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Garland & Lace

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I've gotta laugh since it's rare that the rebrew makes people want a scent because it's different. But yep, this one is definitely one of those!


guess it sounds more like I hoped the 1st version would be, I've become a gingerbread whore.

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Ooohhh......... I love this version!


It's spicier that the first version. V1 was a very creamy scent with cinnamon on top for me, it reminded me of a type of rice pudding dessert that we have in Scandinavia called "Ris ala Malta" which is basically porridge made from white rice (rather than oats) & cinnamon, that you leave to cool down, then you fold in whipped cream with vanilla added to it :) I never got gingerbread from V1, just the cinnamon & slight christmas spice ontop of the creamy vanilla rice pudding base


Anyways... V2 is much spicier, with this one I definitively get gingerbread & spicy pumpkin pie! YAY!!! It smells awesome! Such a Rosebud scent :)


This one doesn't last as long as V1 unfortunately...the leftovers after an hour or two is a bit of mellow spice but the creamy christmas notes & vanilla is gone

Edited by Rosebud
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"Ris ala Malta" which is basically porridge made from white rice (rather than oats) & cinnamon, that you leave to cool down, then you fold in whipped cream with vanilla added to it :)


My kids will love you for this recipe dearest, lol!

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My kids will love you for this recipe dearest, lol!


No problems doll :666:



(4 portions)


* 150 ml (~0.7 Cups) white "pudding rice" (This isn't normal rice you have with say chilli or chinese. It's

short/round grained, what we in Sweden call "grötris" or porridge rice. It is the sticky properties of the cooked rice that does the trick. You can try any rice that is short/round grained like pearl/glutinous/sticky rice.)

* 4.5 Cups fullfat milk

* 1 Cinnamon stick

* 1 vanilla bean (scoop out the seeds but leave the whole bean in when cooking)

* 1/4 Cup Sugar

* 1 pinch of salt

* 1 tbs Vanilla essence/powder

* 1 Cup Whipping cream


1. Mix rice, cinnamon, vanilla bean, sugar, milk & salt in a large saucepan.

2. Simmer the mix on low heat, stirring occationally, but DON'T let it boil. The rice will need to simmer for about 1.5 hours.

3. Once the rice is done (it'll have the consistency of porridge), set it aside & let it cool, preferably in the fridge.

4. Once the rice pudding is cool, stir in the vanilla.

5. Whipp the cream to a stiff consistency, and gently fold into the rice pudding/porridge


Ris a'la Malta is served cold as a dessert, often with "saft sas" a sort of fruit sauce, either based on oranges or red berries, or alternatively with chopped fruits on top.



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Tried Garland and Lace V2 today.




I wouldnt say either version is better because they are both different to me.


I detect the eggnoggy pumpkin in the first that I dont smell as much as the gingerbready-nomness in V2, but both are worth hoarding.


Its only been 10 minutes and my personal space is filled with gingerbread...forcing one to inhale a little deeper and encourage those mones to work.

mmmm..... im definately pleasant to be around right now.....

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Oh wow, I surprised that most are finding it (V2) spicier. I must have strange chemistry. To me V2 is pure gingerbread sweetness with spice. Just ordered more since this scent doesn't normally stay on me. V1 to me is all spice. Even turned my skin red a bit. Everything else in it vanished.


Still love both though. It's like two completely different yummy holiday scents amped with Lace. Both of them delicious to me.


Sorry some of you aren't liking V2.

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Oh wow, I surprised that most are finding it (V2) spicier. I must have strange chemistry. To me V2 is pure gingerbread sweetness with spice. Just ordered more since this scent doesn't normally stay on me. V1 to me is all spice. Even turned my skin red a bit. Everything else in it vanished.


Still love both though. It's like two completely different yummy holiday scents amped with Lace. Both of them delicious to me.


Sorry some of you aren't liking V2.



im with you, I love V2 !!!!

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  • 3 weeks later...

I have to share with you my experience with this mix. Which I loooove!!

I got a sample for Christmas, and my first try was quite a shock for me, and I knew I couldn't keep the story to myself. I'm just sorry it takes me so long. Work is kinda crazy. Anyway...


Back to Christmas time, I am, as everyone else, super busy during this time of year. Probably more last year than usual, because I had to take care of my boyfriend who just had surgery. So I played nurse for a couple weeks, and was way behind my own work and my christmas shopping.

I had a week-end to do a million things before taking a train to CT. It was one of the times where you feel like you need 36 hours in the day.

So I decided to try the sample of Garland and Lace for my last day of Christmas shopping, and poured quite a bit of it, maybe a third of the big sample, I don't know...

I just remember that during the whole evening, I could smell this delicious and relaxing scent. I fell in love with it. I felt like I had my own little cloud of scent around me that would protect me and keep me happy no matter what.

The subway ride was relaxing. A time for me to calm down before the craziness in Midtown. That's where I got out. By the time I exited the subway, I was in the happiest of the happy places. I bet I had a little smile on my face.

I had such a wonderful wonderful time. Walking around 5th Avenue with all its Christmas decorations felt like walking through a beautiful fairy tale. I was enchanted. So so happy. Still surrounded by my Garland & Lace cloud. Wow.

I was wearing a casual outfit with jeans + snowboots. It was very snowy and the sidewalks were kind of a mess. But everything was just a blissful adventure.

I got the last present I wanted to find, everything went so smoothly.

And let me tell you about the DIHL reactions I got... it was UN-BELIEVABLE!!!... seriously...

I thought my mind was playing tricks on me, as I felt like EVERY SINGLE MAN was staring at me... and believe me, it was crowded... even women were giving me looks!!

At some point I sense this woman walking right by my side, looking at me, she finally touches my arm gently and tells me : "I have been walking behind you for the last 5 minutes, and every single man was checking you out!"... I laughed and she added "yes, because you're such a beautiful woman"... I told her I'd have to tell that story to my BF, and she's like "oh he's a lucky man".... no gay vibe from this young woman whatsoever, it was just a confirmation of this surreal feeling...

I remember crossing a big intersection, still around 5th Ave, and getting a sense that people were "feeling" me... like there were people litteraly turning around to look at me... it is SO not New York city, where people walk fast and just do what they have to do...

So yep, I felt like some kind of celebrity doing my shopping in the big apple...lol..

When I came back home the first thing I did was to take a good look at myself in the mirror. And nope, it was just me. I didn't look particularly look good that day. My hair was even kind of messy from the snowy weather.

But guess what? I didn't give a damn. I was just a happy camper!

My experience playing with the mix now, is that the Garland & Lace mix seems to work better than the Lace unscented. Probably because it is more diffusive with a scent. I plan on mixing it with relaxing overly sweet scents, like Christmas Clove Cookies and Eggnog Riot.

When I started reading the reviews from all of you about Garland and Lace, my experience with it made more sense. I wasn't ready for such a happy happy phero! Thanks Mara, Dana and Stone research!!

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I need more of this one (and V1 if I can find it LOL). I love love love it! I have the Body Bubbles with this, and I don't want to get out of the shower when I use it LOL. It makes everything smell so yummy!

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Just wanted to drop a quick note since I received my Garland & Lace V2 sample today. It is definitely different from the first version, maybe a little spicier and a little less overtly sweet. It is still a very rich and sweet scent, and I totally love this version. It is super diffusive, and smells so damn good aarrrrgh!!!

There's something about Lace & this mix that makes it super effective phero-wise too. I feel so relaxed and happy, little butterflies in the stomach kind of feeling. I smell some kind of pumpkin note a little more, or maybe it's just me. Or maybe it's the pumpkin.

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Ok, another quick store w/ Garland and Lace V1. I wore it this afternoon, and I had a G&L cloud around me, especially the first 2-3 hours after application. I went to the post office, had to send something to the homeland. A man was waiting in front of me in the line, he took a good look at me, I had to borrow a pen from him to fill up a form. I could tell that he was happy I talked to him. While he was being served at the cashier, he turned around, a good 360, to look at me. So funny. Turned out he was a celebrity. I'm so bad at this stuff.

When it was my turn to being helped, the lady at the post office was super friendly, she always always is though. What a sweetheart. She told me that I smelled so good, which was funny, because there was a window in between us, with a tiny opening to communicate. She said it smelt like "baby powder", which I thought was odd at first, but then I wondered if it wasn't connected to the fact G&L is a happy calming phero, so it would make sense that unconsciously, she would have associated it with a soothing scent like baby powder.

I get out of the post office, this lady runs after me, and tells me "oh, I heard you're from France, and I'm going to Paris next Monday". She then asks me to give her a few restaurant names or places she should visit. She is a beautiful middle aged woman, with a very gracious smile. I'm thinking it is sort of odd, that she would give up her place in line to just talk to me outside. But she's acting like she likes me very much already, and is so very friendly to me. I give her a few places that I like in Paris, and then she tells me that actually she wanted to talk me because she has a casting agency, and "I would have been perfect for that Clinique commercial"... . Now that's news. And damn it feels good, cause I just turned 30!! I cannot help but thinking that G&L must have helped a little here! ;-)

Oh and by the way, scent wise, I think the G&L V2 actually lasts longer on my skin.

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Another great night last night with G&L, first batch. I paired it with a healthy dose of cops that I had mixed with some vanilla perfume oil.

I had to go to an event yesterday evening, so put on some G&L late in the afternoon. I felt the calming soothing effects after about 30 mn, my day was a tiny bit stressful, so it was a great addition.

I decided to experiment with my application points, I have been doing so lately, and I noticed a spot that works GREAT for me, as far as diffusion goes... the top of my head!... I usually put on perfume on my hair, as I have it to my waist, but it's been a couple days that I have been putting a few drops of perfume on top of my head. It lasts a long time and diffuses really well. Kinda like a candle! lol

Anyway- it was definitely one of these nights where I got DIHL reactions at every corners, the famous "stop and stare" slightly creepy reaction. It happend all night, seriously. In the subway, DIHL everwhere, and interestinlgy enough, I even felt this mix was affecting women as well. I went to this art gallery, and definitely got a lot of attention. The main speaker wouldn't stop chatting with me, and I got so many stares. lol After saying goodbye to a couple friends of mine, I walked by this woman who gave me the nicest smile, as if she knew me. There's something about Lace that make people act as if they knew me, or recognized me from somewhere, and it's like they automatically know I'm a nice person. All in all, it was a fun night out.

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Yes, I love reading your stories, Mademoiselle! I ordered a sample of Garland and Lace just yesterday, and I can't wait to try it out myself!

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Yup, V2 is almost gone as well. Boy, that was quick.


Ack...will there be more?


@Mademoiselle ,I have enjoyed reading your posts too.

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My goodness, things move quickly here! I also just read that the Captivation Equation is almost out, too!

Haha, I may just end up with samples of everything I like and no full bottles... or I may run out of willpower, and, shortly thereafter, money.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I just got my sample of this in the mail.


It smells incredible! Delicious spiced cookies with a hint of egg nog! It's warm and comforting, and mouth-watering. It's also the perfume that has the strongest and longest-lasting scent of the ones I've tried today. It is taking an enormous effort of will to keep from ordering a full bottle or three right now!

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My goodness, it's awful that that was enough to push me over the edge!


I also went a little crazy (crazier) and ordered Elevation Potion and Dangerous Games.


Oh, well, today's pay day, and who needs food when you can sit at home and smell delicious? :666:

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So, I got a sample of this with my last order. Didn't bother opening it until this morning since I have Lace UN. I was a little down and decided to try G&L and let me tell you. I am LOVING it! It is absolutely delicious and my mood has definitely changed. I think I'm in love with myself. :(

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Since you have the Lace UN, have you noticed any differences in effects between it and 'Garland & Lace'?


The Garland & Lace seemed to hit me faster and harder than the UN Lace. That's vey strange since the UN has cops. Hmmm, I don't know why that would be but I love them both since sometimes I want to use another scent. The UN is perfect for that.

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Yeah, same here. I think the carrier scent in G&L is so powerful and diffusive, that it really brings out the phero effect. Or it could be that a lower dose is better with this mix. Although I can slather on G&L no problem, like really wear a LOT of it, withouth OD-ing whatsoever

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  • 2 weeks later...

Woof, this is sweet. I don't know what my skin is doing to it, but I feel like the sweet notes in all of the "foods" in this perfume have been yanked out and are beating up my poor nose! I was so sure I would love it, and I think I would if it were more mellow. It'd hurt my teeth if I tried to eat it, I am sure; it's just syrup on me.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Garland and Lace Perfume Oil. Smells very good but, is very foody. You smell delicious in an edible way. It smells like eggnog and nutmeg and pumpkin pie to me. While wearing it several people ( men and woman ) commented to me that I smell like maple syrup. This has EST in it and I really love that stuff because I do notice a gentler, kinder vibe from men while wearing it.

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Hi, I responded to you in your other thread as well.


If you want to post reviews of pheromone-enhanced scents, the main forum for that is here. This is the Welcome forum where new posters introduce themselves.

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Moved to the correct forum and merged with the correct thread..


welcome KD77!! As Luna said, please review pheromone blends in the Pheromone Arena, and please also do a search before you make a new thread, to check if there is already one established that you can add your opinion to, as this avoids any doubling-up on reviews.


Ta muchly! :666:


Many thanks lovely Luna!




Ail )O(

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  • 2 weeks later...

I ordered a sample to try out Lace. Lemme tell ya, I'm in love!


When I pop off the cap to sniff I get spices and the egg from the eggnog. First thing that comes to mind is French Toast! All wrapped up in warm, fuzzy, comfort!!!! mmmmmm.


I made the sample into a spray in a purse size sprayer so it may never leave my side. I spritzed a bit before I walked into my cell phone store, I've been having some trouble and it's getting time to upgrade the phone anyway. I'm barely through the front door and there were 4 reps. all asking to help me, one even a woman. I told them to had to "rock, paper, scissors" for me! :) The regional mgr was one of them, guess seniority won out. So he shows me the phone I'm interested in, talking up all the great features. Then he tells me about a discount he can get for me on a phone, then how he can also discount my monthly plan, saving me a significant chunk of change every month. He even offered me a job before I left! (I know I've posted about looking for a new job, but I can't do the retail hrs.) The next day he was blowing up my phone texting me about other discounts!


I won't go shopping for any services or higher ticket items again, w/o my G&L, or atleast slathered in Lace.

Oh, another little funny, though. The last few squirts were in the small sprayer in my bathroom. As I was getting out of the shower, I hear my son crying waking up from his nap. I grabbed my bathrobe, and as I swung it around to put it on, the sleeve knocked the G&L off the counter on to the floor, cracking the bottle, and the last few drops leaked on the floor. Settled down my son, run back to the bathroom. I can not lose any of the precious, so I'm on my hands and knees to swipe my forearm through the small puddle. Oh, stop....you know you'd do the same thing!

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