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Beths Blushing Milkmaid.. WOW!

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Fortunately there's no need to choose - we can have BOTH! For as long as the Potion Master keeps making them :heart:

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OCCO White used to be one of my favourite scented cops until one of my colleague "asked" me what was the stench every time I wear it. Then I realised that it takes much longer to dry down than other OCCOs and finally decided to stop wearing it as I didn't have the time for dry down in the morning. I decided to try BBM and there's no turning back. I have backup bottles as I don't want to be without it.

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I like them both but Milkmaid is new to me and I like the creamy sweet scent. So it's #1 for now. They both require dry down IMO. They have a lot of cops. Way up thread Mara noted she considers this an OCCo.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 6 months later...

I wasn't a fan of this at first. I got a trial in my first order, and it smelled really sweet to me, with the coconut threatening to go sunscreen lotion. About two months later, I found my trial again and put it on my chest. I liked it, but it wasn't love to me. A week after that, I discovered a shirt while doing laundry, and the chest area had the most heavenly vanilla scent, and I panicked for a bit because I had no idea which one it was and it smelled SO AMAZING. Crossed out Cream of Life and Compromising Situation because it wasn't spicy enough, so I deduced it had to be BBM. I think a full bottle of this may be in store for my next order which I should be placing very soon...

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  • 2 months later...

BBM smells divine! I got this in the Trading Post a while ago and just got around to using it recently. I wanted to test it before buying a full bottle. I'm SO happy I did.


I went on a date with a guy I've been dating for a while and I've used some pheros on him before, but I decided to try this one. Well, he's usually kind of touchy-feely, but with this on, he was over the top. He kept telling me how nice I looked (several times) and he could not keep his hands off me. We went to a restaurant and he was constantly touching my hand, arm, thigh, etc. He even kissed my hand at one point. I almost looked at him like he was crazy and then I remembered that I put on BBM and he couldn't help himself, LOL. So, it definitely worked better than I expected. Full bottle is on the way.

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Great results with BBM MelaninEnriched!

I love BBM, the scent is devine, and if i'm not mistaken it has quite a lot of cops in it. When i'm on the go and want to reapply some cops i always reach for this one, i can't smell them at all in this and it always delivers.

With OCCO White (another great vanilla scent) i feel it definitely nedds around 10 minutes to dry down, but with BBM it's like apply - spread it around with wrists - and go!

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  • 7 months later...

Got a sample of this in my last order and I really love it! I have a really hard time wearing copulins because my nose detects them very easily and I can't stand the smell. The OCCOs have worked well for me and I decided to give Beth's a try. It is a delicious foody vanilla scent! Very nice! It also works well with some of my other LP potions. In comparison with OCCO Vanilla I would say it is a bit more yellowy (if that makes sense), more like a french vanilla. Hides the cops well also. I will definitely keep this in stock in my arsenal...another one of Mara's greats! :)

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  • 9 months later...

Good golly Miss Molly :Emoticons04235: . I could practically drink this from the bottle. Or scoop it up with a teaspoon and lick it clean. Buttercream and vanilla is what I get. Oh my, oh my.

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This is one of my favourite vanilla scent and I usually use it on its own. It's versatile and non-intrusive and can be passed off as scented body lotion.


A while back, my (male) vendor complimented me on the scent as he loves vanilla based scents and uses lots of candles.

Edited by JOC
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  • 1 month later...

I wore quite a bit of BBM on my torso and topped up with a couple of sprays of Frosted (couldn't find my Autumn 2011 spray) last Friday. I went to the bank to open an account to facilitate payment of my credit card bill while my daughter finished her lunch at the Japanese restaurant. This was 3-4 hours after application.


Less than 1 minute after stepping into the private banker's room, a young chap in his mid 20s tops, he asked me if I mind that he asked me what perfume I was wearing. He was super friendly, cheerful and even over the top helpful. He gave me a priority queue number and even hurried through the process as I 'looked very tired and that my daughter was waiting for me alone in the restaurant upstairs". And I am a new client with no prior relationship with the bank except for the 2-month old credit card which I hardly use.

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  • 2 months later...

Damn. This thread was hard to find, but I wanted to add tonight's funny BBM reaction-


I was in the bedroom and putting on a healthy dose of BBM over some Balm Bomb after a shower. My man turned off the basketball game and ran in the bedroom with a big smile on his face, "I smell butter. Is it bedtime?"

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  • 2 weeks later...

Damn. This thread was hard to find, but I wanted to add tonight's funny BBM reaction-

I was in the bedroom and putting on a healthy dose of BBM over some Balm Bomb after a shower. My man turned off the basketball game and ran in the bedroom with a big smile on his face, "I smell butter. Is it bedtime?"

That's awesome! Mine loves that combo as well.

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I was just trying to decide what to wear after my shower, teaching at 6 then meeting my man after. It will be Balm Bomb for teaching then BBM in the car. So glad this forum exists! I actually came on here looking for ideas for tonight, good thing my own good idea was on here already or it would've never occurred to me.

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I'm considering taking 10ml of my BBM and mixing it with 20ml of perfumer's alcohol to make a small spray. I made one the other day with some Valoute Lavande and I'm very please with the result, and the bottle happens to fit in the same allotted slot in my giant wooden rollerball storage box!


Other than being careful to spray real close and below neck and maybe below boobs, and letting it dry before getting dressed, is there any reason my future time traveling self would suddenly run into the room yelling "No! Don't do it!" and knock the bottle out of my hand?

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  • 1 month later...

Why was this thread so hard to find?? Anyway, I've been wearing BBM pretty much every day since I tore open my sweet box of goodies - is "life changing" too strong a phrase? I have gotten a maniacal amount of compliments with this, layered with all manner of things I keep in my arsenal, and I now know I can never, but NEVER be without this gem. So thick and sweet and delicious, I just want to eat myself and I look like a damn pervy fool with my head down in my cleavage all the live long day. Lasts so long and leaves beautiful trails in my bedding - it only gets better and better as it dries down. So divine.


Last night I wore this slathered on my torso and SS4W on my chest and hair with a small boost of DHEA for good measure. Topped it all with a tiny bit of musk oil I love and met up with a friend for drinks at a popular speakeasy. The place was totally packed just minutes after opening, but the host made a beeline for us and took us instantly back to a secret room where we were served right away. Nice! My friend was also much more chatty, comfortable, and open than he usually is, we had a nice time. Afterwards, we met up with my mentor and his wife for more drinks and dinner. This part got awkward because my mentor (older gentleman) who I've known for a decade was suddenly totally flustered and wanting to get close and chat and kept telling me how good I smelled... OOPS! :embarrassed:


We all went to a super crowded, very lively cafe for food and martinis (and maybe an absinthe or two, hehe), and I think he got concerned and confused because he was suddenly very quiet and kept having to step outside... I should have been more careful but I seriously wasn't thinking he would be hit! Dumb of me, maybe, but I was really just having too much fun experimenting. Anyway, besides that we had a great time. The band kept coming over to our table to talk to us and our waiter was so enamored, he brought us all rounds of free shots at the end of our meal. My mentor couldn't WAIT to get out, even though his wife wanted to keep partying and kept hugging me and telling me how much she loves me and planning all these hypothetical trips around the world we should be taking together. All in all, a winning combo!! But I'm going to have to seriously reign in who I wear this around. I'm learning!

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Why was this thread so hard to find?? Anyway, I've been wearing BBM pretty much every day since I tore open my sweet box of goodies - is "life changing" too strong a phrase? I have gotten a maniacal amount of compliments with this, layered with all manner of things I keep in my arsenal, and I now know I can never, but NEVER be without this gem. So thick and sweet and delicious, I just want to eat myself and I look like a damn pervy fool with my head down in my cleavage all the live long day. Lasts so long and leaves beautiful trails in my bedding - it only gets better and better as it dries down. So divine.


Last night I wore this slathered on my torso and SS4W on my chest and hair with a small boost of DHEA for good measure. Topped it all with a tiny bit of musk oil I love and met up with a friend for drinks at a popular speakeasy. The place was totally packed just minutes after opening, but the host made a beeline for us and took us instantly back to a secret room where we were served right away. Nice! My friend was also much more chatty, comfortable, and open than he usually is, we had a nice time. Afterwards, we met up with my mentor and his wife for more drinks and dinner. This part got awkward because my mentor (older gentleman) who I've known for a decade was suddenly totally flustered and wanting to get close and chat and kept telling me how good I smelled... OOPS! :embarrassed:


You can say life changing!


I don't know what else you have in your arsenal, but if you feel that way about BBM, you also need OCCO white (just my opinion), and you should acquire some Odalisque with Bang before it's gone forever.


I have had an awkward night with my boyfriend's boss being infatuated with how good I smell, it was one of those three, or LAM Vanilla and Honey. I really should remember, but if a man's going to fall all over himself over one of those, it will most likely happen with all these, so I'm just careful what I wear around him in general now. Sometimes we don't realize when we've gotten hits until days later, sometimes it's much more obvious. Glad you're having fun, AND stop torturing that poor man!

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You can say life changing!


I don't know what else you have in your arsenal, but if you feel that way about BBM, you also need OCCO white (just my opinion), and you should acquire some Odalisque with Bang before it's gone forever.


I have had an awkward night with my boyfriend's boss being infatuated with how good I smell, it was one of those three, or LAM Vanilla and Honey. I really should remember, but if a man's going to fall all over himself over one of those, it will most likely happen with all these, so I'm just careful what I wear around him in general now. Sometimes we don't realize when we've gotten hits until days later, sometimes it's much more obvious. Glad you're having fun, AND stop torturing that poor man!


I have a trial of OCCO that came in my last delivery but it went a bit plastic on me - going to let it sit for a few weeks and revisit. And I've been eyeing Odalisque!! Is the honey very prominent in this? I've deduced so far the honeys I've tried hate me, but I'm always willing to keep experimenting in the name of SCIENCE. Should I just pounce on a FB??


Yeah, I don't really experience selfies so I quickly forget I'm wearing magical elixirs until funny things start happening - takes me minute to put 2 & 2 together. I should start carrying little wipes around in case I have to switch gears on a dime. Invisible costume change... hee!

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And I've been eyeing Odalisque!! Is the honey very prominent in this?

I would say it's primarily equal parts cocoa butter and honey, but YMMV.

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I have a trial of OCCO that came in my last delivery but it went a bit plastic on me - going to let it sit for a few weeks and revisit. And I've been eyeing Odalisque!! Is the honey very prominent in this? I've deduced so far the honeys I've tried hate me, but I'm always willing to keep experimenting in the name of SCIENCE. Should I just pounce on a FB??


Yeah, I don't really experience selfies so I quickly forget I'm wearing magical elixirs until funny things start happening - takes me minute to put 2 & 2 together. I should start carrying little wipes around in case I have to switch gears on a dime. Invisible costume change... hee!


I would recommend you get a bottle or at least a trial of Odalisque. I get good results with Bang, and Odalisque stays close to my skin, and my man is driven to get closer and take a huff. BBM and Odalisque are two that cause my man to say, "Ummm, I smell butter," which almost always means I'll be naked within 20 minutes. I don't do good with some chocolates, the choc is very light, almost non-existant on me, and the cocoa butter is more "butter" than cocoa. I think the honey note are like the chocolate notes, very varied, so could be 100% change from the other honeys you've tried.

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I have a trial of OCCO that came in my last delivery but it went a bit plastic on me - going to let it sit for a few weeks and revisit. And I've been eyeing Odalisque!! Is the honey very prominent in this? I've deduced so far the honeys I've tried hate me, but I'm always willing to keep experimenting in the name of SCIENCE. Should I just pounce on a FB??


Yeah, I don't really experience selfies so I quickly forget I'm wearing magical elixirs until funny things start happening - takes me minute to put 2 & 2 together. I should start carrying little wipes around in case I have to switch gears on a dime. Invisible costume change... hee!

I'm not a huge fan of honey scents, but I love Odalisque! It is much more a chocolatey, buttercream smell on me. I don't get much honey at all, and I love the Bang!

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I'm not a huge fan of honey scents, but I love Odalisque! It is much more a chocolatey, buttercream smell on me. I don't get much honey at all, and I love the Bang!


I like it that we can say things like "I love the Bang!"

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I would recommend you get a bottle or at least a trial of Odalisque. I get good results with Bang, and Odalisque stays close to my skin, and my man is driven to get closer and take a huff. BBM and Odalisque are two that cause my man to say, "Ummm, I smell butter," which almost always means I'll be naked within 20 minutes. I don't do good with some chocolates, the choc is very light, almost non-existant on me, and the cocoa butter is more "butter" than cocoa. I think the honey note are like the chocolate notes, very varied, so could be 100% change from the other honeys you've tried.


I'm not a huge fan of honey scents, but I love Odalisque! It is much more a chocolatey, buttercream smell on me. I don't get much honey at all, and I love the Bang!


I would say it's primarily equal parts cocoa butter and honey, but YMMV.



Dang, y'all, you have me convinced!!! I'm always down for impromptu buttery naked time. What a bittersweet moment it is, finding one more thing I simply must have. *add to cart* :moneyfairy13:


In other news, I went back to my OCCO white again and it's already so much lovelier and waaaay less plasticky than it was at first... I'm legit scurred for my bank account...




I like it that we can say things like "I love the Bang!"


I do so love all the feisty euphemisms that go spraying about 'round here. Joy!

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" I'm legit scurred for my bank account..."


Anchoredinopulence, it's not your money anymore. But don't worry, ramen noodles are as good as you remember!

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See y'all are working that lavender mojo and then smacking him upside the you-know-what with the creamy cops. :666:

Yes. That'd be a great PE!
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Yes. That'd be a great PE!

This really is my staple, I have a pretty large collection by now. I wanted CP / with sexpionage to be my go to, or several other blends but the BB & BBM is hands down the winning combo with the hubby. And I've tried a lot. He does like black cat mojo, says it smells like amaretto cookies, and tattooed lady but I can't get him off me with the BB & BBM.

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I really love this blend and always forget that I have it, I have way to many LP's and sometimes a few get stuck in the back of the closet, I'm getting beter about moving things around, but this tread made me put it front and center and this is what I will wear tomorrow...

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This really is my staple, I have a pretty large collection by now. I wanted CP / with sexpionage to be my go to, or several other blends but the BB & BBM is hands down the winning combo with the hubby. And I've tried a lot. He does like black cat mojo, says it smells like amaretto cookies, and tattooed lady but I can't get him off me with the BB & BBM.

Scented Balm Bomb and BBM together? Or UN? I imagine the scented plus BBM would drop any man at cuddle time. Not drop asleep, drop to knees, to be clear....

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Scented Balm Bomb and BBM together? Or UN? I imagine the scented plus BBM would drop any man at cuddle time. Not drop asleep, drop to knees, to be clear....

Scented, it's the only thing he solidly makes commentary on. It's funny, BBM layers with anything, at least that I know of, but I like a swipe of scented BB on my shoulders so I can sniff it while trying to drift off to sleep. I seem to only enjoy that peace when sleeping alone. With or without the BBM he is always too far in my space when wearing BB. ( not complaining of course, but I do wear things for me most of the time )
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Scented, it's the only thing he solidly makes commentary on. It's funny, BBM layers with anything, at least that I know of, but I like a swipe of scented BB on my shoulders so I can sniff it while trying to drift off to sleep. I seem to only enjoy that peace when sleeping alone. With or without the BBM he is always too far in my space when wearing BB. ( not complaining of course, but I do wear things for me most of the time )


I layered scented BB with Gossamer Threads the other day, it was really really nice. I can't wait for my spray of Gos. Threads to get here. And agreed, BBM goes with anything. Especially boobs.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Omg, last night I tried the Balm Bomb/BBM combo on and my husband got a hold of me before the dry down and despite my protestations, shoved his whole face into my arm trying to figure out what he was smelling. He was fascinated that he couldn't figure it out (I wasn't about to tell him), but eventually he declared I smelled like "a chocolate baby doll with a funky ass". ???

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  • 3 weeks later...

I was so so so excited about this scent after reading reviews, but sadly my skin chemistry hates it.


In the vial, it smells INCREDIBLE. Sexy, mouthwatering vanilla buttercream. But when I put it on my skin... coconut. Nothing but coconut. I love coconut scents, but on my skin it is sour and plasticky. I let it sit for a couple weeks even, and it's still the same. Drydown doesn't change it, either. I'm so sad that my skin amps the scent in this way, because it's wonderful in the bottle :(

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6 hours ago, HexKitten said:

I was so so so excited about this scent after reading reviews, but sadly my skin chemistry hates it.


In the vial, it smells INCREDIBLE. Sexy, mouthwatering vanilla buttercream. But when I put it on my skin... coconut. Nothing but coconut. I love coconut scents, but on my skin it is sour and plasticky. I let it sit for a couple weeks even, and it's still the same. Drydown doesn't change it, either. I'm so sad that my skin amps the scent in this way, because it's wonderful in the bottle :(


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I ordered a trial vial of this because of you people and your reviews. I don't know how it could possibly live up to the expectations I have after reading all the reviews! :P

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Hey, HexKitten, I probably meant to say more than "bummer." It sucks it doesn't work for you! You can try it in a scent locket, or on lava beads, although one of the best things about BBM is having it huffed off of your body. I have a chocolate blend that smells gross on me, but I use it in a scent warmer with wax and it makes my kitchen smell fabulous and throws the pheros around. If you keep it, try it in a wax warmer in your bedroom. 

I'm thinking OCCO White might work better for your chemistry, maybe get a trial of that and/or Odalisque if you want a scrumptious sexy vanilla. 

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On 10/04/2018 at 7:09 PM, HexKitten said:

I was so so so excited about this scent after reading reviews, but sadly my skin chemistry hates it.


In the vial, it smells INCREDIBLE. Sexy, mouthwatering vanilla buttercream. But when I put it on my skin... coconut. Nothing but coconut. I love coconut scents, but on my skin it is sour and plasticky. I let it sit for a couple weeks even, and it's still the same. Drydown doesn't change it, either. I'm so sad that my skin amps the scent in this way, because it's wonderful in the bottle :(


So sorry to hear that HexKitten.  But don't give up hope - this is something absolutely fabulous waiting to be discovered by you.  This is what makes all of us unique and wonderful beings - that even if we are all wearing the same scent we will smell different.  It is pretty awesome.  

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