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Coconut Breeze

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I personally like this one better than Beth's Blushing Milkmaid but not as much as Provocative Paradise.


it's yummy with some dirty girl mixed in. I think I also like this better than OCCO white but I'm going to have to try my sample of that again.

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I personally like this one better than Beth's Blushing Milkmaid but not as much as Provocative Paradise.


it's yummy with some dirty girl mixed in. I think I also like this better than OCCO white but I'm going to have to try my sample of that again.

I'ver never thought of using this as an alternative to BBM, great idea

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I got Coconut Breeze mixed with Gotcha and cops to boot, and when I first tried it on I thought, Oh, no, this smells all artificial on me, and put it aside. But I started taking it out for a road test last week, and after s while it turned from plastic to absolute coco bliss. Not only do I love to wear it now, I also get some nice hits from it!

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LOL! Maroon, I think that's awesome!


My first inkling of this was when my gf got it and I ad gotten some on my fingertips when she let me get a whiff from her trial vial. It was nice enough...but then later I kept snuffling my fingers until we finally got to the restaurant and I washed it off before dinner :D That's when I knew I needed a fb...it's sneaky :greensmilies-024:

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  • 2 weeks later...

I really have loved my sample of this--because the weather is starting to turn here, I'll probably be saving the bottles I just ordered for next summer, because this is the essence of summer to me! I echo what others have said about the sense memory trigger effect--this feels like summer in the 70s, before cell phones and internet and all that stuff. This is spending the days roaming the neighborhood with a gang of kids, with no adult knowing or caring where you are as long as you come home for dinner. Or biking into town to get a pile of library books, and lying on the cot on the screen porch reading, with a giant glass of Kool-Aid in hand. Or-especially!-- long days out at the lake, riding home tired and exhausted and wet, with windows rolled down because our car didn't have air conditioning, listening to FM radio (I swear, the first time I smelled Coconut Breeze, I heard "Afternoon Delight" playing in the background!).


I can't pick out individual notes. It is Pure Coconut goodness to me, and it absolutely brings to mind the suntan lotion my mom used back in the day. It's funny--I initially thought, when I got this, "Oh, good, a non-slutty scent I can wear to work." Except I realized after one try that was a terrible mistake. This signals to my brain that we are in long, lazy, endless afternoon mode. Not conducive to work at all! Sheer delight, and I am already panicking about not having an endless supply.

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LOL Blackcat, I can promise, although wonderful scents can come and go here at lightning speed...the Potion Master is always divising wonderful new delights! There will always be something absolutely to die for - Promise! :D

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I really have loved my sample of this--because the weather is starting to turn here, I'll probably be saving the bottles I just ordered for next summer, because this is the essence of summer to me! I echo what others have said about the sense memory trigger effect--this feels like summer in the 70s, before cell phones and internet and all that stuff. This is spending the days roaming the neighborhood with a gang of kids, with no adult knowing or caring where you are as long as you come home for dinner. Or biking into town to get a pile of library books, and lying on the cot on the screen porch reading, with a giant glass of Kool-Aid in hand. Or-especially!-- long days out at the lake, riding home tired and exhausted and wet, with windows rolled down because our car didn't have air conditioning, listening to FM radio (I swear, the first time I smelled Coconut Breeze, I heard "Afternoon Delight" playing in the background!).


I can't pick out individual notes. It is Pure Coconut goodness to me, and it absolutely brings to mind the suntan lotion my mom used back in the day. It's funny--I initially thought, when I got this, "Oh, good, a non-slutty scent I can wear to work." Except I realized after one try that was a terrible mistake. This signals to my brain that we are in long, lazy, endless afternoon mode. Not conducive to work at all! Sheer delight, and I am already panicking about not having an endless supply.


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LOL Blackcat, I can promise, although wonderful scents can come and go here at lightning speed...the Potion Master is always divising wonderful new delights! There will always be something absolutely to die for - Promise! :D

Yes, I am trying to build my faith in that! I think because this one was SO evocative for me I feel a special attachment--but I have been around just long enough to start to believe that the Magical Potion Master will find plenty of other ways to bring back all the best parts of childhood for me!


And of course there all sorts of OTHER things I like to have evoked, too!

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LOL Blackcat, I can promise, although wonderful scents can come and go here at lightning speed...the Potion Master is always divising wonderful new delights! There will always be something absolutely to die for - Promise! :D

I too get so enraptured with particular scents that I feel compelled to gather a few extra bottles. I have to keep reminding myself that there will be new loves for me to absolutely revel in, rejoice in, and with which I will become absolutely mesmerized and will fall madly, passionately in love :)

Edited by Chaionlife
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if you love coconut breeze, have you all tried Nookie Cookie? The coconut in both of those comes across really strongly and awesomely for me.

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if you love coconut breeze, have you all tried Nookie Cookie? The coconut in both of those comes across really strongly and awesomely for me.

That's one I looked at long and hard and eventually passed on because so far, chocolate has not worked on me. What's the chocolate factor in that one? Every other ingredient made me think, oh yes please!


I guess it's a little odd that cocoa butter is one of my favorite notes, and I don't get chocolate at all with Coconut Breeze-- I think I read that few people did. But so far anything listed as chocolate or fudge has been a bit of a disappointment.


Thanks so much for the suggestion, by the way! I really appreciate it when people make connections with other scents to lead me to new possibilities.

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both of them come across to me like a big fat coconut macroon with a little layer of chocolate on the bottom of the cookie. Boyfriend hates chocolate smells so if something smells like chocolate I don't wear it around him.


I was just wearing nookie cookie this morning and now I've put on coconut breeze so now I need to find my nookie cookie to put on my other arm and do a side by side comparison.

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A lot of people are having trouble with the white chocolate/cocoa butter Vs chocolate comparison. The reason you can do white chocolate even though you dislike chocolate is this: There is no actual chocolate in white chocolate. There is cocoa butter. There is also cocoa butter in chocolate hence the kind of simplified name white chocolate. They are very different smell wise.

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Yes the chocolate/cocoa butter/white chocolate thing confuses me as well. That is a helpful explanation Halo.


I have just started being able to like chocolate but it depends on what it is blended with. Nookie Cookie was I think one of the first that I liked. To me it is definitely more on the coconut cookie side. So maybe you should try a sample, BlackCat.


Coconut Breeze is the only scent with cocoa butter that I like. I think. Well so far.

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Cocoa Butter has never smelled like Chocolate to me or even "White Chocate", with one exception. Halos Cocoa Lilly. That's the only White Choclate smelling scent Ive ever worn. My fav LP Gold scents my skin with a sensuous, light cocoa butter, citrius infused scent.. I love it.

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I too get so enraptured with particular scents that I feel compelled to gather a few extra bottles. I have to keep reminding myself that there will be new loves for me to absolutely revel in, rejoice in, and with which I will become absolutely mesmerized and will fall madly, passionately in love :)


LOL Chai, this is soooo me.

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A lot of people are having trouble with the white chocolate/cocoa butter Vs chocolate comparison. The reason you can do white chocolate even though you dislike chocolate is this: There is no actual chocolate in white chocolate. There is cocoa butter. There is also cocoa butter in chocolate hence the kind of simplified name white chocolate. They are very different smell wise.

Yes, thanks, Halo, that's very helpful. I had not initially thought of cocoa butter as a chocolately scent, until I think I read some reviews where some folks experienced the note that way. I don't want to muddy the waters, so since I myself don't have that experience (at least not yet!), I won't drag that association into my own reviews! I'm still learning the whole scent vocabulary and it's great to have so much help.


Thanks for seconding the Nookie Cookie recommendation, Miss Darlyncherie! And StacyK, I was already eyeing LP Gold and wondering if it would work for me; your comment makes me think it needs to go on the list as well...


They will have to wait for the September order, though, because my August sale package is already ON ITS WAY! (jumps for joy)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I was debating with myself back and forth if I should get this one boosted with something and in the end I decided not to get it boosted so that I could change it up to my whims... I will start it out with BBM and see how that goes and then move to LFM

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I thought both coconut breeze and BBM have cops in it? At least, mine do...but I got coconut breeze from a trade so maybe that had cops added and wasn't originally that way.

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I thought both coconut breeze and BBM have cops in it? At least, mine do...but I got coconut breeze from a trade so maybe that had cops added and wasn't originally that way.

Coconut Breeze does not come with cops, at least I don't think so, but BBM is loaded with Cops...

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ah. Okay. Guess I got lucky. If you have already have coconut breeze and EOW, I'd ask how many drops come in a bottle (it's like 5-10 drops, right?)


I like mine with the cops. I think it would be lighter and less "earthy" without it. It's so hard though because I love slathering and I have to hold off on the cop'd ones and just dab.

Edited by MissHazel
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 9 months later...

I have been pairing this up with Lumina for the spring time wearings and I have to say, its just amazing. The coconut melded with the cocoa butter and the vanilla musk, make this an amazing tropical blend to wear in the summer….


I love how this one is coconut but does not go suntan lotion small on my chemistry.

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And, for me, it's got some staying power too! Very huffable!

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  • 1 month later...

What about Halos Cocoa Lilly on AF. It's not the same but it has the Cocoa Butter and white musk.

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  • 10 months later...
Guest cutie.pie

I like this very, very much!


First when I applied it I thought how it's really, really coconut-y, bit it didn't last. Or so I thought... I'm in the kitchen, cooking, it's very hot and all I can smell is not what I'm cooking, but coconut!! Yummy! :D

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