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Question about oxytocin.

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I can't seem to find out the answer to my question about this. Figured someone her may be able to answer me.


Nipple stimulation produces oxytocin, but does it stay in the blood stream of the woman or is it emitted so other people are affected? Just curious from a sex and bonding perspective.

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Oxytocin is a hormone, not a pheromone, which means it affects the body of the person producing it. It is not volatile, so it is not emitted from the body and can't get from one person to another.


Also, claims that products that contain this hormone cause bonding or any other effect are unlikely to be true, because it isn't volatile and can't get from the atmosphere into one's body.


If someone does come up with a way to unknowingly get oyxytocin into someone elses body, that would be highly unethical in my opinion. It would be like injecting someone with adrenalin, testosterone, estrogen, serotonin, or any other hormone or body chemical without their permission. Ethically, that is a whole different thing than pheromones.

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Oxytocin does serve the function of bonding, but it is necessary to shrink the uterus, in addition to letting down milk, after birth. I'm sure a small bit gets to the baby after birth if the hormone has to circulate enough in the blood to reach the uterus. I can't see it being stable enough to use topically, though, as they have to store it in refrigeration in hospitals. Also, it is a very heavy molecule (to chime in with Xev).

ETA: Ok, that joke was funnier in my head; but I'll share anyway.

Sorry guys, no shortcut in a bottle. You still have to give us the Big O to make us your adoring, love slaves :Emoticons0804:

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Having done some further reading it would appear men make it too , but it seems you need to provoke it to be released through touch and kissing, you can't just waft it from your armpit lol. So he who twiddles my nipples perhaps would be affected but not in the way I assumed!!


It's interesting though and I do now know the answer to my question :D


ETA I had no desire to wear it or dose anyone with it, it was just one of my many questions about how things work. I have tons lol.

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ETA I had no desire to wear it or dose anyone with it, it was just one of my many questions about how things work. I have tons lol.


Sorry if I sounded like I assumed that! I hadn't -- but I did think you might have seem some of those oxytocin products on the internet.

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Great info, ladies, thanks!


So - it isn't even transferred to a baby via breastfeeding? Does that mean it's function is for mother to bond with baby rather than the other way around or mutual bonding?

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Great info, ladies, thanks!


So - it isn't even transferred to a baby via breastfeeding? Does that mean it's function is for mother to bond with baby rather than the other way around or mutual bonding?

This may answer your question: http://www.attachmentparenting.org/support/articles/artchemistry.php

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I always get this confused with the drug .. Oxycontin.


Oh yes, it is indeed related....having been deprived of oxytocin as a baby, one craves oxycontin as an adult. :lol:



Excellent article Beccah, thanks! Yup, did answer my questions. :)

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Oh yes, it is indeed related....having been deprived of oxytocin as a baby, one craves oxycontin as an adult. :lol:



Excellent article Beccah, thanks! Yup, did answer my questions. :)

:lol: I am also glad I found it. I feel like people look at me like I'm nuts when I say that I actually enjoyed breastfeeding! Duh, people, it's supposed to be an enjoyable experience. Nature has to trick women into sitting still long enough for the species to survive, people :10_small16:

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Nature has to trick women into sitting still long enough for the species to survive, people :10_small16:


Lots and lots of interesting reading on that one Beccah ! :)


LOL,yeah I have read some of those that are trying to sell oxytocin as a pheromone...


With high oxytocin, mother's priorities become altered and her brain no longer signals her to groom and adorn herself in order to obtain a mate, and thus a pregnancy.



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Just a question girls Don't we produce oxytocin during labor? Cause their are products oxi pheromone based ( is call the trust phero) but I keep thinking this can be dangerous for pregnant women to scent it don't you think?

I remeber that my obstetrician told me that oxytocin also functions as amnesiac for women to forget childbirth pain and is the hormone that causes labor contractions. So I wonder if it isnt kind of dangerous to use it near pregnant women or kids.

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Just a question girls Don't we produce oxytocin during labor? Cause their are products oxi pheromone based ( is call the trust phero) but I keep thinking this can be dangerous for pregnant women to scent it don't you think?

I remeber that my obstetrician told me that oxytocin also functions as amnesiac for women to forget childbirth pain and is the hormone that causes labor contractions. So I wonder if it isnt kind of dangerous to use it near pregnant women or kids.

We produce oxytocin when we orgasm, we produce it during labor, we produce it during breastfeeding. Wearing it around anybody isn't dangerous, because (a. it needs to be refrigerated to remain stable, & (b. the molecules are to heavy to actually effect anyone around the wearer. So unless pregnant women & children are licking the oxytocin off of your arm (which is possible with my 5 yr.old, he licks anything that doesn't get out of the way 1st), then you have little chance of harming them, let alone netting any pheromonal effects.

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So he who twiddles my nipples perhaps would be affected but not in the way I assumed!!


When I do that with Mrs. QG, I am thinking about bonding and connecting. Physically at least ...


No I really was thinking about nipples lol.


I think about them often too.


I always get this confused with the drug .. Oxycontin.

Oh yes, it is indeed related....having been deprived of oxytocin as a baby, one craves oxycontin as an adult.


I seldom use anything stronger than Tylenol. I must have been well fed.

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Thank You Beccah and all of you guys!!!!image.gif

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Just a question girls Don't we produce oxytocin during labor? Cause their are products oxi pheromone based ( is call the trust phero) but I keep thinking this can be dangerous for pregnant women to scent it don't you think?

I remeber that my obstetrician told me that oxytocin also functions as amnesiac for women to forget childbirth pain and is the hormone that causes labor contractions. So I wonder if it isnt kind of dangerous to use it near pregnant women or kids.


Oxytocin is not the "trust pheromone" because it is not a pheromone, isn't volatile, and can't get from one person to another through the air the way that pheromones do. I don't think oxytocin products that are designed to be worn externally like pheromone products can do anything at all really, except part a fool and his (or her) money. So I would say no, those products would not be dangerous for a pregnant woman.


You would have to get oxytocin into someone's body by an invasive method, like an injection, or perhaps squirting a large amount of it directly into their nasal passages. Either way, without consent, that would be a criminal assault.

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Zion, we don't offer anything with oxytocin in it. Like the other ladies have mentioned, it's variously thought of as either dangerous or a complete scam, thus we don't offer it.


And this is just one of the many reasons my business stays here :abfx:

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While opening my package from True Pheromones I got this sleepy or hypnotized feeling, like a heaviness in my head. I realized that a sample had leaked and there was some on my hands, when I looked at the name of the leaking sample it said, "True Trust," which if I remember correctly is supposed to have Oxytoxin. Other than that I have not tried it, because honestly I do not trust it. But I might have to give it a go in the name of science and report on it properly.


Does anyone know a possible reason for the heavy feeling in my head?

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Oxytocin is not the "trust pheromone" because it is not a pheromone, isn't volatile, and can't get from one person to another through the air the way that pheromones do. I don't think oxytocin products that are designed to be worn externally like pheromone products can do anything at all really, except part a fool and his (or her) money. So I would say no, those products would not be dangerous for a pregnant woman.


You would have to get oxytocin into someone's body by an invasive method, like an injection, or perhaps squirting a large amount of it directly into their nasal passages. Either way, without consent, that would be a criminal assault.


Xev is correct. Oxytocin would be useless as a phero product. Not only is there a big difference between pheromones & hormones, but Oxytocin also has a very short half life of about 3 minutes or so...but it only works if it's within the blood, it's not carried in the air (which Xev correctly pointed out). The injected form of oxytocin is used quite a lot with in obstetrics; it's given IV eg. to induce labour if there is failure of progression, or in emergency situations where there is uterine haemorrage. Oxytocin acts to stimulate contractions in the uterus amongst other things.


The companies who have Oxytocin as an ingredient clearly don't understand the science behind phero's....or hormones for that matter. Just think about it...IF oxytocin in phero products really did have an actual physical effect on the wearer or those near him/her, then the companies would be under strict licensing laws (just like prescription medications are) because you would be dangerous to any pregnant woman you were near.

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Too much of any phero can make you feel ill. When I am working with the undiluted concentrates, I have to take breaks and not do it for too many hours. Usually it makes me shaky after a few hours. So a large amount of spilled phero solution, no matter what it is, is just probably too much for you. Even the alcohol solution alone can give you a headache.

I mentioned this in another thread, but I was told by a reliable source that all the info touting oxytocin as a phero on the web - the articles and supposed research etc, is all fake, all planted by one source, the guy who sells the stuff for use as a phero. (patent owner?) But knowing the web, misinformation spreads and people believe what they read.

There's another company out there that many of you are familiar with - most of what they sell is hormones, not pheromones; they sell them as "putative pheromones" to avoid legal misrepresentation charges. Taking 'dietary supplements' and liquefying them in alcohol does not a pheromone make.

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Xev is correct. Oxytocin would be useless as a phero product. Not only is there a big difference between pheromones & hormones, but Oxytocin also has a very short half life of about 3 minutes or so...but it only works if it's within the blood, it's not carried in the air (which Xev correctly pointed out). The injected form of oxytocin is used quite a lot with in obstetrics; it's given IV eg. to induce labour if there is failure of progression, or in emergency situations where there is uterine haemorrage. Oxytocin acts to stimulate contractions in the uterus amongst other things.


The companies who have Oxytocin as an ingredient clearly don't understand the science behind phero's....or hormones for that matter. Just think about it...IF oxytocin in phero products really did have an actual physical effect on the wearer or those near him/her, then the companies would be under strict licensing laws (just like prescription medications are) because you would be dangerous to any pregnant woman you were near.


Rosebud, would this be the same as pitocin?

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That's crazy they gave this to me when I had my baby. It made me hot, and almost killed me.

Ack, wtf is up with the medical community sometimes? I generally had a good experience having my second child, but there are still 2 things I wasn't happy with. 1. I have a hereditary arrhythmia & had to fight with the nurse to simply roll me on my side, in lieu of giving me a shot of ephedrine when my blood pressure bottomed out. Seriously, I argued with her while she was standing there with the needle uncapped & ready to inject into my I.V., until the Dr. came in & sided with me. He looked so exasperated when he told her to just roll me on my side, lol. I'm still irked about her obstinacy, even after I explained about the fainting spells I experienced from having a very large baby laying on my main artery (that's what the problem was, my 8&1/2 lb baby was on my main artery). 2. The second thing (& bringing us back on topic) is that I prefer to immediately nurse my babies following delivery to stimulate my natural oxytocin production & they still went ahead & gave me pitocin, in direct opposition of what I asked them not to do. When I complained about the excessive cramping I was experiencing, I was told it was because my uterus was larger from having a second child & it was just going to hurt more when it shrank. :Emoticons04269:

Anyway, I digress.

Taking 'dietary supplements' are liquefying them in alcohol does not a pheromone make.

:lol: Nor caffeine...

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1. I have a hereditary arrhythmia & had to fight with the nurse to simply roll me on my side, in lieu of giving me a shot of ephedrine when my blood pressure bottomed out. I explained about the fainting spells I experienced from having a very large baby laying on my main artery (that's what the problem was, my 8&1/2 lb baby was on my main artery).

2. they still went ahead & gave me pitocin, in direct opposition of what I asked them not to do. When I complained about the excessive cramping I was experiencing,


Beccah, if you're doc had been blessed with communication skills he could have explained to you the real reason why they gave you the pitocin. I don't need to go into loads of medical detail to give you the reasons why, but I can promise you they didn't do it just for shits and giggles. For someone with that medical history, having been symptomatic throughout the pregnancy, you having a large baby which had compromised the arterial supply...lets put it this way, if I had been there (as your friend rather than doctor), and you refused the injection, I would have smacked you and held you down to let them give it to you....


If one of the main arteries to the uterus is compromised, your risk of rupture is really high, and if that happens you bleed out in just a few minutes. Post-partum (just after or during childbirth) bleeding from arteries tend to be torrential and are extremely difficult to stop, so it would have been a "brave" doctor to not give it to you. I do understand your arguments for not having any pitocin, but they should have given you all the information & explained why it was really important for you to have it.

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Beccah, if you're doc had been blessed with communication skills he could have explained to you the real reason why they gave you the pitocin. I don't need to go into loads of medical detail to give you the reasons why, but I can promise you they didn't do it just for shits and giggles. For someone with that medical history, having been symptomatic throughout the pregnancy, you having a large baby which had compromised the arterial supply...lets put it this way, if I had been there (as your friend rather than doctor), and you refused the injection, I would have smacked you and held you down to let them give it to you....


If one of the main arteries to the uterus is compromised, your risk of rupture is really high, and if that happens you bleed out in just a few minutes. Post-partum (just after or during childbirth) bleeding from arteries tend to be torrential and are extremely difficult to stop, so it would have been a "brave" doctor to not give it to you. I do understand your arguments for not having any pitocin, but they should have given you all the information & explained why it was really important for you to have it.

Oh my! That is good info to have, I guess the cramping was worth it. Eek, I'm a bit put off of wanting any more babies with this knowledge, also, lol. Rosebud, why can't you be an OB/Gyn here in the States? Specifically, my state :lol:

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It may also make you feel better to know after my second baby, natural third stage, i had the most horrific after pains, i was crying through them even on strong codeine and ibuprofen. Bad cramping is normal apparently. You don't get it first time really.

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