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Popularity Potion

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Hmm, since you have the spray, wrists and backs of hands - I always "talk" with my hands and find it a great place to apply - I don't know if you have it scented? If so, a spray to your top and/or hair? Hair is a GREAT diffuser! Just make sure to moisturize a bit more so that the alcohol doesn't dry your ends :) Are you around your targets long enough to read a reaction? I know with some people it hits right away, with others sometimes it could be 10-15 minutes before you notice they're being effected.

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I sprayed twice between breasts, one behind neck and behind each ear plus on each wrist but no luck.

I guess I am going to increase the dosage by spraying multiple times.


@nutrix.. mmmm thinking now, i actually move so much that i end up not being too long around people. so next time i use the PP, i will do it when I am in a setting where I cannot get too far from people.

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Hi Sexy :D Have you gone the reverse route too by using less? Like 1-3 sprays too? For me, more is better, you may be one of the less is more? If you work in an open area (department store, cubicles with low walls and high ceilings...) it may not be a condensed enough space for a long enough period of time to be as noticeable? But with the amount you're wearing - 7 sprays? - I'm surprised you aren't seeing an effect in your entire environment! :lol: Have you had the opportunity to go to breakfast/lunch/dinner with anyone to gage an effect on their reactions up close and personal?

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  • 2 months later...

I've been experimenting with this UN-Popularity lately. I also had on a smidge of BBM. (Love BBM.)

I don't get a lot of selfie effects from UN-Pop except I do find myself feeling more ok with getting attention than at other times. TODAY, there was no question I got a hit. I had stopped in at a small grocery store to pick up a few items. Once in the check-out line (the only one opened at the time), I was the fifth person in line at that moment. The cashier, who was about 15-20 feet away, made direct eye contact with me and told me to move to the express line because that cashier was on her way and I could get out faster. And, new cashier was there within seconds of me moving to the new register. No one in front of me nor behind me seemed to take offense. It was crazy and surreal to be singled out for faster service - definitely star treatment.


I know the distance from the cashier would normally be considered to be too far away for her to be in my phero cloud, but it occurred to me that she was in the direction of the store's airflow system ... so I think she was phero-ed by being "down wind". Otherwise, there's no explanation for what happened. Today was seriously fun!

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  • 5 months later...

I tried this in several settings, over a 48-hour period (via Star Power). I realized though that, given that it was New Year's Eve through New Year's Day, the friends/acquaintances and bartenders/servers I encountered were pre-disposed to feeling chatty (esp since alcohol no doubt started flowing early on the 31st).


Still, I did get much more attentive-than-typical service from a bartender. Despite the New Year crowd, she checked in on me more than necessary while I dined and drank, and cheerfully and patiently walked me through their extensive wine and spirits menu as if she had all the time in the world. From what I've seen, the bartenders there are helpful but not quite that attentive unless they're dealing with a regular that they actually know (I've been there several times but have not made anyone's acquaintance yet), so that may have been the Pop. Will definitely keep trying it out.


Re: Star Power specifically--the strawberry really comes through on me, which is nice, but the scent overall is a touch too sweet for me. But it's pretty and I'll see how it mellows out.

Edited by Witty Kitty
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  • 3 months later...

Has anyone used PP on snotty salespeople?


Last time I went to Bloomingdales, no one wanted to help me, and I had to hunt down someone just to pay for my purchases. I was so offended I hadn't set foot there in years. But I made a purchase online and decided to pick it up at the same store where I went last, because it would take 2 days for them to ship.


I sprayed on the back of my neck, from belly button to breasts, and wrists. I covered with chanel 5 and went to bloomingdales. I walked straight to where you pick up online purchases - and a saleswoman passed me, smiled and said hello - but there was no one in there. I looked around and another saleswoman was walking by, and she was smiling looking at me. I gave her my info, she got my boxes, and I was on my merry way. I was wearing a cardigan over my shirt, not sure if that covered the pheros, but I am happy PP finally worked on strangers, especially snotty ones.



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With PP enhanced scents I really get a positive attitude and chummy chit chat with people, especially women. Sounds like it went well.


If you really want to have them on their toes, and hopefully get freebies/discounts, next time wear La Femme Mysterie (known as "LFM").


Check that LFM review thread. It's chock full of stories of shopping and getting the best service etc from sales people. I really inspires people to please you.

Edited by StacyK
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  • 9 months later...

I wore Popularity Potion to work tonight, which I don't often do. My ex-gentleman friend was there, as he is most days, and he said, "Eggers, I don't know what it is, but you look especially beautiful tonight - very elegant and glamorous." :o In actual fact, I looked exactly like I do every day, so it's a heck of an endorsement for Pop Potion! :wink88:

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  • 4 weeks later...

Wear this one to if you want to feel a version of elegant-self-esteem. You feel glamorous, people treat you as if you are glamorous, a woman of class and lately it's been giving me the best "I deserve" selfies. You will not settle for second best of less wearing this one (it's a little less DIVA than LFM). Perfect to wear around snooty people as they see you as their equal.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

I favor Popularity Potion among my unscented pheromones, because Androstanone is the second most abundant ingredient. It's a friendly aggression-buffer, so I'm able to feel social even as an introvert, less pressure to suddenly 180° from how I'm normally oriented throughout the day. Heck, I'll even roll this on just to go grocery shopping if I've been cooped up in the house all day. I won't feel "crowd shock" when I step outside.


The interesting result is that Pop Potion slips me into feeling more comfortable, thus becoming outgoing, outspoken, and just silly, and I'm well received! :D I can connect with all genders and ages, even children (though I've taken heed to not purposely wear pheromones around children). It's a party blend for when I want to be raucous with less emphasis on the dating signal. Definitely a conversation-starter.

Edited by Ivysaur
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  • 2 months later...

I feel really friendly when I wear Popularity Potion :Emoticons04283: I don't normally ask out guys or initiate conversation - I'm kind of nerdy and quiet - so this pheromone blend really gets me to socialize without feeling incongruent with my natural personality. I was trying to chat up an equally unassuming barista today, and it went really well for both of us. The mood was near immediately very entertaining. Definitely something of a safeguard or an extra boost in the ambiance for me to help things feel like they're going well :P

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  • 7 months later...

Ok, I have tried this several times now in various amounts and every time it makes me super spaced out and dizzy. Anybody else get this? Not sure I'm getting any hits with this either, sadly. Maybe this is one that just doesn't work for me...


UPDATE: I made this Pherotine oil into a spray and do a little spritz in my hair and nooow I'm starting to get the hits. Was out at a bar with some friends and realized I had slipped the spray into my purse, so gave myself a little pick-me-up in the restroom. When I emerged all of a sudden my friends all swarmed around me in a circle and were listening intently every time I opened my mouth and buying me drinks (this never happens, my friends are super cheapskates, hee!) and laughing at everything I was saying. Everything. I did not pay for one single thing all night. Time just completely flew, we were having such an awesome time we ended up closing out the bar at 4am, which is something I have not done in a goooooood long time. Finding my groove with this one, yay!

Edited by anchoredinopulence
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  • 9 months later...

This was one of my first phero's, and I eventually left it alone because I like stuff that gives me selfies. 

But, I'm noticing it might be giving me a bit of get up and go? (I also wore Pro-Create 2X this week.) I fell as though it might do for me what Mega Watt intends to do? Just curious if anyone else has had a similar experience....

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Hmm. Get up n go? Pep. Yes, I could say that. It's a fun blend and I feel motivated and up when wearing it, but I'm not sure if it's the same as what you're describing... I love PP, but I have to practically fog myself with it to get the affects I want (but I still love it, lol).

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  • 3 weeks later...

I don't think I've hit my sweet spot with this yet; I don't seem to get reactions that are particularly noticeable compared to other sexy/attractive socials.


I'm particularly interested to hear people's comparisons of this with SS4W since the latter will no longer be offered and it seems, as far as I can tell, that PP is the most similar terms of giving one a "respected celebrity/VIP"-type glamour in addition to the social boost.

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"POPULARITY POTION - (for women) - The purpose of Popularity Potion is to help give off an air of 'movie star-esque' charisma. Can assist one in becoming the center of attention, elevating the mood of those around you, and is specially tempered to try to reduce feelings of jealousy that can arise when someone else is in the spotlight.
* Ingredients: alpha-androstenol, androstanone, estratetraenol, THDOC, 17-phenyl-androstenol, epiandrosterone sulfate."- When I get hits from PP, they are definitely more "hands off" type hits. I think maybe once I had a guy grabbed my face & said something like "hey, pretty girl." I find the intent of PP to be more in line w/ Open Windows, but I get more reliable/consistant hits from Open Windows.

"SUPER SEXY - (for women) - Female magic! A blend that might give people whiplash when you walk past, and leave them drooling with lustful yearnings in your wake. A head turning blend but with a certain "elegance" as well.
* Ingredients: Estratetraenol, alpha-androstenol, dehydroepiandrosterone sodium sulfate (DHEAS), tetrahydrodeoxycorticosterone, androstanone."- I really only get hits from this one when paired with Sneaky Clean. When I do it is not very much like PP or OW. The most standout hit I had was a man backtracking from across the room to figure out the source of what "smelled so good." If anything, I've found Cougar to work (for me) more like how SS4W works for those that recommend it. 

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  • 4 months later...

I left for vacation without meaning to have this riding along in my purse.  But, it was there, and I wore it a  couple of time.  On the Facebook group I'd posted about an earlier experience with it, but thought you guys would enjoy "sharing" my latest foray .



First time was after about 3 days of no "true" running hot water shower (camping)  I was not stinky or anything close, but my hair was a fright!  Not quite to the degree  of SNL's .Roseanne Roseannadanna, but some very definite frizz going on after rain, humidity and pretty much ignoring any care of it.  Almost zero makeup, AND I was at the register buying laxative (probably too much information, but I needed to give a proper "setting" for the reaction of my checkout person!)


She GUSHED how elegant I looked, how sophisticated I was (really? jeans and t-shirt with bleach spots?) ... how she wished she could be more like me.  This from a really cute girl!  She went on and on, too, not just a short little mention. 


Then yesterday, I was returning the rental camper van up in the NYC area.  45 degree cold blowing sideways wind and rain - on Mother's Day! -  Me, in black turtleneck and leather jacket, but hair soaking wet, teeth chattering, waiting for my Lyft driver (my daughter was at the hotel with the dog, and I had to get back there so SHE could board her plane home so she could be back in the office today)  My driver confided that he thought I looked like a movie star.  Not just how I looked, but how I carried myself and the manner in which I spoke.  Now, I've already described how I looked - how I carried myself was shivering lol, and I didn't say much of anything other than to thank, him for being able to find me, as it was a location that causes GPS to go haywire. 


If you've not tried POP put it on you list.  You just never know until you try it.  You really don't!



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@Eve Hi! So glad you're back from the luke warm water and cold rain!!! And there's no doubt in my mind that you look sophisticated even when your hair's gone crazy, in denim and in leather, and that you carry yourself with the confidence and grace of the most glamorous movie stars. PP or no PP, those people were correct!

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@Eastwood22 and @halo0073  see... you guys are both genuinely sweet.  You do know" me, and  thank you.  As you both said, whether or not some of those characteristics are part my own personality or aura, whatever, it is notable that it amplifies what comes naturally to me, I guess.  I've stated so many times previously on this forum that people, whether they be strangers or not do tend to treat me well, so for me to notice a marked difference when using PP speaks to the effectiveness of it, at least for me.   


We talk about a pheromone blend or fragrance being congruent with who we are, and this is a good example of congruence, I guess.   These two examples, and especially the other  one I gave on the FB group, are proof enough to me that even though I generally experience very very little in the way of selfies; that pheromones in the exacting formulas offered by LPMP produce real, tangible  effect on others we come into contact with.


I've often wondered if I (or anyone) walked into the shop when Mara was there, if she would instinctively know what pheromones would be effective for us, and what we would enjoy wearing for fragrance.  I think  she is that good.  I really do.

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4 hours ago, Eve said:

I've often wondered if I (or anyone) walked into the shop when Mara was there, if she would instinctively know what pheromones would be effective for us, and what we would enjoy wearing for fragrance.  I think  she is that good.  I really do.

Ooohhhh. Let's all go test that!!!

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@oceanjewel  😘


@Eastwood22 ... right?  I would if I could. Hopefully one day I  will.  


@halo0073  after reading your comments about cougar, I plan to try that very soon. I had a bottle of un in oil back when I first discovered LPMP, and it got lost in the shuffle. I think I need to get it as a spray anyways. 

Edited by Eve
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  • 3 months later...

I just wanted to share my personal experience using this pheromone in L'Ete du Fleurs and I hope I'm putting my response in the right place! I'm new on the forums so I apologize for my ignorance. 


I had a college presentation yesterday and wanted something to make me standout so I chose this perfume with the popularity pheromone using only 3 sprays (chest, torso, and a final spray I walked through). I was so afraid of ODing and phero-bombing others!


Selfies: it lifted my mood! It gave me such a calm confidence, but also made me feel like a woman. I don't think I've had that kind of confidence in a long time. I also learned what "purring" may mean when others have mentioned this on their posts. I literally felt like a cat that wanted to be playful and tease others. Kinda "if you're nice I'll be nice , but if not you better watch out" vibe.


I don't know if I got actual hits but I felt this aura around me of being glamorous and standing out. I also found out that I did impress the professors greatly, so I'll take it!


I'm still new to all of this, but I'm so grateful that I came back to test out the pheromones further. Also, it took about 2 weeks for me to get a good reaction from others, but I think the selfies pop potion give me already make this such a hit. I'm so grateful for this little wonder and can't wait to have more experiences! 

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  • 3 months later...

I could credit my day to better mental health or just that I've built a positive life surrounding me, got good stuff going no matter what other negativity. But I don't want to miss crediting miss Popularity Potion in Laloo just in case she had something to do with my temperance of a high intensity bicker today, to which I did not bite back. Of course, that's all high school stuff - or should be - but sometimes it's hard. There's feelings, you know? In any case, I really didn't take anything personally and  moved on to what I'm over the moon about: that I'm feeling clear, positive, centered and purposeful right now in my work and personal growth.

There's nothing to report, which is absolute magick in this case. If this stuff can erase drama like peace to end all wars, I'm grateful. I'm not going to remember anything.  like, "She said who? ... That never happened."

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So you're saying that it might have given you calming self effects, eh? Intriguing! I wonder if anyone else has experienced this with Popularity Potion. I recently bought some and will keep that in mind whenever I decide to try it out to see if it affects me the same way.

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2 hours ago, Angelic said:

So you're saying that it might have given you calming self effects, eh? Intriguing! I wonder if anyone else has experienced this with Popularity Potion. I recently bought some and will keep that in mind whenever I decide to try it out to see if it affects me the same way.


Yeah, I think so. There's something in this that has a "smoothing over" effect. It may be the androstanone? since the description states, "tempered to try to reduce feelings of jealousy that can arise when someone else is in the spotlight." It still definitely puts this beaming light on me, or makes me feel comfortable putting myself out there in social situations, but there's really not a 'Queen B' feeling for me in this. It's not egotistical in any way. 

If I'm being baited by meanies, I'm really not interested in engaging them. There are plenty of nicer interactions I am in the mood for while wearing this.

Edited by Ivysaur
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