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I don't know, but it's green...


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This is sweet, fizzy, fun...and green! I could totally see putting some a-nol in this and getting my party on, heh. In fact I am reminded of the scene in "The Trouble With Tribbles" when a fight starts in the bar and Cyrano Jones is downing every drink in the place he can find while everyone else is duking it out, lol. The tangyness of the lime and pomegranate remain even as the fizziness has faded, a nice soft sweet veil...and no hangover!



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Ok, I smell the lime, and maybe pomegranate. I can't really differentiate the notes in here but I know I LIKE it!!! It's heady and not too sweet and really YUM!!!



Ok I am coming by tonight to have a little smell fest... text me when is convient for you..lol not if!!!and yes we have this kind of relationship lol...she is the better friend..

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In fact I am reminded of the scene in "The Trouble With Tribbles" .....



I am so very pleased that I have company in my ST geek fandom. LOL! I truly did not think anyone would get that quote, and Luna and Bookworm knew it right off. I love you guys!!!


So...the KSBF is wisking me off to Vegas for the weekend, YAY! and generally I loathe Vegas, (I don't gamble and I hate all the cigarette smoke), except I adore the Star Trek goodies at the Hilton. I love sitting in Quark's bar and staring at the models of the ships on the ceilings, and I simply must stock up on goofy paraphernalia once again. Can I pick up anything for anyone? Perhaps some Romulan Ale or a Tribble, or a red shirt? A pewter Voyager keychain?



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I am so very pleased that I have company in my ST geek fandom. LOL! I truly did not think anyone would get that quote, and Luna and Bookworm knew it right off. I love you guys!!!


So...the KSBF is wisking me off to Vegas for the weekend, YAY! and generally I loathe Vegas, (I don't gamble and I hate all the cigarette smoke), except I adore the Star Trek goodies at the Hilton. I love sitting in Quark's bar and staring at the models of the ships on the ceilings, and I simply must stock up on goofy paraphernalia once again. Can I pick up anything for anyone? Perhaps some Romulan Ale or a Tribble, or a red shirt? A pewter Voyager keychain?




I try to avoid the red shirts if possible. I always imagine the poor guy on the original series showing up to work and getting handed a red shirt and knowing it was a VERY temporary gig. <grin>


Enjoy your trip!!

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I am so very pleased that I have company in my ST geek fandom. LOL! I truly did not think anyone would get that quote, and Luna and Bookworm knew it right off. I love you guys!!!


So...the KSBF is wisking me off to Vegas for the weekend, YAY! and generally I loathe Vegas, (I don't gamble and I hate all the cigarette smoke), except I adore the Star Trek goodies at the Hilton. I love sitting in Quark's bar and staring at the models of the ships on the ceilings, and I simply must stock up on goofy paraphernalia once again. Can I pick up anything for anyone? Perhaps some Romulan Ale or a Tribble, or a red shirt? A pewter Voyager keychain?




Lol, my boss has pix of him at that bar too..he's a MAJOR S/F S/T Geek...*He wears a red shirt uniform for Halloween*. Have fun Mara, I'm hoping my sweetie and I will be making the same trip soonish...


Is he *still KS at this point tho? :D

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Romulan ale is illegal...


Awww, Pony - showing her geeky side too - LOL! I saw you said FRAK in another thread! :( Yeah, Romulan Ale is illegal all over the known universe, except in Vegas. Last time I was there I bought a 6 pack. I gave them all away except for one bottle. I don't have the nerve to actually drink something with that much blue dye in it, but I see people lined up at the bar drinking it. I always get me the frozen blue lemonade tho - YUM!


Pony, whaddya think about how Galactica is going? I'm confused about the 2,000 year time shift thing that Sam mentioned before he went into the coma. Did you get that at all? And how is it that Kara came back with her tattoos intact? If she's a clone, she shouldn't even have a scar...


So now, anyone for Pangalactic Gargleblasters? Methinks Liz would enjoy those. :D

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Is he *still KS at this point tho? :D


Yeah, katz, he lives 1,000 miles away, so not much choice in that matter. I only get to see him every few months. But as I just saw him 2 weeks ago, this is a really nice treat, and quite a surprise too. He got asked to an industry convention on short notice, and asked me along. heeee!


Where are you guys gonna stay when you go?

I wanted to stay at Excalibur - go fig, I was attracted to the name, and the bright colors, and the turrets, and they have carnival games, which I totally ROCK at, but then Danna said it would be filled with shrieking children and the KSBF went right off the idea. :( So, we don't know where we are going to stay yet. Any suggestions? I wanted to be right in that little strip where all the hotels are connected. And NY, NY is sold out. hmmm.....

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So now, anyone for Pangalactic Gargleblasters? Methinks Liz would enjoy those. ;)


*passes the pitcher* Have at it! We make em fresh every day :Hug_emoticon:

I read those books in middle school and The Restaurant at the End of the Universe is my favorite. Born into Star Trek fandom courtesy of my dad. Yet I didn't know the Vegas Hilton has Quark's Bar...

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Yeah, katz, he lives 1,000 miles away, so not much choice in that matter. I only get to see him every few months. But as I just saw him 2 weeks ago, this is a really nice treat, and quite a surprise too. He got asked to an industry convention on short notice, and asked me along. heeee!


Where are you guys gonna stay when you go?

I wanted to stay at Excalibur - go fig, I was attracted to the name, and the bright colors, and the turrets, and they have carnival games, which I totally ROCK at, but then Danna said it would be filled with shrieking children and the KSBF went right off the idea. :Hug_emoticon: So, we don't know where we are going to stay yet. Any suggestions? I wanted to be right in that little strip where all the hotels are connected. And NY, NY is sold out. hmmm.....


1K miles...aww boo, but how nice you get back to back visits!


Um, only other place I've stayed there was the Mirage, perfectly adequate for what we needed at the time:

1) A pool - which was very nice <oh and I see they now have a BARE pool ahem "The DJ-spun music mix sets a lively mood as guests enjoy European-style sun bathing secluded by towering palms.">

2) A room to crash in eventually. Rest of the time we spent wandering the truly bizarre world of the strip/shops.


I'm sure there have to be some sweet prices out there - I've heard visitor levels are flattish! I'm no Vegas guru tho', sowwy!

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*passes the pitcher* Have at it! We make em fresh every day :Hug_emoticon:

I read those books in middle school and The Restaurant at the End of the Universe is my favorite. Born into Star Trek fandom courtesy of my dad. Yet I didn't know the Vegas Hilton has Quark's Bar...




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Oh yeah, I don't mean to seem sofa king stupid, but what the hell is a "KSBF?" I got the last two letters all right!


Edited to say ooh! thank you, Katz! :Hug_emoticon: Love it!

Edited by Nightlife
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Awww, Pony - showing her geeky side too - LOL! I saw you said FRAK in another thread! :Hug_emoticon: Yeah, Romulan Ale is illegal all over the known universe, except in Vegas. Last time I was there I bought a 6 pack. I gave them all away except for one bottle. I don't have the nerve to actually drink something with that much blue dye in it, but I see people lined up at the bar drinking it. I always get me the frozen blue lemonade tho - YUM!


Pony, whaddya think about how Galactica is going? I'm confused about the 2,000 year time shift thing that Sam mentioned before he went into the coma. Did you get that at all? And how is it that Kara came back with her tattoos intact? If she's a clone, she shouldn't even have a scar...


So now, anyone for Pangalactic Gargleblasters? Methinks Liz would enjoy those. ;)


Well it figures - if Romulan Ale is legal anywhere - it would be Vegas.


Ok Galactica is a source of endless speculation between one of my officemates and myself. Oh...better just check out the recaplet...it 'splains the sub-light travel...




And scuttlebutt is that Kara is NOT exactly a clone, whatever that means, and that it shall all be revealed to us before the end, so methinks they better get moving. BSG almost lost me there in Season 2, but I am enjoying the black vortex that is BSG Season 4. I don't think it will end well. I think that Galactica will be destroyed, and there will be a few survivors on both sides who will go their seperate ways, and the endless cycle will start over...I go on record with my prediction.


I'm a mega-geek.


Enjoy KSBF and Vegas! And go ahead and try the Romulan Ale...how bad can it be?

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Oh yeah, I don't mean to seem sofa king stupid, but what the hell is a "KSBF?" I got the last two letters all right!


Edited to say ooh! thank you, Katz! :Hug_emoticon: Love it!


Kinda Sorta...(we all had to ask when Mara first posted this)...and you're most welcome!

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Awww, Pony - showing her geeky side too - LOL! I saw you said FRAK in another thread! :Hug_emoticon: Yeah, Romulan Ale is illegal all over the known universe, except in Vegas. Last time I was there I bought a 6 pack. I gave them all away except for one bottle. I don't have the nerve to actually drink something with that much blue dye in it, but I see people lined up at the bar drinking it. I always get me the frozen blue lemonade tho - YUM!


Pony, whaddya think about how Galactica is going? I'm confused about the 2,000 year time shift thing that Sam mentioned before he went into the coma. Did you get that at all? And how is it that Kara came back with her tattoos intact? If she's a clone, she shouldn't even have a scar...


So now, anyone for Pangalactic Gargleblasters? Methinks Liz would enjoy those. ;)


ST and BSG?! I'm in scifi geek heaven!


Kara's relationship to the Cylons is so difficult to figure out. I can't figure if she's a clone or not. I think they want us to think she is. I swear, there are days I think we're going to find out they're all cylon clones and the 12 don't even know it, because that would really put their kind of frakked up human morality tailspin on things given that now we're beginning to see that cylons can be just as petty if not worse than most humans at times.

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I try to avoid the red shirts if possible. I always imagine the poor guy on the original series showing up to work and getting handed a red shirt and knowing it was a VERY temporary gig.

Yeah, crewman #6. Haw! (Galaxy Quest is like my favorite movie of all time.)


I don't think it will end well. I think that Galactica will be destroyed, and there will be a few survivors on both sides who will go their seperate ways, and the endless cycle will start over...I go on record with my prediction.

It's all happened before, it'll all happen again... so I think there's going to be only a small handful left in the end, but a blended society this time. Will check out that link, thank you! :Hug_emoticon:


And speaking of history repeating itself - me Mum, (who is my partner in Galactica obsession), found this article somewhere that said they were going to do a spin-off series afterward, of PRE-HISTORY. Going back to the time of Apollo's grandfather, which shows the origin of the 'skin-jobs' as being human made. Something about a guy creating one to replace his deceased daughter or something. Now, I did not get to read it myself, but that totally messes things up time line wise. Which is why I am so confused about the 2,000 year dead cylon community on Earth. But the reason I say history repeating itself, does anyone recall the short-lived tv series Galactica '80? Which was a planet-bound spin-off of the original? I can't believe that they would actually make that mistake TWICE!!!!


*passes the pitcher* Have at it! We make em fresh every day biggrin.gif

I read those books in middle school and The Restaurant at the End of the Universe is my favorite. Born into Star Trek fandom courtesy of my dad. Yet I didn't know the Vegas Hilton has Quark's Bar...


Not only the BAR, but a MUSEUM and a RIDE! And the most awesome ST gift shop in the galaxy! Must see! They've apparently completely updated the exhibit since the last time I was there, so YAY!


I am addicted to Douglas Adams. The KSBF and I like to read to each other, and I am reading him those books now. ;) We laugh our asses off when I do Marvin's voice. I have everything Douglas Adams ever wrote, read by the author. He is so thoroughly side-splitting with his voice acting, you HAVE TO hear him read them, it's one of the biggest treats of my entire life, having those recordings. I can't remember which book it was in, but the part about Arthur and the being he keeps accidently killing, lifetime after lifetime, is the funniest part of the series to me. I also like romantic-ness of So Long and Thanks for All The Fish. I love the part when he teaches his girlfriend to fly. I loved it so much, I wrote a song about that called "She Makes Me High". But my favorite book of his is, The Long Dark Tea Time of the Soul. Did you read the Dirk Gently books as well?


because that would really put their kind of frakked up human morality tailspin on things given that now we're beginning to see that cylons can be just as petty if not worse than most humans at times.


Isn't that actress who plays Ellen doing an amazing job? Talk about FLAWED. Wow, I'd give her an Emmy for that performance.

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Ellen - on the baseship, all Mother of the Race and all, and then when she gets back around humans...soooo creepy. Must be a fun character to play. My officemate's comment - "Nothing worse than an alcoholic skinjob."


Yep - I was weaned on scifi - my dad and I used to watch Star Trek after school every day. I remember when they announced TNG he shook his head - nothing could compare to Captain Kirk, man, never. And in elementary school we spent a year on scifi authors: Douglas Adams (and the Brit TV series, of course) Arthur C Clarke, Isaac Asimov...it was an alternative education.


Hehehe - this forum is nirvana, isn't it? scifi and smellies, hand in hand. I haven't been to the Hitlon since the big Star Trek exhibition (which was one of my first "dates" with DH - waiting in line forever to walk through the exhibit). Is that the museum now? Gah - it's been 8 years!!!

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Yeah, we were all skeptical about TNG, but I ended up loving it. My favorite of the spin-offs is Voyager though. (I know, I'm alone there.) I just like the way it has more of a "family" atmosphere than any of the others, with Janeway being like cool, tough mom.


My dad introduced me to the original Trek when I was a kid too! I always thought of Capt Kirk like a father figure. In the 80's, we used to race home from band rehearsal to catch the 11 pm showing of Trek every night, and my bass player used to say, "We have to go home and watch our boyfriend". And I couldn't understand what she was talking about, cause to me it was like watching daddy. Then one day, when I finally reached the age that Shatner was at that time, I was like OMG, he was HOT! LOL! I never thought of him that way. And George Reeves' Superman too...it didn't occur to me that these were hot guys until I was like THIRTY!

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I am so very pleased that I have company in my ST geek fandom. LOL! I truly did not think anyone would get that quote, and Luna and Bookworm knew it right off. I love you guys!!!


So...the KSBF is wisking me off to Vegas for the weekend, YAY! and generally I loathe Vegas, (I don't gamble and I hate all the cigarette smoke), except I adore the Star Trek goodies at the Hilton. I love sitting in Quark's bar and staring at the models of the ships on the ceilings, and I simply must stock up on goofy paraphernalia once again. Can I pick up anything for anyone? Perhaps some Romulan Ale or a Tribble, or a red shirt? A pewter Voyager keychain?




I am so not a sci fi person, :Hug_emoticon: I am lost when it comes to this. However I love you ladies passion for it! Comicon (sp?) looks like fun and would probably be the way I would be come a fanatic lol. I need to straight emerse myself :)


It is a GREAT time to go to Las Vegas, I heard you can stay on the strip in the nice places for as low as $29 a night.

HAVE fun and do tell us ALL about it! ;)

I am addicted to Douglas Adams. The KSBF and I like to read to each other, and I am reading him those books now. :) We laugh our asses off when I do Marvin's voice. I have everything Douglas Adams ever wrote, read by the author. He is so thoroughly side-splitting with his voice acting, you HAVE TO hear him read them, it's one of the biggest treats of my entire life, having those recordings. I can't remember which book it was in, but the part about Arthur and the being he keeps accidently killing, lifetime after lifetime, is the funniest part of the series to me. I also like romantic-ness of So Long and Thanks for All The Fish. I love the part when he teaches his girlfriend to fly. I loved it so much, I wrote a song about that called "She Makes Me High". But my favorite book of his is, The Long Dark Tea Time of the Soul. Did you read the Dirk Gently books as well?


Have you read "the Salmon of Doubt" by Douglas Adams?

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Yeah, we were all skeptical about TNG, but I ended up loving it. My favorite of the spin-offs is Voyager though. (I know, I'm alone there.) I just like the way it has more of a "family" atmosphere than any of the others, with Janeway being like cool, tough mom.


My dad introduced me to the original Trek when I was a kid too! I always thought of Capt Kirk like a father figure. In the 80's, we used to race home from band rehearsal to catch the 11 pm showing of Trek every night, and my bass player used to say, "We have to go home and watch our boyfriend". And I couldn't understand what she was talking about, cause to me it was like watching daddy. Then one day, when I finally reached the age that Shatner was at that time, I was like OMG, he was HOT! LOL! I never thought of him that way. And George Reeves' Superman too...it didn't occur to me that these were hot guys until I was like THIRTY!


Star Trek is the only show my mom would let me stay up to watch. I did like a lot of TNG episodes too but I have to admit my favorite spin-off (don't hate me) was Enterprise (only the first and last seasons though). The last season totally rocked it as a pre-quel.


Loved Galaxy Quest too. Beautifully done--hit all of the right notes with me! Crewman #6 who finally got a name.

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Same here on the dad and star trek (is that in the father's handbook - must watch star trek with daughter?), My favorite spin off was deep space nine - or maybe i just liked watching avery brooks back in action, plus worf is the coolest (only character from the original to be in the spinoffs)

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My Dad & I watched Star Trek all the time when I was little, that & Wild, Wild West!


OMG, Jim West. Now that one I had no trouble with identifying as HOT, even when I was 6. LOL! I even liked that hideous remake with Will Smith (who is one of my favorite people on earth). Last week I went on youtube and watched all the different live versions of Will doing Wild, Wild West. D'oh! What is wrong with me!

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OMG, Jim West. Now that one I had no trouble with identifying as HOT, even when I was 6. LOL! I even liked that hideous remake with Will Smith (who is one of my favorite people on earth). Last week I went on youtube and watched all the different live versions of Will doing Wild, Wild West. D'oh! What is wrong with me!


Loved those short jackets and the tight pants (on the original West). The show itself was a cross between Gunsmoke and Batman with all of those wild bad guys (and a lot of them played bad guys on Batman too).

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I am so not a sci fi person, :D I am lost when it comes to this. However I love you ladies passion for it! Comicon (sp?) looks like fun and would probably be the way I would be come a fanatic lol. I need to straight emerse myself :)


Have you read "the Salmon of Doubt" by Douglas Adams?


Comicon is one of the most wonderful experiences in life. That show is so perfectly organized, with free shuttles all over town from 6am to 3am, rest stations, lockers, and it's sooo inexpensive. I think it's like $60 for the whole weekend or only $25 per day (it's a non-profit event), as opposed to those HORRIBLE Creation Cons, which thieve $500 per person out of their customers, and treat them like cattle. Grrr.


My favorite thing is the panels, where you get to see live and talk to the stars and producers and writers of the big shows like Galactica, Trek, Farscape, etc. Not to mention the ones with all the great fantasy writers, and of course the comic artists and writers. I have met soooo many amazing people at that show. My favorite writers, and stars of my favorite shows. I haven't gone the last 2 years, but I reallllllly want to go this year.


Yeah, I read Salmon of Doubt. It made me really sad. It was his unfinished novel. I talked to him once over the net around 1995. I emailed him, and he emailed me back - business stuff about licensing his work for film. He was a doll. I had this little fantasy of one day getting to meet him in England - I would buy him drinks at his favorite pub - and then when he died a few years later, I found out that he had moved to Santa Barbara, so he was living only an hour and a half from me for the year before he died. So upsetting, he was so young. But anyway, I don't want to leave this on a sad note because he was one of funniest people ever and left such an amazing legacy that still makes me happy (and millions of other people too) even after reading each book at least 20 times.... :)

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I'm probably alone in that my favorite is DS9, although the whole Cardassian war plot kinda lost me.


Same here on the dad and star trek (is that in the father's handbook - must watch star trek with daughter?), My favorite spin off was deep space nine - or maybe i just liked watching avery brooks back in action, plus worf is the coolest (only character from the original to be in the spinoffs)


No way, Luna, you're not! See, knjsavy and me got your back :D Enterprise and Voyager were pretty good, and I enjoy TOS and TNG immensely, but DS9 had it all. I never get tired of watching the reruns. It's hard to describe my admiration for a show that featured Avery Brooks AND Rene Auberjonois, along with a growing, breathing version of Starfleet - one that doesn't function in a do-gooder vacuum and certainly doesn't do everything right (the Maquis, Section 31, corrupted officers that aren't afflicted by a parasite). And what you said is classic, knjsavy. I'll ask Dad if that was in his copy :) Worf really got better in DS9, I think. He gained quite a bit of depth.


Edit cuz gud speling counts!

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I haven't read Salmon of Doubt, but I've read The Hitchhiker's trilogy (which is actually 5 books, love it!!!) many, many times & the Dirk Gently Detective Agency books were really great too!


Well I have a copy (maybe two) of Salmon Doubt and would be up to passing it on. So if anyone is interested let me know and I can mail it too you :(

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Has anyone read Peter David's Star Trek: Excalibur book series? It's AMAZING. He's the first one to be allowed to create a new captain and ship, and it so totally rocks. I'll buy you each a copy of the Vol 1-4 collection - who wants one? I challenge you not to become addicted to his world. I gobbled up those books like a junkie.


Peter David is one of my favorite writers. He's written tons of Trek, but also he's a big star comic writer, (Supergirl, Spiderman, JLA, Hulk, etc.), done a stack of movie novelizations, and several of his own original series. Crazy prolific. I just finished a new book of his called, Tigerheart, which is a retelling of the Peter Pan tale. Wonderfully lyrical, I loved it.


(BTW, Excalibur was the name of my first working band, when I was in junior high. Thus the name of my flagship men's fragrance, my initial attraction to this book series, and to the Vegas hotel. I'm an Arthurian geek as well. OMG, could I get anymore dorky?)

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Well I have a copy (maybe two) of Salmon Doubt and would be up to passing it on. So if anyone is interested let me know and I can mail it too you :)


Very generous, SMOOCH! :wink2: Just Curious, Miss CuriousC, WHY would you have two copies of a book that isn't even up your alley? (I wonder, because CC has some pretty outrageously impressive connections to the sci-fi TV community.) Ahem, tell Tahmoh I said HAI! ::(:

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What's St. Paddy's Day without GREEN BOOZE? An out of this world concoction based on Danna's favorite green drink, blended by little green men, from Mars! Ok, Martian Lime is a bit different, it has a touch of musty chocolate and red pomegranate-like flavoring to it, but it makes for a great party! Served in a Martian Martini glass rimmed with green sugar. And it's almost creepy how when you wave a bit of this concoction under Danna's nose, she'll do your bidding, and wear a smile the whole time!


This is sparkly! I can smell the lime and the hint of chocolate. It has a margharita feel to it, but not quite that. It definately has a boozy note, but not the typical boozy that you find in the other LPs. This reminds me of something that I can't quite put my finger on... It is something that I used to sell when I worked at the perfume counter at Nordstrom...


It smells like there might be a hint of vanilla to this. Something is warming it up. I really like it.

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Didn't know what to put on today, yesterday was o/d with a floral so...I decided this would be "different" enough...it surely IS different!


This is really fun scent...it's quite tart/sweet/green wet on the skin, and then later on I get the chocolate in addition to fruits...it's got a party vibe to it, for sure...and it makes me wish I weren't at work! I can see this being spiked w/popularity potion, or something flirty like the mix in Me, Jane!

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Sorry that one did not work on you Knjsavy...=(


This one totally rocks...I am now having a tough time deciding which one is my new fav....is it still LP RED or I don't know... but it is green.....I cannot stop sniffing my wrists when I use I don't know but it's green...smells yummy even after it has mellowed out onto my skin.....

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  • 4 weeks later...

Love it! more than I thought I would. I don't notice the chocolate much but it's all good. It's a bit effervescent at first and then it's just sweet and juicy lime and pomegranate i guess but not to limey,hard to explain. Full bottle list for sure.

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