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Sparkle Fuchsia

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Yes I'm situational in my choice of scent, if something is too loud for the workplace or there is one my nearest and dearest (Q and the kiddo) absolutely do not like on me, then I would only wear it when I was alone. But my primary intent in that statement is I don't wear scent to be validated by others.

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Trouble is- i LIKE the spicy scents, so do you trust others or wear the scent for yourself? It's no fun if you are the only one who thinks you smell good.



People have varying tastes in what they like, so if you're wearing it all day better make sure you like it. lol.

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The more I think about Sparkle Fuschia the more I want to order a full bottle. Last time I wore this Bosshole complimented on how good I smelled, and was sweet to me the whole day. Apparently it's a gay magnet for me so a full one it is, I'll do anything to evade BH's bitchiness at the office plus it smells pretty and makes me feel sparkly and shiny. I'm adding it to the BH protection arsenal.

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Last time I wore this Bosshole complimented on how good I smelled, and was sweet to me the whole day.



That is quite possibly the funniest word ever....


S.F. is going to be my first full sized purchase item next month. LOVE IT. It stays true on me.

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That is quite possibly the funniest word ever....


S.F. is going to be my first full sized purchase item next month. LOVE IT. It stays true on me.



It's a very sweet and sparkly fragrance! I'm going to put it in my next order!

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I'll definitely get some in my next order. An Italian dad (50s) sat beside me last night at the school concert. He came late and the show has already started. What's worst is that his seat was right smack in the middle (of 20 seats) in the front section. So I got up and brought him to right next to me.


We chatted quite a bit during the interval and after the show. Must be the effects of cougar and the cops (OCCO Red)!

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Mmm, this is such a yummy, sweet, spicy scent. Foody, but not overly so. Just right - can't wait to see the effect it has on my guy... I've already had several male coworkers go out of their way to prolong conversations with me today, lol

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I love Sparkle Fuschia! I love the smell, but don't get any self effects, I'm thinking of boosting with lace though or something else. Or maybe I'm not spraying enough, I do go light on the spray because I have the trial vial.. I'll have to douse myself in it

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  • 2 weeks later...

My heart seems to race really fast when i wore this yesterday? Is this supposed to happen? If not, does anyone know what is causing the fast heart beat? :yeahthat:

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Guest icing

I don't get the instant warm!fuzzy!joy! I get if I step into a spray of Perfect Match, but if I'm in a good mood (I'm normally somewhere around stupid!bouncy), Sparkle Fuchsia seems to give me an extra kick of hug-everyone-bouce!


Scentwise, I get the plastic-tinged-candy berry smell that showed up when I tried out Fallen Angel, so I'm a little heart broken there... but I finally *get* the Cougar-Phero love, and I think I may need to get in a spray, scented with something else.

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  • 1 month later...

It really does smell like the color fuschia might smell! Sexy, sweet and bright, with just a hint of very soft powderiness, the pink sugar and vanilla blend perfectly with the pumpkin to make one scent, yet I can smell them each individually, if that makes sense. Absolutely scrumptious, a light gourmand that makes me keep having to smell my arm, even as I'm typing this, lol.


Initially after spraying it, I felt a lift in my energy and in my mood that settled into a comfortable feeling of strong sexy confidence. I definitely need to try this one out in public, if the self-effects are any indication! I've always wanted to try the Cougar unscented, now I need a bottle of that as well as one of Sparkle Fuschia. Dammit!!

Edited by Sillykitty
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I don't get the instant warm!fuzzy!joy! I get if I step into a spray of Perfect Match, but if I'm in a good mood (I'm normally somewhere around stupid!bouncy), Sparkle Fuchsia seems to give me an extra kick of hug-everyone-bouce!


Scentwise, I get the plastic-tinged-candy berry smell that showed up when I tried out Fallen Angel, so I'm a little heart broken there... but I finally *get* the Cougar-Phero love, and I think I may need to get in a spray, scented with something else.


Yes, I have also noticed that if I am already in a fairly good mood Sparkle Fuschia completely puts me over the edge! I love that joyous feeling I get with it and pass it on to everyone around me. I usually layer it with Occo White I have my best days at work wearing this combo. I haven't even tried Perfect Match yet, I should go read those reviews...I like the idea of instant warm!fuzzy!joy!

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I heard from my great pal who is back from the States recently (and that means my bottle of spray and 2 bottles of oil) is here so I brought my sample vial out to use. Just a single spary and a few dots of OCCO Red and I was told by my colleague that I smell very, very lovely and edible.

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Yes, I have also noticed that if I am already in a fairly good mood Sparkle Fuschia completely puts me over the edge! I love that joyous feeling I get with it and pass it on to everyone around me. I usually layer it with Occo White I have my best days at work wearing this combo. I haven't even tried Perfect Match yet, I should go read those reviews...I like the idea of instant warm!fuzzy!joy!



And I thought my good mood was from the scent itself! Must be a self effect too. SF is still my #1 favorite. I just got a bottle of tera's tickled pink and that too is GREAT. But the extra oomph in the SF makes it hands down the perfect scent for me.


I have a trial of OCCO white. I will try that with SF.

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  • 1 month later...

This is so delicious! As usual, I'm late to the party, but what a fabulous fusion of vanilla, pumpkin, amber - it's like a more intense, sexified version of LP Pink, which I love. And with Cougar to boot! I'm not sure yet if I like the alcohol-based spray, but I prefer Mara's oil base in general.

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I think there's a thread on here somewhere about SF in oil. I remember seeing it.


Hmmm,ya know I remember,Mara said she made some up in oil....personally I love the delivery of this one in the spray...total Sparkle :)


In fact,after my shower and some lunch I think this will be just perfect for today !!! :ph34r::yeahthat:

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  • 2 weeks later...
....personally I love the delivery of this one in the spray...total Sparkle :)



I have this in both. Spray turns out to be lighter and oil lasts longer. I'll prob use oil and refresh lightly with spray.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I decided to use both oil and alcohol today. I applied some oil on my body before I left home in the morning and added 1 tiny spray (from sample vial) on my throat and 1 tiny spray on my hair when I got into my office an hour later.


This is the first time I wear the oil version on my body. The scent turned slightly (a tad bit) of powdery on my forearms. Not quite the baby powder but a soft pink powder scent.


I'm with Calii. I love the delivery of this one in spray.

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interesting to know that an oil can amp different than the alcohol base. Joc I forget, are you a fan of the spicier scents?


I never noticed the 'powdery' scent when I use the beta previously and it could be because I only use the beta on my hair. With the oil, I had to smear the oil with my wrists and I sniff my hand during the day. I bought the oil form because I wanted the scent to last longer on my body. In fact, I bought 2 bottles, thinking of keeping it in my vault but it has dropped out of my friend's luggage along with LadyV's Sugar Kisses.


I'm not a very big fan of spicy scents but I like LP Red.

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I know, I checked the stock this morning. I wanted to get another but I received an email from PP that my account has been limited as I didn't send them the info they required.

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  • 4 months later...

I don't know why I haven't reviewed this one before...but I love it so much its one of my LP faves...


I love it 'cause its the Only Pumpkin scented fragrance that works with my skin chemistry


I love it 'cause I find it the overall scent very soothing and calming


I love it 'cause the Cougar phero blend plus the fragrance itself are magical together...


I went to visit my family in Puebla last week and met many relatives for the first time in my life...I only took my bottle of Sparkle Fuchsia with me and wore it everyday....everybody loved me, I noticed most women were very nice to me, except for a dominant type of cousin...and men....they were very

attentive....at some point I even noticed an excessive attention from my male cousins...kind of scary,though...



I honestly enjoyed the females' attention I got from Sparkle Fuchsia a lot, because women tend to not like me....so I guess Cougar does soften my rough edges after all...


About the scent, on me the pumpkin presents itself all wrapped in pink sugars...at some point I do get a cinnamony note, but there is no cinnamon in this one...I also get the drop of lemon, but very subtle...I love the way it smells on me from start to finish, even when

it is barely present at the end...




Hope one day Mara rebrews this one!

Edited by Gabylicious
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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 months later...

Have some bad news about rebrewing Sparkle Fuschsia. :(


Yes, I found the recipe, and it's over 25 ingredients from ELEVEN different suppliers, and I am out of most of the ingredients. There's a couple of the suppliers I was not even planning on ordering from again.


Sooooo, sorry for getting everyone's hopes up. I can make something similar, but I cannot make the same thing with the same ingredients again. Apologies!


But, yes, I can make a different pink pumpkin scent. For those that were interested, want to help guide me?

Such as, how much spice, how sweet, how much of the fleshy pumpkin scent, how much of the berry sugars, etc. ???

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Have some bad news about rebrewing Sparkle Fuschsia. :(


Yes, I found the recipe, and it's over 25 ingredients from ELEVEN different suppliers, and I am out of most of the ingredients. There's a couple of the suppliers I was not even planning on ordering from again.


Sooooo, sorry for getting everyone's hopes up. I can make something similar, but I cannot make the same thing with the same ingredients again. Apologies!


But, yes, I can make a different pink pumpkin scent. For those that were interested, want to help guide me?

Such as, how much spice, how sweet, how much of the fleshy pumpkin scent, how much of the berry sugars, etc. ???

I can always do plenty of spices, but then I *am* a Spice Ho. You know, Mara, looking at the list of notes at the beginning of the thread...I think I'd probably love whatever you'd care to put together. Sparkle Fuchsia's rowdy cousin. Use the lady from the Bang bottle--she's the other side of the Sparkle Fuchsia lady, yes? Maybe she could be photoshopped a different color...and put Bang in it...?

Oh, I'm just rambling. Glad you're back! :w00t:

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Such a good eye! Yes, I love that model. For SF I photoshopped that sparkling pink beaded curtain background for her, but yeah, same photo shoot. I could prob find another pose from it to use. There's a bunch of her with a guitar too, if I remember correctly!

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Such a good eye! Yes, I love that model. For SF I photoshopped that sparkling pink beaded curtain background for her, but yeah, same photo shoot. I could prob find another pose from it to use. There's a bunch of her with a guitar too, if I remember correctly!


HAH,had to go look at a bottle,you are sooooo talented :hearts09793:


Sparkle Fuchsia Zircon Glace Glitzy Clashy Witchy Trashy...will this be with Cougar ? :lol:

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Geeze, those are GREAT! First I was going to say I liked the black outfit better...but I *am* a sucker for plaid, platforms, and distressed tights. And pink hair, of course. The guitar on the bottom looks a lot like Matt's Les Paul Custom Black Beauty (I could roll around on that thing for days. If my plumbing weren't gone I would have its baby. But I digress...). Are those your guitars, Mara? And did ya photoshop-out the logos? Ah hell...I think I do like the bottom shot best. The way she's got her shoulder lifted and is looking sideways is most excellent. :)

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Have some bad news about rebrewing Sparkle Fuschsia. :(


Yes, I found the recipe, and it's over 25 ingredients from ELEVEN different suppliers, and I am out of most of the ingredients. There's a couple of the suppliers I was not even planning on ordering from again.


Sooooo, sorry for getting everyone's hopes up. I can make something similar, but I cannot make the same thing with the same ingredients again. Apologies!


But, yes, I can make a different pink pumpkin scent. For those that were interested, want to help guide me?

Such as, how much spice, how sweet, how much of the fleshy pumpkin scent, how much of the berry sugars, etc. ???


PUMPKIN ~ Fertility, plenty, abundance, prosperity. Male sexual stimulant.

SUGAR ~ Attracts love, luck, sweetness and riches. Lust inducing.

VANILLA ~ Aphrodisiac, inspires happiness, playfulness, sexual arousal, lust, vitalizing.

AMBER ~ Fertility, creativity, love, luck, riches.

BUTTER/CREAM ~ Nurturing, soothing, eases troubled relationships. Goddess energy.

NUTMEG ~ Strengthens clairvoyance, luck, money, health, fidelity.

ALLSPICE ~ Luck, health, properity, money.

LEMON ~ Energizing, uplifting. Longevity, faithfulness, fidelity, friendship. Used to attract spirits.

STRAWBERRY ~ Attraction, draws fortunate circumstances in all areas of your life.



Oh man, since this is in my top two favorite fragrances from LP i hope i can give accurate input with my wonky nose. What I loved bout SF was definitely the pumpkin, yes, but it wasn't a sickly sweet or candle type pumpkin, it smelled more like a cookie. Also it wasn't "spicy" like RED or Comp Positions is spicy, but more of a bakery spicy.I usually stay away from amber and anything lemon, but somehow this all combined to make the most AMAZING scent. I think def. the buttercream should go in there. I don't know the difference between fleshy pumpkin and the other kind. I know that my pumpkin shake rattle and roll doesn't smell at all like pumpkin on me, and neither did pumpkin juice cocktail. But SF hd the pumpkin factor on me. And I loved that it was amped with Cougar since that phero can go either way: sexy or social.


I would go heavy on the pumpkin and spice And not too much honey or amber. But whatever you did to make it smell like a bakery/spicy/pumpkiny/cookie DO THAT AGAIN LOL (I just read my post and it's probably not even helpful) I will try to dig out my empty bottle and smell it.


What make SF so different and unlike the other spicy cookie scents? (which always end up smelling like play doh on me or like candle?) Oh please someone with a better nose and a more evolved olfactory mechanism help me out here. I sound like a complete doofus....


At any rate, this is me right now:



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What I loved about Sparkle Fuschia was the pinkness. I think you can never go wrong with pumpkin and pink.

What about a cotton candy buttercreamed allspice pumpkin. The pink and pumpkin should sizzle.

Oh what about the ingredients in Amber Enchantment? That has resins and pink sugars and ambers no?

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