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Eternal Chain

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It's funny, for being a water sign Scorps are so *ahem* dirtyearthy. :)


I have been drawn to a lot of Taureans (and also Aquarius, this is why Mara and I are brain twins) but really I have to be with a Scorpio. Not all Pisceans do, but I do. They're the only ones who really "get" me on a intimate relationship level, I've learned.

Edited by luna65
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It's funny, for being a water sign Scorps are so *ahem* dirtyearthy. :D


I have been drawn to a lot of Taureans (and also Aquarius, this is why Mara and I are brain twins) but really I have to be with a Scorpio. Not all Pisceans do, but I do. They're the only ones who really "get" me on a intimate relationship level, I've learned.


So am I off, being a gemini with a scorp?


The new boy doesnt seem to be super crazy in the bedroom area (which I do like to enjoy and experiment) BUT he seems like he could be open. He is just quieter and shy, so I have to give him the green light to proceed and take advantage of me...in a good way, of course :)

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Many times Scorps can be reserved and/or distant on the outside, but once you get past all the armor? Oh yeah!


For you, you just have to remember that a Scorpio is fixed and intense so bring absolute focus to your interactions.

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Many times Scorps can be reserved and/or distant on the outside, but once you get past all the armor? Oh yeah!


For you, you just have to remember that a Scorpio is fixed and intense so bring absolute focus to your interactions.


OK THAT makes ALOT of sense. Thanks hun! :)

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One thing I pick up about this Scorpio is that he tended to be pent up and needed to feel absolutely unthreatened and unjudged before letting out the freakybeast inside of him. He had to be constantly reassured that it was enjoyed and appreciated and not thought of as weird. Also the more you respond and let this Scorpio know you love what he's doing..he becomes almost obsessed in pleasing you more..and taking you higher and deeper. Flattery seems to go far with him in the sack..when he feels like a sex God in the bed, he reeally is one..and it only drives him further. The animal comes out when he knows you extremely attract to him and desire him...when he questions it, he is fretful and pent-up. I don't know about other Scorpions, but this one can't take much criticsm. He definitely loves guidance, instructions and reassurance, loves to be TOLD directly what you want and like...but criticsm maims him. This is something I have to totally work on, because I like to pick and tease and can get rather bitchy. He really was extremely guarded and had a wall around him but when it came down...Holy Shiiiiiiiiiiiiiit!

Edited by Geena
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Oh lord, the Perfectionist...it's a double-edged sword.


On the one hand, I admire Q's perfectionist streak, because he will not accept anything less in terms of his own work and he is amazing at what he does (which I am not allowed to actually state per our agreement). On the other hand, sometimes he wears me out with that same obsessive focus when applied to other things...like home improvement. :)


If I lived with him, I'd have to relocate about once every three months or so as to avoid whatever project he decided to undertake and return only when he was absolutely finished because there's only so many times I could stand to hear no, it's not quite right yet and not want to wring his Limey neck.

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One thing I pick up about this Scorpio is that he tended to be pent up and needed to feel absolutely unthreatened and unjudged before letting out the freakybeast inside of him. He had to be constantly reassured that it was enjoyed and appreciated and not thought of as weird. Also the more you respond and let this Scorpio know you love what he's doing..he becomes almost obsessed in pleasing you more..and taking you higher and deeper. Flattery seems to go far with him in the sack..when he feels like a sex God in the bed, he reeally is one..and it only drives him further. The animal comes out when he knows you extremely attract to him and desire him...when he questions it, he is fretful and pent-up. I don't know about other Scorpions, but this one can't take much criticsm. He definitely loves guidance, instructions and reassurance, loves to be TOLD directly what you want and like...but criticsm maims him. This is something I have to totally work on, because I like to pick and tease and can get rather bitchy. He really was extremely guarded and had a wall around him but when it came down...Holy Shiiiiiiiiiiiiiit!


Tease, heehe, you and me both! I can work with the healthy instruction and guidance though. I actually already did this a lil with the new boy and WOW! Did it ever help. I get butterflies thinking of the change that occured...it was very good, and got me hopeful of whats to come :)


It is hard for me to guide in that area sometimes. I am a very outgoing outspoken girl. But when it comes to the bedroom I soemtimes let Shyness take over as I do like giving control to the man and submitting. ALthough I do mix it up sometimes and have fun in the dominant roll :)

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  • 3 weeks later...
It's funny, for being a water sign Scorps are so *ahem* dirtyearthy. :lol:


I have been drawn to a lot of Taureans (and also Aquarius, this is why Mara and I are brain twins) but really I have to be with a Scorpio. Not all Pisceans do, but I do. They're the only ones who really "get" me on a intimate relationship level, I've learned.



I tend to be drawn towards those that are smitten w/ me( is that normal for pisces?) I've only had a couple Scorpios dig me :( Mainly it's always been Taurus, Sagitarius,Capricorn, & Pisces that have been drawn to me. Ok so I've tried Eternal chain on my TT. He like literally freaks out. I have no clue what it is that makes him flip( in a bad way)?

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All it has is EST - maybe too much EST for him? Or maybe if he still wears the Heart & Soul-amped fragrance then he's having a bad reaction to EST on you now. Hard to say, really.


I think it's personally subjective...I'm attracted to anyone who attracts me, whether they're into me or not. I've been known to carry a torch for someone for years, so...but I'm a fantasy-driven person (which is typical for Pisces) so secret crushes and whatnot are fairly normal for me. Taurus is a good match for Pisces, as are other Pisces (although that doesn't work for me), and Capricorn too (my delicious Mr. Rabin is a Capricorn, *dreamy sigh*).

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All it has is EST - maybe too much EST for him? Or maybe if he still wears the Heart & Soul-amped fragrance then he's having a bad reaction to EST on you now. Hard to say, really.


I think it's personally subjective...I'm attracted to anyone who attracts me, whether they're into me or not. I've been known to carry a torch for someone for years, so...but I'm a fantasy-driven person (which is typical for Pisces) so secret crushes and whatnot are fairly normal for me. Taurus is a good match for Pisces, as are other Pisces (although that doesn't work for me), and Capricorn too (my delicious Mr. Rabin is a Capricorn, *dreamy sigh*).



Thank you Luna. He does fine when he wears the Est.(H&S). He's so much more agreeable. When I wear it....He freaks! Well, he has been on me about having another baby. So maybe it dredges up hostility about the issue? My theory on any pheromone is this. As we all know, our sense of smell is directly wired into the lymbic center of the brain i.e. the emotional. I believe the receptors for the pheros are linked to that center also. So if he harbors hostility, even unconsciously..? I'm w/ you on carrying the torch for years! I still think about an ex or 5 on a weekly basis *sigh*.....

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This one smells very fruity on me when wet. I don’t have the ingredients handy as I write this, but it is a crisper fruit note (not a citrus or berry note). It’s not juicy either. It is crisp and yet warm at the same time. As it dries, the fruits meld into a soft cushiony background for the rest of the notes. It becomes a soft and inviting scent that beckons you to come closer and yet dares you at the same time. It is a pull and a subtle warning. “Be careful” it whispers in your ear as it pulls you in closer… Hinting that once you are drawn in, you might not be able to escape.

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Omg! I heart this one! Instant LOVEFEST with this Eternal Chain. Does it have lasting power?


I just put it on about an hour ago. I think I might get a bottle and throw in some cops or something. Eternal Shopping on my Eternally abused paypal account. Reeally Mara and Company, I've had enough with my Love Potion shopping sprees! sigh... Now I must have a few bottles of this stuff. Please make November Cornucopia of Hippie Patchouli month or Dirty Dirty Dirty Honey-Orgy month something... so I won't be tempted by your wares!

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They could do a perfume verison of Mudstock: all dirty scents. Mmm, dirty...


So did you try it on your man yet? Was it a raging ESTfest?

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I haven't used it on him yet...but I'm gonna! Completely straight EST without any cops or other stuff generally makes him super submissive and me kinda overly sweet...which doesn't always work out. That's why I think I'll throw some EOW in. Sexology has been working out wonderfully! Makes both of us more hyper horny and super intense. Yay for Sexology!!!


Mudstock! haha Brilliant!



They could do a perfume verison of Mudstock: all dirty scents. Mmm, dirty...


So did you try it on your man yet? Was it a raging ESTfest?

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Sexology has been working out wonderfully! Makes both of us more hyper horny and super intense. Yay for Sexology!!!


Absolutely! Q and I love it too.

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Oh, this one is soo lovely! And I think the verdict is in as well....I wore Eternal Chain to work today and I got great responses!


My colleague that I car pool with gave me a few strange looks and mumbled that "I smelled strange today"..."Not like I usually do" I just laughed at him...He's such a creature of habit! Anal about detail and loves routine, but then he is an anaesthetist :lol: I guess he is soo used to me always smelling of vanilla in one form or the other and not fruit.


I normally get comments when wearing LP's, and so far Constant Cravings has probably given me the most positive remarks but Eternal chain today....WOW... I got soo many comments! Here's a selection;

"Wooo...she smells bloody good"

"Oh, something smells bloody awesome"

"Oh, did you smell her, she smells lovely"

"What is that smell? It's really nice, who is it?"

And to top it all off... I got whistles as I walked past the construction guys fixing up one of the wards LOL If this is how men react to Eternal chain I can't wait to try 7 minutes to midnight! Not sure I'm willing to give up my vanilla quite yet though...


About midday I had to present a few patient cases to my supervisor, along with one of my colleagues. I began presenting the first case but didn't make it past the initial clinical presentation before my supervisor grabbed the typed portfolio out of my hand and started reading through it whilst mumbling the occational "aahhh", "oh yes", "good"...Then he grabbed my second case and repeated the process, filled out my feedback form and handed it back to me with a smile & a "Well done"... Now that's a first! My poor colleague who was next didn't get the same treatment though... he had to go through his cases & present them in detail LOL

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God you gals are brave to be dating all these Scorpios. I love you Danna, and I find they make great friends(except the one that slept with my ex and broke into my house), but dating one is hard-Gemini's too-my ex fiance was a gemini, he was like a multiple personality. BUT-I'm sure the substance abuse had some great deal to do with THAT.

I'm a Virgo-bigtime and my boy is an Aries-totally, really we shouldn't work so well, but I ground him, and he makes me less serious so, so far so good!

Now Eternal chain-I can update the effects later-I'm dressed a bit like a sexy sailor girl(haha really-navy blue chemise, more like a dress though, with white and navy striped trim, a red bra, undies and my red crystal heart necklace D got me, and I have little sailor shoes! Blue and white heels with little red anchors-the boy eats this stuff up)-he will be here soon.

I'm Slathered in this goodness.

Verrrry Sugary Fruity when wet. In fact for the first ten minuites, all I really get on my skin is papya and sugar. Then the magic happens!! The sweet fruit remains, but moves way back and in comes the vanilla and rose(if you didn't know, those are two of my fave notes.) This scent becomes very soft on me, very quiet. I can smell the rose and adore it, and I can pick out the verbena and the creamy vanilla that other reviewrs have mentioned. Ok, now a hint of amber...my nose isn't trained in the realm of lotus(though there is a scent called Flower of Isis I'm considering picking up as its supposed to be almost pure lotus and I've heard great reveiws on it), or pansy unfortunately, so it's hard for me to say if I'm getting those notes or not..just a lovely warm, fruity floral bouquet-headed by rose, vanilla and the lingering fruitiness of papya..I don't detect water lily here.

Its a gorgeous scent with a very soft throw-I had to reaplly a few times throughout the night-its pretty much a skinscent on me.

Now its been awhile and my "Capitol D" is here-He's been very sweet, chatty, and holding me and smooching me alot. He worked a 16 hour day and is now in the shower singing Irish songs. He was incerdible though about bonding before he went in-telling me about his day, and how all the songs he's written seemed to make me 'manifest' to him..its been a lovely night...he wanted me to do dirty things too (blame the outfit), but I just said, "Go clean up first you dirty boy, your stubble is gonna hurt my um..(insert imagination here)"

So. My take? A wonder of a potion. The EST is great, the scent is lovely. I DO wish my skin didn't eat it up so bad, but like Djac, maybe I should just do a B&B set and a spray? Layering helps a scent last!! And this is a dreamy one.

I'm looking forward to a roadtest on 7 mins after Midnight now too...

But awesome job, TG, M&D and everyone else who put this into creation-its a LOVE POTION-indeed. In the truest sense of the words!! Bravo! :)


update: warning-vaugely explicit--Ok, Lovins- I get lotsa lovin from my honey, and I would with or without pheros, I'm sure, BUT pheros definetly define the TYPE-ie; ravagement in my kitchen, risky things in public, ect....This here, gives ya the slow deep meaningful sex. He really took his time, paying attention to all my needs and was very gentle at first, building up to a creshendo..nothing like any of the straight up cops(ravagement-which I love too)-but this was the slow deep mushy stuff-vurrrry niceeee-just thought that was worth a shout out.

Edited by cheeseburger79
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  • 3 months later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Crazy, on my skin I get no fruit or foodiness at all! I'm mostly getting note I don't recognize. I think it must be pansy. It smells sort of purple, if that makes sense. That and a faint undertone of waterlily.


It's so interesting seeing how different some of these blends are in the vial versus on the (my) skin. This one on my skin smells NOTHING like it does in the vial. Both lovely. Not sure this is really "me", I think I'm a very foody/vanilla/musk person, but will hang onto it and see...

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  • 1 month later...

This one smells beautiful. I've worn the sample twice, about once a week. The first time I wore it, I had the neatest self-effect. I thought my voice sounded different and when I spoke it was as if I could almost visualize my voice as running stream waters. Never had anything like that happen to me before. I wore it again today and this guy told me that I smelled so good. He had this big grin and his eyes were dilated, he really loved the scent. Said I smelled like candy. Both times I wore this perfume, there were guys who looked at me with that look of love. I'm not sure if these were hits or not since the guys weren't close enough to me to actually smell the pheromone enhanced perfume. I sure hope it happens every time I wear it though. lol

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  • 2 months later...
Eternal Shopping on my Eternally abused paypal account. Reeally Mara and Company, I've had enough with my Love Potion shopping sprees! sigh...

hahaha love this


I really like EC, it comes off as a little fruity, and floral too, but on a lighter note. Unfortunately, it gets a little waxy on me for some reason. I asked my cousin to smell me and tell me what she thought, and she said I smelled "like a candle." Then again, this is the same cousin who thinks that A-nols smell "JUST LIKE BACON OH MY GOD."

Didn't really get all that much of a reaction to the EST, but I'll definitely be wearing this often. :shocked:

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  • 1 month later...
This scent is really nice, it smells very similar to cupidity to me, but cupidity smells like soap on me after a while and this one doesn't. Does anyone know what the intent of this one is supposed to be? I never got to read the description for it.


Great to hear that as I scored 4 bottles unsniffed. I love Cupidity which is most suitable for bedtime.

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Does anyone know what the intent of this one is supposed to be? I never got to read the description for it.


Here you go; :lol:

"A beautiful floral and fruit concoction in a sweet base of amber, vanilla and sugar with a dash of bamboo created to keep you on your lover's mind…and to further strengthen that bond we've included a pheromone which is known for inspiring deep passionate protection and care.


This chain

wound and bound

the most beautiful of adornments

is our love, shining

and strong



Love is a chain and the chain is made up of moments in which lovers are connected with affection, respect, rapport and desire. We do our best to ensure the chain is never broken, those links forged in the hottest fires of consummation and communication…but wouldn't it be wonderful to wear a scent which would remind your lover of you at all times, the thought of you always in heart and mind, no matter where they may roam?


The beautiful perfumes released in August 2009 (our September collection) were developed by the lovely ladies of our discussion forum. They worked hard to put together ideas for gorgeous scents, artistic labels, and enticing descriptions, but allowed us to do the brewing for them."

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Here you go; :)

"A beautiful floral and fruit concoction in a sweet base of amber, vanilla and sugar with a dash of bamboo created to keep you on your lover's mind…and to further strengthen that bond we've included a pheromone which is known for inspiring deep passionate protection and care.


This chain

wound and bound

the most beautiful of adornments

is our love, shining

and strong



Love is a chain and the chain is made up of moments in which lovers are connected with affection, respect, rapport and desire. We do our best to ensure the chain is never broken, those links forged in the hottest fires of consummation and communication…but wouldn't it be wonderful to wear a scent which would remind your lover of you at all times, the thought of you always in heart and mind, no matter where they may roam?


The beautiful perfumes released in August 2009 (our September collection) were developed by the lovely ladies of our discussion forum. They worked hard to put together ideas for gorgeous scents, artistic labels, and enticing descriptions, but allowed us to do the brewing for them."


Thank you! Now I will have to test this out and see if it works! :lol:

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so funny, on this second testing, it is gushing super-ripe-papaya SYRUP ... very very sweet and foody ... with some pansy mingled in there. Very different from last testing. Medium-bodied, smooth and serene. REALLY BEAUTIFUL... makes me feel like a medieval princess, but in a good way. dammit should've gotten sale bottle. oh vell

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  • 1 month later...

For me, this starts out with very crisp, sparkling fruity notes and mellows into a soft floral scent with a fruity background. I can see why it's so popular. It's very classic and romantic.

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  • 1 month later...

I had a sniffee of this:) And have to report the first minute i applied!!! It reminded me SO MUCH of LADY LUCK! They smell the same to me!!! well... for now :lol: I have a slight runny nose today, so i might be wrong! :) UPdate more later!


It smells wonderful and sweet on me :):):) Happy happy day :)


Update: This turned powdery on me after 2-3 hours :) And its not so sweet anymore! :001_tt2:

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This is really strong and has great staying power on my skin.


My roller bearly rolls. I ran the roller over my arm a couple of times (4 inches long) but still no visible sign of oil on my skin but I can smell it even after 6 hours!


The scent didn't change throughout the 6 hours. Very sweet and fruity. I didn't even detect the creamy vanilla nor amber. One thing for sure, this scent didn't turn powdery on me.


I like it but not crazy over it like the scents. I would like to try it out for it's intent and phero effects. I will prob wear this to work and to anyway and anytime.

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  • 1 month later...

Wore this last week for my 5 hour flight home. That was the first time that I use this as a scent for the day (I usually review new scents on the back of my hand). I developed a headache and I was uncertain if it was because of the est.


Anyway, I wore EC as I knew the flight was fully booked and I wanted to find out if I will be able to get better service from the phero. Unfortunately est didn't get me better service. In fact, the stewardess seemed to be "put off" and tried to throw her weight around.


My daughter activated the service button for a drink and the stewardess insisted that I cancel the call after she responded to the call. I told her firmly that my daughter has to cancel it since she activated it.


Somehow, my daughter seemed very thirsty throughout the flight. She called for service about 30 minutes later and the same stewardess "ordered" me to cancel the call again. I told her off firmly again and she didn't bother me the next time my daughter press the button.


I'm generally an alpha woman so could it be est is not congruent with my personality?


I might want to try EC again for my flight home on Sat.

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I don't know that EST necessarily makes women any nicer, it depends on various factors; it is primarily a blend for women to wear for men. If it was a crowded flight the flight attendant may have already been stressed out and just not in the frame of mind to be nice to anyone, let alone someone wearing pheromones.



In regards to my first statement, that's from my experience; I know EST is said to have that affect but I've never observed it. However in blends containing some EST, like Heart & Soul, I have experienced the effect of pleasantry but I tend to think it has to do with all the molecules working in concert rather than one particular element. When I travel I find Heart & Soul is very helpful both for myself and others.

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To add to what Luna said, pheromones can actually make you feel MORE exhausted if you're already tired. After attempting the usage of them on lack of sleep nights, alcohol hang-overs, etc.. I can honestly say that if I was stressed & already worn out a phero would probably have the opposite intended effect. My recommendation for these situations is a phero-free LP intended to manifest love.

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To add to what Luna said, pheromones can actually make you feel MORE exhausted if you're already tired. After attempting the usage of them on lack of sleep nights, alcohol hang-overs, etc.. I can honestly say that if I was stressed & already worn out a phero would probably have the opposite intended effect.


I experience that too!!!! Not a very good idea to test pheros when your tired/ stressed!!! Last week was my phero week and i've never felt so TIRED before! I had tonnes of works to hand in which resulted many sleepless nights, to add on.. m y body was probably reli tired from the pheros... Wheras this week, i had just as much work to hand in but i tried fragrances with no pheros and I'm fine! :lol: Just a little tired but not SUPER TIRED in comparison to my Phero week! ;)

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Interesting! Thanks ladies! Anyway, I didn't bring any other pheros or phero-enhanced scent with me besides EC. Since we are not traveling on my favourite airline, I'll use my faourite scent for comfort just in case it's another full flight on Sat.

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  • 1 month later...

Wanted to smell like a lady today so had this one on today.


Something was wrong with my SD card slot so I visited the IT Mgr. I wanted to see his reaction so I pulled a chair and sit rather close to him. We joked about my powerful handshake. He was super nice (he is a nice gentleman to start of with) by copying and resizing the photos I needed from my SD card and emailed to me as I walked back to my office. In addition, he helped set up an account for me on the system immediately.


So is this a hit? Geeze, I don't know. I was in his office earlier for another matter but he was not in. I told his subordinate what I needed them to do but he did not get the message.

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So is this a hit? Geeze, I don't know.


You will never really know...for certain :lol:


We can give too much credit to the pheros and forget we have lots of pleasing interactions many times. I sure am happy that you have a super nice gentleman in your corner though!


*sitting close was a nice touch :great:

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