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Phero Girl: Dominance

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Oh, I have already hit the daiquiris, believe me! The world of pheros can be indispensible, in many areas of everyday life......it just takes an open mind.....and to see them as something other than just mating signals......


Yah, unfortunately, we're dealing with men here. Everything is a mating signal. Brushing your hair, smiling, looking at them, saying hi. This is why they see pheros as a way to get laid. It all comes down to that. We're a little more complicated. Maybe I'm wrong, but this is how I see it:


For men

Respect = power = admiration = get laid

Talking = openess = likes me = get laid

Cuddling = fun = trust = get laid


For women

Beauty/Sexiness = tease = maybe get laid

Cuddling = closeness = relationship = maybe get laid if in the mood

Respect = confidence = power = tell men to shove it where the sun dont shine

Talking = friendship = reaching out = get men to tell the truth

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So YES, pheros are fun in the sexual arena......A LOT OF FUN.......but phero use can assist in so many other situations than just sex (or attraction).....


Ok rant over.....


I would definitely agree... hence my exploration of how various pheromone blends can affect my students. I do, however, feel less than comfortable about using products including copulins around them though, for various reasons, some of them obvious...

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For men

Respect = power = admiration = get laid

Talking = openess = likes me = get laid

Cuddling = fun = trust = get laid


For women

Beauty/Sexiness = tease = maybe get laid

Cuddling = closeness = relationship = maybe get laid if in the mood

Respect = confidence = power = tell men to shove it where the sun dont shine

Talking = friendship = reaching out = get men to tell the truth


I always feel so very grateful and so very blessed that My Beloved and I have all of it... respect; balance of power; openness/communication; cuddling; fun; the utmost of trust.... and an incredibly healthy sexual relationship... while he certainly doesn't see a woman's every move as a mating signal, and we respect each other's autonomy, there is no denying that our simple existance, our "being", is a turn-on for each other... so, yes, my brushing my hair is a turn-on, but only because it is me, his Beloved, engaging in an intimate action (and, a woman's hair has certain seductive qualities to a Jewish man...) but, then again, my catching sight of his handwriting on the grocery list hanging on our refrigerator is a turn-on for me, because it is his handwriting, the handwriting of My Beloved....

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I always feel so very grateful and so very blessed that My Beloved and I have all of it... respect; balance of power; openness/communication; cuddling; fun; the utmost of trust.... and an incredibly healthy sexual relationship... while he certainly doesn't see a woman's every move as a mating signal, and we respect each other's autonomy, there is no denying that our simple existance, our "being", is a turn-on for each other... so, yes, my brushing my hair is a turn-on, but only because it is me, his Beloved, engaging in an intimate action (and, a woman's hair has certain seductive qualities to a Jewish man...) but, then again, my catching sight of his handwriting on the grocery list hanging on our refrigerator is a turn-on for me, because it is his handwriting, the handwriting of My Beloved....


Awww, you are very lucky. My over exageratted point is, we're human's and we all long for those things. It might be from many, it might be from one. Depends on the person. But the longing and wants exist in all of us. Pheros bottom line is to get us what we want.

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Oh, I have already hit the daiquiris, believe me! The world of pheros can be indispensible, in many areas of everyday life......it just takes an open mind.....and to see them as something other than just mating signals......


Although pheros can be fun and amusing to send off mating signals :o They are great for adding edgein the work place and one of my personal favorites, is bringing others out of their "shell". I find certain mixes can give guys and girls alike more guts around me. I love seeing the influence my pheros have had on my Best Friend. There is so much fun and experimentingto be had if you open yourself up to it :blink:

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Although pheros can be fun and amusing to send off mating signals :o They are great for adding edgein the work place and one of my personal favorites, is bringing others out of their "shell". I find certain mixes can give guys and girls alike more guts around me. I love seeing the influence my pheros have had on my Best Friend. There is so much fun and experimentingto be had if you open yourself up to it :blink:



That's exactly what I was getting at.....I have been using them for over 4 years now, and they are useful for so many things, and so many situations.......

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Yah, unfortunately, we're dealing with men here. Everything is a mating signal. Brushing your hair, smiling, looking at them, saying hi. This is why they see pheros as a way to get laid. It all comes down to that. We're a little more complicated.


Not all men are like that, though. Yes, many are. The trick is to find the ones who are not. My man and I have a relationship similar to Chai and her beloved. We have a VERY active sex life, even though we are both over 40 (he is actually nearing 50).......but we also enjoy each other's company. VERY MUCH. At this age you begin to realize that you are going to be spending a long time with SOMEONE. You'd better make sure that you have more in common than just the physical. Like Judge Judy said.....Beauty Fades, but Dumb is Forever.


Pheros ARE fun in the sexual sense......BUT they can also assist in the workplace, dealing with the same sex as well as the opposite sex. And, as CC has stated, they are also good to get people to open up.....men and women alike. Thats all I was saying......they can be useful for so many things other than sex......

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  • 4 weeks later...

I received PG Dominance in my first order and I wasnt sure about it. I love the phero mix that is in it so I really wanted this scent to work. When I spelt the vial I got an over power of powdery rose (a scent that I cant handle too much of). Wet on the skin, the same smell of roses with a lil something else but mainly roses. I put this one aside to try again as it was overpowering for me but I really wanted it to work.


So I decided to pull it out and test it again, I thought by chance I could add or mix something with it to tone down the roses. What I have now noticed is this is a well layered scent that over time the different additives come out to shine. When I put it on I got the overpower of rose that dried to a burnt plastic scent on my skin :D However After having it on for a bit the roses calm down and the cocoa absolute, and orris butter come through with such a nice richness. I am really quite enjoying it now, the scent has even morphed a bit more on me to bring back a lite rose scent with the butter and cocoa. It is a nice sweet powdery finish, very nice ladies!


CC :001_tt2:

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I find it has a lovely rose note; I have only discerned the other notes in the vial, but I think it's great for work, it gives off a good "respect me" vibe, and it makes me feel pretty without feeling too girly (which freaks me out, heh).

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Not all men are like that, though. Yes, many are. The trick is to find the ones who are not. My man and I have a relationship similar to Chai and her beloved. We have a VERY active sex life, even though we are both over 40 (he is actually nearing 50).......but we also enjoy each other's company. VERY MUCH. At this age you begin to realize that you are going to be spending a long time with SOMEONE. You'd better make sure that you have more in common than just the physical. Like Judge Judy said.....Beauty Fades, but Dumb is Forever.


Pheros ARE fun in the sexual sense......BUT they can also assist in the workplace, dealing with the same sex as well as the opposite sex. And, as CC has stated, they are also good to get people to open up.....men and women alike. Thats all I was saying......they can be useful for so many things other than sex......


Very well said... I am in the same boat and use other pheros for others things as well BUT adding a little spark to the already great sex life is such a nice little bonus... isn't it..

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Very well said... I am in the same boat and use other pheros for others things as well BUT adding a little spark to the already great sex life is such a nice little bonus... isn't it..


So glad to hear a man chime in on this.....thank you Michael.... :)

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Mmmmmmmmm, this scent is surely growing on me! Every LP scent that I initially do not enjoy but give a second chance because of all the wonderful reviews I read on it, I end up LOVING! These scents are so layered giving something new and delightful at every scent, everywhere.


I have my collection sitting beside me at the comp and OMG I love the aroma that wafts up from it!



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Mmmmmmmmm, this scent is surely growing on me! Every LP scent that I initially do not enjoy but give a second chance because of all the wonderful reviews I read on it, I end up LOVING! These scents are so layered giving something new and delightful at every scent, everywhere.


I have my collection sitting beside me at the comp and OMG I love the aroma that wafts up from it!




Me too !! I'm not a 'roses' kinda girl, but this different, I'm going to give another try tomorrow.


liz :A002:

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Me too !! I'm not a 'roses' kinda girl, but this different, I'm going to give another try tomorrow.


liz :20628860864593fef0b8f29:


Yes, this one is very different......I have adored it since day 1. And, the phero kick is wonderful for work.

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Yes, this one is very different......I have adored it since day 1. And, the phero kick is wonderful for work.


Hey Dolly, are you exhausted or what ?? tax seaon is over - FINALLY



liz :)

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Hey Dolly, are you exhausted or what ?? tax seaon is over - FINALLY



liz :)



Oh yeah, worn out......but things aren't going to slow down considerably for about another month.....I am now doing 1st qtr payroll taxes..... :)

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Oh yeah, worn out......but things aren't going to slow down considerably for about another month.....I am now doing 1st qtr payroll taxes..... :)


You're kidding ??!!!!!

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You're kidding ??!!!!!



Nope, 'fraid not.....the first quarter of the year is always hell for accountants.....payroll deadlines come right on the heels of the regular tax return deadlines....

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I can only imagine ...... BUT !!!! I'll have 'cocktail' for you !!

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I can only imagine ...... BUT !!!! I'll have 'cocktail' for you !!



Thanks Liz......actually, I'll need for you to have 2 or 3 for me.....

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  • 1 month later...

Ok, I know this one is sold out, but at the urging of some of the other ladies, I have decided to post the experience that I had with Dominance the other day.


I have mentioned before that I have used the Dominance with cantankerous clients with great results. Well, I have one who is a real A**hole. He has been giving me a problem via the phone and email, to the point of almost dropping him as a client.


Well, I had a face-off with him recently. I wore about half a bottle I think.....literally in a cloud of chocolate and roses.....


When he got out of his vehicle, he was basically snarling at me, telling me that once we got inside, we were going to "discuss" the situation, and added....."I don't think you're going to like what I have to say." So, I answered, "Well, then, I'm SURE that you're not going to like my response."


So, we go in, and I was sitting down, chatting with his wife as he went to the restroom, etc. He came stomping back in the room, and walked over to me, ranting and raving about how he was paying me, and I was going to do things the way HE wanted them done. I stood up at this point, and got about a foot from him. I told him that I don't work that way, and that if he wants it done properly, he needs to "shut up and let me do my work". I told him, "Otherwise, I will be more than happy to drop these files on your desk and you can handle it yourself."


At this point, he stalked out of the room, came back in and was preparing to open the store. He looks up and says, "You know, I like you. You really know what you're doing." And then, after we talked about what we need to do to get his tax situation under control, he said....."Remind me to never make you really mad at me."


After he left the room, his wife said, "He complained about you all the way to work. This is wild. I have NEVER seen him back down like that. WITH ANYBODY."


By the time I left the place, he was loving me......telling me how happy he was that I was working for him, how good I am at what I do, etc etc etc. Yeah, it is partially me, but much more due to the Dominance, I think......

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Great report, Dolly...wow, what an a**. It's great that you stood up to him like that, though. Good going. ;)

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I'll tell you what, I love Dominance not only for the effect on others, but also the self-effects. It gives me that "I am woman, hear me roar" feeling. I guess because I am already naturally an alpha-type person.....Dominance helps put me more "in my element".....LOVE IT.....

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  • 4 months later...

OK, so another encounter with the jerky client and Dominance....hehe....this was the original scented one.....I will be posting another review on the unscented after an appt that I have tomorrow.....


So, I went the the jewelry store to pick up some documents, client being grumpy, his wife mumbling to "ignore him, 'cause he's in a bad mood".....I was dealing with her, and he was wandering in and out of the room. He walked in as I was getting ready to leave, and brought a diamond ring that he had made recently. I thought he was just showing it to me, and so I said "That's nice. Good work." He looked at me and said...."No, I want you to have it for finally getting this stuff all straightened out. You saved us over $20K" Then he gave me a big hug. I was stunned, to say the least.


His wife was as stunned as I was. She said, "He was complaining all the way here. When you get around him, his whole attitude changes."


Thank you Dominance!!

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OK, so another encounter with the jerky client and Dominance....hehe....this was the original scented one.....I will be posting another review on the unscented after an appt that I have tomorrow.....


So, I went the the jewelry store to pick up some documents, client being grumpy, his wife mumbling to "ignore him, 'cause he's in a bad mood".....I was dealing with her, and he was wandering in and out of the room. He walked in as I was getting ready to leave, and brought a diamond ring that he had made recently. I thought he was just showing it to me, and so I said "That's nice. Good work." He looked at me and said...."No, I want you to have it for finally getting this stuff all straightened out. You saved us over $20K" Then he gave me a big hug. I was stunned, to say the least.


His wife was as stunned as I was. She said, "He was complaining all the way here. When you get around him, his whole attitude changes." Thank you Dominance!!


You're not going to change your mind now about sending me your extra bottle of Dominance - scented, are you, Dolly? I need diamond rings too, you know! ;)

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You're not going to change your mind now about sending me your extra bottle of Dominance - scented, are you, Dolly? I need diamond rings too, you know! :frown:



Absolutely not! I have that extra one set aside with your name on it! Will be heading your way soon.....I am batching the soap as we speak!



Lifesgood, try the unscented.....it works just as good.....TRUST ME.....and, you can layer it with the fragrance of your choice.....

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Absolutely not! I have that extra one set aside with your name on it! Will be heading your way soon.....I am batching the soap as we speak!



Lifesgood, try the unscented.....it works just as good.....TRUST ME.....and, you can layer it with the fragrance of your choice.....


I'm so excited, I can't stand it!!! :frown: Dolly, can you send me two bars of soap instead of one? Please, please!!

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I'm so excited, I can't stand it!!! :frown: Dolly, can you send me two bars of soap instead of one? Please, please!!


No problem, hun.....will do!

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Oh cool thanks Dolly! I didn't realize that the unscented was still available I will definitely give it a try!



Oh yeah, and it's really good too! I wear it for work more than I do the scented version, because it allows for more flexibility in scent choice......

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  • 2 months later...

Dominance never ceases to amaze! Today, I was gearing up for a meeting with a client who was nice at first, but has recently become more aggressive and demanding. My sweetie texted me to say "good luck with your appt, and don't forget your Dominance".....hehe.....he gets tickled with my stories about this one!


So, anywhoooo, I had a new experience with this one. One of my favorite clients showed up, and he is usually very cooperative. Today, not only was his usual self, but he was quite PROTECTIVE, also. We were talking before the other client got here, and he said, "Well, I'm staying until he gets here.....if he gives you any trouble, I'm gonna beat his a** !"


I just giggled, and told him it was ok for him to leave.....so, he did.....so anyway, the jerky guy gets here, and walks in with a big chip on his shoulder. Starts informing me of how he wants things done. I sat him down, and started explaining to him what he needed to provide me with in order for me to do my job.....and, that he was to provide this info in a prompt manner, but NOT tell me how to do what I do. My arm was very close to his face at the time, and I talk with my hands, so roses and chocolate were wafting everywhere. Within a few minutes, he was sitting there like a good boy, nodding and listening intently to everything I was telling him.


I love this stuff! Scented or unscented, IT ROCKS!!!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Please help!!! I am having trouble covering this one, and I'm really sensitive to the yucky smell! I'm about ready to cry, 'cause I think this would be so helpful at work with my super-hard-headed boss (female). I'm so afraid someone will ask my why I smell like stinky male armpits!!

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yes, I waited about 15 mins for drydown, then attempted to cover with Pink Sugar. I might just be sensitive to the scent of the pheros, but I don't have anyone to ask (don't want to mention them to hubby).



The "male armpit smell" is the androstenone.....one question, did you shake the bottle before applying? The pheros in the unscnted blends float on top until shaken, so you may be getting a monster-dose.....

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God I love that stuff!!!


Sorry, that does nothing to help you, but I just had to blurt that out. :) I adore the scented one (sadly sold out). and it's been my favorite work blend. I don't know if it literally physically and/or mentally gives me a bitchin' edge or if it's just in my head, but that's irrelevant as long as it happens. ^_^

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God I love that stuff!!!


Sorry, that does nothing to help you, but I just had to blurt that out. :) I adore the scented one (sadly sold out). and it's been my favorite work blend. I don't know if it literally physically and/or mentally gives me a bitchin' edge or if it's just in my head, but that's irrelevant as long as it happens. ^_^


Me too! I love both the scented and unscented......

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