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Cops & Robbers

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I'm thinking of wearing this to work tommorow with BBM, does anyone feel that will be to much cops in play?

I would think so, unless you really want to wear that much.

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I love Cops and Robbers. I often wear it alone, because I don't want to smell like a pussy pastry.


HA!! That's hysterical!!


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I love Cops and Robbers. I often wear it alone, because I don't want to smell like a pussy pastry.


LadyV.....LOLOLOLOLOLOL.....thank you for my morning giggle!!!!

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I tried my sample of Cops and Robbers today.

I dont think the scent is good on me.

After 2 hours It still smelled strange.

I think I will stick to vanillas.

I feel like the only ones that work on my skin are vanilla scents.

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This is a freebie sample from Mara, I love it. I have the cream version already, it's nice to have the scent to top up with. I've always toyed with the idea of ordering this, but never have. It does indeed smell like jam donuts and coffee, heavier to me on the donut side.

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Two minutes after opening the sniffie of this one, it was being added to my ever-expanding Must Buy NOW LP list. The scented cream was great, but the fragrance didn't initiate my must-buy sequence. The fragrance oil is a whole different thing. Not only did it initiate the buy-now sequence for me, it initiated other sequences for the boyfriend. Gotta love those sequence initiators. :sleazy:

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Two minutes after opening the sniffie of this one, it was being added to my ever-expanding Must Buy NOW LP list. The scented cream was great, but the fragrance didn't initiate my must-buy sequence. The fragrance oil is a whole different thing. Not only did it initiate the buy-now sequence for me, it initiated other sequences for the boyfriend. Gotta love those sequence initiators. :sleazy:

It sounds like this one really delivered for you....LOL
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It sounds like this one really delivered for you....LOL


Yeah, well, it put a major dent in my housecleaning plans, but, you know, sometimes a girl's just gotta take one for the team and consequences be damned. :lol:

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I just near enough got bolognese up my nose! i totally agree, bf is an afternoon guy so anytime he's not working and in the mood i pretty much drop my knickers :D or else we'd never .. I might put some for bed though , i like cops for sleep too. Plus i have my bargain silk nightie i got secondhand all washed (£2.50...can you believe it?!).

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I just near enough got bolognese up my nose! i totally agree, bf is an afternoon guy so anytime he's not working and in the mood i pretty much drop my knickers :D or else we'd never .. I might put some for bed though , i like cops for sleep too. Plus i have my bargain silk nightie i got secondhand all washed (£2.50...can you believe it?!).


I think if you use your silk nightie and C & R you should be all set

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  • 3 months later...

So... I received my bottle yesterday along with a bunch of other stuff and when I first smelled it out of the bottle, it was bad... It smelled like cops with a hint of coffee... But mostly cops. I got disappointed at first, but then decided to be brave and put some on my wrists. Again got a bad whiff of cops.... Then my phone rang (this is all going on at work >_<) I distracted on the phone for about maybe 10 minutes or so and when I hung up I realized that my wrists don't smell like cops anymore. After this stuff dried down, it turned into a very sweet berry scent that I can't get enough of. Haven't had a chance to test out how the Pheros in it work, but the scent is fantastic!

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  • 1 month later...

Being new to pheros I've been starting slow, exploring my new collection with small amounts of a single blend. I've worn Cops and Robbers by itself and Un SS4W layered with non enhanced fragrances. Nice stuff, but no noticeable hits.


Today was my first day combining an unscented phero (SS4W) with a fragrance enhanced with cops (Cops and Robbers). The results were AMAZING!


My Morning: First thing in the morning, my hubby commented on how pretty I looked, on my way to work I had I guy I was on the train with run ahead of me, just so he could open the door for a "beautiful woman"...I get to my office and my normally standoffish coworker comments on my coat, she asked me if it was new and gushed over it. I've been wearing the same coat to work for about three weeks now, and she see's me every morning. Then another coworker came over and asked me if I had my hair done as it looked amazing. I haven't had it done for months and didn't make any special effort this morning. See where I'm going with this? Definite hits!! I'm having a lot of fun with this! Too bad I had to hide out by myself for the rest of the day.


About the fragrances themselves..

With the Un SS4W I smell nothing on myself. There is the initial burst of alcohol which burns off in seconds, then zilch. I trust that it's doing it's job though. I have the 60/40 alcohol mix in the spray and I've been using three sprays. One on my chest, on my wrists and in my hair.


Cops and Robbers needed some time to warm up on me. Initially it was super sweet, like very strong cherry or strawberry..but when it dried down it is lovely. Sweet, but with depth, I liked it more and more as the day went on. It lasted all day too, which on my skin is impressive! I rolled a small strip on my wrists and a little v on my chest.


I think cops and I play very well together, I see us becoming great friends :wink88:

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  • 3 months later...

I can't believe I haven't reviewed this one yet -- it's stealthily working its way up my favorites list! Fresh on, I get raspberry jam and the softest hint of coffee and coconut. As it dries down and settles, the doughnut aspect really starts to emerge, and the jam -- I swear, I don't know how Mara does this! -- morphs to jelly. It's quite distinct from some of the other pastry scents I've tried, definitely jelly doughnut (I'm guessing it's the guava that gives it that particular sweetness). As always, the cops put me in such a good mood that I'm inclined to like smelling whatever I have on, but this is a surprisingly delicate scent, one I wouldn't be afraid to wear out and about (as opposed to OCCO SLF or my copped Eye of the Moggie!). Yummy in every way.

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I wore this to shovel snow today as I needed a boost to get rid of these 6 inches of snow… This blend is so amazing, its like a donut shop in a perfume… I love how the jelly part of this comes out full bloom and I even got a neighbor kid to help shovel with me…. I'm so glad I purchased more of this one when I ran out of my bottle...

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  • 5 years later...

When I first got this, the raspberry was a bit too strong for me. As I have so many other LP's to play with, I put it away in the "yeah, I dunno" section. I don't know why I grabbed it today, but I'm so glad I did! There were a few moments of "um, smell me, I smell good..." and then I mostly forgot about it.

Eight hours later, there's still a sweet coffee cream and perhaps a bit of amber lingering on my wrists. I'm not a big fan of berries on me because my skin can make them go sideways, but not so much when there's cops involved. I know cops are considered stinky, but they tend to enrich and ground a few scents that I wouldn't otherwise enjoy.

If you have a bottle gathering dust, bust it out! It made me real happy today, and it's my understanding that it has not insignificant amount of cops, so I expect it to rev some motors later this evening.

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  • 3 months later...

I'm on my last bottle of Cops N Robbers and I still love this scent for bedtime.  It's such a fun scent and just makes me happy when I wear it. I have never been a pastry scent kind of person and this is the only pastry scent I have been able to wear...This one continually morphs on me throughout the day from coffee to jam. As this one has aged, it has gotten better and better...

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