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Ail's Heart & Soul

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:lol: So was that last one a win or a lose?! I choose WIN. At least he was pleasant :D

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How would you recommend ordering H&S ? As a RB or spray? What concentration?

My favorite is spray 1x in 60/40 alcohol oil mix.

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I really need to use this one more often. I wore it to work one day this week and had some noticeable hits. One of my female employees is notoriously difficult and aggressive. Before someone even finishes a sentence introducing a change she will usually throw up her hands and state she can't or won't do it, or it's just plain stupid. When I wore Purple Papal w/ H&S (still not loving the scent but I'm rocking the phero), she was puppy-eyed and agreeable with everyone, but especially to me. She volunteered to help not only our department, but also another area in another state. This is unheard of from her and she has been with the company 40 years! It was such a good experience and I lavished her with praise on that day and the following for her initiative. Total win.


The other was with my boss's boss. I call him 'shark eyes' because he radiates aloofness and non-blinking judgment. I am not intimidated by him in the least, just not my style, but we never have warm fuzzies together and I don't look forward to our one on one meetings. When I entered his office he almost jerked up straight in his seat. I sat down and proceeded to discuss an employee situation that we will need to take action on. As I was talking he kept moving his head side to side as if he was reviewing my face. When I stopped talking he said, "Did you do something with your hair?". I said no, and then kept to the topic at hand. When I stopped again he said, "Hmm, It looks like you did. Is it lighter since the last time I saw you?". Now I have seen him every day for 2 weeks, but about 2 months prior I did have my stylist put in a couple of highlights. I explained no, I didn't have anything done recently but I had my hair lightened a bit a few months ago. He said, "Oh, I knew it! It looks really good. I think it looks, well, you just look great and I love your hair.". He then sat back with his arms crossed and developed the most ridiculous grin I have ever seen. He even was blinking in slow motion. It was funny to watch this hit unfold, but he had not heard one word I had said in my 10 minutes of breaking down a legal issue. When it came time for him to provide his wise managerial advice and next steps he just told me, "Thanks for visiting me. You keep being awesome ok?". WTH???


Brilliant hits and love that you praised sourpuss-- she'll never forget that and you've probably permanently done a good thing for the entire company.


Love the cinematic description of the hit on the dude :)

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  • 4 weeks later...

I had the perfect opportunity to try out H&S for the first time yesterday -- my son brought his girlfriend by to meet me. I had just enough time to spritz one spray to my chest before they were at the door.


I definitely felt the effects as I relaxed and started asking better, more intimate questions in order to help get to know her. Instead of feeling like, 'oh, she'll think I'm prying!" or "that's none of my business!", I actually started to feel as if it would be perfectly okay for me to ask her questions. I also seemed to be truly less "judgy', if you know what i mean. I wasn't just sitting here, talking to be polite, i actually felt comfortable and cool with her.


I also think that having been less judgy about her in that moment, I am more compassionate towards her now. (she is a homeless girl -- before I wore the H&S, I couldn't help but wonder if she's using my son to provide for her. Now, I see her as someone who is truly lost in the world and just trying her best to figure out how to make a life for herself and her daughter.) That impression I formed of her while stoned on Heart and Soul (lol!) is being carried with me. I failed to form a harsh opinion of her. And I'm so glad for that, actually.


I wore it again today when I went out to lunch with my other son. I wore a spritz to my chest and one spritz shared on the backs of my hands. The effects are subtle -- I felt more into him, more interested in his life. Not that we're estranged or anything like that, but he's grown with his own agenda and we don't always connect as closely as we used to.


I'm going to amp up the spritzing on my next test of this stuff and try three spritzes -chest, hands, and the back of my neck- to see if I notice effects on others. But even if I never get a hit, I love this for the self effects. I'm totally sold on it. :) I wish i could describe the peaceful feeling I had. I felt zero self-consciousness and "into" the people I was with. It was lovely. Wonderful. Seriously, you have no idea what that is like for me, to not be worried what other people are thinking about me and to just relax and let the conversation happen whichever way it's going to happen and not be all control-freakish about it. I felt ..relaxed and accepting, and I don't think I thought about myself at all, other than what I might think about what someone just said.


Sorry for rambling so much, but I think I just found another favorite phero blend! :)

Edited by Cougarrific
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  • 3 weeks later...

I reviewed H&S in the Papal Purple scent before...this is for the unscented version, which I ordered in a 60/40 spray.


I generally use 4 or sometimes 5 sprays, hair, back of wrists, and THE ENTIRE RIGHT-HAND SIDE OF BODY, because that's the side next to my Personality-Disordered soon-to-be ex when sitting at the kitchen table or in the living room.


Haven't noticed much of anything going on with me, but this stuff is MAGIC with him. He can work himself into quite the rage, but I get within whiff-distance and he calms RIGHT down. I wouldn't believe it, except I see it...again and again.


He had no or even negative reactions to Lace, and this works way better on him than the Empathy Blend, I'm wondering Androsterone? Epi-adrosterone? Maybe the combo?


Good call me on getting the unscented. With the Papal Purple I got, "you're wearing that perfume again" until I told him it was the new body wash. I didn't want him to start noticing that I'd head for the bathroom and come out smelling Papal Purplish whenever he got riled up. This works great. I can even put it on my hair, fluff it around a bit, and it'll hit him from across the room.


Yay! Life got better!!!


Thank you, Ail!!

Edited by Goddessinjapan
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YAY! Thank God for phero favors! Glad you found a winner...I do so love the Papal Purple scent though...:D Wouldn't want him catching on and rummaging around looking for your secret weapons....

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Yay! Life got better!!!


Thank you, Ail!!


Truly -- that's what happens when you discover Love Potion pheros :rolleyes: . Congratulations on your great find with the HS blend!!! All the best in wrapping up negotiations with your soon to be ex. Blessings and good wishes!

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I'm just still trying to discern which situations using H&S will be appropriate. I have Treasured Hearts, which worked great around in-laws. I love the vibes with PM, OW & MLH. I try to keep up with the reviews on all the UNs. I find stories about particular situations in which a phero was used (and it's EFX ) to be very valuable when I'm not sure what to wear. Funny, this is almost like trying to find the most appropriate outfit to wear any given day.

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I wear it around BF a lot - it makes him sweet & a bit snuggly. And it's nice to wear when I'm with my girlfriends or with my mum, (I'm really close with my mum), 'cause it seems to foster more intimate conversation.


I always call it the sweetheart phero, 'cause that's pretty much what it seems to do. It makes me everyone's sweetheart, everyone's a little bit nicer, more affectionate, it makes guys playfully flirty. So I generally wear it when I'm looking for that particular effect.


For me, it can also act as a child magnet. This one and Lumina make the little peeps stick to me like glue. Little kids make me nervous, so I tend not to wear it when I know children will be present.

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I wear it around BF a lot - it makes him sweet & a bit snuggly. And it's nice to wear when I'm with my girlfriends or with my mum, (I'm really close with my mum), 'cause it seems to foster more intimate conversation.

I always call it the sweetheart phero, 'cause that's pretty much what it seems to do. It makes me everyone's sweetheart, everyone's a little bit nicer, more affectionate, it makes guys playfully flirty. So I generally wear it when I'm looking for that particular effect.

For me, it can also act as a child magnet. This one and Lumina make the little peeps stick to me like glue. Little kids make me nervous, so I tend not to wear it when I know children will be present.

TY Eggers. This is great! Another cut & paste entry for my personal Phero Phashion for Dummies handbook... I wonder if all this 'knowledge' will ever suddenly be on my brains hard drive instead of in a temp file.


This is probably a dumb question, and I can go back to the Phero wiki - reading room, but is Lumina even still available?

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H&S is one of my top favorite pheros. I haven't wore it in awhile but I should start to again. Eggers is right about it making guys playfully flirty. I get the most hits from guys with H&S, without cops! Add cops, and this is lethal!

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H&S is one of my top favorite pheros. I haven't wore it in awhile but I should start to again. Eggers is right about it making guys playfully flirty. I get the most hits from guys with H&S, without cops! Add cops, and this is lethal!


Pitter patter, pitter patter - that would be my heart beating with anticipation of someday using this combo :Emoticons0424: good to know H&S + cops = lethal. Thank you!

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H&S is one of my top favorite pheros. I haven't wore it in awhile but I should start to again. Eggers is right about it making guys playfully flirty. I get the most hits from guys with H&S, without cops! Add cops, and this is lethal!

On that note Hearts (no pun unintended, BTW) what would be your top five favorite pheros? Not fragrance- just UNs.
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I can't remember is this one is the phero that makes me super weepy or of it's TH. I mean TH makes me super emo. Like I cry if you order food for me emo. Like omg the sky is so blue and pretty... sounds like a good time to cry.

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I can't remember is this one is the phero that makes me super weepy or of it's TH. I mean TH makes me super emo. Like I cry if you order food for me emo. Like omg the sky is so blue and pretty... sounds like a good time to cry.


oh God LV is it Treasured Hearts??? These days my hormones are so jacked up that I can't take any chances... I need to avoid overtly emo pheros right now. I'm too new to understand which ones are going to have too much of something that'll make me break down and cry because Walmart has a dollar off on kitty litter this week. I think I remember Halo telling me that EST does that. Hell, I don't know. There's probably more than one that does that and I'm sure depending on the amount in the blends I may be fine with one and inconsolable with the other.
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LoveStruck, Lumina is available as a Mad Scientist blend, as far as I know. Mara can still make it for you by request. It's a lovely phero too.

TY GF. I'm going to check that out cuz I didn't know til you 'splained!!! Okay I'm already over June's budget on 6/2 and I don't even know which NRs I need (ok, want vs need - is there truly a difference when it comes to LP?)
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I think Get Happy has TH and I remember wearing that too eat Thai with my boys and my cousin who also happens to be a boy.. it was a fucking sausage fest.. not that I can't handle that.. but for some reason I broke down in tears at the bonding we were all having.

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It has been brought back by popular demand. We were selling more of it after it was discontinued then when it was available the first time. It is in the cart!

Halo thanks for the heads up! I just got my LP box with LFN, BB UNs... as I said, I've been thinking about the singles... and I will check this out too. However, I'm certain this month's NR will bump a few things into my July or August budget. (HA! Who has a budget anymore!? I feel like I'm in deficit spending mode... constantly)

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It has been brought back by popular demand. We were selling more of it after it was discontinued then when it was available the first time. It is in the cart!

Get outta town! :w00t:

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I can't remember is this one is the phero that makes me super weepy or of it's TH.

I think we've talked about H&S making both of us weepy (& in my case emotionally barfy). I'll never forget wearing suckled honey once to go meet a newish friend at Barnes & noble and cornering her by the maps section and telling her everything painful that's ever happened in my life while intermittently sobbing hysterically and the "OMG wtf"/panic she was trying to hide behind her eyes

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I think we've talked about H&S making both of us weepy (& in my case emotionally barfy). I'll never forget wearing suckled honey once to go meet a newish friend at Barnes & noble and cornering her by the maps section and telling her everything painful that's ever happened in my life while intermittently sobbing hysterically and the "OMG wtf"/panic she was trying to hide behind her eyes

Oh my! Lol. BAM can do a softer version of that to me. Actually this is a good warming for me. Isn't Heart & Soul ,sort of, a version ,of a combination of TH and TC?


TC can really make me chatty.

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Isn't Heart & Soul ,sort of, a version ,of a combination of TH and TC?

TC can really make me chatty.

H&S has Est listed first, and TH has that 5a-androstenol listed first, neither of which are a common denominator in the others (H&S, TH, TC)... Wouldn't that make them very different? I'm confused. Halo???


Or is 5a just another form of a-nol? Est is the weepy factor I think - I remember asking Halo specifically about that one. That's the day I happy cried over the $1 off on Kitty Litter at WalMart.

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H & S came about by layering TH and TC and some "tweaking" it's inception is in the review thread for TC (I think).

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Thanks Halo.

My comment was based on all the reading I'd done awhile back when I was looking at H&S and TH. Trying to distinguish between them ect. I certainly didn't mean to oversimplify it. it's far from simple get such specific results.

I found the main part of the discussion I was referring to on the TC thread and gave it a bump, that's all.

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I will add that TH was one of my first phero purchases, based on the recommendations from forum members. It was spot on in helping me deal with in-laws and, more specifically, a 'bristley' MIL. Later, as I was looking to add to my phero collection, I remember specifically asking the forums if H&S and TH were very similar in design and EFX because I didn't want to double-up, so to speak, on "that kind" of phero when I was 1. still experimenting and wanted different stuff to try and 2. trying to budget my rapidly expanding LP collection. Several members commented that H&S was very different than Treasured Hearts.... convincingly enough that I went ahead and purchased H&S in my next LP order. I am far too new to speak to the pheromone design of each, but I can comment on the EFX I've had using them. This probably won't make any sense but I'll say it anyway... Treasured Hearts for me was great for "getting along" and lightheartedness among friends and family, but it kept everything at arm's length - a safe distance. It seems to have no effect on my sons, SO, Mom or closest friends. Heart & Souls however does. It's like the "circle of trust" effect (yes I am quoting the cheesy comedy "Meet the Parents") The 'relating' took a more genuine, trusting turn than with TH, but I think the effects had everything to do with the level the relationship was already at, pre-phero. For instance, I don't think wearing H&S around a group of friends suddenly sucked them in to be BFFs. For me, Treasured Hearts is the sorority phero, while Heart & Souls is reserved for my closest pals. Am I making any sense?


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You make perfect sense. Based on the product descriptions - your personal take on the pheros is spot on.


HEART & SOUL - (for women) - Created by our Phero Guru, Ail - Here's what she says about this blend: "A blend I spent a LONG time creating, trialling and perfecting. It strives to help ladies to really connect and resonate with people - whether it be with their loved one, or just with good friends. This blend aims to allow ladies to have a really socially enjoyable time, and to connect on a VERY deep level when it IS required. Key factors: Beta-Androstenol helps to forge deep and meaningful communication, while Estratetraenol lends that 'I want-to-take-care-of-her' vibe to any males in your periphery. In short, I wanted ladies of all ages to have a wonderful time being someone it is GREAT and fabulous to know and to be around - AND to get intimate with...SHOULD the land lie that way. You know...that person we all see with that certain 'Je ne sais quoi' The person you just have GOT to get to know better...And get MUCH closer to...^_~"
* Ingredients: Estratetreanol, Beta-Androstenol, Alpha-Androstenol, Androsterone, Epi-Androsterone.


TREASURED HEARTS - (for women) - This blend encourages deep bonding between women - seems to work very well in soothing bristly females; makes people of both sexes feel less intimidated in the wearer's presence, and encourages a 'nesting' vibe in men - instilling a craving for permanence and commitment. Works fabulous in familial situations, we call this our "family reunion" blend.
* Ingredients: 5a-Androstenol, Androsterone, and Epi-Androsterone.



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