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Cuddle Bunny and Cuddle Bunny 2009

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The Pharmacom version does have copulins in it, but I don't know if it's the same concentration as Ail's formula for PG Cuddle Bunny. I can smell the CB phero base in my add-in, it reminds me of SS a bit, but not as overtly metallic. As I said in another thread, it seems to have a bit of an edge to it, slightly more sexually intense.

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  • 1 month later...

This smells fantastic! Light and girly like I have always been looking for but not quite able to find! Anyway...

My male cat Felix (who normally follows me from room to room but stays just far enough out of reach so I don't bug him) has been all over me since I put this on. And I love it! I have missed my sweet boy cuddles! :D

I should have been wearing pheromones a long time ago!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Worn alone, this comes out light on me, but a little bit sharp, like there's a faintly disagreeable grapefruity or bug-spray tinge to it. Not the good kind of CP grapefruit. I do think it might be good for layering, so maybe I'll give some of Chai's layering recipes a try.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hello ladies,


I just purchased my first pheros cuddle bunny. What can I say about it, I love it alot because it does exactly what the website says it will do, cuddling and affectionate. I just have a question. TG said he has LUST for me, which I contribute to the pheros so is there any phero here that will bring out the love part?? Thanks in advance.

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You'll want to visit the Pheromone FAQ subforum to read specific discussions regarding the properties of the pheromone blends, there's a lot of great information there. But Soulmate and Treasured Hearts sound like the blends you'd be interested in, although IMO truly lust/desire is something which is amplified by pheromones but I wouldn't say it's caused by them. Pheromones enhance our natural qualities and emotional states but they have to be there to begin with in order to be exploited.


Though I imagine someone might have a different opinion, of course.

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Hey Luna, Thanks for the response. I agree with the enhancing part that pheros plays. Just to make sure I understood perfectly what pheros does I still wanted to post and make sure I wasn't missing anything. I used to wear DM 2000 unscented, at that time I started, I didn't know if that was for men or women until i later found that there is DMFM for ladies which I worn and stopped because it seemed to have sexual hits. While wearing these, the guys seems to be in love and lust with me. That's why I asked this question about pheros. What drew me to this site was the unscented version because I am not much of a perfume person.

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That's why I asked this question about pheros. What drew me to this site was the unscented version because I am not much of a perfume person.


that made me giggle a bit, trust me once you get some of the scents from here you will love them. They arent just perfumes they blend with your personal chemistry and give each person an unique experience so dont be afraid to try some. You will be hooked on them because they are by far the best I've ever tried.

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that made me giggle a bit, trust me once you get some of the scents from here you will love them. They arent just perfumes they blend with your personal chemistry and give each person an unique experience so dont be afraid to try some. You will be hooked on them because they are by far the best I've ever tried.



Ahh vivica, you probably are right about the scent blending with each individual chemistry. For me, it might get some getting use to. I went ahead and try the sample perfume sent to me called LP winter. I found that smelling straight from the bottle was kinda eh, but when put on my wrists after several hours, the smell was rather nice. Will I buy more of this? Maybe not, but I might keep trying the samples though. Thanks!

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Ahh vivica, you probably are right about the scent blending with each individual chemistry. For me, it might get some getting use to. I went ahead and try the sample perfume sent to me called LP winter. I found that smelling straight from the bottle was kinda eh, but when put on my wrists after several hours, the smell was rather nice. Will I buy more of this? Maybe not, but I might keep trying the samples though. Thanks!



Yes, each person's individual skin chemistry makes each scent here smell different. You will pick up on that by reading more of the reviews......everybody gets a different impression.


Also, since the scents here are not stabilized by chemicals, they go through a natural "morphing" process on your skin. They will smell different on application than they do as time passes......it can take from 30 min to several hours for a scent to fully develop......BUT, that's the fun part.....



Also, hun.....luna is absolutely correct. Pheromones will NOT make someone fall in love with you. Period. It may HELP to initially attract them to you, but keeping them there is your job. AND, she is also correct that Pheros will not make someone who is NOT turned on by you start lusting after you. It doesnt work that way. They have to be "into you" to begin with. The pheros help to amplify that.


For example......imagine that you are wearing pheros and you walk into a party. There are some men there who find you attractive and some who don't. The pheros are not going to change the minds of the ones who do not find you attractive. But, it will enhance the feelings of the ones who already find you attractive. It can also help to tip the scales in your favor if someone is "on the fence"......

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hey LifeisSweet, you're on the right track with cuddle Bunny if you're looking for feelings of affection and bonding. Cuddle Bunny contains estratreanol (sp) and it is a pheromone put out by pregnant women that inspires feelings of protection and wanting to take care of the wearer. You can also try Treasured hearts, as it is designed to make men feel committment and to want to nest. The Forevermore phero perfume would be good too. The Beta Androstenol sold by LP gives the impression you have known ther wearer for a long time and encourages deep communication and a feeling of connectedness. It has been called the best friend phero. Soul Mate unscented phero is another I am thinking of for you as it takes things out of the sexual arena and causes that feeling of bonding soul to soul. I think a combo of all these at different times would do the trick if your guy just needs some "fine tuning" lol! Good luck!!

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  • 3 weeks later...

k I finally tried scented cuddle bunny and I really do know which version it is. I got it from tempest teapot. it's sweet, fresh and very nice, smells good with honeyed seductions too. Something about it makes me think "pear" though.Wish I had a bottle now:(

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wow. this one and i get along fabulously well.


i wore it today to class. i was sitting next to this guy and he kept bumping his arms with mine, flirtier than general, and kept cracking jokes! he didnt say anything about how i smelt good or anything like that, but i think at one point he like.. sniffed me. :blink:


afterwards, i sat next one of my friends and she was like.. you smell really pretty. what is that?


went to my research work thing later, one of the coworkers, who btw NEVER talks to me, strikes up a conversation about how she feels bad that i have to work a lot. kept hovering around to ask if i wanted water (kind of strange) and asked what perfume i was wearing because it smells really pretty.


i actually layered cuddle bunny with TAL from androtics. and i think it worked with my signature really well.. i know it did anyways because everytime i layered EST with TAL i always got good results :)


soo far so good :)


im hoping to try that.. blatant invitation at one point also :)



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Okay remmy, now you made me want this! lol, added to my shopping list hehehe!


I'm so glad, I requested a sample of this! but daym, it didn't arrive home yet!

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Okay remmy, now you made me want this! lol, added to my shopping list hehehe!


I'm so glad, I requested a sample of this! but daym, it didn't arrive home yet!


hehehehe well u made me want blatant invitation! tell me how it gooooes!! hurry hurry hurry!!!



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another hit with cuddle bunny:


skipped class today (sick remmy) but i had to show up for my meeting. i got there, all those guys surround me, like BAM. "aww ru okay?" "how ru feeling today? i heard u were sick this weekend" "do you want me to get you something to drink?" "wait, lemme open that for you"


i mean, they are all my friends but usually they.. really arent THIS accomodating. also ive gotten "what ARE you wearing? it smells really really good" from this one guy that im kind of friends with. along with numerous guys trying to carry my incredibly feminine bookbag for me.


so yes. i think cuddle bunny is working fiine for me :thumbup:


ps. esmeralda, ive caved and bought blatant invitation. hehehehe we are soo bad :offtopic:

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Nice remmy, glad the boys are catering :wink2:


I was debating on what to wear tomorrow for school and I think Cuddle bunny will be perfect! I wore LP pink last week and I got some great attention from a youngin in my class and I want to wear a good playful scent to keep up the harmless fun :D Scentwise and pherowise cuddle bunny will be perfect!

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LMAO remmy! I think you'll like blatant invitation. When I smelled it from the bottle I could smell the cops like crazy, so I feel like I'm going to love this baby! I'm going to test this darling demain :wink2: tell ya how it goes!


I tried cuddle bunny today at home (so I have no reports/hits, will try at school demain - no wait, I was going to try blatant invitation! dayng! so I'll this day after :D ). It is certainly a very very "pure" scent, makes me feel like a baby. It's so soft, white and cuddly, not to mention sweet but not cloying. Very, very beautiful. I'm so glad I requested this as my freebie sample (thanks mara for letting me try both!)


What shocked me is that I like this ---alot--- better than my pink sugar dupes, and sugar'd honeycomb O.o which kinda scared me lol cause I used to be a cotton candy/honey fan...and now I want a full bottle of this (added to my shopping list...)


My dad is not going to be happy when he looks at my bank account statements lol

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hahaha wellll wear cuddle bunny when u talk to ur dad and he'll probably tell u to buy another one :D


o btw, u know what works really well for me tho, is to amp up cuddle bunny with 100mcg of EST if you have it :D


basically, my old tg has been really strange the last couple of days. calling in to make sure if im okay if i missed class etc etc. but heavens no, we cant get back together cuz of his horrible parents. well whatever, he shoudl've been nicer when i was really into him :wink2:


im gna wear my blatant invitation when it gets here and sit next to him and exact my revenge. mwahahaha.. ugh i cant wait to hear how it works on you esmeralda!



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I ordered for eow, but I switched it for a full bottle of scented cuddle bunny. There's something really special about this potion! I'm so fricken glad, I tried a sample of this, it's wonderful! you have no clue how happy I am to get a full bottle of this!


Yesterday, I just realized that I can't live without this scent! The eow blends perfectly, and becomes part of the parfume! And both men and women are so friendly to me all the time! Without a miss! Even my grumpy dad doesn't get pissed when I bust his cards lol, they're all smiley and nice. About today:


I went to see the owner of the mall about a fundraising event for my class vernissage (okay, this woman is really annoyed by me, cause I've been trying to see her for the past few weeks...yes I'm persistent!, and she was all busy and stuff). And when I wore cuddle bunny, she was all nice, and her employees treated me like I'm a delicate crystal or something. "Hey, just wait 2 mins, and I'll be back okay?...Sure hun!...Have a nice day sweetie!" (okay I don't know what to think of this...mood fluctuation? or actual potion, but I feel like it was cuddle bunny!) And believe me, those employess and owner weren't so nice to me in the past year, they'd just be stiff and stern, and totally mean to be honest.


I would recommend girlies to get this one!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Does anyone get a masculine smell from this? I put a sample of it on my shoulder and I keep gettting whiffs of something that reminds me of a man. I'm willing to admit that it may just be me; however, I've learned that I'm not as unique as I'd like to believe. :) Hopefully it hasn't been THAT long since I've smelled a man close up that I'm starting to have delusions.

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Does anyone get a masculine smell from this? I put a sample of it on my shoulder and I keep gettting whiffs of something that reminds me of a man. I'm willing to admit that it may just be me; however, I've learned that I'm not as unique as I'd like to believe. :) Hopefully it hasn't been THAT long since I've smelled a man close up that I'm starting to have delusions.


Sorry hun you aint that unique :) well you probbly are, "in your own way"..WHAT I AM TRYING TO SAY IS...I too noticed a masculine scent note to this one too, just last week. I was actually going to post about it, then apply it to my BF to see if it smelt good on him...BUT THEN I remembered the EoW in this one, lol. Not quite what I want my boyfriend to wear :D lol I REALLY love this one! I totally wasnt sure at first, but now I love it! and have 2 bottles and MANY testers, I have been debating getting a forth! lol :blue_dancing_banana: :msn_red_fox_smilies-09:

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Sorry hun you aint that unique :TotakekeBannana: well you probbly are, "in your own way"..WHAT I AM TRYING TO SAY IS...I too noticed a masculine scent note to this one too, just last week. I was actually going to post about it, then apply it to my BF to see if it smelt good on him...BUT THEN I remembered the EoW in this one, lol. Not quite what I want my boyfriend to wear :D lol I REALLY love this one! I totally wasnt sure at first, but now I love it! and have 2 bottles and MANY testers, I have been debating getting a forth! lol :blue_dancing_banana: :msn_red_fox_smilies-09:


SOLD!! I think I'll get a full one too. This way if I'm lonely, I can just smell myself. :dreadlocksnaner:

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Just wanted to follow up on My Beloved's continually evolving appreciation of Cuddle Bunny. He absolutely loves both the name and the scent and has even requested that I wear it. Not only has he requested I wear Cuddle Bunny (which is, in itself, a new development) but he has taken to creating variations on the Cuddle Bunny theme. First, he recognized when I would wear "The Bunnies R & M" (the previously described layering of Cuddle Bunny and Robin and Marian) and then he created "Dark Bunny" (layering Dark Seductions and Cuddle Bunny). Last night, while we were cuddled up all nice and loving he suggested "Honey Bunny" (the pairing of Sugared Honeycomb and Cuddle Bunny). All very nice layerings! And, it is so great to be able to play with My Beloved this way!! :)

I just tried sugared honeycomb with cuddle bunny ,its awesome!

Now i gotta get full size bottles of each.


When i wear this one around hubby he goes from grumpy bear to teddy bear.



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I just tried sugared honeycomb with cuddle bunny ,its awesome!

Now i gotta get full size bottles of each.


When i wear this one around hubby he goes from grumpy bear to teddy bear.




Oohh, excellent idea for a combo. I will absolutely try this. Thanks!!

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chaionlifes sweetie mixed the 2 and calls it honey bunny, isnt that

a cute name? ^_^



So let's say someone were to combine Cuddle Bunny with Sugared Honeycomb and topped it off with Taxed, would you then have a Taxed Honey Bunny?? :neutral:

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  • 2 months later...

I just tried cuddle bunny and drop your guard together this evening. both new for me . I about ODed on the cuddly bunny. it was unscented and i forgot that part..lol. so i applied just a "wee" too much. then got in the car for about a 30 minute drive. I got nauseated... and was thinking this cannot be good... Its cold here in atlanta today, high around 40, but I opened the sun roof and cranked up the heat... and the nausea subsided just in time. But I have to say the combo was just exactly what I was looking for, a cozy evening watching movies, and then lots of pillow talk...nice to be able to be shared with openly, and have a man feel comfortable doing so. Interesting part was he seemed quite happy he felt like he could...

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  • 1 month later...

I LOVE the Cuddle Bunny scent! Every time I wear it, my boyfriend gets all snuggly and lovey. He also always comments on how good I smell when I wear it! It's not a heavy scent, so it works when just spending time watching a movie or when going out to eat. It also helps to lift my mood when I put it on! It's one of my favorites!! :001_tt2:

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I LOVE the Cuddle Bunny scent! Every time I wear it, my boyfriend gets all snuggly and lovey. He also always comments on how good I smell when I wear it! It's not a heavy scent, so it works when just spending time watching a movie or when going out to eat. It also helps to lift my mood when I put it on! It's one of my favorites!! :001_tt2:





I absolutely lve cuddle bunny. I have stocked up a lil but I wish I had more. I wear it to work, for late night outs and just general relaxing days! I slathered BI with it last night and OMG did I drive my man CRAZY!!!!!

Ahh Pheromone fun... :thumb_up11:

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  • 2 weeks later...

I recently wore Cuddle Bunny on a date with a girl and she called me "adorable." No cuddling yet though. :D

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That's interesting but I kinda wonder if the cuddling would ever happen for you because of the copulins. Did it make you feel like cuddling her?

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That's interesting but I kinda wonder if the cuddling would ever happen for you because of the copulins. Did it make you feel like cuddling her?



I was wondering that myself.....you know, some theories are that a man can be more desirable to women if they smell like cops, because since men don't produce them, it is like sending out a signal that you just had sex, making some women want you more. In those cases, though, they only use a tiny bit.....Cuddle Bunny has a LOT in it.....


However, PERSONALLY, I think that's disgusting. If I detect copulins on a man, I will run like the wind......I don't need or want some man who gets around......

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I don't need or want some man who gets around......


Heh, I've only ever done something like that within the boundaries of a scenario...where a slutty boy had to be punished. :D

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Heh, I've only ever done something like that within the boundaries of a scenario...where a slutty boy had to be punished. ;)



:msn_red_fox_smilies-09: Oh luna! I totally (inappropriately ;) ) BURST out laughing at work! :blue_dancing_banana: Thank-you I needed this smile plastered on my face hehe :D

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Actually, I am a girl :banana052: , so the cops should have been fine. But I would be interested to see how women respond to cops worn by a man.

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