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Cops, Testosterone & Sexdrive

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I should probably know this but I don't....


I know that cops induce a transient increase in testosterone in men when you wear cops around them...and the increase in testosterone also boosts the sex drive... BUT...does that increase in testosterone and libido also equal increased stamina? What I mean is, do cops just make the guy horny or do they also make him last longer?


Does anyone know? Either the science behind it, or from personal experience?

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I havent experienced a test-spike resulting in stamina.


I have experienced results related to test-spikes that werent sex-drive related as well.


I would be genuinely surprised if stamina were affected,since I dont know stamina to be test-dependant.


Interesting, good question Rosebud.

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I should probably know this but I don't....


I know that cops induce a transient increase in testosterone in men when you wear cops around them...and the increase in testosterone also boosts the sex drive... BUT...does that increase in testosterone and libido also equal increased stamina? What I mean is, do cops just make the guy horny or do they also make him last longer?


Does anyone know? Either the science behind it, or from personal experience?



I personally haven't noticed an increase in stamina......my man has very good "control", but I don't know if it is just him or the cops.....

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I imagine Ail and Diane can best state the science; in my experience, yes they do assist performance at least in terms of wanting to last as long as possible (which is why I started using them in the first place). In many cases that has meant the desire/drive feeds into the performance. In other cases if there are mitigating factors (fatigue, for example) then it will at least mean an erection and all that entails, if perhaps for less than the desired duration. And when you're dealing with those issues even a little can mean a lot. :)


I utilize a number of stategies to deal with the issue so I tend to think of copulins as just one component of an overall plan, but an incredibly helpful one. B)

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I would love to find that cops did both, and as it stands now I dont want to be without them.

the copULINS, i mean.


I can do without the other kind B)


Ail will know.

Diane should have an interesting perspective, since her cop formula has slightly different side effects than EoW.

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From personal experience, I'm going to say NO! Our last session was a record 20 seconds, haha. there are other factors to account for that.....still I think the cops may even speed things up. What with increasing his arousal & all. I would have to say the results are going to be as varied as individual responses. I have to ask, does this have anything to do with Mr. Cheeky ? Lol.

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I think the cops may even speed things up. What with increasing his arousal & all. I would have to say the results are going to be as varied as individual responses. I have to ask, does this have anything to do with Mr. Cheeky ? Lol.


Hehehe.... So you picked up on that eh? Well, it does sort of have to do with him. He doesn't have a problem with NOT lasting...definitively not B) So I was just curious if adding cops to the mix might increase the stamina even more or if it (like you said) would mean it doesn't last as long because he'd get too excited?

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Hehehe.... So you picked up on that eh? Well, it does sort of have to do with him. He doesn't have a problem with NOT lasting...definitively not B) So I was just curious if adding cops to the mix might increase the stamina even more or if it (like you said) would mean it doesn't last as long because he'd get too excited?



Hmm my suggestion.... If the foods already fantastic. Then why salt it? I'm married & I have little ones, so it would be impractical for me to have everlasting love making sessions. We did have that phase in our relationship, & I'm sure we'll have it again. If you wear cops, I would wear them for your enhancement deary. Just a thought, & you know how I like to share them, lol.

Edited by Beccah1
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Hehehe.... So you picked up on that eh? Well, it does sort of have to do with him. He doesn't have a problem with NOT lasting...definitively not :) So I was just curious if adding cops to the mix might increase the stamina even more or if it (like you said) would mean it doesn't last as long because he'd get too excited?



OMG she trying to kill him.

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When I wear cops to the gym I most always can lift more weight and for more time. I noticed it the most when I hadn't been working out regularly and had to keep my workouts shorter because I'd been out of practice/routine. I also noticed that it seems to have an effect on guys working out within a five foot radius of me. A lot more grunting and sweat... :)


ETA: I think in your case, Rosebud, you might have to go tantric.

Edited by starlitegirl
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I don't know of any scientific literature around this... and I think a lot has to do with individual responses, as well as starting base state, what the effects are/will be.


For my husband, wearing cops has made him last longer. He seems more in control. But at the same time, he reports an increase in arousal. So for him it is the best of both worlds.


This is really an issue I'd like to hear more about from people.... what their experiences are, because really who knows?



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OMG she trying to kill him.





I get accused of that all the time! :)




Yeah, me too......my sweetie has a hard time (pun intended) trying to keep up with me and my sex drive sometimes.....the cops help.....

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  • 1 year later...
Reviving an old thread... in my experience (with one partner) cops do enhance stamina. Definitely!



I have also found out something else.....cops enhance the possibility of a "repeat performance"....I have gotten pawed and clothes ripped off in the middle of the night, a mere few hours after drifting off to sleep in the afterglow.....seriously, and my man is almost 51 yrs old (he will be in just a few weeks)......

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This is an old thread, but it just raised a question for me. So if cops raise testosterone in men, then does that explain the older gentlemen that are obsessed with dating women in their early 20s? Like maybe it's a biological necessity for them, because their testosterone levels are dropping? I'm not judging, I'm seriously curious.

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This is an old thread, but it just raised a question for me. So if cops raise testosterone in men, then does that explain the older gentlemen that are obsessed with dating women in their early 20s? Like maybe it's a biological necessity for them, because their testosterone levels are dropping? I'm not judging, I'm seriously curious.


Mmmmm, not exactly.

It comes down to the fact that we are animals, and we are biologically wired for reproduction. Men of any age, generally, are attracted to women who are fertile. Cues of fertility include copulin production, amongst physical attributes as well. Being "higher" animals, we have free will and can make choices and also develop personal preferences throughout our lives, but the drive for reproduction is hard wired. Younger women are often attracted to older men because they represent security and dependability for potential offspring.

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I just wondered if they weren't getting that extra feel good boost from the higher levels of copulins that younger are women are producing & presumably giving them an extra testosterone boost? Like you know how some men say dating younger women "keeps them young"?

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  • 7 months later...

I'm not sure who is lasting for 1.8 mins but......



The relationship between obesity and sexual health is sort of a mixed bag. On one hand, obesity is associated with erectile dysfunction; on the other, studies like this one — published in 2010 in the International Journal of Impotence Research: The Journal of Sexual Medicine — suggest that the fatter a man is, the less likely he is to suffer from premature ejaculation. In fact, men with a higher body mass index (BMI), were able to make love for an average of 7.3 minutes, while slimmer test subjects averaged 1.8 minutes.

So what's the secret behind those extra five and a half minutes? Men with excess fat also pack higher levels of the female sex hormone estradiol. One hypothesis is that this substance interferes with the the body's ability to achieve orgasm... at least for a few minutes.

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  • 11 months later...

I'm not sure who is lasting for 1.8 mins but......


The relationship between obesity and sexual health is sort of a mixed bag. On one hand, obesity is associated with erectile dysfunction; on the other, studies like this one — published in 2010 in the International Journal of Impotence Research: The Journal of Sexual Medicine — suggest that the fatter a man is, the less likely he is to suffer from premature ejaculation. In fact, men with a higher body mass index (BMI), were able to make love for an average of 7.3 minutes, while slimmer test subjects averaged 1.8 minutes.

So what's the secret behind those extra five and a half minutes? Men with excess fat also pack higher levels of the female sex hormone estradiol. One hypothesis is that this substance interferes with the the body's ability to achieve orgasm... at least for a few minutes.



Warning: old thread bump!

I've been curious about this and meaning to post something about copulins inspiring testosterone production in women. Some women take testosterone (or the steroids to produce testosterone) for working out to make it easier to shed the fat our bodies so dearly want to hang onto, so I find this something I'll have to experiment with in addition to my Dominance pheromone that's supposed to give more oomph to working out.


Has anyone who uses coplins everyday or close to that find a difference in their bodies or stamina doing everyday things?


And that link about men's fat related to stamina--that makes a lot of sense. I'm sending that link to someone who really needs to read that.

Edited by MissHazel
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I use cops A LOT. Never noticed an increase in my stamina or anything such as that. I have tried heavy-cop blends for working out, to no avail.....it didn't help me. I do use Dominance for working out......A LOT. Love it.

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Synthetic copulins were invented for use as a testosterone stimulant for men to smear under their noses while working out, with the hope that it would replace the need for steroid use. That was the whole point. But IT DID NOT WORK. It was a failed experiment. What they learned, is that the smell of copulins did nothing for men unless associated with a target female....even a photo of a female. In any case the spike in testosterone is probably too fleeting to be used effectively for a work out aid. The invention of synthetic copulins sat around for a few years after that failed experiment, people trying to figure out what to do with it, until they came up with the idea of using them as a perfume additive for sexual allure, and that does work.


@ DD - It's Ail, short for Aileen. She's a Scottish researcher/doctor/university professor who was one of the first women on the net to experiment and report heavily on pheromone use for females. She designed several of our blends here...Heart & Soul, Cuddle Bunny, Open Windows.


Diane was somewhat of a flash in the pan experimenter who picked up phero use with a passion, opened her own company and then closed it, all within a pretty short time frame. IMO, I never felt she got the hang of crafting well-balanced blends. She mixed two blends for us, but with recipes that I supplied to her that Chris actually invented. Those are G2 and B2.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Synthetic copulins were invented for use as a testosterone stimulant for men to smear under their noses while working out, with the hope that it would replace the need for steroid use. That was the whole point. But IT DID NOT WORK. It was a failed experiment. What they learned, is that the smell of copulins did nothing for men unless associated with a target female....even a photo of a female. In any case the spike in testosterone is probably too fleeting to be used effectively for a work out aid. The invention of synthetic copulins sat around for a few years after that failed experiment, people trying to figure out what to do with it, until they came up with the idea of using them as a perfume additive for sexual allure, and that does work.


@ DD - It's Ail, short for Aileen. She's a Scottish researcher/doctor/university professor who was one of the first women on the net to experiment and report heavily on pheromone use for females. She designed several of our blends here...Heart & Soul, Cuddle Bunny, Open Windows.


Diane was somewhat of a flash in the pan experimenter who picked up phero use with a passion, opened her own company and then closed it, all within a pretty short time frame. IMO, I never felt she got the hang of crafting well-balanced blends. She mixed two blends for us, but with recipes that I supplied to her that Chris actually invented. Those are G2 and B2.


Great info! Just answered many questions of mine. I love it when we invent things accidentally on purpose :-)

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I use cops A LOT. Never noticed an increase in my stamina or anything such as that. I have tried heavy-cop blends for working out, to no avail.....it didn't help me. I do use Dominance for working out......A LOT. Love it.


This is the whole reason I bought Dominance. The focus quality .. I've heard several mention this. Dolly do you lift weights in you routine? how do you feel it helps with your focus in this area.. can you elaborate.

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Mara said.." Mmmmm, not exactly.

It comes down to the fact that we are animals, and we are biologically wired for reproduction. Men of any age, generally, are attracted to women who are fertile. Cues of fertility include copulin production, amongst physical attributes as well. Being "higher" animals, we have free will and can make choices and also develop personal preferences throughout our lives, but the drive for reproduction is hard wired. Younger women are often attracted to older men because they represent security and dependability for potential offspring."



But don't cues to fertility also include visual cues also. Like a hip to waist ratio. ( no muffin top) General health & appearance. Interesting that these visual cues combined with cops may be the magic mixture. .. Of course that's not factoring everybody's individual baggage- which is just something you just can worry about- unless it's your own.

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This is the whole reason I bought Dominance. The focus quality .. I've heard several mention this. Dolly do you lift weights in you routine? how do you feel it helps with your focus in this area.. can you elaborate.


I used to lift weights but haven't in a couple of months. When I did so while using Dom, it was like I was more willing to go heavier, and usually with no issues. For instance, without Dom, I might subconsciously choose a lighter weight, thus "taking it easy" on myself. Not with Dom! It made me grab the heavier weights and show myself that I could do it.


Lately I have been doing more of the kickboxing with weighted gloves. Dom makes me put more force into my punches, and also helps me push on through when I start to get tired.....it kicks ass!

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Good to know.


I took a break from working out- mistake- now I'm back. I really like that It could help the focus and endurance - that's what can hold you back when your starting out or getting back to it after a long break.

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Mara said.." Mmmmm, not exactly.

It comes down to the fact that we are animals, and we are biologically wired for reproduction. Men of any age, generally, are attracted to women who are fertile. Cues of fertility include copulin production, amongst physical attributes as well. Being "higher" animals, we have free will and can make choices and also develop personal preferences throughout our lives, but the drive for reproduction is hard wired. Younger women are often attracted to older men because they represent security and dependability for potential offspring."



But don't cues to fertility also include visual cues also. Like a hip to waist ratio. ( no muffin top) General health & appearance. Interesting that these visual cues combined with cops may be the magic mixture. .. Of course that's not factoring everybody's individual baggage- which is just something you just can worry about- unless it's your own.

Yes, but copulins kind of act like an override. They give a kind of photoshop effect, as far men are concerned because they interfere with a male's ability to gauge attractiveness as they normally would. When you read reviews on them, you may come across the women that use them as being described with a special "glow." Also, we've all seen those younger girls who have prematurely aged themselves, but still give off the vibe of youth.

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I believe the main study was based on 10 minutes of exposure, but I have definitely seen results from my man almost instantly. Tangible results if you know what I mean ;)



My experience has been that it very much depends on the particular man in question.....mine is INSTANT, like flipping a switch......others I have been with have taken a few minutes....but never more than 10-15 min......

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Mara said.." Mmmmm, not exactly.

It comes down to the fact that we are animals, and we are biologically wired for reproduction. Men of any age, generally, are attracted to women who are fertile. Cues of fertility include copulin production, amongst physical attributes as well. Being "higher" animals, we have free will and can make choices and also develop personal preferences throughout our lives, but the drive for reproduction is hard wired. Younger women are often attracted to older men because they represent security and dependability for potential offspring."



But don't cues to fertility also include visual cues also. Like a hip to waist ratio. ( no muffin top) General health & appearance. Interesting that these visual cues combined with cops may be the magic mixture. .. Of course that's not factoring everybody's individual baggage- which is just something you just can worry about- unless it's your own.



you can multi-quote and respond to everything in one post :)

I know it's easier to just respond (especially if you're on a phone) and then click respond again when something pops up you want to respond to, but havig several posts in a row where no one is respondong but you comes across as post-whoring to get your numbers up :)


I like your posts, but just thought you should know in case you didn't.


When you've posted but someone else hasn't responded, and you want to post again just hit edit and tag it onto the end of your post. Easy-peasy!

Edited by MissHazel
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I'm not sure I really understand you Hazel.


I responded to Dolly's post period. I did scroll back up the thread as I found it Intresting and after thinking on Maras post made an observation/ question. Nit sure what I'm doing wrong.. that would illicit your response.

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Posting several times in a row rather than going back and editing your last response so everything is in one post.

Look at how others post: it's rare to see people post one post right after the other.


I can see how you may not understand. I know Luna has jumped in before when another poster was doing the same thing so perhaps she'll jump in. No reason to get feathers ruffled. It's merely what the norms are in this forum community (and most others I've been on) but kind of more weighted here because you get discounts for every block of hundred posts. Some people when they first get here post a lot of posts in a row to try to get as many posts as possible until someone points out the edit feature and the posting norm of including everything in one post unless someone has responded to you.

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Synthetic copulins were invented for use as a testosterone stimulant for men to smear under their noses while working out, with the hope that it would replace the need for steroid use. That was the whole point. But IT DID NOT WORK. It was a failed experiment. What they learned, is that the smell of copulins did nothing for men unless associated with a target female..


Okay I went there. Did the scientist have the cops on his finger and went up to the guys and say, "yo dude, smell my finger."


Were the synthetic cops like an EOW? in other words, "female" or were they cops associated with testosterone (if there even is such a thing)?


I used to lift weights but haven't in a couple of months. When I did so while using Dom, it was like I was more willing to go heavier, and usually with no issues. For instance, without Dom, I might subconsciously choose a lighter weight, thus "taking it easy" on myself. Not with Dom! It made me grab the heavier weights and show myself that I could do it.


Lately I have been doing more of the kickboxing with weighted gloves. Dom makes me put more force into my punches, and also helps me push on through when I start to get tired.....it kicks ass!


Dolly I have found this to be true as well. I think you mentioned it in the DOM review thread and I tried it out. It DOES work for me as well, I'm willing to go the extra mile-literally on a run or lift a bit more weight. Also that made me think of social situations too when I wear DOM. I don't tend to let things lie while wearing it. I don't pick arguments, but it's a subtle shift whereas if normally my personality is to blow something off, when I wear DOM I feel it more urgent to get my point accross or be heard. hmmm.


@ Stacy K: You're not doing anything wrong, I think MissH was trying to point out that there are quote options to use which helps the threads move smoother and read more understandibly (is that a word?) Anyhow, that way the reader doesn't have to scroll all over the place. I didn't know that about the quote function or the edit post when I first started. Even now there are times when I get too excited and post one after the other. At one time I was listed on LP as one of the top posters, or blabbers or whatever :lol:



ETA: see I was typing while Hazel posted before me, so she made the point better than I

Edited by Raq On
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