

Edited by StacyK
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Thanks all. I put in an order last night because I couldn't resist.


I got the sampler, the Sugared clove, and another cougar (because it sounds like you can't have enough) and the fascination potion.


Today I am wearing GOTCHA enhanced with cops for the first time. Had my first hit at 30 minutes into it from my super adorable mechanic. He could not stop coming over to talk to me more. But if I enhance with cops, I can only do oils, correct? Should I be ordering GOTCHA without added cops in a spray. Clearly, this worked on me.


So for the UN, I have Treasured Hearts and Gotcha with cop. In my next order, I want to order 1 more UN in addition to whatever I liked from the order I made last night. So I want sexy but no cops (so I can order in a spray). What is your recommendation for a menopausal women? My purpose will be for a first date situation but no cops.


I have a credit card ready and waiting for your suggestions!

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So for the UN, I have Treasured Hearts and Gotcha with cop. In my next order, I want to order 1 more UN in addition to whatever I liked from the order I made last night. So I want sexy but no cops (so I can order in a spray). What is your recommendation for a menopausal women? My purpose will be for a first date situation but no cops.




I would say go for Super Sexy, since you already have some Cougar on the way.

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I think I am over using this stuff! I brought the trial vial of Secret Sweetness to work, applied a few dabs (maybe no more than 8) at lunch and just reapplied and half the trial vial is gone. Is this normal? Did I OD and not know it?

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Idk, are other people avoiding you? Does the scent seem too strong? It's usually a matter of personal preference, but sometimes the perfume's strength can sneak up on you. I have that problem with Aja. A little goes a LONG way with that one because it will amp to high heaven on me.

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Depending on the strength of a fragrance, and/or how much I love it, I've blown through a vial in 2 and 3 trials. It's a lot of oil at 1.5mls to a sample, but at least when we slather we can know that our skin is moisturized! :D

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Welcome! Un Gotcha! has a bit of cops in it already. If you like the way Gotcha! boosted with cops works but want to have a spray version then Un Gotcha! on its own in spray form could work nicely. With the more modest amount of cops in there most (if not all) folks on here consider it safe to spray -- as is the case for Un Cougar, which also has a touch of cops. But of course I'm a Gotcha! evangelist, so YMMV.

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I think I am over using this stuff! I brought the trial vial of Secret Sweetness to work, applied a few dabs (maybe no more than 8) at lunch and just reapplied and half the trial vial is gone. Is this normal? Did I OD and not know it?

I'm by no means a phero expert nor an expert on "OD'ing" or "ghosting" due to over-application. But I do have a lot of samples (most of my collection especially in beginning), and I'm personally pretty conservative to make them last longer. :Emoticons0424:


Since you are using scented phero, the chances of overdoing it go down just by the phero concentrate in that vs. an unphero or a boosted scent. But using half a sample (they are large samples) in half a day or even day, for me (everyone is difft) would be a LOT of scent and phero.


Also, one thing I noticed, if I'm self-conscious or too self-aware when wearing a phero, it works 'less' for me. I think because that over awareness is going against the intent of the phero itself. Just another thought. Best hits and selfies are when I'm not even looking for it or have even forgotten that I've applied anything.

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I missed this thread somehow. Welcome to the forum!


Another question about your sample vial application. Where did you slather? I ask this because I was using mine like traditional perfume until I got here and read the excellent advice on placement. Wrists aren't the best places, for instance. I now place mine in the crook of my arms, my cleavage, behind my neck at the hairline and my torso. I still place a small dab or two on my wrists because if it is a new scent then I normally stick my wrist up to my nose and sniff off and on. (I know I am not the only one. >_> ) That and Tyvey mentioned somewhere about waving her hands around in this poor guy's face to get the phero she was wearing out to him faster and that mental image comes up to me almost every time I go to apply a phero and it makes me smile. I have found that changing where I placed my perfume oil let me continue smelling many blends for four hours or more. Which made me want to reapply less than before.


Anyway, just a thought! Hope to read some reviews and other posts from you soon! :hedgehog:

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I feel like I am getting such a good education here on the message boards! Thanks all!


Seriously crawling out of my skin here because I can't place another order until my current one ships (or it will be delayed). WTH. I'm laying out some serious cash here for my new addiction and the 2 week wait is a killer. That was for my order of a mix of Pherogirl + LFM (no added cops) plus some more samples.


Still playing with what I have. I went out to a meeting with Gotcha on tonight--no noticable hits. Which is probably better than the last time I wore it dancing and my wrap dress suddenly unwrapped itself on the dance floor. For reals. Not the "hit" I was expecting or wanting.


However, this forced break from shopping is helping me narrow down my list. Perhaps I can ask for more help?


Intention: I'm trying to get a date here, people. Actually a couple of dates. I don't want DIHL. I don't want people to stare at me. I don't go to bars (sober girl here). I just want one of the hundreds of men I see on a regular basis to ask me out for the purpose of enjoying each other and hopefully turn the guy on! To take me aside and ask for my phone number, take me out and think I am sexy and gorgeous. Yes, I'm chunky and 48 post-menopausal. .. but I'm blonde and I have a great rack!


So I am thinking of the following based on your kind suggestions (although my intention was not as clear previously). .please jump in here to give me feedback.


FB Pheromones: UN cougar and SS4W-both oil because I have all the equipment from my soapmaking business to make my own tiny sprays and use different scents with both pheromixes.

FB Scents: A full bottle of Une because I love the smell but want a different effect than with LFM (to mix with other pheromixes).

FB of LP Gold OR the Cougar perfume (both are honey and grapefruit, but I clearly love the honey)

Sugared Amber

And one more full bottle of something luscious and really sexy like my Lolita Lempicka (if you have a suggestion)--not foodie or overly floral though. And I hate patchouli for some reason on my skin.


Then I am going to order a few more trials such as Eve of Darkness, Horny and other to try to find a good basically amber base.


So any help is appreciated to help me know if the pheromones I picked are the right ones for my intention and any scent recommendations. I will pay a finders fee of total admiration and love to all of you who help me get a darned date!!!!

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Ha, okay, so you don't a specific target in mind? Cougar and SS4W are great choices but I'm tempted to suggest LAM (Like A Magnet). I know a lot of people on here have great results with Cougar and Bang or SS4W in these situations but from my personal experience LAM (I like to combine it with BAM but this is wholly unnecessary for what you're after) really is a magnet. It's also got plenty of cops so, erm, that always helps with the male attention.

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You've got a great list. Cougar is a hit for I think everyone who's posted on it. A recent thread had some great results with this one. It has cops but less I think than some others.


I agree with Donsie on LAM, I love LAM. I also like Bang, but have less experience with that than others. But it makes me FEEL sexy and my body language reflects that when I'm wearing it. When I wear Cougar I feel glam/ sparkly and outgoing - social and sexy. LAM is a magnet, makes me feel instantly prettier, happier (most note it as a great 'happy sauce') and lighter.


I'm still very much a newbie to pheros and these (all in full strength) were the easiest for me to find my sweet spot.


Given budget (which we all understand) you could try some scented pheros to see how they 'work' for you. The UNs are stronger of course, but there aren't sample UNs available now.


Hope this info helps. Everyone is difft though, so I always recommend the review threads. They helped me tons in the beginning and are still so valuable for getting the best info/ general consensus on how most blends work for most.


I also recommend LFN, but mainly because I love the selfies on this which seem to translate to interesting hits. LFN is also on my 'always must have' list.

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OMG. . .my craving has been satisfied. Shipping notice received from previous order and I hit the website again with my credit card!


I just threw down almost $250 and I am more excited than if you had just given me free liposuction on 90% of my body! Woot woot!


I got FBs of UN of Cougar, SS4W, Pherogirl, 3 OCCO samples (gold, black and white), a couple of horny samples (1 for house, 1 for office), same with LP Gold, an Eve of Darkness sample, a FB of MRF laced with LAM Brown Sugar, a sample of Perfumed Whisker, Pherodise, Knot, Prince and Showgirl, and Sexology.


I have more pheromones than the Dallas Cowboy cheerleaders. I have to be able to get a date now!


One small issue--I used my sample again of Secret Something or older with Gotcha and I had a brutal headache all day. Any thoughts how to avoid that in the future? I never sprayed anywhere near my face or neck, but on arms and legs and torso.

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You could try a scent locket/not applying to skin. Unfortunately it might just be something in that scent that bothers you.


I think with that haul you have coming you should be covered for all sorts of dating situations!

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Beccah has sexy smelling ankles! :)

I gotta cover my bases, I'm getting back into dating & I'm not sure what the kids are into these days :Emoticons04263:


It looks like you're stocking a full arsenal, woman. I wouldn't be so worried about the age thing. I'm really seeing a lot of younger men with more mature ladies these days. I've also noticed that I seem to be getting hit on by men in the 30 & younger set (despite my preference for older men).


I think those of us 30 & older are having a moment, thanks Sophia Vergara!

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