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Raven Moon and Raven Moon 2009


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Well, turns out it was just like I thought...I like Raven Moon 2008 better than I like 2009! :) Don't get me wrong, 2009 is nice, I do really like it, but the 2008 brew... Well I REALLY like that one :lol: Good thing I got my hands on 2 bottles in trades...

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Raven Moon 2009 is very nice, but a little too maple-y for my tastes....I have a full bottle on my trading post for sale or swap.....

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Hey Dolly!


is this one anything like Me, Jane?


Just wanted to know...



See, I never got maple from Me Jane.....on me, I got banana....lots and lots of banana.....with a little hint of coconut.....

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See, I never got maple from Me Jane.....on me, I got banana....lots and lots of banana.....with a little hint of coconut.....



Hmmmm now I am definitely interested in trying this one...


LOL...no banana on me....maples and coconuts maybe...very sweet definitely!!

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I never smelled maple in Me, Jane! either, it was other people who said I smelled like maple. Like, just about everyone. :party: To me, it smells like it's supposed to. Since Raven Moon '09 is meant to be as close to the '07 version as possible, read my original post in this thread for my impressions, because I was nicely pithy again. :happybirthday:

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I never smelled maple in Me, Jane! either, it was other people who said I smelled like maple. Like, just about everyone. :party: To me, it smells like it's supposed to. Since Raven Moon '09 is meant to be as close to the '07 version as possible, read my original post in this thread for my impressions, because I was nicely pithy again. :happybirthday:



OK Luna65!


will do!!

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  • 5 months later...

(off work...I have some sort of virus, but I swear it must be laryngitis or early stages of the flu, as my glands are swollen, throat terribly sore and lost my voice)


I received a sniffer of Raven Moon 2008 the other day and since I decided to play in the lp goodies today (my fav thing to do), I decided to try this one...


I like it a lot...so much so that I am hoping to score some in a trade/purchase from SB (whenever she sees her thread)


I don't know what the 2009 smells like, but I have a feeling this would be the better of the two for me...It is very pretty... I do get some of the violet, but I get a creaminess as well...it goes on my skin a lil strong at first but dry down morphs into something totally different, once it settles it is sweetness, not gooey sweet, floral just lightly, slightly creamy, soft and sensuous to me... I can tell this one has some staying power and throw as well...like so many of the scents, I don't think it will take much of this one.


I could easily see this layered over OCCO Purple, or for those who like it OCCO Black...or even some LAM Honey Vanilla


but yeah, this is nice and it will be nice to have a bottle.


be blessed -djac


ETA... I knew I smelled vanilla...thats where the creaminess came from...ah ha!

Edited by djacquelynstew
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N'kay I had to pull out my bottle to see which one I have - it's Raven Moon 2008. This is one I really love, and surprisingly so does DH (usually he's not a fan of anything very sweet).


Now I'm curious about 2009 though - may have to get me a bottle just to see what the difference is for myself. I can't imagine not liking it since I adore the 2008 version....

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N'kay I had to pull out my bottle to see which one I have - it's Raven Moon 2008. This is one I really love, and surprisingly so does DH (usually he's not a fan of anything very sweet).


Now I'm curious about 2009 though - may have to get me a bottle just to see what the difference is for myself. I can't imagine not liking it since I adore the 2008 version....


I have a bottle on my trading post.....I like it, but it is a little too maple-y for my tastes....

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I have a bottle on my trading post.....I like it, but it is a little too maple-y for my tastes....
I can't seem to message you right now, but I'd be interested in that... I love the sweet, honey & maple scents! I don't think I have anything you want, apart from maybe in trial sizes, but I'd happily PayPal you, or swap for pyro work.
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I can't seem to message you right now, but I'd be interested in that... I love the sweet, honey & maple scents! I don't think I have anything you want, apart from maybe in trial sizes, but I'd happily PayPal you, or swap for pyro work.



Sounds good scorch....my yahoo email is in my profile....you can email me there and I'll give you paypal instructions!

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  • 2 months later...

This is for Raven Moon '08. '09 is on the way, and I'll add that review when it arrives.


This stuff is amazing; it manages to be both nomable and sinister at the same time. It's very complex and has my nose constantly sniffing to pick up all the amazing components; none jump out at me distinctly but all of them blend together very smoothly and I get the hint that each one is "there" but that they're parts of a larger and more complicated whole. The sweet, creamy vanilla, honey and fruits come out first, and then the sinister shadows of spices, resins and smoky vetiver emerge. Violet, which I was never a fan of in soap or candles, does something amazing on my skin, and it isn't prominent but definitely adds depth. Very unique and very addictive! I can't wait to see how the '09 version differs.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Thanks, Dolly - lovely stuff! :)



You're very welcome, Scorch!!

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  • 3 years later...

Necroing a review thread! I have 2 wee vials of this from previous purchases. I smelled it before and thought "that's nice," but now it's the only thing I wear since I ran out of my sample of LP Red (in 2 days)' which is what REALLY revved my engines.


On me it's heavy maple and maybe even brown sugars, a lil 'nilla and a powdery resin beneath. Very chewy and delectable! It's serving its purpose as a LP Red replacement until my full bottle comes, ahahahaha.

Edited by lalaDinky
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all this talk of maple makes me want pancakes, like, NOW!

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  • 2 months later...

I really wanted this one to work because of the description. In the bottle it smelled pretty odd. In the bottle I got loads of vanilla and very complex food ingredients with something slightly bitter and pungent smelling underneath. Wet I got all of the vanilla and something very creamy. I did get the pungent part on my skin.


A few hours later I found this to be a challenging fragrance to figure out. It was deep and so unusual. I couldn't say that it smelled badly, but it didn't wow me either. Later I started getting hints of fruit.


The next day the fragrance flip flopped on me. It smelled odd to me at times and then it smelled really good to me at other times. It had a nice staying power. I think the pungent part was the maple syrup. Maybe pungent is the wrong word, but the maple syrup was really noticeable on me and that combined with honey other sweet things made that part of the fragrance smell really overpowering in a slightly unpleasant way.


The next day I found that the sweetness was too sweet for me. I actually got nauseous. It had to be the maple syrup.

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  • 2 months later...

After reading all of the reviews I expected that I would get a lot of maple type notes which is a great thing because I love that note and everything I've tried with it in the perfume. However, it's strange because my first thought was that this reminded me of Sex & Violins. I'm thinking it's the honey. Is it just me?


ETA: I pulled out S&V and I have to say that initially I still get that feel of similarity but Raven Moon dries down softer, creamier. S&V is very forceful. I could see wearing Raven Moon as the day version, S&V for night.

Edited by StoremyWhether
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I ordered a bottle from the sale. Can't wait. For some reason I thought this was GGG. I had gotten this in a sniffee and liked. I'll be adding my updated review soon. my package just sent yippee


ETA: So in the bottle it smells like Brown Sugar! yippee. For some reason I thought RM had more of a rosemary or lavender scent along with the spices, but I'm probably confusing it with HO HO Ho. Just dotted on skin in the car and must re apply. Can't smell anything yet.

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I ordered a bottle from the sale. Can't wait. For some reason I thought this was GGG. I had gotten this in a sniffee and liked. I'll be adding my updated review soon. my package just sent yippee


ETA: So in the bottle it smells like Brown Sugar! yippee. For some reason I thought RM had more of a rosemary or lavender scent along with the spices, but I'm probably confusing it with HO HO Ho. Just dotted on skin in the car and must re apply. Can't smell anything yet.


Did it turn out the way you remembered it? The more I wear this the more I like it!! I don't get as much brown sugar though which is a bummer because I love brown sugar and maple scents I wonder how this would do maybe with a dab or two of LAM Brown Sugar?

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I wore this again today and applied a bit more liberally. I get brown sugar in the bottle, but on I get more.....what? I can't describe: pine? no, hmmm, juniper berry? Not sharp like a pine but not syrupy like a sugar either. But at least NOT perfumey. I will probably end up mixing it but not yet. Want to get a read on it. It's spicy but I can't put my finger on the spice.



Includes 3 types of rich Amber resins, 3 kinds of aged and Indonesian Patchoulis, and 3 types of delicious Vanilla and Vanilla Bean, plus Apricot, Cinnamon, Resins, Honey, Maple, Musk, Pecan, dark Sugars, Sandalwood, Verbena and more.



Ah, verbena and maybe some honey or amber. I don't like musk at all but there are enough other things in here so it's okay. The pecan in it reminds me of Vicars and Tarts.

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But you love Sex & Violins, and that has musk too!


I know! That one was a wild card for sure. I think it's the ONLY musk I can wear. I'm sure I have other scents with musk but I only tolerate the musk b/c of the other ingredients. Maybe S and V is so resinous with other things that the musk takes a distant back seat.

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I decided to wear this today and I swear this is like S&V's little sister! I always picture that every time I roll this on. I like it a lot. There's so much to it I can't really get any one note. I can still smell it now about 13 hours later and it's still got a wee bit of vanilla lingering... sort of like the last lingering effects of LP Red.

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I wore this yesterday again and applied a bit more. This time other notes came through. Besides the verbena and apricot, I did get some resins, but not nearly as amped as the description, which, in my case is a good thing. This is a more subtle scent on me, made so, I believe because of those floral and fruity notes. It balances out all those dark scents to make a sort of earthy, yet feminine scent.


ETA: This scent is JUST PERFECT when I'm burned out on just resinous scents and want a more sort of "Perfumey" scent. Usually on these boards I complain when a scent turns perfumey on me and by that I mean so overwhelmingly floral that I smell like a dept. store. I amp florals like mad so I don't like them. They never meld with my skin, just sit on top and blow their flowery trumpets waaaay too loud.



But RM has just a hint of floral on me that mixes with is resin notes to create more of a warm, clean type scent (reminiscent of Sneaky Clean) but with a hint of spice that makes it just smell sort of warm. I get just the mildest of patchouli but not the "dirt" smell, more of an earthy floral-just a hint and in the distant background is the spice. Not the typical Brown sugar spice but I'm guessing more of the Amber? Not sure, it's not a sweet spice but more of a honey-ish.


This is a nice change from the sugary resins I normally wear.

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Guest Dreamer

OK, this is the follow up from yesterday...


I was alone with "the boy" :heart0974: and eventually decided on using my Raven Moon 2009 with LFN.

Oh my word ... the scent of Raven Moon 2009 on me is like pure gold-dust. It seemed to go through several phases of scent and all were beautiful and scrumptiously yummy ... I walked to "the boy's" house and I could not stop smelling myself and I felt wonderfully feminine and mysterious and alive ... :3d-prom-queen:

When I arrived at his, "the boy" was glued to my side and sooo attentive - even with me being full of the cold!. He even commented on the scent - "is that sandalwood?" Now, he usually does not like any scent - usually saying it is best if I don't wear it. So I countered, "Don't you like it?" And his response, "I didn't say that!"


So, Mara, may I commend you on getting the approval of one of the fussiest most analytical men on this planet ?! :clapW2:



He was in the middle of making me dinner when he just pulled me upstairs and, oh my, lets just say that he excelled himself in attentiveness and kindness ... and again later that night ... :love:


Sooooo, I feel like a beautiful, cherished :say10948: today...


And now I shall have to leave you all for a little while - I just sneaked down to give you all an update... and I will post our adventures again soon when I break out some other scents!


Have a wonderful, magical day! :witch1095:

From Dreamer




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  • 2 months later...

This one I hadn't worn in awhile. It was so stinkin hot here up until mid-November that it seemed all hot and sticky on me. But, I pulled it out tonight and it's sooooo lovely. I was doing stuff and I kept getting whiffs that smelled so good. First time around it seemed incense-like and reminded me of Sex & Violins but now, I get this very smokey maple feel, lightly sweetened. I'm not sure if it's because it's aged some more (and no travel shock residue) or whether the change in weather has mellowed it out. Either way, this just smells comfy and perfect for cool days. It's so relaxing, I am wearing this to bed and probably tomorrow as well!!

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I've been eying this up...vacillating between sample or FB. I was sure I wanted to just jump in FB, maple, sugars, vanillas, honey, amber - pecan even! Is READS like it's got my name all over it...then I see patchoulis, resins and 2 dozen other notes not mentioned and I'm thinking - "What will this smell like?! Will I love it or what???" Then I talk myself into the sample and use self talk like -"What if I really like it? I'm so impatient...could I wait until next month to order the FB?" :lol: Hopeless, right? I think this last month has taught me that I CAN wait...it's just whether or not I'm likely to.....:D

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I have to say NuTrix, all the notes you mentioned were exactly why I bought mine. However, how they all blend together is not how the final product smells on me. It kind of sounds like it would be foodie but its not really. That was where I had to rearrange my thought process. It's very rich and "dark". I think someone equated it with a similar vibe as LP Black and I would say that it definitely lends more of that feel that a foodie vibe. Whereas Rocket Fuel always makes those around me hungry for waffles or pancakes, this maple is different. It reminds me a lotion and scrub I love... at first, I couldn't wrap my head around maple in it until I realized its more organic, less sweet, almost like the tree itself. That's how I feel about this one.


I really love it. It's a bit incense-y at first but once the dry down starts, it's truly amazing. If I hadn't already thrown on some Patience Potion (yeah, that kind of day), I might roll this one on because it's a warm, inviting scent. I don't think you would go wrong because it seems like your combos and love have been rather simiar to mine.


My nose tends to want to do its own thing though compared to many on here but Raq liked Raven Moon too so she might be a good person to give a different perspective in case my nose and chemistry are thinking outside the box again!! :D

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I've really got to try this one again. When it came to me, months ago, I immediately tried it out in my excitement, without giving it any time to settle from travelling. The result was something strange and disturbing- almost slightly horrific- that bore no resemblance to any of the wonderful reviews on here. I've been a bit scared of it ever since. Storemy's description has inspired me to be brave.

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Vladmyra, I'd say at least give it another try. You know how our chemistry goes.... everyone adores La Syph and for me, it just wasn't a love. :( I tried this first in very hot weather and although I liked it, it felt sticky and too rich I think for the heat. This one seems to favor cooler weather for me.


Once you get past the initial roll on, that's when I think you'll get a much better idea of whether you like it!!! Be Brave!! I think Mara has a potion for that but I wouldn't suggest you mix them. ;)

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Thanks Storemy! I DO quite like LP Black now, though I don't believe at my induction to LP I was "ready" for it then. I did re-try with a sample first...attempting to show restraint, lol, and of course wound up with a FB. I have RM on my list for this month...if I can JUST hold out for the NRs....and I thought Dec was rough - HA! Now I CAN order and am ....am....WAITING!???

This is so not me :lol:

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Isn't it funny/strange/AWESOME how our thoughts change the more we delve into different scents and become acquainted with more notes? If I remember correctly, I had to wait awhile as well before I truly appreciated Black. I guess when you are new and first coming from retailer perfumes, I think what I've come to realize is that retailer "dark" perfumes are still rather sheer while feeling heavy. I know that probably doesn't seem to make much sense. They've tended to be, on me, heavy/loud but without having any substance, any complexity.


The darker/richer LPs have a body to them. Whereas I always viewed darker scents as too much like having a ton of furs thrown on you, smothering you on the bottom, the darker LP scents have been intense (like that word best for Black) but deep. There's a story unfolding. There's substance to them that I now find lacking if I sniff something at a store. Actually I guess I find that with all LPs. Even the very sheer and light scents have a body, a story waiting to be told - sometimes soft and gentle, playful and sparkly, melancholy and reflective but always telling a tale.


And to segue back to Raven Moon while noting that no animals were harmed in my representation of furs above, this is that type of perfume. I might not have given it a chance when I first came here but I definitely notice that my nose impressions have changed with time and I can appreciate it much more now because now I can pick out the nuances I couldn't have before.


*I was very tempted to start ordering too but working on waiting for the NRs. My resolution this year is patience and trying to order only once a month but it's hard. So, so hard. LOL

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LP has been parallel, in a manner, like my journey from processed foods to whole & organic foods.


Like you mentioned about retailer scents...The commercial perfumes have skewed what I thought fragrances smell like - chemical, artificial and flat. I never knew they could have depth, bloom and metamorphosis throughout the length of it's wear in ways that only add mystery, excitement and anticipation...every time it's worn!


You have me excited to try RM for sure! I'm think RM will = :heart:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Wearing a sample of this - Thank you, Molls!


At first in the bottle it was too much for my brain to sort out. Then on, in the forefront I was thinking patch and resins? Seemed dark, spicy, woody and something underneath that seemed...fruity? So I waited, because trying to get my brain to understand what my nose was smelling was going to make my head explode :lol:

Well! About 30-40 minutes in the spicy woody resins begin to share time with the cinnamon, vanillas and other sweet things...I did get the maple too...but there's A LOT going on. I was very happy with the turn to the foodie direction without actually being entirely foodie.


I DO get that there is a note in here that reminds me of something in S&V without being alike in overall scent, but there is something familiar. Maybe a similar resin or amber?


If there are still bottles when the NRs are released, I will have to claim one in my order! :)

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  • 1 month later...

I have slathered myself in this today and am LOVING me right now :D I'm SO glad I finally warmed up to resin scents. I've got a handful of lovely scents like this one to keep me happy for a very long time :)

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