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Top Five


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This just gets more impossible every time! :wub:



I guess,just for the month,it would be Dolce Far Niente,Compromsing Positions,S'More Than A Feeling,Garland & Lace V1 & Captivation Equation that I reach for most.


All time favs are G&L,LP Original,LP Red/w/Occo Red,S'more Than A Feeling & Fallen Angel

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Haven't tried as many as you guys! But im gonna put up my top five for now :666:


1. Cuddle bunny 2009

2. Babe in the woods

3. Lady Luck

4. Weapon X

5. Musky Dusky Pure

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  • 1 month later...

Openly flouting the intention of this thread: at this exact second my 5 fav...:


scented LP-created pheros: MRF original, Dolce Far Niente, G&Lv2, Pherogirl, Eternal Chain (cuddle bunny is prob my fav phero, but the scent of the scented one doesn't work on me at all)


LP nonphero scents: Fairy Lure, LP Spring 2009, Whoopsy Daisycake, LP original, current psycho obsession SNOWBOUND


PEs: Holly's Fae Lotus, Gothic Latte, HMS Kimberley, Rosebud Cupcake, Jo's SWC. (excluded my own PEs out of modesty :))

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Oh I wouldn't. :)


Burnished Cacao and Delicious Wood are absolutely on my list all the time now.

But also of late:

Lady Frost

Beverly's Musky Coffee and Smoke


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Part of the reason I love Voracious so much is there's a similar (coincidental) feel between the two, and in combination with the masculine aura of Wanted Man... :)

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In Tyveys concept,and this was harder than I thought,so will say for just December to today :)


scented LP-created pheros: G&L V1,Captivation Equation,Unisexy,Dolce Far Niente,La Vie De Boheme


LP nonphero scents: LP Red,Occo Red,S'More Than A Feeling,Fallen Angel,Festival Of Lights


PEs: Jo Anna's Christmas Candy,Adrianne's White Licorice,Ail's Voluptous Vannila,Terra's Tickled Pink,Luna's Sungold Mocha


How does one not give mention to Sparkle Fuchsia,Money Honey,Flying Potion,Cougar,Teddy Man2,Love Blossum etc ect ect...huh,huh...how ? :)

I experience terrible envy of your Beverly's Musky Coffee & Smoke, which I imagine would be spectacular with Sexpionage. Maybe I will ask for a rebrew thus.

Ummm,how does one do this ? ...I would like a rebrew of your Coffee Coconut Ice Cream :)

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Elementary for men 2010

Lauren's sweet pink fairy

Rowdy Raunchy & Rude

Karmiel Silken moon light

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have been reaching out to these quite often:


Sugared Honeycomb - in fact I am having withdrawal symptoms as I forgot to bring a bottle along for my trip

With Every Breath

Remind Me Again

Persuasion Potion

Mojo Potion

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  • 2 weeks later...

Denise's musky white Orchid

Pendragon and B2

Elementary For Men 2010

Lauren's sweet pink fairy



ON especially cold days: Nosfy's Aperitif :);):)

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Not my top 5 of all time, but my /current/ top five that I wear


LP Autumnal Equinox 2010


Snuggle Cookie

LAM original

Mara's Rocket Fuel, 2nd edition

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  • 3 weeks later...


Lady luck (i need to get a bottle of this... it lifts my mood every time i wear it! )

Sea Monkey's musk in the pixie dust

Blessing oil


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  • 4 weeks later...

1) With every breath (Nothing can beat this. My all time fav)

2) Denise's musky white orchid

3) Buns of Cinn

4) Noco Orchid Rose

5) Pie in the sky

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  • 4 weeks later...

1) Weapon X (so comforting :666:)

2) D's MWO

3) With Every Breath

4) Noco orchid rose+ Heart & soul

5) Buns of Cinn/ Garland and lace 3

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So far?


* MRF w/ SS4W

* The Smoking Bun

* Sparkle Fuschia

* LP Red

* LP Black


(But really this could be a Top 10.)

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