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The scent of vagina...

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I didn't mean stuck with EoW as in it's a bad product, I meant stuck with EoW as in it's the ONLY product. As has been mentioned here several times, no two women smell alike, so only have one option is limiting.


Never heard anyone mention Aja or SLF before... but do they really attempt to capture this particular smell? How do they compare to the dirty/cheesy smell of EoW?


Aja and SLF are both referring to products that are/were marketed by LPMP.


SLF is a variety of OCCO which had honey, amber, and musk. It also contains EoW. AAAAAND, it is INCREDIBLY effective.


Aja is a natural plant-based derivative that is said to mimic copulin reactions.....it is similar to a dirty honey scent. Sweet yet dirty.



EoW is meant to mimic the vagina secretions of a healthy, fertile young female. Some women, like ME, are lucky enough to be able to wear EoW with NO COVER SCENT after fully dried down....BUT WHY?


Mara has so many YUMMY scents that contain it.....you have vanilla, resins, SLF, AAAAANNNNNDDDDD she will put cops in any scent you want.....need I go on? I get the cops effect AND smell great to boot! There you go!


Been using EoW for about 12-13 years......it is hands down, best cop product out there. And, I have probably tried them all.

Edited by luna65
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I guess the thing that's most baffling is - if there was a cologne for men that instantly forced women to think about sex, it would fly off the shelves. Women have always had such a tool at our disposal, but for some reason it hasn't been talked about much (and that is why we're here).


Why has nobody really explored this idea? I think luna65 hit the nail on the head when she talked about society making women feel ashamed of their natural scent. But maybe it's wrong to care if society approves.


And just to be clear, I am not advocating that women should smell like walking vaginas. But for example - Imagine you go out to a club, and apply a drop of EoW to your left wrist. You're still in control, you can still use a nice smelling floral perfume. When you're ready to send a clear unmistakable signal, just go in for a playful touch on his face, and let him take a whiff.


I do not think most women appreciate how powerful this smell is. Pheromones or not, when the male brain senses 'that smell', it will trigger memories (instinctive and/or personal), and become aroused. If you're the nearest female, he will likely anchor that arousal to you.


Mark my words, the first company to recognize this will be billionaires. *and I don't mean to imply that LP doesn't, I'm just stating the fact that there aren't many products targeting this specific niche.

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Dude, what you're not getting is that it doesn't have to be a spot of pure, straight-up cooch scent. Most sniffers are wired such that they can pick it up underneath a well-designed scent. They may not CONSCIOUSLY register what it is, but their NETHER REGIONS KNOW. Period. I took a mostly impotent man and turned him into a salivating dog dragging me to the bathroom for a quickie with a mixture of EoW in a nice perfume.It works for me. All the time. Period.

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I didn't know cops exist until I became interested in pheros about 5 years ago. I'm not entirely sure the % of women who are aware of this. I don't share this info with anyone except my sis as I'm selfish and I want to have a "competitive edge" over others. I think there are a handful of LP forum members who keep this phero/cops secret to themselves as well. I mean, seriously from a consumer's perspective, why let the cat out the bag when you're gaining advantages over others?

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Most sniffers are wired such that they can pick it up underneath a well-designed scent. They may not CONSCIOUSLY register what it is, but their NETHER REGIONS KNOW.


You are 100% right, I agree.


The point is, the "straight-up cooch scent" can amplify the effect greatly. I would argue that the "straight-up cooch scent" can work on its own, even if no pheromones are present.


And glad to hear you've had so much success with EoW lol! I can relate to your story, you are making my point exactly! But wouldn't it be nice to have a few other options, maybe even ones that work better?

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Have you tried EOW? Have you smelled it? Because I still don't understand what more you're trying to get at. There ARE scents here that SLF "Smell like Fucking" and there are cops aka EOW which are made to "mimic female secretions".

Soooooooo...... You're still looking for something else? Make a PE. What notes would you choose in a fragrance that you think will trigger the scent memory, that hasn't been done?

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You are 100% right, I agree.


The point is, the "straight-up cooch scent" can amplify the effect greatly. I would argue that the "straight-up cooch scent" can work on its own, even if no pheromones are present.


And glad to hear you've had so much success with EoW lol! I can relate to your story, you are making my point exactly! But wouldn't it be nice to have a few other options, maybe even ones that work better?





THE OCCO line has NO other pheromones except EoW.....NONE. JUST COPULINS AND SCENT . PERIOD.


I don't NEED/ WANT any other options....I have ones with other pheromones AND EoW, and some that are just straight EoW and I smell fucking gorgeous while doing it. Mara provides more than enough options to meet my needs or desires.

Edited by Dolly
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If you ARE a female and want to smell like straight up cooch- which is what you're saying you want to smell like... Why not just wipe your own "scent" onto yourself? It'll be free, natural and straight from the source lol.

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And glad to hear you've had so much success with EoW lol! I can relate to your story, you are making my point exactly! But wouldn't it be nice to have a few other options, maybe even ones that work better?


And dude, read the forum, I need no more success than I already have!


I personally don't want to smell like a straight up twat.....I mean, UH NO.



If you ARE a female and want to smell like straight up cooch- which is what you're saying you want to smell like... Why not just wipe your own "scent" onto yourself? It'll be free, natural and straight from the source lol.


That's right!!



AAAAANNNND, if you ARE a female and you want something different from EoW, we have said, create a PE, buy some AJA, or buy scented EoW (OCCO)......sounds almost like you are some dude trying to sell us something.....and as for me, I'm not buying it. I am 100% totally and completely satisfied with what I have available to me!

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AAAAANNNND, if you ARE a female and you want something different from EoW, we have said, create a PE, buy some AJA, or buy scented EoW (OCCO)......sounds almost like you are some dude trying to sell us something.....and as for me, I'm not buying it. I am 100% totally and completely satisfied with what I have available to me!

Here, here!!!

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Why has nobody really explored this idea? I think luna65 hit the nail on the head when she talked about society making women feel ashamed of their natural scent. But maybe it's wrong to care if society approves.


And just to be clear, I am not advocating that women should smell like walking vaginas. But for example - Imagine you go out to a club, and apply a drop of EoW to your left wrist. You're still in control, you can still use a nice smelling floral perfume. When you're ready to send a clear unmistakable signal, just go in for a playful touch on his face, and let him take a whiff.


I do not think most women appreciate how powerful this smell is. Pheromones or not, when the male brain senses 'that smell', it will trigger memories (instinctive and/or personal), and become aroused. If you're the nearest female, he will likely anchor that arousal to you.


Mark my words, the first company to recognize this will be billionaires. *and I don't mean to imply that LP doesn't, I'm just stating the fact that there aren't many products targeting this specific niche.

While I'm sure there are women who have that PUA-mentality, and would enjoy using a product like you describe, I don't think that's the norm. Most of the women in this forum are cautious when using sexual pheros, including copulins.

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While I'm sure there are women who have that PUA-mentality, and would enjoy using a product like you describe, I don't think that's the norm.

And men already have a gajillion products to help them with that agenda. We're conditioned for quality more than quantity and that's why the intimacy blends which Mara has commissioned are, in fact, highly-successful for LPMP.

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@Dolly/hearts - Whoa, where did all that come from? First of all, the personal attacks are unnecessary. Questioning my sexual orientation is insulting. I am NOT a lesbian, but yes I have been with women in the past. If your goal was to shame me into admitting that, congratulations.


Have I ever smelled EoW before? I've been talking about it this whole time, of course I have, when have I ever said anything negative about it? Why not just use my own scent? Again, this has already been addressed on page 1. And you can't keep saying "EoW is all you need", while also acknowledging that "all women smell different".


The goal of this thread was to have a serious discussion on the power of scent, and talk about a subject most women are too embarrassed to even mention. It started out with intelligent posts (like the ones from eggers and luna). If you're upset because the thought of 'that smell' grosses you out, that's fine, but there is no need to belittle other people who feel otherwise.

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Hmm, I think the PU aspect is different for women. Like Luna said, we go more for quality. To paraphrase Dave Chappelle (& generally speaking); if we go to the grocery store & a dude enthusiastically helps us find the pizza section, 9x out of 10 he's also offering an extra side of sausage with that. :Emoticons04263:

You could take advantage of the Private Edition service that's offered. I've designed a couple myself. The process is super easy, & Mara makes herself very available so that you can communicate exactly what you want from the scent. I get what you're saying. You want to get your hands on a realistic scent recreation of the honey pot sans pheromones.

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Okay but seriously, did anyone else just learn of the "used-panty marketplace" in this thread? I'm traumatized and yet intrigued.


My reaction went like this:


Step 1--Ewwwww!!!!

Step 2--But then again...

Step 3--Is this considered sex work?

Step 4--But I could pay off my credit card...and buy more perfume...


Step 6--But then again...and I mean, Christmas is coming...


And so on. Good lord, I need help, lol.


I think I smell like Aja. I just wanted to share that with you all, because why the hell not? You're welcome. :say19:

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I never said anything about you being a lesbian, nor do I have anything against lesbians. I felt your posts were getting a bit repetitive, so I just wasn't quite understanding the point you were trying to make.

Honestly, for a person who has never posted before, (or maybe I have just never noticed your previous posts) it just seems a little fishy (no pun intended). There are a lot of people who troll forums for attention and I cannot tell if your intentions are genuine.

I did not mean to insult. I'll step away from this discussion because, honestly, I don't need a vagina scent.

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And you can't keep saying "EoW is all you need", while also acknowledging that "all women smell different".


The goal of this thread was to have a serious discussion on the power of scent, and talk about a subject most women are too embarrassed to even mention. It started out with intelligent posts (like the ones from eggers and luna). If you're upset because the thought of 'that smell' grosses you out, that's fine, but there is no need to belittle other people who feel otherwise.

But at the same time, I think you're also missing what's being said here. You can get the effects of smelling like vagina without actually smelling like vagina. That's what we love about EoW and why many of us feel like you don't need anything else. You don't have to smell like it for it to work! But if you do want to smell that way, as others have pointed out, LPMP offers several fragrances that smell like straight up sex, and there may be some vials of Jouir de floating around, which to me smells like cooch after sex. And people love it! And again, you have the opportunity to make your own private edition that smells exactly like you! So when you say things like, "gosh, it'd be nice if companies figured this out" or wish they made better working products or "why hasn't anyone done this?", from my perspective, it seems as if you are implying that LPMP hasn't, and that's precisely what people are trying to explain. This company has its ear to what its customers want more so than any other place I've done business with! I think that's what's raising folks' hackles.

Edited by BlueBear
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Note to Mara and the mods.....if you think I have been too harsh or over-the-line, feel free to remove this post.

@Dolly/hearts - Whoa, where did all that come from? First of all, the personal attacks are unnecessary. Questioning my sexual orientation is insulting. I am NOT a lesbian, but yes I have been with women in the past. If your goal was to shame me into admitting that, congratulations.


Have I ever smelled EoW before? I've been talking about it this whole time, of course I have, when have I ever said anything negative about it? Why not just use my own scent? Again, this has already been addressed on page 1. And you can't keep saying "EoW is all you need", while also acknowledging that "all women smell different".


The goal of this thread was to have a serious discussion on the power of scent, and talk about a subject most women are too embarrassed to even mention. It started out with intelligent posts (like the ones from eggers and luna). If you're upset because the thought of 'that smell' grosses you out, that's fine, but there is no need to belittle other people who feel otherwise.



I didn't mean to insult you either, and NEITHER of us called you a lesbian. I believe we have all sexual orientations represented on this forum, and we are open to all. I also do not feel we were belittling or attacking you. We may have been a bit harsh, but this was because, as Hearts said.....it started to get old.....VERY OLD.....a number of people told you their views on the subject, how you could have Mara design a new and improved coochy scent for you, if that's what you wanted, and you were like beating a dead horse, continuing to ask the same questions over and over as in.....wouldn't we want something that smelled like the real thing and worked even better? Several members even mentioned that they didn't understand why the convo was continuing because it was going in circles and stating the same thing.


As far as the smell of vagina "grossing me out".....uh, I am almost 50 years old, and there are very few of my bodily odors that TOTALLY gross me out. And anyone who knows me will tell you that very few subjects are off-topic for me, so I have no trouble talking about vaginas or anything else.


But several people in this thread said that they agree with you about the power of scent, but you are like preaching to the choir here (OVER AND OVER).....we all understand about the power of scent, because we are HERE, and that is what Mara does! She has created scents that are so artistic and can amazingly smell like cakes, cookies, or even a steak dinner! She could make you a realistic vagina perfume if you commissioned her to do so in a PE. It would be so realistic that you would think you were THERE, if you get my meaning.


I think the problem came about when, even though we said we understood, you started basically stating the same points but in a different way.....repeatedly asking us if we wanted another alternative.....kind of like a salesMAN......ok, how about salesPERSON (gender neutral here), does when they are trying to get someone to buy something new and innovative. That is why we were questioning whether you were male or female. Many of your questions seemed, TO ME PERSONALLY, to be questions that were being asked with a bit of an ulterior motive (like trying to sell something), not by a woman trying to find an effective product.


Let's review some of the convo, ONLY so you can get an idea of the repetitive nature I am referring to.


So all this begs the question, why is Essence of Woman the only product trying to mimic the smell of a womans vagina? Most products either rely on odorless pheromones (which can feel snake oily), or floral scents (which are a dime a dozen).

The question - Has anyone tried to identify the components in your own scent, maybe even brew your own 'vagina perfume'? I have always found my scent to be something like vinegar/hot sauce. Another term I have heard tossed around these forums is 'butt cheese', which is somewhat accurate. Remember, vaginas aren't supposed to smell like flowers.



OH, there have been a lot of people who HAVE tried to top EoW. And, I have tried most, if not all, of them! There have been several companies that have tried to develop blends that contain copulins and new "reformulated" copulins themselves, and most were utter failures. And, whether it be Cleo, Eros, Androtics, Desire, or whatever the hell other name they went by, they simply did NOT work. EoW DOES. And, it has the scientific studies to help support that. That is how Astrid Jutte designed them.


And, coincidentally, if yours smells like vinegar, then EoW wet, is almost "spot on".


It's nice to find other women who 'get it'. Scent alone is such a powerful evoker of emotion/desire.


For example, I love the smell of cinnamon, because it is deeply anchored to childhood memories of Christmas time. To my knowledge, there are no pheromones in cinnamon, but it still has a very powerful effect on my mood. I think for men (and lesbian/bisexual women), the raw pungent smell of a vagina works the same way.


So although the science behind copulins/pheromones is still in its infancy, if we could merely replicate the odor portion of the equation, I think that may be enough. I've looked at the ingredients of EoW, and there are a lot of 'acid' elements, I wonder which are most responsible for the aroma?


There must be enough off the shelf components for an amateur perfumer to come close? I mentioned vinegar before, anyone have any other thoughts/ideas?


This is what Mara does! Try to evoke a certain feel through the use of scent, we get that. Those of us who are here have "gotten that" for a very long time.





And you're right, each woman does smell different, based on many factors (like the ones mentioned in this thread: diet, ph, etc...). So there would need to be many subtle variations. One EoW/Vulva Original just won't cut it.


I don't think that ANY company is going to put the money into researching it, and creating all of the different varieties when the main product on the market works very well for a LARGE number of women. Just as everybody's vagina is different, everybody's skin chemistry is different (which does different things to the scent).




I am not a perfumer myself, so I have no way of making any money off this idea. I posted here on the forums because I was hoping to get the opinion of others who understood the power of scent/pheromones. I also posted here hoping to hear from someone at LP saying that they were aware of all this, and had some more EoW style scents in the works.


So back on topic - If you have any ideas, or knowledge of companies who are in this 'space', please share. As we have already discussed, the potential applications are huge, and the power is undeniable. So why are we stuck with just one product (EoW)? If we can split the atom, surely we can synthesize 'vagina scent', right?


This is what Mara already does! We all understand the power of scent and pheromones.....this is precisely why Mara's products are so incredibly effective. She creates scents that work in tandem with the pheros, so that they are more effective than the pheros alone.



Well first of all we are not stuck with EoW. Lol. That doesn't sound so good. EoW is an amazingly effective and versatile product. We carry many many vehicles for this amazing gift from Phil Stone by way of Astrid Jutte. EoW is the only copulin product that is backed up with scientific studies that prove it's efficacy. It is a wonderous product. Secondly we carry a second product that is a plant based faux vagina juice with suspected pheromone effects. It's called Aja. You should definitely check it out. You can get a sample for $5. It layers beautifully with tons of scents. I like your original idea of making a vaginal secretion perfume. We offer a program to make custom perfumes with up to four notes called Private Editions. Those will be open in the next few weeks. Maybe you could start taking notes daily about how your own personal copulin maker smells to you. Over several weeks you should be able to track subtle differences that might help you nail down what vagina perfume should smell like.


See, you are told again that you can create your own! Mara will work with you to get exactly what you are envisioning.



I said much the same four days ago, in terms of those SLF-type scents.


To be blunt: trying to envision variations on EoW strikes me as reinventing the wheel. But attempting to come up with a perfume which mimics your own secretions? Perfectly okay. And something only you can do.


Exactly! Again, you can come up with your own!


Other members chimed in with some of the options that are available. TONS of selections with cops, and again, telling you that there is a PE option. And I agree with other members that there is really no way to create a "universal" vagina scent that covers all the bases and smells "good" to everybody. Scent is very subjective.




I guess the thing that's most baffling is - if there was a cologne for men that instantly forced women to think about sex, it would fly off the shelves. Women have always had such a tool at our disposal, but for some reason it hasn't been talked about much (and that is why we're here).


Why has nobody really explored this idea? I think luna65 hit the nail on the head when she talked about society making women feel ashamed of their natural scent. But maybe it's wrong to care if society approves.


And just to be clear, I am not advocating that women should smell like walking vaginas. But for example - Imagine you go out to a club, and apply a drop of EoW to your left wrist. You're still in control, you can still use a nice smelling floral perfume. When you're ready to send a clear unmistakable signal, just go in for a playful touch on his face, and let him take a whiff.


I do not think most women appreciate how powerful this smell is. Pheromones or not, when the male brain senses 'that smell', it will trigger memories (instinctive and/or personal), and become aroused. If you're the nearest female, he will likely anchor that arousal to you.


Mark my words, the first company to recognize this will be billionaires. *and I don't mean to imply that LP doesn't, I'm just stating the fact that there aren't many products targeting this specific niche.


There are MANY such products for men, that do just that. These are the products that men who subscribe to the PUA mentality use. Most women here are not interested in PUA applications.


I actually kind of giggled at your scenario about being in a club and giving the man a touch on the cheek so he could smell the copulins and want to have sex.....it has been my personal experience that, if a guy is interested in having sex with you at all, he is NORMALLY going to be thinking about it long before that touch. He is not going to have to smell it to want to "go there".


Sure, we ENJOY sex on this forum (hell, all you have to do is read some of the discussions to see that.....LOL)......and MANY of us here have significant others in our lives. We often use the sex blends to spice up our relationships, but not to go out to a club and get someone to bed. Those who are single and use them with a specific target in mind understand that just because a guy gets into bed with you doesn't mean that he will stay. Most women GENERALLY (not always, but generally) are looking for something deeper than that.



You are 100% right, I agree.


The point is, the "straight-up cooch scent" can amplify the effect greatly. I would argue that the "straight-up cooch scent" can work on its own, even if no pheromones are present.


And glad to hear you've had so much success with EoW lol! I can relate to your story, you are making my point exactly! But wouldn't it be nice to have a few other options, maybe even ones that work better?


If I got "better" results than with EoW, I would have men dropping at my feet on the street. It is THAT effective. And, that has been my experience, whether I was single or "attached".



And men already have a gajillion products to help them with that agenda. We're conditioned for quality more than quantity and that's why the intimacy blends which Mara has commissioned are, in fact, highly-successful for LPMP.


I think I speak for a large number of us in this group when I say that, collectively, we are more interested in the blends that promote bonding, intimacy, and other social purposes, whether it be work-related, mood elevation, or other such applications. The application of pheros in day-to-day social situations is a very interesting science.



NOW, I think I have beaten the horse until he is a little greasy spot. Again, not trying to belittle or attack you, but trying to illustrate a point to you of why Hearts and I were both sort of driven to be a tad harsh. That is why I added some of the convo history, so you could see that you were repeating yourself. I couldn't quote all of the responses because there is a limit of the number of posts you can multi-quote. LOL


And, I added some additional commentary so that you could read it all in one post, too.


Bottom line, EoW works for MOST of us. We also have Aja, which is a bit different, and still effective. Most other "cop blends" over the past 15 yrs or so have SUCKED. Like, big time! So, EoW and Aja come to the rescue! At LPMP, we can get cops straight up (unscented), scented (OCCO), lightly scented with other pheros (LAM/BAM), and several variations and renditions with various other pheros added. If none of these turn your crank, then talk to Mara about a PE. She can work up something specifically for you.....your "vag in a bottle", so to speak!


Again, I did not mean to offend.....I am often very blunt, but I mean no ill will. I hope we have provided the information you were looking for!





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is there really even a need to have anything else that reminds men of vaginas or having sex? In my experience they are almost always already thinking about it. You don't need to smell like vag to put the idea of sex in their brains. It's already there. Flash a smile, twirl your hair, touch their arm or thigh...boom done.


Speaking on behalf of most guys, I agree. Most of us are pretty much already thinking about sex most of the time. We really don't need any encouragement because we are already half way there, anyhow.

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is there really even a need to have anything else that reminds men of vaginas or having sex? In my experience they are almost always already thinking about it. You don't need to smell like vag to put the idea of sex in their brains. It's already there. Flash a smile, twirl your hair, touch their arm or thigh...boom done.


Exactly what I pointed out! If they are "into" you, they ARE thinking about it already! No need to put coochy scent in their face. I use cops specifically with my man, who is mid-50s, to get his testosterone up.

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But at the same time, I think you're also missing what's being said here. You can get the effects of smelling like vagina without actually smelling like vagina. That's what we love about EoW and why many of us feel like you don't need anything else. You don't have to smell like it for it to work! But if you do want to smell that way, as others have pointed out, LPMP offers several fragrances that smell like straight up sex, and there may be some vials of Jouir de floating around, which to me smells like cooch after sex. And people love it! And again, you have the opportunity to make your own private edition that smells exactly like you! So when you say things like, "gosh, it'd be nice if companies figured this out" or wish they made better working products or "why hasn't anyone done this?", from my perspective, it seems as if you are implying that LPMP hasn't, and that's precisely what people are trying to explain. This company has its ear to what its customers want more so than any other place I've done business with! I think that's what's raising folks' hackles.


Very well said, BB!

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is there really even a need to have anything else that reminds men of vaginas or having sex? In my experience they are almost always already thinking about it. You don't need to smell like vag to put the idea of sex in their brains. It's already there. Flash a smile, twirl your hair, touch their arm or thigh...boom done.




Speaking on behalf of most guys, I agree. Most of us are pretty much already thinking about sex most of the time. We really don't need any encouragement because we are already half way there, anyhow.




Exactly what I pointed out! If they are "into" you, they ARE thinking about it already!


Exactly. Sex, food, sleep. A beer here and there. That pretty much sums it up lol. :lol:


Okay but seriously, did anyone else just learn of the "used-panty marketplace" in this thread? I'm traumatized and yet intrigued.


My reaction went like this:


Step 1--Ewwwww!!!!

Step 2--But then again...

Step 3--Is this considered sex work?

Step 4--But I could pay off my credit card...and buy more perfume...


Step 6--But then again...and I mean, Christmas is coming...


And so on. Good lord, I need help, lol.



LOL, Lainey... let me know how it goes. I could pay off some bills! (Just kidding!!)


I have heard of it but .... ummmm .... really?!?! But if it pays the bills, what the heck ...

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I wonder if there's a market for post partum pussy smelling panties. It doesn't smell like hot sauce. More like sleepless

Nights and pregnancy pounds with a sprinkling of breast milk droppings.

:lol: ^^

There's a niche market for everything. I guess its all about if you want to be associated with that niche. :P

The panty thing is old, I mean the idea has been around so long it's often a pop culture joke on TV shows. I remember it on Big Bang Theory.


I was hit on a few times when I was preggers with my 1st kid. One of the guys tried quite a few times. He came to where I worked so I couldn't completely avoid him. Weird fetish I guess??


I love EOW. Straight up with a cover scent, OCCo LAM, BAM. What's more powerful? Sexpionage? All I know is at 44 I've been followed and leered at with just a smidge of LAM so I'm good.


..and BTW EOW lasts for freaking ever!! On skin or clothing. It can sometimes take more than one shower to fully remove it from your skin. Anyone who's worn it knows that.

Edited by StacyK
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Okay but seriously, did anyone else just learn of the "used-panty marketplace" in this thread? I'm traumatized and yet intrigued.


My reaction went like this:


Step 1--Ewwwww!!!!

Step 2--But then again...

Step 3--Is this considered sex work?

Step 4--But I could pay off my credit card...and buy more perfume...


Step 6--But then again...and I mean, Christmas is coming...


And so on. Good lord, I need help, lol.


I think I smell like Aja. I just wanted to share that with you all, because why the hell not? You're welcome. :say19:

OK, apologizing for perpetuating the never ending Vagina Monologues here, but to answer your question, yes, there really is a market for used, unwashed panties! You can look on ebay. Type in a search for "well worn" panties. I am not sure these listings are STILL allowed, but I know they were a few years ago. If not, try the UK 's ebay. You will also find that "well worn" shoes/sneakers have a following if you type in a search. I personally find these fetishes gross and skeevy, but as far as kinks go, I am sure that there are far worse. A friend of mine in San Francisco is a sex worker and got to know a former porn star legend turned sex guru. She told him she made a fortune on her unlaundered panties. She said she would buy a bunch of really cheap undies, and just wear them before she did her regular daily stint on her treadmill! I can't believe I am posting this here and am LOLing at the moment! Some phone sex companies also sell them. So, YES! There is a market for just about everything in this crazy world. I think unwashed intimate wear is gross, but since it really doesn't hurt anyone, I don't judge it. I do wonder though, is it really wise to send one's DNA out there to some stranger? Who knows? ANYWAY..LadyV, SO good to see you back! And Dolly, I feel your response was on point on all points made. Well said and not at all harsh IMO.
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Hey Primal I think you're a dude. I don't really believe anything you say. Faux vagina scented products and perfumes have been around for a century or more. Nobody is interested except avant garde performance artists and perverts, sorry that's harsh, sex enthusiasts. They are used by men to masturbate, not to pick up men by women. We don't need a fake, we have the real thing, in abundance at our disposal. Nobody who makes these scents has ever made a billion or even a million dollars. It's a niche market at best. Nothing you say rings true. I'm out.

I wondered the same halo. The only thing that gives me reason to wonder, is the whole thing about Vulva fragrance. Anyone who has really checked out their ads should be able to figure out that it was not designed to be used as a cologne as much as it was designed to be a masturbatory helper for men. Or women. Anyone in need of some assistance in this area. This is at least how I read the whole Vulva manufacturers' motives.
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LOL @ everyone! Really is it even so hard as flashing a smile at a man (that already wants to have sex with you) to get him to think you're interested in having sex. I think the list should also include making eye contact, being physically present, breathing, possessing body heat, well maybe not even breathing or body heat.....

Edited by Beccah
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Hey Primal I think you're a dude. I don't really believe anything you say. Faux vagina scented products and perfumes have been around for a century or more. Nobody is interested except avant garde performance artists and perverts, sorry that's harsh, sex enthusiasts. They are used by men to masturbate, not to pick up men by women. We don't need a fake, we have the real thing, in abundance at our disposal. Nobody who makes these scents has ever made a billion or even a million dollars. It's a niche market at best. Nothing you say rings true. I'm out.



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I don't know what they'd do with my DNA...clone me? Send it to genetic genealogy websites to see what I'm made of? (I'm already on most of them! HA!)


I don't think I could actually do it, but the "easy money" temptation is real...

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LOL @ everyone! Really is it even so hard as flashing a smile at a man (that already wants to have sex with you) to get him to think you're interested in having sex. I think the list should also include making eye contact, being physically present, breathing, possessing body heat, well maybe not even breathing or body heat.....


Honey, would you mind taking a real cold shower before we have sex and lay really still ... :fright04238:

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Because yes, I like quoting myself...


It will always be a niche, however, simply because there are also cultural prejudices against what is considered proper perfume, not only as a matter of aesthetics but also language, in a (literal) sense. As scent is the most evocative of the senses, perfume has to carefully walk that line between sensuality and palatability Thanks to artisan and niche perfumery those definitions are becoming broader, and that type of sex analog is more popular now, but it will never be widespread, IMO.


My issue isn't one of gender (in regards to the OP), it's rhetoric. As Dolly pointed out, if you insist upon carrying on a circular argument, that is not a discussion. And pretty soon you're going to run out of people to talk to. When a person's rhetorical agenda is simply not clear then it's going to cause any number of negative reactions...for example, being called out for social engineering.

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All I can say is, I would never spend a dime on something that smelled like my own unwashed crotch. I can have that for free on demand. If you want to smell like genuine kitty, just don't wash down there for a couple of days (and definitely don't shave, some hair will help hold onto the scent). But I really don't see it becoming some kind of multi-million dollar idea. Women have been dabbing on their own secretions as an aphrodiasic for ages...for free. There's no need to synthesize what can be had freely.


Now EoW is awesome because it can lend you that fertile, ovulating vibe, highly concentrated, and that can't be obtained on demand, due to the cyclical nature of our bodies, aging, hormonal contraceptives, etc. Once you've got that, you don't really need to smell like dirty underwear, but you still could..whenever you wanted...for free. Assuming you have a vag, of course.


Pssst to Lainey...don't forget you can also sell "well worn" ladies' shoes...with the right pics and keywords, you could rake in the munny. ; )

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I just wanted to come back and clarify, when I had said in one of my last posts "if you are female" is not because I was insinuating you were lesbian. I figured you were a guy, trolling the forum trying to get women to describe the scent of their vaginas for your own reasons. Or looking to sell a snatch scent... Again for your own reasons. Yeah, I'm being harsh. But LP has become a home to some of us, we love the products here and I get protective when someone comes in, puts down EOW and lies about their gender. You may or may not be male, but that's my take. It's not a big deal if you're male, just own up to it and don't lie.

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I just wanted to come back and clarify, when I had said in one of my last posts "if you are female" is not because I was insinuating you were lesbian. I figured you were a guy, trolling the forum trying to get women to describe the scent of their vaginas for your own reasons. Or looking to sell a snatch scent... Again for your own reasons. Yeah, I'm being harsh. But LP has become a home to some of us, we love the products here and I get protective when someone comes in, puts down EOW and lies about their gender. You may or may not be male, but that's my take. It's not a big deal if you're male, just own up to it and don't lie.


That's right!

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