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New Releases for OCTOBER 2009

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Hehehe - Oh! a peachy queen who will snap of your head off post-coitus and dine on it....I like, I like.

Dude that's, like, my dream come true! :pumpkin:

Edited by luna65
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Luna, your somethin else-a true original! :666:


Hey Mara, or Starlite, or Someone who knows-tell me about this "whole new site design"----or maybe I'll also stick this under questions for M&D.......

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Hey Mara, or Starlite, or Someone who knows-tell me about this "whole new site design"----or maybe I'll also stick this under questions for M&D.......


Actually, it's Scourger and her man who have done the redesign. All I know is feeble html, so they are bringing us up into the new century and making it so it doesn't take me 2 weeks out of every month to update the site. It will function more easily, be more easily sorted and searched so that people can find what they are looking for with less confusion.


We've got a whole new look going, too. I wanted something that was still colorful and pretty, but wouldn't chase the boys away. heh. Let's leave the look description as a surprise. Maybe Scourger will turn on the new message board skin for a sneak peek at the style, but I'll leave that to her.

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is it that time ALREADY ? They look GREAT !


eta : I want Eye of the Storm, Tabby, Loco en la Luna and Dark Seductions III





These are the once iam eyeing as well. :666:

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Actually, it's Scourger and her man who have done the redesign. All I know is feeble html, so they are bringing us up into the new century and making it so it doesn't take me 2 weeks out of every month to update the site. It will function more easily, be more easily sorted and searched so that people can find what they are looking for with less confusion.


We've got a whole new look going, too. I wanted something that was still colorful and pretty, but wouldn't chase the boys away. heh. Let's leave the look description as a surprise. Maybe Scourger will turn on the new message board skin for a sneak peek at the style, but I'll leave that to her.



How awesome of them, and how great for you guys, and us!! Yaay!

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Too Funny! I just sent the info on this to DH and told him that the only thing missing is BACON!


His reply was "DO NOT order a bottle of this for me!"


I thought he was more adventurous. Perhaps I will just have to be brave like you SWB, and wear it myself. Kinda like buck lure...


At least we know it'll smell better than your basic buck lure..... <grin>


This scent is gonna put a whole new level to the phrase "Hey, you smell good enough to eat".

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Cool Mara-I'm interested to see the new digs!

I like the site as it is, but it mayyyyyyy be a tad um, hippie...(sorry to the hippies).

I mean I love it, its home, but I'm veddy veddy curious to see what Scourger and her fella has been up to-so-Scourger get on here and show us a preview,eh?

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Morning Ladies,


Oh Thank Gosh its Friday! :drunk: Yippie! I just placed my sampler order for October-November. ;):P Our crazy boss is out of town until the end of next week and things here at work are finally relaxed and iam excited for the weekend! yay!

Edited by AncientGoddess
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Morning Ladies,


Oh Thank Gosh its Friday! :drunk: Yippie! I just placed my sampler order for October-November. ;):P Our crazy boss is out of town until the end of next week and things here at work are finally relaxed and iam excited for the weekend! yay!



When the cat's away.......lol.

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I just placed an order for the samples. I also picked up some True Confessions and Cuddlebunny in the beta sprays, a bottle of Heart and Soul and many assorted samples. I'm being a bad girl because I still have Sexology, DYG and Cougar Beta sprays on the way and I think I was lucky enough to get some of the last samples of 7 Minutes to Midnight.


Happy Friday everyone. Let the good times roll. Laissez Les Bon Temps Roulez. ;):P

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Luna, your somethin else-a true original! :P


Hey Mara, or Starlite, or Someone who knows-tell me about this "whole new site design"----or maybe I'll also stick this under questions for M&D.......


All I know is whatever Mara tells me, but not a peep shall slip through my fingers. But what I do know that I can share (which is no secret) is that Mara has great taste, and if she likes it then it should be nice. But I already told her that, and I don't think that would surprise any of us.


I am looking forward to seeing the new diggs though.

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Hey - anyone else dying to know what the descriptions are or even better - what the heck the PE's are going to be?


And DJac - I'm sitting here in a happy cloud of Sexology - thanks again dear one. I smell lovely.

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Is anyone else popping in here to check and see if the new PE labels are posted? :) I had a PE made this month and I'm curious to see if it's one of the mass released ones. ;) It's going to be awesome...very Halloween/winter-like.

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I do I do. I ordered the sampler anyway but would love to see the descriptions.



Hey Countess - Meant to ask you earlier - any recent how events with the CFO? I've followed that like a soap opera like Rosebud's Hunkalicious - who need to get his head out of his very proper British Butt and fall in love with Rosebud already....




I used my outside voice didn't I?



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There's only been minor things but I can tell he's still interested. The other day he rode his bike to work and he had shorts and a top that showed off his muscles. Oh my oh my. I have discovered that he's very responsive to Heart and Soul so I'm stocking up. I think given the right circumstances (lots of alcohol and loud music) he would be all mine. But alas I'm married anyway but he sure is eye candy to me. Yummy.

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There's only been minor things but I can tell he's still interested. The other day he rode his bike to work and he had shorts and a top that showed off his muscles. Oh my oh my. I have discovered that he's very responsive to Heart and Soul so I'm stocking up. I think given the right circumstances (lots of alcohol and loud music) he would be all mine. But alas I'm married anyway but he sure is eye candy to me. Yummy.



Lovie - there is NOTHING wrong with EYE CANDY.


Whistles - while wandering off...


Order that H&S and report back if you have turned him into an love slave...


Have to live vicariously through you for a while...

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Hell yes she has great taste! Now I feel all bad over sayin anything hippie. I just mean this layout is kinda like, 70's or something-I dunno what I'm sayin. Dont mind me!!!

But YES a new look will still be exciting to all of us! I do like this one we have now-its pretty-it reminds me of my little pony colors and fairys and such. I like!

Heck-left to me and SG the site would probably be covered in little vampires and skellies and things. So don't listen to me. I Overslept(its POURING RAIN here), and I have the guilty funny brain..you know the one-Onward Ho, caffine!!!

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I am really partial to the purple logo (I recently found my inner purplegirl - my horse has matching purple accessories now, to the unending amusement of DH). But I suppose the purple theme is a touch feminine...


It'll be nice to have it easier to navigate for sure. I can find anything, but a couple friends who are unfamiliar with the site leave the ordering to me b/c they can't find what they are looking for...not real good for internet business! Especially for those not very savvy at online shopping it can be confusing...

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The look now was meant to be like a fairy tale. That's what I was going for really. A sense of MAGIC from how we thought of it as kids. The excitement and wonder of magic from that perspective. Imagining what the world is like if you step through that archway...

The bricks are a castle wall.


This is the, I think, 3rd go round of what the site looks like - going on #4. The last time had a black background and Wicca /Goddess /Gypsy figures, so it was more Magic as a New Age concept. (And totally had a hippie aspect for real - the buttons were designed to look like a 1960's San Francisco psychedelic concert poster). But the web eventually became overrun with that black Wiccan kind of look, so...onward...


This next is Magical too, still in keeping with my holistic view of what magic is...but the look is...historical, I will say. And although colorful, it's not colorful in a strictly feminine way. :)

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Yes Mara, thats exactly what it recalls as it is now-a fairy tale from Childhood-the colors, it isn't 'childish' but it brings to mind my old She-ra Castle, and Charmkins and the colors of the things I would play with when I could still imagine being a 'princess'--you put it in perspective perfectly!! Thanks!!

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Is anyone else popping in here to check and see if the new PE labels are posted? :) I had a PE made this month and I'm curious to see if it's one of the mass released ones. :) It's going to be awesome...very Halloween/winter-like.


Ooooohhh this sounds interesting!!!!!

I need the new PE pics!!!!.....patience is a virtue....I haz no virtues.....I want it now!!!! lol

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Yeah I'm busy as all get out today (Dave and I went to see Mummies!! An exhibit at the Detroit Science Center)--but I keep poppin in and checkin in on the PE's too...hehee..I has my reasons....

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Hmm, I think I shall have to order Fallen Angel just for the label. As a former entertainer, the angel wings were one of my favorite costumes. Did we ever get any word on the availability of the labels?

Edited by Beccah1
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Here's something new - spoke to Mara late last week and she was raving about how lovely Wax Poetic turned out - that she and John thought is was the prettiest of the new batch - name comes from all the bees wax/honey in it - Honey Ho Alert - and mixed with a really dark dragon's blood. I'm not doing it justice - but that's all I have to add besides an obsessive presence.

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