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I just got some B2 in an unscented beta spray (2x strength). I tried some out at work yesterday with one spray to the chest/throat and another on the back of the neck. It had me feeling super-relaxed all afternoon and I had a following...every time I turned around, there were guys hovering and horsing around! ;)

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I just got some B2 in an unscented beta spray (2x strength). I tried some out at work yesterday with one spray to the chest/throat and another on the back of the neck. It had me feeling super-relaxed all afternoon and I had a following...every time I turned around, there were guys hovering and horsing around! ;)

Robert, were you able to try Boy/Boy ? if so....how would you compare the older version to this NEWER version ? just curious, also if anyone has any feedback, I would welcome it !!

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Robert, were you able to try Boy/Boy ? if so....how would you compare the older version to this NEWER version ? just curious, also if anyone has any feedback, I would welcome it !!


Yes, I have a bottle of Down & Dirty for Him boosted with Boy/Boy and I think they are pretty darn close with how the fellas react to me wearing it, but I do get a more pronounced self-effect of being put at ease with the B2.

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Yes, I have a bottle of Down & Dirty for Him boosted with Boy/Boy and I think they are pretty darn close with how the fellas react to me wearing it, but I do get a more pronounced self-effect of being put at ease with the B2.


awaiting Elementary2010, seriously considering that w/ B2, Thanks Robert !! any women feedback ?

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To compare them...Boy/Boy makes me feel cuddly whereas B2 gives me total calm. I love them both but there are nuances of difference between them in my experience. B2 gives me a feeling similar to Teddy Man.


Love B2 so so much!


PS: I told you, Mr. R!!! ;)

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To compare them...Boy/Boy makes me feel cuddly whereas B2 gives me total calm. I love them both but there are nuances of difference between them in my experience. B2 gives me a feeling similar to Teddy Man.


Love B2 so so much!


PS: I told you, Mr. R!!! :thumbup:


Yes, you did! :lol:

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Ok, so besides enhancing moods wherever I go, it is great for sleep. When I have put some on before bed or sprayed my pillow, I sleep really well...almost too well. I wake up before my alarm goes off and can't go back to sleep, but don't wanna get outta the comfy, phero-laden bed, either. :happybirthday:

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  • 2 months later...

I love this stuff! It puts me in a total "I don't give a rats ass" calm cozy mood. And , yes, I waited until PMS time to test it. I so have to get a bottle of this!

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Yeah I was in a bit of a grrr mood today and since I have more writing to do I needed to chill out.

*slathers Delicious Wood w/B2* (aka my Purr Potion)

Mission accomplished! :lol:

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An emphatic YES to all the comments about the soothing qualities. This stuff is a miracle calmer for me; I'm seriously going to need vats of it. I suffer from disgustingly prolonged PMS symptoms (I have very, VERY out of whack periods and am looking into going to a new gyno for it because my current one isn't doing shit), which include amped up irritability, anxiety, etc., never mind that I already battle anxiety and depression issues, but this stuff makes me feel like I'm wrapping a soft blanket around these things and significantly dulling the edge. I'm over the moon that I've actually found something I don't have to actually ingest to help put me more at ease when I'm going through PMS hell or just frazzled in general.

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Have any of the girls had a bad reaction from the public when you wear it? Have you tried it?

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I've worn it to work but not in a blatant influential kind of way. Tangentially, however, I did not notice any negative reactions from either sex.

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Ok, so I haven't tried this one as B2, only as Unisexy...and only on myself, but this is another phero that's love at first sniff for me!


Unisexy is totally sexy & comforting....very snuggly indeed. I'm sniffing my arm where I applied it & it makes me feel just the way I feel when I sniff Mr Cheeky's neck...which I do when I'm stressed or upset...he let's me "sleep" on top of him with my nose by the crook of his neck while he watches TV when I need to de-stress :) He's like my own walking Valium :) This darn potion makes me feel exactly like Mr Cheeky does!



Btw... am I the only one who also gets a very sexy vibe from this...not in the way of feeling sexy, but the kind where you feel you "have to get some...right now!"? This makes me want snuggle sex! I didn't really try Cuddle Bunny (just couldn't do the scent) but that's the perfect name for B2 if you ask me! It makes me all cozy snuggly AND horny! Where the heck is Mr Cheeky when I need him eh?

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  • 2 weeks later...

I wonder if this would be any help to a girl with a broken heart? Not me, but I am thinking about a friend of mine. If not this one, are there any other pheromones that would help with that? That's probably too tall an order for a lowly chemical compound to soothe, but it crossed my mind.

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I wonder if this would be any help to a girl with a broken heart? That's probably too tall an order for a lowly chemical compound to soothe, but it crossed my mind.


I reckon it's a great idea :D This phero makes me feel all snuggly & comfortable. It's great for PMS & I get the emotional type of PMS where I feel really blue. B2 really smoothes those feelings over. It's not like Lace or Wooozy Floozy in that it brightens my mood and makes me giggly happy, but it lifts my mood & makes me calm & snuggly feeling. It's like being all snuggled up on the couch with a huge fluffy blanket, hot chocolate with marshmallows, watching an open fire....or a hot naked man :)

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If I could only find one that wouldn't talk....



This might work, HA ! and there's always duct tape :)



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All this talk about it making you feel calm and snuggly makes me think this would be awesome at Christmas time. You know, calming from the stress of the holidays and also feeling comforted. That's the time of year when everyone either needs a bit of extra comfort for themselves or wants to exude those feelings to everyone else.


Edit: I got a name: "Comfort & Joy". Now got to come up with notes. :(

Edited by Darbla
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Somebody above asked about reactions from the public, but what about reactions from your SO specifically? How is a guy going to react to his girlfriend/wife giving off a "male at peace" vibe? It seems kind of strange.

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I've never worn B/B or B2 around Quince so I can't speak to that, but I have worn both to work and I haven't been able to get appreciable reactions from my co-workers, although it certainly makes me feel better to be around them! ;)

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Somebody above asked about reactions from the public, but what about reactions from your SO specifically? How is a guy going to react to his girlfriend/wife giving off a "male at peace" vibe? It seems kind of strange.



I was actually curious about this the other day, when I was preparing for a blind date. When I'm stressed, I reach for Unisexy. When I want to smell amazing, I reach for Unisexy. But I wasn't sure how a boy would react to it! I mean, I guess it would Not Compute? Since it is a male pheromone and a guy would be like, "hm, I am getting male feelings from this girl, weird..."

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  • 3 months later...
So odd- I've tried this several times, even at high strength, and I don't really notice any self-effect other than maybe mild relaxation...?



It probably just doesn't effect you. I don't really get any self effects from Stone Cougar, I still get hits I just feel anything from that blend really.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Ok so in swiping TT's newly purchased bottle of B2 boosted Areion Sky (I did the purchasing), I've come to realize I Love This Blend! I'm getting great self effects from it, & it has a very similiar feel to Dianne's DG blend (Dianne also supplies B2). There is a less commanding aspect to B2 & I haven't gotten the chance to see if men have the same reactions to me wearing this one yet.

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  • 7 months later...

I am experiencing this in a Rose Cookies melt. I had not one but two infuriating phone calls in a row: incompetent, interrupting, non-listening, nasty, customer service people who both HUNG UP ON ME! I tried one more time and got a moron who, though he never did satisfy my concern, was at least not nasty.


Normally the first person, let alone two such people, would have sent me into an uncontrollable rage - few things make me madder faster than customer "service" power plays like that - do people know what is happening in the economy and how lucky they are to have customers and jobs? - but, although I felt rage, it was restricted to my tummy, and I was able to continue talking calmly to the moron. I must attribute this almost involuntary-feeling self-control to the B2. I mean, I could feel the rage boiling deep within but it felt sort of peacefully "tamped down" from outside. Pretty cool.

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Normally the first person, let alone two such people, would have sent me into an uncontrollable rage - few things make me madder faster than customer "service" power plays like that - do people know what is happening in the economy and how lucky they are to have customers and jobs? - but, although I felt rage, it was restricted to my tummy, and I was able to continue talking calmly to the moron. I must attribute this almost involuntary-feeling self-control to the B2. I mean, I could feel the rage boiling deep within but it felt sort of peacefully "tamped down" from outside. Pretty cool.


YES. This is exactly what B2 does for me, especially when I'm PMSing. My temper can literally make me fly off the wall but it's almost as if the phero douses the flames in water ahead of time so maybe what would have been a fire may smolder but never actually rages.

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All I know, is that the this one calms my MIL. I don't mind having her over if she's in a good mood :D

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Wow, invi the water-on-fire is SPOT ON what I felt. You know, I've trialed b2 before but didn't notice any self-effects so I thought it just wasn't for me...turns out it's just not for me if I am in a okay mood, lol. Pretty amazing stuff.

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  • 9 months later...

Okay so here is my long overdue review on B2. Some of you might recall, I had a little big fuckn ticket to take care of, and my court date was set for Valentine's Day. What some of you didn't know was that my license was suspended not because I am a criminal, but because I don't like to be bothered with silly things like tickets and writing down important information such as court dates.

I didn't know what to wear to V day Judgemenot 2012 and took the advice of my fellow friends here and busted out the B2.

That morning I wore Lady Luck, The Summoner's Spell, Special Delivery, ( all in small amount on different parts of my body )

and I topped it off with spritzes of B2 and Frosted. I know what a combo! I probably smelled like a homeless person after being dragged down the Sepulveda Basin for miles.. but I didn't care. I have complete faith in LP.


I listened to my intuition and covered up the twins, told them to take a nap. I dressed in black leggings, a black blazer, black suede boots, wore my hair in a bun, no makeup, purple scarf ( for a punch of color ) and my leopard skulls and hot pink back pack from Hot Topic. I wanted to look like someone's grandchild.


The sheriff lets us know that this judge does not mess around. Don't speak unless spoken to. Only yes or no. She is no fuss, and likes to get things moving fast.


Out comes John Voight's female Skeletor Crypt Keeper sister with Nick Nolte's hair. The one from his mug shot several years ago... fuck. I trembled, shook and shat my pants.


I silently wept in my seat and awaited my flaying. Then something happened. Some lawbreaker decides to tell the judge to fuck off. He did not come prepared. She asked for proof that he was not driving. He told her he didn't have it. She said " come back when you do, moving on"

Psycho for some reason thinks that he is Spartacus and is going to gladiate his way to freedom because he is innocent.


" me? me? you are not prepared, I do not have your papers. come back when you do. next "


That infuriated Sparty and he screams louder, ' NO YOURE AN ASSHOLE IM NOT COMING BACK ASSHOLE '

I mean the guy was crazytown and I was silently praying that Jem and the Holograms would appear to save the day before this motherfucker stabbed or shot all of us.

Jon Voight looked at him and laughed. It was the laugh we have all heard when we are denied anything from anyone in authority.

banks denying loans, timewarner denying reversal of porn I didn't order, Maria denying me any slice of happiness..


Dear Jesus, I have never been more afraid in my life. I thought, I am either going to die from dissentry because she scares me, or this man is going to blow us up. Several seconds passed and Sparta started to walk and scream towards the gate that separates the stadium seating from the movie. 2 sheriff people jumped, lunged and took him away..


My heart was beating fast now. I almost died, and now I am almost going to die again. She is not going to let me off that easily.

She called my name and I went up. The whole time I am thinking.. no whammy no whammy no whammy..

She reads of my list of offenses. I plead guilty . I confessed. I did it. I did it all. I shot JR . She says to me that she will reduce my bail, then said my license was suspended and I had to go to the DMV to get it reinstated and I could do community service.


She was soft! She was not Skeletor. She was human. She was a grandma. She spoke softly to me, I think I even saw a shimmer in her eye..


I was okay with whatever she said, believe me..When the clerk called my name to ask if I wanted to do community service or pay,

she was also very sweet. Usually the county court clerks are whores. Whores, whores, whores. She was so patient with me when I asked her questions like " Can I do community service at a morgue or in a coroner's office " She gave me information and let me list out the pros and cons to community service vs. paying. This can be very annoying for most people, but the fact that I am a Libra and basically in my home and element ( all things judicial and judgy are supposed to be Libra associated) I needed a BFF to talk to and get this info out of my head. She did not mind one bit. We even stated talking manicures and admired each other's nail color. I could hear the uprising starting. I asked her what I needed to do to reinstate my license.

She said I needed to do nothing. It was all taken care of for me. I could drive.


WHATTT? I didn't have to go the DMV and wear a flea and tick collar? I didn't have to be tortured by the plastic chairs and stale smell of lost souls and Virginia Slims?


OMG I was thrilled!!!!!! It really was a pleasant experience for me. Everyone that worked there, including the judge was friendly and cheerful. B2 rocks.

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Sweet. The traffic court gods love you. A flare up right in front of you in situations like that are usually your friend. It is actually a strategy - create a flareup in front of someone/thing you need to slide through.


I had something like that happen to me once. I got a BS ticket once - a serious one - reckless driving. I tried to work it out with the State Trooper and the DA but no deal. The trooper was even arrogant about it. So I asked what I should do - they said plaed guilty and offer and explanation if the judge will take it.


The guy right in front of me was up for something really serious - and started giving the judge lip about what he would do and would not do. The bailiffs were on the verge of hauling his ignorant a@@ out when he calmed down. Big tension in the courtroom.


Then I am up. I plead guilty with an explanation. Judge acts bored and asks for the explanation as he is filling out the paperwork. I explain what happened very matter of fact. His head jerks up, gives me a very irritated look, turns to the trooper and asks if I have any priors. No. Then asks the trooper if the citation really should have been XXX (something like 1 point on your license and certainly not worthy of burning up his time in this zoo) and the trooper says Yes.


He looks at the DA, then me, and says Dismissed. A message to the trooper and the DA about wasting his time I assume.


Did you pay or can I make a special request for Community Service? Sure could use some good albondigas ...

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Your epic tale of effectiveness aside...:lol:


She was soft! She was not Skeletor. She was human. She was a grandma. She spoke softly to me, I think I even saw a shimmer in her eye..

See, this is why I wouldn't work in the judicial system for any amount of money...because think about what happened to you that day times 261. Being human is probably the hard part for her. So I bet she appreciated your calming phero-laden vibe.

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Your epic tale of effectiveness aside... :lol:



See, this is why I wouldn't work in the judicial system for any amount of money...because think about what happened to you that day times 261. Being human is probably the hard part for her. So I bet she appreciated your calming phero-laden vibe.



I couldn't deal. I could barely deal with whiny people when I have to talk to them on the phone.. but being the final word on things would be so cool.


@QC I opted to pay to avoid missing dates with death and any other mishaps.

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Did you pay or can I make a special request for Community Service? Sure could use some good albondigas ...


@QC I opted to pay to avoid missing dates with death and any other mishaps.


Rats. Foiled (and hungry) again ... lol.

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