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Cougar Potion (pheromone-enhanced perfume)

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Cougar is ALWAYS a win for me!!! Today I thought I went overboard with 6 sprays but I'm thinking this is "more is more" God, selfies are good today- I'm in a GREAT mood. Plus, everyone is loving on me this morning. I didn't work yesterday so when I came in to work this morning everyone is greeting me like I've been gone for ages. And one of the guys even said he missed me. Lol- I only had a day off. Then at Subway for lunch, the girl making sandwich is just cooing over me. " I love your hair, your makeup etc... What's your name?" Haha. Then I meet up with the BF at work and he is extremely grabby/horndog and says wow you are beautiful

Ok cougar is my popularity potion! Goodness this is great.

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  • 3 weeks later...

So as you have all tolerantly listened to me bang on for years, Cougar has killed for me, without fail, in just every possible context. Today I wore it for first time meeting with a more senior powerful man whom I need to like me. The meeting was sort of a disaster. His overwhelming vibe toward me, I would call "wary and disapproving". He avoided eye contact and made a snide comment about me "taking over" "his" meeting when I had not even said or done anything yet -- he had asked me a question and I hadn't even fucking opened my mouth to answer it.


I had never heard much about his personality one way or the other, but hadn't specifically heard that he's difficult, which I would have expected to by now, so this was an unpleasant surprise.


I refuse to believe the cougar did it. Which leaves me with: this guy is a dick, people just haven't told me so, and this was actually an IMPROVED version of him thanks to the Cougar. Any other theories? I don't recall anyone EVER having gotten a bad reaction with Cougar here :/

Edited by tyvey
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That sucks, tyvey! Kinda sounds like he might have been a little jealous of your extra "sparkle"? There's a woman at my job who I'm usually on a very friendly basis with, but she hates me when I wear Cougar. Like every time. Is there any way to find out from someone what he's usually like? Maybe he was just in a foul mood, and it had nothing to do with you.

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I wouldn't worry too much about it. Every now and then, I get a reaction from a blend, and it will be one that totally floors me....totally out of the norm. He may have been turned on by you, but didn't want to admit it. Thus the no eye contact. He probably also didn't like the fact that it was a sexy woman "taking over his meeting", and Cougar is DEFINITELY the sexy woman vibe. If you meet with him again, take the "female" element out of it. Try something with SWS....or even Open Windows.

Edited by Dolly
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I think you & Dolly are right here.

Hope you don't have to continue to deal with him. I'd suggest LFM or a Xanax (lol) if you do. :)


ETA honestly he sounds a little like my ex. So yea.. that's my recommendation.

Edited by StacyK
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tyvey! :rofl222: HIT! TOTAL HIT!


He avoided eye contact

"taking over" "his" meeting



He SO was taken by Cougar! You had him bothered and discombobulated! TEHEHEEEE :lol2:

OK, so at the time it was all "WTH?" but hind sight? You made him randy! Big powerful Mr. Man all "I don't understand why this woman is affecting me so"


He won't look at you, he has picked up the "idea" that you are obviously center stage and people prefer you there and he is completely distracted...BY YOU.


Yup...sounds like classic Cougar to me ^_~ Too much for him. You had him on spot...and he couldn't handle it :lol:

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LOL I think I'm pretty good at reading when that's what's going on and reeeeeaaally did NOT get that vibe AT ALL....but then again I've been known to think I'm good at a lot of things and be very wrong :D in any case I think you're onto something though, that everyone ELSE was vibing in a respectful way in my general direction and it's possible he was reacting to THAT, ie didnt like it......

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Jealous! *SNAP*


He needs to get over his big bad self :Emoticons04263: Hopefully someone else will scold him for his ill behavior...maybe he'll even apologize? OK, that coooould be pushing it :P

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Oh Tyvey, this sucks! I hate when you get the complete opposite reaction than you're used to getting from a phero. (Happened to me about 3 weeks ago with TH, & I was like, "WTF? This stuff is supposed to make you *like* me!" :lol: ).


I hope a little SWS helps put his arse in place.

I kinda wonder if you didn't hit the nail on the head with him picking up on everyone else vibe'n Cougar respect. If the SWS doesn't work, I'd OW him to put everyone around you in a good mood so you can say, "There, AssFace, *that's* why everyone loves me, and why you should, too!". ;)

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Oh Tyvey, this sucks! I hate when you get the complete opposite reaction than you're used to getting from a phero. (Happened to me about 3 weeks ago with TH, & I was like, "WTF? This stuff is supposed to make you *like* me!" :lol: ).

I think i posted at the time - I had a weird one-off with TH too! ...but I always say.....was it really a 'bad' incident relative to TH, *or* would the situation actually have been much WORSE *without* the TH? there's no way to be sure which it is, of course, b/c you can't replicate the exact situation to check :)


"There, AssFace, *that's* why everyone loves me, and why you should, too!". ;)


LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! cuz nothing makes people like you like calling them AssFace!!! I love the one-word and capitalized F, like a brand name of a trick face cream, or a cheeky skateboarder brand...

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I think i posted at the time - I had a weird one-off with TH too! ...but I always say.....was it really a 'bad' incident relative to TH, *or* would the situation actually have been much WORSE *without* the TH? there's no way to be sure which it is, of course, b/c you can't replicate the exact situation to check :)




LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! cuz nothing makes people like you like calling them AssFace!!! I love the one-word and capitalized F, like a brand name of a trick face cream, or a cheeky skateboarder brand...

About the TH, no, I can't really be sure if it would have been worse or better without the TH. It was one of those situations where two people decided to gang-up on me out of the blue for doing something they should have been thanking me for having done. And I do know that once I bit back, ('cause that's what I do when people jump all over me for no good reason: bite), someone quickly stuck his tail between his legs, and the other very quickly pasted a smile on her face for the rest of the night.


AssFace. Heh. You like my new grammar? :D It does sound like a skateboarder brand name, doesn't it? Like, "Get on-board with new AssFace shoes, and you'll save your ass AND face from roadrash!" :lol:

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Me in marketing? :lol: No.


That's kinda what I thought happened. They felt familiar & comfy enough to lash out. Stoopid thing is that they were giving me shit for something I did simply because it really needed doing, and the people who's job it was to do it, didn't. So basically they gave me shit for helping (for free, and on my own time, I might add). Ungrateful tools. And damn right I put them in their places! (Can you tell I'm still mad about it?).

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Kayso I impulsively dumped a bit of regal confection into what remains of my cougar spray. Took it to work and had a spritz during the day, and think it takes the credit for my being able to get anything done despite wayyyy too little sleep.

Had another big spritz about six hours later, before a big meeting. So, a little more than I usually wear.


Someone senior and powerful was at the meeting who has reliably, unmistakably been flummoxed by it in the past; today he was practically twitching- mirroring me like crazy, repeatedly surreptitiously looking at me while pretending to be looking at other things, maintaining slightly-too-intense eye contact with me when answering me, etc. I am exceedingly attracted to him and it took some effort not to lunge across the people sitting between us to run my fingers through his spectacular hair and maul him.


Another senior woman who has been reliably and notably unaffected by any phero I've thrown at her, I'd given up, seemed to be a bit affected by it today-- she sometimes seems to make a point to put me in my place "socially" / hierarchy-wise, you know how some ppl do that?- not overtly shunning you, but sort of subtly leaving you out of conversations by not including you with eye contact, etc. Well she did that crap MUCH less today, and I could even see some of that classic starry-eyed Cougar effect.


The wild card was a third dude, also senior to me, who I've now been around 3 times in the last 24 hours - twice with Cougar and once without. when I didn't wear it he was moderately rude and snotty / letting it be known I'm his inferior (you know, openly checking his phone, talking only about himself, etc). When i do wear it, its all that BUT WAIT THERES MORE also, he reacts almost exactly the way some gay men have reacted to small amounts of cops on me: mild, poorly disguised annoyance and aversion. :/

again I never met him til yesterday so it's possible he's just plain a dick.

Edited by tyvey
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^^DD Congrats on the 2nd interview. :)


I like Cougar, OpenWindows and LFM.


Did you wear a Phero to your first interview ?


I think these all put out good social/professional energy.


Also, which of this Phero type make you feel the most confident and comfortable in your own skin?

Edited by StacyK
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^^DD Congrats on the 2nd interview. :)


I like Cougar, OpenWindows and LFM.


Did you wear a Phero to your first interview ?


I think these all put out good social/professional energy.


Also, which of this Phero type make you feel the most confident and comfortable in your own skin?

I wore Black Panther enhanced with SS4W and I felt on top of the world.
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Always go with what makes you feel confident and in control.

BP ROCKS!!!!! :)

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Kayso I impulsively dumped a bit of regal confection into what remains of my cougar spray. Took it to work and had a spritz during the day, and think it takes the credit for my being able to get anything done despite wayyyy too little sleep.

Had another big spritz about six hours later, before a big meeting. So, a little more than I usually wear.


Someone senior and powerful was at the meeting who has reliably, unmistakably been flummoxed by it in the past; today he was practically twitching- mirroring me like crazy, repeatedly surreptitiously looking at me while pretending to be looking at other things, maintaining slightly-too-intense eye contact with me when answering me, etc. I am exceedingly attracted to him and it took some effort not to lunge across the people sitting between us to run my fingers through his spectacular hair and maul him.


Another senior woman who has been reliably and notably unaffected by any phero I've thrown at her, I'd given up, seemed to be a bit affected by it today-- she sometimes seems to make a point to put me in my place "socially" / hierarchy-wise, you know how some ppl do that?- not overtly shunning you, but sort of subtly leaving you out of conversations by not including you with eye contact, etc. Well she did that crap MUCH less today, and I could even see some of that classic starry-eyed Cougar effect.


The wild card was a third dude, also senior to me, who I've now been around 3 times in the last 24 hours - twice with Cougar and once without. when I didn't wear it he was moderately rude and snotty / letting it be known I'm his inferior (you know, openly checking his phone, talking only about himself, etc). When i do wear it, its all that BUT WAIT THERES MORE also, he reacts almost exactly the way some gay men have reacted to small amounts of cops on me: mild, poorly disguised annoyance and aversion. :/

again I never met him til yesterday so it's possible he's just plain a dick.




He's a gay dick sounds like.

Try LFM around him next time or G2 if you can.. Bosshole is all up in it when I wear G2 and is overly complimentary and says lame shit like..

OMG YOU ARE SO COOL. YOU ARE THE COOLEST OMG YOU ARE SO COOL. Over and Over again. I have to test the Coug on his and see his reaction. I don't remember getting amazing hits such as these with Cougs.

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He's a gay dick sounds like.

Try LFM around him next time or G2 if you can.. Bosshole is all up in it when I wear G2 and is overly complimentary and says lame shit like..

OMG YOU ARE SO COOL. YOU ARE THE COOLEST OMG YOU ARE SO COOL. Over and Over again. I have to test the Coug on his and see his reaction. I don't remember getting amazing hits such as these with Cougs.

I agree, LFM is ass. It has worked on me like RESPECT in a bottle!

It's really worked for me in that type of situation. Of course it also about how the Phero affects you too. :)

Edited by StacyK
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You know he really set off my gaydar so i was surprised to learn he's married with kids...


Meanwhile with the other guy, the one who complained I took over his meeting-- I unexpectedly got ambushed by him in a very small room with just one other person, and I had just spritzed the back of my head with cougar not thinking I'd see him. When he showed up suddenly at the room, he shouted before I had turned to see him, "OMG I GET TO SEE YOU TWICE IN ONE WEEK!" I was very startled. He was totally stone faced and it crossed my mind that he was being sarcastic but I decided to go with it and batted my lashes and sang back, "LUCKY ME!" He sat abnormally close to me and stared deep into my eyes as we talked, and was all deferential and relaxed. So I think you guys were right about both-- he didn't like not being the center of attn in a big group, AND ok maybe he was a teench attracted to me FINE

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HAHAHA! Go tyvey! SCHWING! :smiley-laughing024:

Warned ya *chuckles* classic cougar...

Edited by NuTrix
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You know he really set off my gaydar so i was surprised to learn he's married with kids...


Meanwhile with the other guy, the one who complained I took over his meeting-- I unexpectedly got ambushed by him in a very small room with just one other person, and I had just spritzed the back of my head with cougar not thinking I'd see him. When he showed up suddenly at the room, he shouted before I had turned to see him, "OMG I GET TO SEE YOU TWICE IN ONE WEEK!" I was very startled. He was totally stone faced and it crossed my mind that he was being sarcastic but I decided to go with it and batted my lashes and sang back, "LUCKY ME!" He sat abnormally close to me and stared deep into my eyes as we talked, and was all deferential and relaxed. So I think you guys were right about both-- he didn't like not being the center of attn in a big group, AND ok maybe he was a teench attracted to me FINE

Yea, tyvey!! I think your response to his obvious attempt at intimidation was spot on! I wonder if your next encounter with him will be much better than the first? I bet yes! I wonder how he would respond to something like LFM?

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You know he really set off my gaydar so i was surprised to learn he's married with kids...




Don't mean a thang sometimes!! :lol:


I knew it about the first guy! Is he very alpha? LFM might not work too well with him either in larger groups if he is because he will feel like competing. Cougar might be better for one on one meetings, as evidenced by his closetalking!

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Don't mean a thang sometimes!! :lol:


I knew it about the first guy! Is he very alpha? LFM might not work too well with him either in larger groups if he is because he will feel like competing. Cougar might be better for one on one meetings, as evidenced by his closetalking!

I have to disagree about Alphas and LFM. In my experience I have found it most successful across the board, as a social, attractant and respect amplifier. It has literally saved my ass around socially dominant men & some women.

I don't get the awkwardness of high sexual tension, tho it does cause attraction as in I'd like to be near her, speak to her LISTEN to her. I'll digress here, lol

I need to go do a review/recount of a couple of my more recent experiences. :)

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@bb he doesn't SEEEM very alpha personality-wise - low affect, no expressions, monotone, calm...but he IS the absolute head of a very stressful and large team, so gotta figure he is alpha on the inside as well as in his role.... hmmm... interesting...


so I think w/him (esp in larger groups) I'll avoid anything he could take as threatening, and instead aim to be a kitteh ....which seemed to work so fabulously yesterday...


This was one of rare instances that i actually tried to do that "steering" thing we talk about a lot here -- steering the cougar in the purring jessica rabbit kind of direction instead of the I AM A STAH! direction...

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I never thought of Cougar in the aspect. I always just use it when I want to PARTY. I really should pay closer attention.

I know I've been using a lot of Bang and BI at work- because my LFM bottles are running low- and I don't want to run out for a huge summit we have coming up.. and I noticed the other day in a meeting our director sweeped his eyes up and down my legs.. which was OMG no he DIDNT.

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I have to disagree about Alphas and LFM. In my experience I have found it most successful across the board, as a social, attractant and respect amplifier. It has literally saved my ass around socially dominant men & some women.

I don't get the awkwardness of high sexual tension, tho it does cause attraction as in I'd like to be near her, speak to her LISTEN to her. I'll digress here, lol

I need to go do a review/recount of a couple of my more recent experiences. :)

i said with him, not necessarily all alphas.

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This was one of rare instances that i actually tried to do that "steering" thing we talk about a lot here -- steering the cougar in the purring jessica rabbit kind of direction instead of the I AM A STAH! direction...

Funny, but for me, Cougar has always had that Jessica Rabbit take to it. Maybe because that's how I always interpreted it so that's how I always played it. Then, when I returned to the forum and eveyone was commenting on the glittery/sparkly cougar vibe I was confused. I like the slinky 'I'm not bad, I'm just drawn that way' vibe much better..... Edited by Chaionlife
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I get the Jessica Rabbit too...from the gents...but none of the jealousy from the ladies...that's where the sparkling glittery effects shine...it's the best of BOTH :)

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See, Bang! is more Jessica Rabit for me, with a dash of damsel in distress. I get the sparkly vibe from the women when I wear cougar. Men (particularly older) are drawn to me but they aren't dazzled, not like how they are with LFM. That's why i like Cougar for work for me. It's a happy medium!

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