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Lady Victoria's Sparkle Plenty

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I am wearing this one today! Wet it's all fleshy pumpkin and creamy buttery frosted vanilla, as it dries down the vanilla gets pushed back a bit and it's spice galore! My skin hasn't been behaving lately and today it's finally back to normal somewhat. I think I might be battling something like allergies or a cold.. so I slathered this on and it's perfect!!!!! It smells so heavenly! I am wearing an orange dress today to match. My skin tends to amp spice and pumpkin so I can't wait til my skin is back to normal 100%

Thanks Mara for creating a perfect spiced pumpkin vanilla sugary beauty! Can't wait to see how more yummy this gets!

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She was texting me telling me all the LPs that smelled weird on her. Her nose or her skin is definitely off.


I know! It was weird your musk smelled like funnel cake to me. And the funny thing is, that one is usually long lasting on me like next day long lasting and it disappeared on me within the hour.

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Is this anything like Pink Pumpkin Witch? Because now you've got me itching to pull out my bottle of that as soon as the impending red tide comes and goes and my skin won't warp foody scents anymore.


No it's very different for me. What I can smell so far its pumpkin vanilla spice heaven! Wet it's pumpkin creamy vanilla then dry its spicy. I'm fighting something so my skin isn't normal, it's all over the place.

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gotta admit....only got the pink once, vagely...

I've worn this3-4 x's now

def get the pumpkin !

but could have`sworn that this was suposed to be "spicier"

but does work w/Sparkle Fuchsia

Edited by liz
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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm running all over the forum doing quickie reviews because I just got my order! So I'm wearing Sparkle Plenty (LOVE LOVE LOVE the name!!!) with 4 other scents, but I think I'm going to dig this muchly! I've just got a little bit on each wrist...it goes on spicy on me, which I love! Spice and pumpkin and sweet gooeyness. Then the spice takes a polite step back so the pumpkin and sweetness can show themselves a little more. On longer drydown they're all melded smelling quietly nommy and staying close to the skin. This is another one that I instantly want to mix with cops. I'll come review more when I give it a proper run on its own! :wub:

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On me this is pink. Not much pumpkin, a little bit of spice. Sparkle Fuschia's pink princessy cousin in a pink fluffy tutu and black fishnets.


An hour later is has completely disappeared though. I think I'll try layering it over LP Pink to see if I can give it some staying power before I put it up for sale.

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Skye, I needed to slather this and *then* it hung out a long time on me. I layered it with some cops another time, and that seemed to make it stick more, too. I'm still lovin' this one. It's doing that thing where you keep getting whiffs of something yummy and then realize...it's YOU! Hee! :wub: I do get a little more perception of the pink, too, now that I've been wearing it by itself.

Edited by ElizabethOSP
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  • 2 months later...

I got this from a trade and at first sniff I was ecstatic: Sparkle F's close cousin! It had that gingerbready-spice-pink bakery scent that I LURRVE. After a couple hours though something perfumey showed itself. I think this is on the right track and it's as close to any kind of PE I would create.


Lady V, nothing comes up when I enter this in the PE sections as far as descriptions or ingredients. (prob b/c it's sold out)


Can anyone tell me what's in this?

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  • 1 month later...

I am using this sparingly since it's gone and it fades rather fast on me. Lady V do you know if there is any floral component to this? I get a hint of the "play-doh" smell on me after awhile. Is there vanilla in it?

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  • 3 weeks later...

I am using this sparingly since it's gone and it fades rather fast on me. Lady V do you know if there is any floral component to this? I get a hint of the "play-doh" smell on me after awhile. Is there vanilla in it?


No floral in this but I pulled it out of my pretty holiday/fall vault the other day and slathered some on,, OH MAN it's YUMMY and SPICY! I shook it and got that nice spicy cookie vanilla pumpkin pink glittery heaven

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That settles it then, we both witnessed the strange phenomena of it in the PE section.

Like when I was walking to work this morning. I saw something shimmer in the sky by a tree. I went back because I know what I saw and I saw it again, It was a finely spun spider web that you could only see from a weird angle. I tried to look at it from various angles and I'm sure everyone passing by thought I was nuts. It was very beautiful though.. just like Sparkle Plenty.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just needed to jump back in and say I :burning-heart: THIS!!! Sparkle Plenty is aging as wonderfully as I am. <gigglesnort> It's gotten more--I know this is going to sound odd--more concentrated! More noticeable, and richer, and a little sweeter. It stays like a champ now, too. It's reeeeallllly nommy and beautiful. :) Oh and I was migraining today, and craved Sparkle Plenty, and it made me happy to smell it! YAAAY!!!

Edited by ElizabethOSP
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I am glad to hear it ages and deepens. I like this one too only I don't get it to stay long and I do end up smellling powdery after a few hours...But since SF is GGG I'll take this. I've managed to snag 2 bottles of this off the trading post. Yipeeee

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 5 weeks later...

Sorry, I'm a bit late reporting back on this, but in one word its AMAZING . It starts out with a blast of pumpkin, then the creamy vanilla comes out to play and then once it sits on your skin for a bit, the smell of pink cotton candy comes out, its like pink spun sugar.... This is so amazing, I just wish it lasted longer on me, but I love it so much

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  • 2 months later...

Love this one! If this is anything like what Sparkle Fuchsia smelled like, then I'm really, really, really sad I missed out! Initially I get pumpkin and vanilla, and then just like DD said, after a while a pink cotton candy-like smell. Maybe it's in my head, but I also get a bit of a musky scent which I really dig.

I love that one perfume has sparked so many attempts at re-creation: Unreasonable Pumpkin, Midnight Masquerade, Sparkle Plenty... Any other attempts I should know about? 'Cause this is fantastic! And it lasts and lasts and lasts... I will get a lot of wear out of this one!

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Love this one! If this is anything like what Sparkle Fuchsia smelled like, then I'm really, really, really sad I missed out! Initially I get pumpkin and vanilla, and then just like DD said, after a while a pink cotton candy-like smell. Maybe it's in my head, but I also get a bit of a musky scent which I really dig.

I love that one perfume has sparked so many attempts at re-creation: Unreasonable Pumpkin, Midnight Masquerade, Sparkle Plenty... Any other attempts I should know about? 'Cause this is fantastic! And it lasts and lasts and lasts... I will get a lot of wear out of this one!


Think of it as a younger cousin of S.F. Not fully matured yet. S.F. had more dimension and complexity. That said, Sparkle Plenty is as close to SF as I've smelled though. Glad you like it Eggs

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  • 1 month later...

You know what's really weird? Spice is starting to go crazy on me for some reason. I wonder if seasons affect how scents smell. I loved Chris Brown's Spice Dream and Dracula Time.. but the spice notes have been getting all weird on me. I refuse to try anymore of my beloved spices such as this one until I figure out WTF is going on.

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  • 9 months later...

I got my hands on a bottle :D


First on, it smells like the most PINKEST cotton candy

Give it time to settle then it blooms with warm vanilla spice as the cotton candy takes a step back and chills. Is there pumpkin in this? Im sure thats what is lurking in the faaar back.

Im so glad i got a bottle, I want to spike it with Lfn or bang! cuz it wears sweet and innocent on me :Emoticons04263:

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