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Got this in an un-test spray and did 2 sprays last night before going out to experiment...besides a few drunken sloppy guys in the group who were all over every girl they saw, I didn't notice any hits or behavior out of the ordinary. For this in alcohol spray, how many sprays work best for you? (I'm in early-mid 20s as far as cops production)

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I have this in oil, so I can't comment on the number of sprays. (A swipe on my torso from my cleavage to my belly button and a dab split between wrists worked the best. I don't know what that translates to in sprays.) But BI was my first unscented phero, and I used to wear it when I went out, but I had a hard time noticing hits around strangers. It was more noticeable when I wore it around men I knew.

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I think I wear 3 or 4 sprays. But I wanted to mention this...if you wear a sexual blend out in public you might not see the reactions because men will try to hide them if they are inappropriate. For example a family member or a good friend who doesn't think of you that way will not act turned on despite what strong sexual phero you are wearing.


This is absolutely correct. I have had this happen before.

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I think I wear 3 or 4 sprays. But I wanted to mention this...if you wear a sexual blend out in public you might not see the reactions because men will try to hide them if they are inappropriate. For example a family member or a good friend who doesn't think of you that way will not act turned on despite what strong sexual phero you are wearing.


Good point! I always try to remember this if I think I am not getting hits from something...everyone hides their impulses to a certain extent depending on circumstances.

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From the little 5ml spray bottle I would say 4-5 sprays.


2 sprays from one of the 5ml size equals about 1 & a half sprays from a 1 oz size bottle. 4 or 5 sprays should get you something noticeable. But like the other ladies said, you may need to have a keener eye to see the hits...like when men will be stealing glances or watching you when they don't think you'll notice. In a bar situation though, it'll depend on how much the guys been drinking and how brazen his personality may be.

Pheros are indiscriminate and will attract all kinds...so pick a safe place to imbibe and bring friends...sloppy drunks = gross :lol:

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I'm so glad that someone finally did the math one this. Thank you!




I'm loving this one, I get a ton of self effects and I do get slight hits from it when I'm out in public....


Hehehe...slight so far as you know.... :)

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I'm so glad that someone finally did the math one this. Thank you!




Thank you! I have the trial size spray, and I used 2-3 sprays. I'm also early 20s though so I am still producing cops and am always weary of going overboard. 4 sprays next time it is :)


Although, I must confess (incoming review, dun dun dun), I definitely got an obvious hit from the night I wore this that I originally didn't think to attribute to BI as much as to drunkenness. Alas, it was def BI, it was pretty forward! I wore 3 (Trial vial) sprays to a party at my male friend group's house, which was probably dangerous because multiple men in that group have gunned for me in the past (I briefly dated one of the 3 roommates and it turned sour so I got no positive or sexual reaction from him, blergh). Well! Only 1 of the 3 roommates hadn't ever expressed sexual interest in me before, and apparently tonight was his night to put me in an incredibly awkward position and give them one more reason to feel resentful of me :( they're pretty much frenemies now since I've resisted sleeping with them :(.


So #3 here, he walks with me and the group to the bar but then starts buying me drinks left and right once we get there (and stupid me just accepts the challenge). Fast forward 20 minutes to him telling me how beautiful I am and how we hadn't talked much before so he didn't realize how intelligent I am, its so hard to find an intelligent and beautiful girl, blah blah blah....fast forward to me crashing at their pad but not intimately with him in his bed (upon my declining), and then finally to the final clip in the morning where he is coldly distant to me because he feels slighted and there's nothing I can really do about that but feel a teensy bit guilty that I was a BI-toting enabler. Bad bad self! This stuff IS dangerous!

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...and apparently tonight was his night to put me in an incredibly awkward position and give them one more reason to feel resentful of me :( they're pretty much frenemies now since I've resisted sleeping with them :(.


Don't feel too bad. Who wants friends of either sex who are going to resent you for *not* doing something you don't want to do? That's not "friends". That's objectification/lust - someone treating you like an object and then getting pissed off because the "object" didn't do what he expected or wanted it to do. Friends respect you for making choices that are right for yourself. You're not obligated to sleep with anyone, regardless of which phero you're wearing, or because they bought you drinks.

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Don't feel too bad. Who wants friends of either sex who are going to resent you for *not* doing something you don't want to do? That's not "friends". That's objectification/lust - someone treating you like an object and then getting pissed off because the "object" didn't do what he expected or wanted it to do. Friends respect you for making choices that are right for yourself. You're not obligated to sleep with anyone, regardless of which phero you're wearing, or because they bought you drinks.


Eggers, that is such a true statement, I wish more folks would realize this and live by it...

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No prob! ^_^


he is coldly distant to me because he feels slighted and there's nothing I can really do about that but feel a teensy bit guilty


Don't even waste teensy on him. BI or no BI, he had an agenda...1) get you drunk 2) get himself laid It's so obvious. I wouldn't feel 1 teensy bit anything negative about being an awesome human being that can't be manipulated into the bedroom :heart708:


Don't feel too bad. Who wants friends of either sex who are going to resent you for *not* doing something you don't want to do? That's not "friends". That's objectification/lust - someone treating you like an object and then getting pissed off because the "object" didn't do what he expected or wanted it to do. Friends respect you for making choices that are right for yourself. You're not obligated to sleep with anyone, regardless of which phero you're wearing, or because they bought you drinks.

Eggers, that is such a true statement, I wish more folks would realize this and live by it...



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Don't feel too bad. Who wants friends of either sex who are going to resent you for *not* doing something you don't want to do? That's not "friends". That's objectification/lust - someone treating you like an object and then getting pissed off because the "object" didn't do what he expected or wanted it to do. Friends respect you for making choices that are right for yourself. You're not obligated to sleep with anyone, regardless of which phero you're wearing, or because they bought you drinks.


Thank you, Eggers! :love:

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Don't feel too bad. Who wants friends of either sex who are going to resent you for *not* doing something you don't want to do? That's not "friends". That's objectification/lust - someone treating you like an object and then getting pissed off because the "object" didn't do what he expected or wanted it to do. Friends respect you for making choices that are right for yourself. You're not obligated to sleep with anyone, regardless of which phero you're wearing, or because they bought you drinks.



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hehehhe, you ladies are so right.


Young men/unbridled testosterone, sighhh.

Though that's not to say that unbridled testosterone isn't sometimes just the thing for the situation :)

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hehehhe, you ladies are so right.


Young men/unbridled testosterone, sighhh.

Though that's not to say that unbridled testosterone isn't sometimes just the thing for the situation :)


:lol: You're right about that!

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  • 2 months later...

The sampler scent of Under Your Spell was a bit harsh for me, so I finally decided to get two 500 mcg bottle of BI lightly scented because in the end the result when layered with LFN were great, but still I need to take pains to lower the amount of CS-BI just a tad so LFN would have a bit of a more dominant presence. This is a surprisingly good social blend for me, at least if I'm careful about layering it with other phero blends.


For some reason or other I feel like I'm in a lot more self-control wearing this than Sexology, and Sexology is too intense for me to try wearing in public again, even with Leather or Dominance.


With BI I'm more in control of myself and more capable of being socially direct in a kinder-gentler-softer manner, but note I'm only saying this as someone who'd wear it with LFM/N in public, I'm kind of worried of what I might come across as without a Queen Bee or Alpha phero blend to accompany that. BI by itself, probably only in private.

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Aniko, those ain't friends and they never were. Eggers is right. They've proven that however much they may like you and appreciate the good things about you, they do not respect you because in their minds ultimately you were nothing but a masturbation device that wouldn't perform, therefore they're pissed at it- HOW DARE YOU have your own mind and intentions. I'm grateful they revealed this about themselves before, say, you dated any of them with any seriousness.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hmm... I'm starting to think that BI doesn't like me. I don't wear it often, but when I do, it only takes the smallest things to 'flip my bitch switch', as Halo says. And when I say, "the smallest things", I really mean that it takes nothing at all. I don't get it. I haven't had this problem wearing -enone in LFN, Leather or Sexpionage, but I can't figure out what else it might be. Unless I'm wearing too much.


But today I simply "lollipopped" with Odalisk. Then some irritating things happened while I was out shopping - annoying old lady in front of me in a line buying a kabillion lottery tickets in several bunches, and the cashier effing up the transaction & taking forever to figure it out, when all I wanted to buy was a five dollar yoga block - that kind of thing, but about 4 or 5 different obnoxious things in succession, (very aggravating). When I got home, I had a *flash of rage* when Nuts tore into the brand new bag of litter I'd just bought, and proceeded to dump about 2 cups of it onto the floor while I was trying to eat a freaking quesadilla that it took me 15 minutes of standing in line to buy. And I mean that I actually tripped out. Only for a second, but I quite literally saw red. Wtf? :huh: It was like a flash of the worst PMS anger - the kind that makes you feel like an idiot afterwards.


I don't think I'm a BI girl. I *might* give it another go or two, just to be sure. But I don't like the feeling that I could flip out over something stupid. I may wind up putting the two bottles I have with BI on my trade page, 'cause non-sensical, ridiculous wig-outs like this have happened while wearing both perfumes - MRF V2 and Odalisk. Bummer. :( I want to be Blatantly Inviting too.

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Maybe I should try it a couple more times, but with less. I didn't even think about the lolly. That's more or less how I apply most of my "pheromas", including the ones with Leather, LFN and Sexpionage. Puzzling...

I freaking love Odalisk, too. I'd be so bummed to let it go.

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yes, don't give up on odalisque!


Try just your wrists and neck.

Or try it when your working out like some use Dominance.


or, worst case, use it in place of wax melts but you'd have to ask mara or nutrix what works fordilution

so you don't pherobomb yourself. I use old wax plus 1/3-1/5 of a sampler bottle (haven't opened any of my bottles for this so don't know drops.)

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I would say the lollipop is most probably too much!

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Maybe I should try it a couple more times, but with less. I didn't even think about the lolly. That's more or less how I apply most of my "pheromas", including the ones with Leather, LFN and Sexpionage. Puzzling...

I freaking love Odalisk, too. I'd be so bummed to let it go.

Have you tried to buffer it by layering with another mone to perhaps buffer the none, if that may be the problem? Do you have Topper or a complimentary scent with a-nol in it? Or maybe TMI? Un or scented? Maybe BI just needs a buddy to hang with to keep her happy while you wear her ^_^ In this instance, I would even try layering them directly over top of each other. Just a thought anyway :blushing:

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Edit: This was a note to Nutrix, sorry: have you experimented more with using them in place of wax melts?

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I would say the lollipop is most probably too much!


I think it was too much, too. I'm thinking maybe just the lolly, no stick! :lol:



Have you tried to buffer it by layering with another mone to perhaps buffer the none, if that may be the problem? Do you have Topper or a complimentary scent with a-nol in it? Or maybe TMI? Un or scented? Maybe BI just needs a buddy to hang with to keep her happy while you wear her ^_^ In this instance, I would even try layering them directly over top of each other. Just a thought anyway :blushing:


I don't really like to layer my phero blends too much, except the simpler ones with only two ingredients, like Topper & LAM. I think Topper might be a great addition. Good idea, NuTrix. Next time I try it, I'm gonna wear less - lots less - and I'll spritz a bit of Topper over it, to see how it works. Well, maybe I'll just try wearing less of the BI fragrance first, and then I'll try wearing it with Topper.


It was so weird. I was in a great mood, and then all of a sudden I was crazy angry, shouting, "For crying out loud, cat, can I not just eat my damned quesadilla in peace???". :huh: I mean, I hate soggy tortillas, but my reaction to the litter all over the floor was *a little* much, and completely out of the blue. But I do love my Odalisk, (and my MRF2), so I'll definitely have to try again.


Thanks ladies! :)

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Edit: This was a note to Nutrix, sorry: have you experimented more with using them in place of wax melts?

Yes :) The men's scents so far. Without pheros I use about half oil half water...with pheros, 1/3 oil and 2/3 water and a trial size lasts 3 uses, so I'm using VERY little but it doesn't take much to make everything smell GREAT ^_^

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  • 1 month later...

Hi there, everyone, I know this is an old thread, but it still seems active, so I'll just jump right in to say hello, I'm new here and having a lot of fun reading the posts.

Also, I got my first order yesterday, just BI and some wonderful sample scents that put me in a purry kitten mood when I smelled them.

Well, I was going to test run the BI on husband and was all excited that the parcel had come and I managed to hide it (I want to keep that a secret from him so I can tell if it works). Anyway we were going to a birthday party and I planned to put on the BI for that, and ran around naked in the bedroom deciding on what to wear, husband comes in and pulls me onto the bed. But that was before I even had the chance to put on any cops! It must have been my mindset, going heheh I'm gonna get you tonite, but before I got dressed for the party I did get a chance to apply BI on torso only, let it dry for 20, then put on on of the sample scents, Time of Your Life. I put my dress on then, and off we went. Over the course of the evening I could still smell the cops once in a while when I bent down to fix my shoes, but nothing too bad. The dress smells of them a little today, right where I put them on, but I really have to put my nose there to get the scent. I think I might have re-wet the cops when I put the scent sample over it, but it's nothing bad. Well, at the party I didn't notice much of a difference. I really liked the Time of Your Life scent, but no one commented, not even husband in the car. There were no hits either, and thats just as well because it was a family party, so half of the men are my blood relations and the other half married to my aunts and cousins :-) But husband was sweet to me, he was, as always, the life of the party, sitting, as always, with my pretty young cousins who adore him. He kept glancing over to me, and when I batted my eyes at him, he became very playful and cute, winking and making little signs. Later that evening I hugged him, asking him to dance, and he went to slowdance with me right away - which is something he hardly ever does because he does not like dancing. I was very smoochy with him and he responded in kind and said well, I guess we should have an afternoon romp more often...

So, I can't tell yet if that was a phero effect - or if he just didn't dare to refuse me a dance after he had entertained my cousins all night. ;-)

I'll give it another try today and see what happens!

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Welcome Maroon! Glad to see you jump in! Small "hits" like that are what many people miss when using pheros......they will not always be wild and crazy, but just a reaction that is out of the ordinary. If your hubby did something totally out of character, there is a good chance it was the pheros!

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Thanks for the welcome, Dolly. And let me just say that it was your postings about BI that convinced me to get it. And I took it out for another test run today. Decided to wear it at work, I know some people say thats not advisable, but I was confident I could handle myself. I basically did it to try out dosage. Theres plenty of men at my workplace, we're pretty close knit, too, there's always flirting and teasing and the guys like to show off.

This time I let it dry down for 40 minutes and then put cover scent and clothes on. I could not detect any cops and now, in the evening, my shirt smells of the cover only.

I was my usual self at work, I am very upbeat, friendly and helpful, and til noon I didnt notice any particular reaction. I went to lunch with four female colleagues, I told some funny stories but noticed they were kind of mellow and subdued. Could have just been the weather, I just decided to turn my chipperness down a notch. Then in the afternoon I'm at the printer and one of my male co-workers comes up to take some papers and makes a few flirty remarks - nothing special here, he flirts with everybody - but he stands right next to me and presses his naked arm to mine. And he never does that! Runs off with his mouth, never with his fingers. Comes back later to look into my room, more flirting. And then in the hallway another guy comes up to me, asks if I had a problem, cause I looked concerned, and gives me a full body hug! Not just arms around shoulders, full front up against me, tight. Well, since he's pretty much the best looking guy in the department, I didnt object ;-)

But that was a pretty nice turnout, I'lll say. Dont think I'll mention it to husband. Next try will be on him, again.

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Awesome posts Maroon and welcome! Pheros at work are FUN :666::ange::love:

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