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Treasured Hearts

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Nutrix your th experience sounds more like how h2h plays on me. But I don't have a ton of experience w/th....its effects seem to vary for me...

My hubs is a great responder to the blends intended for bonding...love it! What's h2h? Heart to heart? I kind of recognize it but don't have it. I have Heart and Soul in a little spray from Nov. I wonder if they have similar pheromones in them? (TH & H2H I mean)

TH = 5a-Androstenol, Androsterone, and Epi-Androsterone

H2H = ?

Just curious :)

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Doesn t look as good as the sign, but:


Nutrix your th experience sounds more like how h2h plays on me. But I don't have a ton of experience w/th....its effects seem to vary for me...

Hee! See, now I'm a sucker for stuff like that... :lol:

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My hubs is a great responder to the blends intended for bonding...love it! What's h2h? Heart to heart? I kind of recognize it but don't have it. I have Heart and Soul in a little spray from Nov. I wonder if they have similar pheromones in them? (TH & H2H I mean)

TH = 5a-Androstenol, Androsterone, and Epi-Androsterone[/size]

H2H = ?[/size]

Just curious :)[/size]

H2H Empathy Potion: Beta-androstenol, EST, DHEAS, Alpha-Androstenol


It's very close to the top of my to-get list.

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:huh: So H2H is now Empathy Potion? Was there a name change? Or very possibly an oversight on my part because I'm STILL finding wonderful potions ALL THE TIME (my poor wallet - thank goodness for OT LOL) No wonder I couldn't find it :lol:


My hubby would DEFINITELY respond well to that molecule list! But I believe it would be differently than TH and it would be fun to figure out the nuances.


Now this is just my best guess until I get to take it for a test run, but b-nol & Est (in H2H) normally make hubby cuddly sweet, where as anything with a bit of none or rone in it get him on the more frisky and playful side so both of these potions could serve different purposes....Hmm....Thank you ladies! :love:


Yes, heart2heart / empathy potion has exactly the effects you describe, on me....



H2H Empathy Potion: Beta-androstenol, EST, DHEAS, Alpha-Androstenol

It's very close to the top of my to-get list.

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:huh: So H2H is now Empathy Potion? Was there a name change?


Nope. I don't think there was a name change. It's Heart to Heart Empathy Potion, but the Heart to Heart thingy is done with a picture of two hearts on either side of a 2. (too lazy to look up hearts on my emoticon thing-er, sorry!). But as far as I know, it's always been called



I *just* got TH this week. I can't wait to get H2H. I think it could be very useful.

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I understand not wanting to use pheros on kids, or having them constantly hot-boxing with one of the phero wax melts, but as a non-parent, I'm curious.


What's the hesitation around wearing even a light amount of pheros around kids so long as you're not wearing the same ones all the time and getting their brains dependent on them in some fashion?

Didn't see this earlier and I couldn't type with my son's S3 this morning.....


With all the pollution and chemicals found and used in the food here, I'd very much like to keep things simple and natural, especially for my kids. Sometimes I wonder if it's worth putting my children through this (lifestyle in China). Why subject them to this for my sake?


IMO, if there's not much harm so why abstain during certain circumstances, such as during pregnancy, etc.

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  • 1 month later...

There is a new label for this, anyone notice?

ARG.. not this one Heat & Soul. :heart:

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This is an UN, I have had on my list forever and it keeps getting moved to the back of the list as NR's come out that I must have...Is this a good blend to wear for work? Is it good to smooth feathers with bitchy people?


I have always gotten good results with TH.....FAB at family functions, especially if you have a family like mine where there are always one or two who are not speaking to each other. I have also used it at work when I have someone who is grumpy but needs a "light touch".....it is what I like to call a "spread the love" blend.

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I have always gotten good results with TH.....FAB at family functions, especially if you have a family like mine where there are always one or two who are not speaking to each other. I have also used it at work when I have someone who is grumpy but needs a "light touch".....it is what I like to call a "spread the love" blend.

Dang, I guess I might need to buy this UN. Thanks
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I have always gotten good results with TH.....FAB at family functions, especially if you have a family like mine where there are always one or two who are not speaking to each other. I have also used it at work when I have someone who is grumpy but needs a "light touch".....it is what I like to call a "spread the love" blend.

Dolly, what's your dosage with this. I had maybe on or two small hits with this way back...then.. nothing. Seriously, I would probably get better results with a straight LP.


Any tips would be great.

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I'm not Dolly, but I just got the UNscented spray recently & I do one spray to hair, one to upper chest, and one to my shirt, and it works great. If I do any more than 3 sprays, it makes people grumpy with me. (I've experienced that several times now).

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^^ That's interesting Eggers, I have the oil .. I got 2 soft hits when I first used it.. then nothing.

I tried applying more but it made ME a little grumpy and I had a headache.

The headache thing happened twice with the Un and the last time I wore Get Happy it happened again. I was thinking WTH.

At first it thought I should wait to experiment a little more.. also I had used some stronger pheros like Gotcha (aka, the crazy hit getter) so I might not be noticing the subtler hits. But the headaches IDK.

I'll wait and try it out again.

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I have the one in silicone. I do about a 1-2 inch stripe on the backs of hands (I talk with my hands, and then each side of neck and wrists (typical pulse points)....I apply this one on top of my scent since it is not stinky. This is not one that has ever given me "center of attention" hits. It just calms down the grumpies and chills them out.

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Thanks Dolly. I have a roll on in oil so it may not last as long. I will try this dosage out. :)


Oil based is actually the longest-wearing. Silicone diffuses a bit faster......and I like the feel of it better, but that is a personal preference.

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This is a staple for me and I am surprised there are not more reviews. To me this is great in family settings (especially where some aren't getting along with others), social settings, and business settings. It seems to help make everyone be just a little nicer and calm down any tension.


I am stocking up on this is the sale, very exciting! I normally buy this in the UN alcohol and find it very effective in the form. I just purchased some on the UN silicone roll on and am looking forward to trying that out. I think the two forms may be great to layer on certain days when I need more longevity.

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I love TH too.

I wore it to bed last night, hoping that it might help my BF wake up & feel like scrubbing our nest down, ('cause of the "nesting" vibe it's supposed to give off). It usually makes him cook for me. :huh: Usually *after* I've cleaned the kitchen. <_< He didn't wake up in a scrubby mood, per se, but he *did* clean the downstairs bathroom, and he is about to make me lunch! LOL!

That could have something to do with the 6 sprays I applied about an hour ago, for curiosity's sake. :Emoticons04263: I usually wear 3 and get lunch outta the deal.

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  • 1 month later...

I don't notice much of a reaction from people when I wear Treasured Hearts. It seems like my skin soaks up the oil and I am concerned that it doesn't last very long, but it's hard to tell, since it's unscented. It's not an attention-getting phero, but it does seem to make people act mild, pleasant and calm around me. I wore it to a family reunion, but I didn't notice much difference in their behavior. I think Sweet Chic is more fun to wear to social events, IMHO.



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This one has been a hit and miss for me. I have this in a spray and the first few times I wore it, the results were obvious to me. Very relaxed and easy going atmosphere was had by all. People that typically are bossy in a group atmosphere were able to kick back and let others shine.


Then I wore it a few times and had no results at all. I usually spray 2x, so maybe I will try out 1 spray and then slowly work up from there. Also, I think it works better for me when I am in a group of people as compared to 1-on-1 situations. I definitely need to experiment more with this.

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In my experience hits with Treasured Hearts are softer. I wore it a couple of times last week. It seemed to contribute to a happy, pleasant somewhat bonding feel with the family females I was around. It's not HAPPY like A'nol happy vibes. It's softer, a more subtle experience.

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I was just playing with TH myself for the first time yesterday at work. I like it- like StacyK said it seemed to create softer happy/bondy type experiences. The men and women all responded well to it, and I just had a really nice day.

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Yes, I was not sure about this one for a while. It took asking questions and some trials to understand its effects.


I plan to use the tarts this thanksgiving.

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Wore this one to work today with Caramel Musk. I've never been called "love" so often in my life.


One middle aged lady was like "Hello love... yes love... thanks love... that's right love... thanks a lot love.. have a nice day love." LOL


I'm lovin' it.

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Here's a question for experienced users, in the absence of tarts, does anyone ever use Phero oils in there tarts warmer? If so how much have you tried ?


Also how strong are the tarts? and how long do the pheros last? With heat I'd think they burn off pretty fast . Do they really last past the first use?

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Do you all think that Treasured Hearts is period-friendly in terms of feeling vulnerable and wanting everyone around you to molly-coddle you and just take extra good care of you?


Stacy-- yes, I use oils in my warmer. I've used them on the stovetop in little creme brulee bowls, and I've also used them in a little metal thingie on a tea-cup warmer. I tend to like having a little bit of wax in there and then adding the oil (with pheromones or not-- doesn't matter.)


I do like the waxes better because I feel they get more immediate diffusion, but I think with little oils from samples you're not keen on as perfumes, that it works well.


Sometimes if I don't have wax, I'll add a little bit of water and then the oil and then heat that up. I just put it on low and generally forget about it for a couple of hours. After about twenty minutes if I've put it on a little bit of higher heat to get it going, I start to smell it and then bring it down to a low heat. If I know I'm going to be distracted, I put it on a low heat and then forget about it. In a tealight candle thing this wouldn't be an issue.

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Do you all think that Treasured Hearts is period-friendly in terms of feeling vulnerable and wanting everyone around you to molly-coddle you and just take extra good care of you?


Stacy-- yes, I use oils in my warmer. I've used them on the stovetop in little creme brulee bowls, and I've also used them in a little metal thingie on a tea-cup warmer. I tend to like having a little bit of wax in there and then adding the oil (with pheromones or not-- doesn't matter.)


I do like the waxes better because I feel they get more immediate diffusion, but I think with little oils from samples you're not keen on as perfumes, that it works well.


Sometimes if I don't have wax, I'll add a little bit of water and then the oil and then heat that up. I just put it on low and generally forget about it for a couple of hours. After about twenty minutes if I've put it on a little bit of higher heat to get it going, I start to smell it and then bring it down to a low heat. If I know I'm going to be distracted, I put it on a low heat and then forget about it. In a tealight candle thing this wouldn't be an issue.

I have not used it like that (period time) but as it seems to put female friends and relations in a nice mood it may help. Halo mentioned that Teddy BB was exceptional for PMS.

Check the B2 or G2 comparison thread in the Phero gen. questions thread.

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I have the one in silicone. I do about a 1-2 inch stripe on the backs of hands (I talk with my hands, and then each side of neck and wrists (typical pulse points)....I apply this one on top of my scent since it is not stinky. This is not one that has ever given me "center of attention" hits. It just calms down the grumpies and chills them out.

Dolly, good to know....

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  • 6 months later...

OK, you guys, I've been wearing this one to work because I have new co-workers at my retail job. I think things were set up to go pretty well anyway -- they are great ladies -- but I am finding that we are all just getting along so well, and sharing a lot, both silly and real things. So I have been definitely feeling it was a worthwhile investment (I split a boost between two sprays, one of Glamour Puss and one of Lady Victoria's Sweet Little Pussycat), but I had it in the "subtle" category for hits.


However, I just had to share -- yesterday, I had on my boosted Glamour Puss. One of my regular customers came in, a nice man about 15 years older than I am. We chatted casually, and in the course of the conversation it came up that we had both had had birthdays this month. I ended the transaction and he left. Then:


1) He came back and bought another card from me.


2) He left the store and returned about 15 minutes later, handed me the card which had been filled out to wish me happy birthday and give me a gift certificate for a free pizza at his restaurant!


I was already a believer in Treasured Hearts but man, now I am SOLD. :-)

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I'm still feeling this one out, but it's got great potential so far. Could become a regular for work :) I want to test it more on the hubby....

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I find that the more I wear this around BF, the more it seems to affect him. When I first wore it around him, what I noticed most was that it made him want to cook for me. :huh: But now, in addition to all the cooking, (and there has been *a lot* of cooking), he seems to slow down a bit and become flirty, but in a sweet, affectionate, very personal way. I've been wearing it around him a lot on the weekends when we're both home for a good stretch.

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Yes, I think I can relate to that. I need to keep testing to make sure it wasn't fluke, but it's like you mention...the part about the flirty but affectionate - I quite liked it and wouldn't mind more of it :lol: It definitely puts him in a good mood...tweaked with a bit of cops it could be even more intimate...at least that's what I'm hoping :blushing:

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I had the funniest hit tonight. I had gone for a quick run to the grocery store, but had forgotten that I had put on some TH anticipating a potentially charged situation earlier in the evening. (Fortunately, it went well and nada drama. Thanks, TH!) I was trying to cross the road to get into the store. It was a busy time of day and I was waiting for a truck to pass when the gentleman stopped so I could cross. I waved the courtesy "thank you" wave and started across when he stuck his head out the window and yelled something to me. It turns out he had his window down AND he was down wind!!! I did have on a ton of TH, but I was shocked. Then, as I was crossing I looked up and saw an angry looking woman glaring at me from the passenger seat. (I guess she didn't get the whiff. lol)


At that point all I could think was to laugh at the whole thing (out of site, of course) and about sharing with my friends here at the LP forum ... who would be likely to laugh too!


(btw, I don't remember what he yelled except I remember being grateful it wasn't inappropriate. Maybe that was with the help of the TH too? )


OMGOsh - pheros are fun!!

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Hehehe...they are, aren't they?!


I don't have all the little nuances of this one and H&S sorted out yet b/c they're still new to my collection. H&S feels more feminine and a bit softer, where TH seems more androgynous and neutral on/to me. TH doesn't, oddly, feel more intimate than H&S. It's, hmm, more chipper(?) and out going. Where as I feel H&S is also "friendly", it's more of a subtle "draw people in" kind of vibe.


Just typing out my thoughts...I'm liking both of these quite a bit lately :)


Edit - corrected for dyslexia....

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Hehehe...they are, aren't they?!


I don't have all the little nuances of this one and H&S sorted out yet b/c they're still new to my collection. H&S feels more feminine and a bit softer, where TH seems more androgynous and neutral on/to me. TH doesn't, oddly, feel more intimate than S&H. It's, hmm, more chipper(?) and out going. Where as I feel H&S is also "friendly", it's more of a subtle "draw people in" kind of vibe.


Just typing out my thoughts...I'm liking both of these quite a bit lately :)



Thanks for the comparison. I came to the TH thread to see if there was feedback on the different feel of the two. That helps a lot ... and has me adding H&S to the ole' shopping list.

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  • 3 months later...

Wore this out recently to lunch at a fancy restaurant. I wore a spray of the UN TH and about 4 sprays of Fairy Musk with TH. Plus added a spray or two of DHEAS.


The attractive French waiter who served us was constantly smiling at me, and making eye contact, treating me more considerately than everyone else. The people I was with all noticed. Such fun!

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