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The UNscenteds are 1,000 mcg per bottle and the phero enhanced perfumes are 333 mcg per bottle.


If you buy a Phero Add to be combined with a perfume, you're getting 1,000 mcg.


Regarding layering...it's a personal preference. You can drydown then perfume on top, or do them both at the same time. I guess logically, you should drydown first, then perfume, because you can put your clothes on while the perfume is still moist on your skin and the cloth of your clothes will act as a fabulous diffuser with your body heat. (I always put my clothes on when my perfume is still damp, and they last forever that way.)


Mara, I'm glad you responded to that question about the layering. So tell me if I'm crazy: If you roll on BI , dry down, then put on scent, does it sort of "rewet" the phero? I'm trying to pin down the reason I could smell the cops in my clothes the past few times. I made sure to wait at least 20 min before applying scent, but when I did (and then put clothes right on to diffuse scent) I would catch a whiff of cops all day! I was careful not to get in my hair, Is it possible to reactivate the cops so to speak ?

Edited by Raq On
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Mara, I'm glad you responded to that question about the layering. So tell me if I'm crazy: If you roll on BI , dry down, then put on scent, does it sort of "rewet" the phero? I'm trying to pin down the reason I could smell the cops in my clothes the past few times. I made sure to wait at least 20 min before applying scent, but when I did (and then put clothes right on to diffuse scent) I would catch a whiff of cops all day! I was careful not to get in my hair, Is it possible to reactivate the cops so to speak ?


It's driving me nuts to figure out where I'm getting the residual cops smell

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I suppose it can, but it should already have melded with your skin chemistry by the 20 minute mark. I think the only way you would be smelling it is if it indeed got on your clothing. So what I would suggest is using different application points for each, or adding some of your cops directly to your perfume...or wearing less. How much are you using?

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So with BI oil, I'll roll a strip from b.button to chest, a short dot above each boob, a careful dot on the neck (hair is up in a bun for this) and then short strips from armpit to elbow on inner arm.

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Hmmmmm, that's more than I've used. When I have applied it alone (not mixed into a perfume), I've only applied it to my torso area...maybe two stripes from belly button to cleavage. Could it be sweating off of your neck into your hair? Or from armpit to shirt? In any case, if you feel you are getting too much bleed-through, adding it directly into your perfume will help tone it down.

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I've just added a fairly large amount of Blatant Invitation (10 drops) into a trial vial of Dirty Pretty Thing, so it is like 1/4 BI and 3/4 fragrance, and I can't detect it at all when it dries down. Whenever I wore it neat I could smell it a bit still depending on what cover scent I was wearing. I too would recommend adding it to some perfume, even if you only used a little perfume and not enough to cover it fully - you can always use cover scents on top of that, but blending with some perfume just seems to take off the "edge".

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Good question, Raq On! I notice that even if I wait past 20 minutes for scents with cops in it, I tend to have these little droplets on my skin. It's definitely cops as it takes a super long time for neat EoW to dry down on my skin. I usually smear these droplets again and allow a few more minutes before wearing my clothes or adding another cover.


I have used my bottle of 60/40 BI and I have yet opened my bottle of BI in oil or CPS??

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Hmmmmm, that's more than I've used. When I have applied it alone (not mixed into a perfume), I've only applied it to my torso area...maybe two stripes from belly button to cleavage. Could it be sweating off of your neck into your hair? Or from armpit to shirt? In any case, if you feel you are getting too much bleed-through, adding it directly into your perfume will help tone it down.


There I go again.... (more is better mentality. guess I'm being too Blatant right? :lol: )

I'm thinking the upper inner arm is the culprit. I'll just keep it off of there and off the neck. Maybe it's too hard to dry down on the front of the neck. Then there's jewelry etc.

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Me too!

I showed up at HG's house very late, intending to just crash because we had to get up early to do some things. But I haven't really given my BI sample much attention so I spritzed some on the way over just to see... We flopped into bed and a few minutes later he's all "What the Hell?! I am exhausted!! I was not horny at all when you showed up...now this!" (You can imagine). What a fun romp we had!


I wore it all weekend, even out and about and much like Lexy felt I was getting a lot of sweet attention from him. Even at his barrel racing horsey thing with his friends he was much more attentive and touchy feely than normal out in public.


I ordered a bottle right from his bed yesterday aftrernoon!

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Hmmmmm, that's more than I've used. When I have applied it alone (not mixed into a perfume), I've only applied it to my torso area...maybe two stripes from belly button to cleavage. Could it be sweating off of your neck into your hair? Or from armpit to shirt? In any case, if you feel you are getting too much bleed-through, adding it directly into your perfume will help tone it down.


Where's Dolly? She's posted before how she puts on an "ass load" of cops. Wonder how much she uses?

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:lol: I'm not really sure...one of these cowboy things he does. It was like...horses in this big arena running around barrels and being timed...with people on top!!


On top of the barrels? Or the horses? :lol: Wow. Either way, just the picture that makes in my head has me laughing. Good weekend? Lol!

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Huh... woulda been better with bananas and whips, I bet! ;) What an odd past time... I can't even really picture it, but for some reason, I keep trying! Glad you had fun, MDC! :D

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LOL@ BB,heh,sounds like the first time I jumped,and the horse did not,if you ever think a horse cannot laugh at you...think again :rofl222:


Niiiice reports ladies!!! BI in MRF is my go to,never,ever fail with SP. I am completely convinced it has much to do with his "no one does for me what you can" :666:


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  • 1 month later...

I see that Luna has this in NoCo Sandalwood & Resins so I'm going to assume that it's a good cover and the other NoCo scents would cover as well. Are they really strong enough to cover this? I really want to try this in the Sugared Vanilla & Honey scent but from what I understand it's a very light fragrance and unscented BI is quite potent smelling. I'm about to put in another order but I've been hesitating for days because of this...also because I want to buy everything at once but I'm broke as hell :(

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I see that Luna has this in NoCo Sandalwood & Resins so I'm going to assume that it's a good cover and the other NoCo scents would cover as well. Are they really strong enough to cover this? I really want to try this in the Sugared Vanilla & Honey scent but from what I understand it's a very light fragrance and unscented BI is quite potent smelling. I'm about to put in another order but I've been hesitating for days because of this...also because I want to buy everything at once but I'm broke as hell :(


I think that Mara said that the NoCo's are more potent that the LAM, even though it is the same scent......I think she said they are more like the strength of a regular perfume. You may want to call her to check on it.

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Thanks for the reply, Dolly! Well, I couldn't wait, I just ordered it anyway without checking *sheepish* so I guess I'll bank on luck then. I'm dying to try this blend, I'm so impatient for it to arrive! :waiting: Hopefully it'll work out and I'll get good results. I only have about a month before I have to go back to school - it's an all girls college and it's pretty far away, so I'll have zero chances to test it out unless I decide to go home for mid-semester break or Boy Toy decides to visit. Which is not likely, alas, we are both too lazy.

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I read the same thing about the Nocos being strong,just can't find it ...when my stash of MRF/BI runs out I was thinking of a Noco Brown Sugar & BI boost! ...let us know how yours works out :D

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I've had BI in UN for ages now and just never seem to get around to wearing it. I think I need to mix it with one of my other scents, just so I don't have to worry about drydown so much and I end up actually wearing it, or it is never going to get any love! Can you believe it was the first LP I ever bought, yet it is probably the least worn??

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I've had BI in UN for ages now and just never seem to get around to wearing it. I think I need to mix it with one of my other scents, just so I don't have to worry about drydown so much and I end up actually wearing it, or it is never going to get any love! Can you believe it was the first LP I ever bought, yet it is probably the least worn??

Actually I think that BI is a very strange first LP for you Syn, because Heart and Soul reminds me of you!

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Actually I think that BI is a very strange first LP for you Syn, because Heart and Soul reminds me of you!


Awww :wub: Well now I know a bit more about LPs I would have to agree, but when I first came to the site there was sooooo much to choose from, I didn't read it all just ordered one that looked good! Honestly I think I just went through the pheromone section in alphabetical order and "Blatant Invitation" was near the top, so I got that one! Passion in Pink was in my second order though :)


So I wore a good dose of BI today mixed with Dirty Pretty Thing, which by the way goes FABULOUSLY together. I felt such a rush of self confidence, in a kind of bad-ass, mischevious way. I really like the way I feel in this, I just feel so sexy and powerful and strong. Reactions from others were a little strange though - people seemed to have trouble maintaining eye contact with me. They didn't seem to dislike me or think I was rude or be intimidated, and I got the impression they wanted my company and enjoyed talking to me - just couldn't hold eye contact. Not sure what to make of this yet, more testing needed.

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I felt such a rush of self confidence, in a kind of bad-ass, mischevious way. I really like the way I feel in this, I just feel so sexy and powerful and strong.

For this exact reason I love BI for working out! especially when I'm tired and grouchy. This is like ROCKY THEME, Instant Sydney Bristow, Trinity, in a bottle for me. Funnily I almost never wear it for its intended purpose as it's almost TOO intense - I've gotten some OTT reactions I didn't want with this.


Reactions from others were a little strange though - people seemed to have trouble maintaining eye contact with me. They didn't seem to dislike me or think I was rude or be intimidated, and I got the impression they wanted my company and enjoyed talking to me - just couldn't hold eye contact.

Sounds like they might have been a little OD'd. Some of that sounds like ghosting, when you wear too much cops and become invisible.

Edited by tyvey
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  • 3 weeks later...


That's what I thought when I smelled it out of the bottle. When I put it on my skin it turned into a mixture of ass and stinky cheese. But, the Sugared Vanilla and Honey covers it beautifully! My friend (a girl) told me I smelled nice :) I was worried other people would smell the ass/cheese combo underneath the cover.


I won't have a chance to test it out in private for another week, so I wore this combo to a karaoke bar with my friend. I used about a 2-inch stripe on my torso and a 2-inch stripe on the back of my neck, applied around 4 hours prior. I refreshed with literally one dot from the roller about an hour beforehand. I didn't notice anything particularly out of the ordinary. Maybe a few guys I talk to regularly were more talkative than usual but nothing big. Notably, a guy who's asked me out and has come to this bar just to talk to me before barely said anything to me at all! In fact, he disappeared into the smoking area with some friends (he doesn't smoke and knows I don't go there) and didn't come out, ever. It was weird, but I actually forgot he existed and only just remembered*, lol. I wonder if it was enough, too much, or this blend doesn't work for me/in that environment/etc. etc.


So many factors! Le sigh. I'll keep trying it out, of course, and the most important reaction will be from the boy toy anyway.


*On further consideration, it could be because I went to lunch with him, since I thought he was friend material, and we had a lot in common...but he actually asked straight up if I wanted to sleep with him and I said no. Lol! I just thought it was funny, but he called the next day to apologize and say it wasn't like him to be that forward and if I still would hang out with him sometime. I said sure because he wasn't creepy about it, but he may have just felt awkward....omg men, they are too funny!

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Well, BI puts out a pretty strong sexual signal, so it could have been that the guy who wanted to sleep with you was turned on by it but didn't want you to know. Sometimes when guys are trying to be cool or aloof with a girl they are attracted to, they end up avoiding situations in which they feel the sexual urges, so as not to embarrass themselves.



As for whether it worked.......don't judge the blend on one trial.....sometimes it takes several tries to figure out your dosage.....everybody is different, and a person's sweet spot for each blend will be different as well. Just bear in mind that you are putting out a pretty strong sexual "do me" vibe with BI.....I wear it in public, but "normally" only when my man is with me. You may get some odd or unwelcomed advances/situations......just be aware.


As far as the reeking.....that is normal. Just make sure that you let the phero dry down completely before you cover it, or you will have the stink bleeding through.

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Sounds like they might have been a little OD'd. Some of that sounds like ghosting, when you wear too much cops and become invisible.


Yep, that is exactly what it sounds like.....I would go a bit lighter on it next time.....

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I didn't care about that guy anyway, so it didn't matter, haha. I figured it would be okay since I knew almost everyone in that situation, and I was just dying to test it but my man was out of town! I've worn it out a few times since (but ONLY when I'm with several other friends! I'm trying to be pretty careful) and I have to say it seems fairly social on me, with two incidents of awkward guys approaching me. They were harmless, although others may not be.


My boy toy just got back from out of town the other day and I wore it to see him....this stuff is AWESOME! Exactly what I was hoping for! I covered it with my old perfume oil that he loves and a dab of NoCo original, which worked really well. He said I smelled "intoxicating" and that I was "amazing" and was very affectionate all evening. Let us say that I definitely tired him out...mwahahaha!

In the future I'll wear it out in public, but probably only when I'm with him :)


I haven't noticed that my family or close friends react in any way, and I haven't noticed that women react negatively. I hope that this holds true in the future, in case I wear it with the man and end up having to be with family/other women.

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odd thing I have noticed with BI (and other pheros, but BI was the one that made me realize it): it works SO MUCH DIFFERENTLY for me when i am on birth control. i wasn't on the pill when i posted my last review, when it worked so well, but now that i am back on it it's a very tricky balance to get just the right amount. the line between too little & too much is *so thin* - when i do get it right it's still magic, but it's sooo hard to get in that little space of 'right'!

recently i wore a shitload of a scent boosted with BI - and i mean shitload - to a party in a loft where it was about 105 inside all night [diffusion city] and i couldn't make it through the room without people (both genders) stopping me to tell me how good i looked, how awesome my hair was, how cool my shoes were, you name it...although bizarrely the bartender HATED me, yet no one else seemed to get weird effects. :lol: but i haven't been able to quite get back to that perfect dosage again. sigh :(


in the more general sense, i feel like i have a much harder time with all pheros when i am on BC. many seem less effective, and when i do get stellar hits, they are always consistent for that one phero-wearing session but again, hard to get that exact dosage right again. has anyone else experienced this? i would expect things enhanced by cops to function a little differently for obvious reasons, but even the purely social ones seem different. hmm.

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odd thing I have noticed with BI (and other pheros, but BI was the one that made me realize it): it works SO MUCH DIFFERENTLY for me when i am on birth control. i wasn't on the pill when i posted my last review, when it worked so well, but now that i am back on it it's a very tricky balance to get just the right amount. the line between too little & too much is *so thin* - when i do get it right it's still magic, but it's sooo hard to get in that little space of 'right'!

recently i wore a shitload of a scent boosted with BI - and i mean shitload - to a party in a loft where it was about 105 inside all night [diffusion city] and i couldn't make it through the room without people (both genders) stopping me to tell me how good i looked, how awesome my hair was, how cool my shoes were, you name it...although bizarrely the bartender HATED me, yet no one else seemed to get weird effects. :lol: but i haven't been able to quite get back to that perfect dosage again. sigh :(


in the more general sense, i feel like i have a much harder time with all pheros when i am on BC. many seem less effective, and when i do get stellar hits, they are always consistent for that one phero-wearing session but again, hard to get that exact dosage right again. has anyone else experienced this? i would expect things enhanced by cops to function a little differently for obvious reasons, but even the purely social ones seem different. hmm.


If you're not taking hormonal birth control for medical reasons, have you considered natural methods of birth control?

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If you're not taking hormonal birth control for medical reasons, have you considered natural methods of birth control?

the main reason i started taking it was to have my period only every 3 months (it's lo-seasonique). i don't get laid enough at this point in time for that even to really be a reason to take BC :lol: though i do have my hopes that that will change (hi, BI, are you listening?? HELP ME). when i stopped taking it for about 8 months it was because i was uninsured and couldn't really afford it between the gyno visits and the pills themselves - $$$$$!!! i found that there were a host of both positive and negative differences not being on it, but ultimately decided the negatives outweighed the positives once i got insurance again. i did switch from seasonale to lo-seasonique - which is notably different though not quite in the ways i interpreted, but i suppose that's a novel for another time.

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So...blatant invitation is FANTASTIC for boosting your workout. Much better than an energy drink. I believe Dolly said Dominance was great so leather probably would be too, but I skipped on that because it can go awfully wrong awfully fast on a bad day.


I've used BI a couple times on a jog and outlasted my sister who is much younger and in better shape than I am.


I'm think I may try leather and wash it off after a workout because BI is giving me attention I don't want while exercising. Imagine huffing and puffing and someone sidling up next to you trying to chat you up.


I started running on pavement initially. I had two four inch stripes on my neck and another four inch stripe down my torso. A highschool kid on a skateboard went by....another couple blocks...the same kid goes by again. I turned into a different street and the SAME kid skates by. The fourth time he skates by he says, "Is your name Jennifer?" to which I replied, "No..*wheeze*...I'm not...*huff* Jennifer...*puffs* Kid...*wheeze*. I graduated highschool *puffs* years...*gasps* ago." Poor kid looked embarrassed and mumbled "Sorry. You looked like this girl I know named Jennifer."


Hah! A girl!


I jog at night and that kind of freaked me out. He was a highschool kid, but I'm a small woman. I felt a little stalked, imagine if it had been a stalkery much bigger man?? I decided to take my exercise to a more populated area, the park. But of course...mostly away from people..away from the trail and on the grass. At the end of my run I sat on the park bench to catch my breath and a Tall, dark haired green eyed sexy MAAAAN...with a tiny pooch (wtf?) walks by, notices me and begins to gently command his small poodle in an obvious effort to get my attention. "Sit" *looks at me*. "Good girl." *smiles at me*. I wouldve fanned myself if I had the energy. He tried to engage me in some conversation but I wasn't receptive as I had a boyfriend at the time.


Huh. On second thought, I think I'll try rubbing a dab under my nose instead. And if I happen to run into Mr. TallAndSexayyy I'll whip BI out of my pocket and slatherslatherslather.

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Yeah, for me it wouldn't really matter because I work out in my house, but if I worked out elsewhere, I don't think I would go with BI. Very sexual and has an assload of cops in it, too.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I was pre-warned that BI would be a bit of a bear to cover and when I took a whiff after opening the bottle I could see the warning had merit, lol. Smell those pheromones! Treated BI like EoW, (though BI is not as intense as EoW, I promise!), applied and let dry down then added a cover scent.


Hubby responded well to BI :D Good mood, touchy feely, became the initiator (usually I'm the horn-dog :blushing: ) He was rather intense later or should I say intent? It was not the first time I used cops with him, but it did confirm that copulins don't just provide an initiative but they seem to provide "staying" power as well.


I've used BI multiple times since then and the results have been consistent, on hubby anyway- he's the only one that matters, lol. I've worn it in combo with other things: LAM, Cougar Potion, Primal Instinct...) with more than satisfying results. It's become something I layer on the weekends when time with hubby is guaranteed and it hasn't disappointed yet! :Emoticons0424:

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